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Afjal Khan Pathan Lecturer in Physics

Question 01: What is Simple Harmonic Motion? Find the differential equation of a SHM for a
spring mass system.

Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM): In mechanics and physics, simple harmonic motion is a type of periodic motion where the restoring force is directly proportional to the displacement.

Differential Equation:

For our purposes, we can restrict the problem to a 1-dimensional motion problem. We have selected a Coordinate System with x specifying the position of the mass. Assuming that we neglect friction and air resistance, the 2nd Law becomes:

Where, We define the ratio k/m as a constant 2 so the differential equation becomes:

The solution of this differential equation is Where, x= displacement

A= amplitude = phase constant/ epoch

Question 02: Find the average kinetic energy and total kinetic energy of a vibrating particle. Ans: Average Kinetic energy of a vibrating particle:

Total Energy of a Vibrating Particle:

Question 03: Define reduced mass? Two blocks of mass m1 and m2 connected together by a spring of constant k, are resting on a smooth horizontal surface, find out the differential equation of this two body oscillation system. Derive an expression for the frequency for that system.

Ans: Reduced mass: In physics, the reduced mass is the "effective" inertial mass appearing in the two-body
problem. This is a quantity which allows the two-body problem to be solved as if it were a one-body problem. In the computation one mass can be replaced by the reduced mass, if this is compensated by replacing the other mass by the sum of both masses. The reduced mass is frequently denoted by the dimensions of mass, and SI unit kg. . It has

Given two bodies, one with mass m1 and the other with mass m2, the equivalent one-body problem, with the position of one body with respect to the other as the unknown, is that of a single body of mass

Differential equation:

Figure: Two body oscillation system Suppose the unstretched length of the spring is L. Due to oscillation by two body system the relative separation x1-x2 gives the length of the spring at any time. So the change of the length is, x=(x1-x2)-L. the magnitude of the force exerted by the spring is kx. So if spring exerts a force -F on m1 then it exerts a force +F on m2. From the Newtons second law for two masses:

(1) Similarly, Multiply equation (1) by and (2) by and then subtract we get (2)



Or, Where, = reduced mass, and since


Or, So, from equation (4) we get,





Equation (5) is identical to the differential equation of a single oscillating mass, thus demonstrating that, from the standpoint of oscillations, the system of two body oscillating system can be replaced by a single particle with a mass equal to the reduced mass of the system.

Question 04: What is i) free vibration, ii) forced vibration, iii) Damping oscillation and iv) resonance.

Ans: Free vibration: when a mechanical system (mechanical oscillator) is set off with an initial input and
then allowed to vibrate freely then this type of vibration is called free vibration. Examples: pulling a child back on a cradle and then letting go.

Forced vibration: when an alternating force or motion is applied to a mechanical system or oscillator
the oscillator vibrates not on its natural frequency but on the frequency of external alternating force, then this type of vibration is called forced vibration. Example: the vibration of a building during an earthquake.

Damping oscillation: All real-world oscillator systems are thermodynamically irreversible. This means
there are dissipative processes such as friction or electrical resistance which continually convert some of the energy stored in the oscillator into heat in the environment. This is called damping. Thus, oscillations tend to decay with time unless there is some net source of energy into the system. This sort of oscillation is referred to as damping oscillation. Example: Every real oscillator.

Resonance: In physics, resonance is the tendency of a system to oscillate at a greater amplitude at some
frequencies than at others. These are known as the system's resonance frequencies. At these frequencies, even small periodic driving forces can produce large amplitude oscillations, because the system stores vibrational energy. So, simply resonance is the tendency of a mechanical system to absorb more energy when the frequency of its oscillations matches the system's natural frequency of vibration than it does at other frequencies.

Example: A child exerts a periodic force to set the swing to move to and fro. the child also knows to give the push to the swing at periodic intervals. The amplitude of the swing gradually increases. When the natural frequency of the swing coincides with the forced frequency of the force exerted by the child, resonance occurs and the swing oscillates with large amplitude.

Question 05: Find the differential equation and solution of damped vibration. Also find out the frequency of oscillation.

Ans: Let us consider

be the dissipative force or damping force due to friction. Therefore differential

equation in case of simple damped vibration is,

Question 06: define longitudinal and transverse wave with example.

Ans: Transverse wave: If the movement or displacement of the medium for a wave is perpendicular to the
direction of the propagation of wave then this wave motion is called transverse wave. Example: Electromagnetic wave.

Figure: Transverse wave

Longitudinal wave: If the movement or displacement of the medium for a wave is parallel to the
direction of the propagation of wave then this wave motion is called longitudinal wave. Example: Sound wave.

Figure: Transverse wave

Question 07: Show that the equation of a progressive simple harmonic wave is moving from left to right can be expressed as Ans: We know a simple harmonic progressive wave moving from right to left can be expressed as a (1) So, from left to right Or, Where is phase constant (2) (3)

Since we know, phase difference So,

path difference

By putting this value at equation (3) we get,

Or, Or, (4)

This is the equation of a progressive wave moving from left to right.

Question 08: What is standing or stationary wave? Ans: Standing Wave: Standing wave, also called stationary wave, combination of two waves moving in opposite directions, each having the same amplitude and frequency. The phenomenon is the result of interferencethat is, when waves are superimposed, their energies are either added together or cancelled out. In the case of waves moving in the same direction, interference produces a travelling wave; for oppositely moving waves, interference produces an oscillating wave fixed in space.

Fig: Stationary wave

Problem 01: The motion of a particle in simple harmonic motion is given by

. If it has speed

u when the displacement is x1 and speed v when the displacement x2, show that the amplitude of the motion is

Problem 02: Show that for a particle executing SHM, the instantaneous velocity is instantaneous acceleration is . (


Problem 03: A simple harmonic motion is represented by the equation i) i) The frequency, time period

). Calculate

ii) the maximum displacement iii) the maximum velocity, iv) the maximum acceleration and v) displacement, velocity and acceleration at time, t=o and t=1 second.

Problem 04:

From the figure above find out the differential equation of the LC oscillator in terms of current I. By comparing with differential equation i. ii. iii. iv. +

y = 0, find out the

Frequency and Time period of oscillation. General solution of the differential equation (Current) Graphical representation of the current.

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