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-= TIME & SPACE =Time & Space could be considered our parents of a lifetime incarnate in physical form.

This is not to say that the physical form is not actually a vibrational matrix for our soul to inhabit during our lifetime on a planetary body. The afterlife on the other hand does not exist within the limits of Time & Space and is therefore contained within an entirely different matrix of dimensions. These could be seen as being the upper dimensions, but in reality there is no up and down in relation to incarnation and the afterlife, rather it is a spectrum of experience. Being both in an individuated body and as a soul unified with its absolute and original source.

As an incarnate human being living on a planetary body, one in which the duration of a historical time frame has occurred. The way in which Time & Space were perceived had a large impact on the kind of life that was experienced. In terms of larger scales of time, recorded history is but a speck. This tiny moment is indeed made up of thousands of years, but in terms of cycles of

evolution, Time & Space do not change very rapidly. Rather, they are the supportive matrix of creation itself, to allow it to decided what to do with its creation. During the recorded historical cycle the way in which Time & Space have been related to has had many conflicting overtones. This is due to the fact that throughout history various empires, governments and monarchies have always tried to remain in control of the Time & Space of their populous. This was achieved through both superior military forces and secret knowledge hoarding. The fact remains though that no matter how much control any ruler puts on their population, they can never control everyone and everything. This was/is their ultimate failure, to rule by force and disempowerment of the people.

Without correcting this error true power will always be hidden from the unsuspecting individual. On a planetary level without due attention to this error international politics and economic policy making will continue to hold the value of profit over the

mutual sharing of resources. The way we have designed our reality according to a belief that there is never enough for everyone, continues to perpetuate that mode of functioning. The true nature of creation is abundance, and our role as human beings is to be co-creators with nature. Yet we live in a world that believes that Time is Linear and Space is Finite, even though we now know there are millions of galaxies in the universe and that there are measurable ratios and cyclical patterns to how moons orbit planets and planets orbit stars.

It is shear lunacy that both science and religion continue to ignore these ancient and timeless understandings. Human beings with a population of over 6 billion now make up the vastest part of our own creation. We need only look at our own creation to see what is out of balance, and do something about it. God is not going to fix our problems! Searching for a God particle in a universe of Creation is ridiculous.

We search for something that has always been within us! Creation is the infinite potency of god and goddess alike. This is not a new understanding either, our ancestors knew this, and it is the key to understanding the time we are living in. This is the moment in the evolutionary growth spiral of Time & Space when all dysfunctions are addressed, and all beings are released into their own highest dream vision for their lifetime. Anything that does not function according to the laws of creation will be transcended through resonant dedication to the unfolding process of Galactic awakening. As we approach the ending of the lock-down of all energetic potential in its infinite variations, we will no longer perceive and feel the denial of our natural form of freedom. Instead we will feel truly liberated ! Everything is meeting its truest reflection

In that endless mirror anything is possible

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