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America and the Mexican Drug War Question: How America should help to end drug violence in Mexico?

Thesis: Mexico has cultivated opium poppy since before the 1900's and has been an import ant transit route for South American cocaine for decades. However, only recently has drug use, particularly injection drug use, been documented as an important problem.[12] Mexico's ruling party is engaged in an internal gang war.[13] Mexic o's political system has, since the 1920s, deliberately ensured that the army is useless. There is a tremendous consensus in the country on this matter.[14]Los Zetas is one of the most powerful and violent cartels in Mexico. Started by a gr oup of former military commandos and led by Heriberto "El Lazca" Lazcano Lazcano , Los Zetas gained a reputation as ruthless enforcers and forged relationships w ith other cartels.[5] Long as morphine to determine. Every consumer patient shou ld always people remain relatively pain rellieving medications such.[6] Los Zeta s have proved willing to apply their signature brutality against civilians and r ivals alike in Guatemala. While the Guatemalans would be operating on their own territory and have their own significant power bases, they are neither technolog ically advanced nor wealthy nor unified enough to tackle the challenge posed by heavily armed, well-funded Zetas.[7] Law enforcement officials also reported the presence of Mexican DTOs in 66 additional cities but did not identify an affili ation with a principal Mexican drug cartel. [12] Law Enforcement and governmen t offices would be easy targets for such a weapon. Malls, schools and other plac es where people gathered could become targets for such ruthless killers as those who are involved in the Drug Cartels. [13] International cooperation and intern ational law enforcement cooperation are essential to address the problem. One pr oposal is for an international agreement that no country may use its sovereignty to harbor criminals.[6] Cooperation with other governments and their law enforc ement apparatus is one prescription; another is the internal mobilization of the public to create a problem-solving strategy that neither the police nor the pub lic can produce by themselves. [10] Unfortunately we have a culture of crime in Mexico. The drug lords are idolized by the youth.[14] Besides, these numbers pal e in comparison with the funds the United States supplies to Mexico's bad guys. Through bank transfers, money wiring, and even Greyhound bus, the cash is amasse d at the southern border, then put into cars and trucks, and shipped south -- wi thout a glance from U.S.[15] Arrests of key cartel leaders, particularly in the Tijuana and Gulf cartels, have led to increasing drug violence as cartels fight for control of the trafficking routes into the United States. [16] Mexico's bord er areas have become lawless wastelands controlled largely by the drug cartels, and the disorder is rapidly spreading into the interior. [4]Mexico has historica lly been highly averse to allowing a foreign force to fight on its soil, experts said. The idea of Team America swooping into its sovereign neighbor is offensiv e to many Mexicans.[1] Mexico is a major supplier of heroin to the U.S. Mexican production of all three of these drugs has increased since 2005, as has the amou nt of drugs seized at the southwest border, according to the U.S.[2] Mexico's pl an to move to an accusatory system may help in this regard as well as in develop ing a focus on the success of various strategies against crime. [3] [6] [7] [8] [10] [11] [4] [1] [2] [3] s-on-mexican-drug-cartels.html [12] [13] [14]

ed-drug-war [5] [6] tates&voskr=5472 [7] rug_cartel_threat_in_central_america [11] [12] listic-terrorist-threat-to-united-states/ [14] -role-drug-war-mexico-murder-capital-world

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