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Coppicing: -Enigma e ricungimit Haki Kola Ricungimi , shfrytezon nje veti misterioze te shumices se drureve: kur priten ata

nuk vdesin, por rriten perseri nga cungjet e mbetur ne toke apo nga rrenjet . Kete sjellje te drureve , popujt e kane ushtruar ne 6000 vitet e fundit , si per te siguruar drurin per ngrohje ashtu edhe per shume sherbime te tjera artizanale qe sigurohen nga druri Per shekuj pyjet jane ricunguar ky trajtim ka vazhduar, bimet qe rriten ne cungishte dhe kafshet jane adaptuar me kushtet sipas ciklit te viteve me diell menjehere pas ricungimit apo viteve me hije, pasi llastaret rriten e mbyllen kurorat Coppicing, make use of a mysterious property that most the trees have, when cut down they do not dye, but grow again from the stump or roots. People have used this behavior for at last 6000 years, to generate supplies of wood for fuel or to use for many crafts, simple or specialized. For centuries most wood were coppices: woodland plants and animals became adapted to cycles of year of light in the first years after

coppicing and years of shade after the forth years when canopies of shoots are closed

Coppicing From earliest times in Britain, woodland needs, were fulfilled not by felling of new areas of wildwood, but by periodic harvesting of managed coppice plots. Coppicing allowed the natural deciduous woodland to survive, in modified form, because of its exploitations for fuel, building wood and other purposes. The wide held belief that wood land were cleared for charcoal, fuelwood for brick and lime kilns and for tanbark is erroneous . In fact, these demands sustained the coppice woodlands, and it was with their demise that clearance increased. Coppice comes from the French word couper, to cut. Coppices o r copses are woodlands cut on fairly short rotation of five to thirty years. In most cases, one part of wood called a coupe is harvested each year. The coppice trees and their produce are known as underwood Underwood species which are all deciduous respond to cutting by sending up multiple stems from the stools. Periodic cutting greatly extends the life of most trees , so that coppice stools may be many hundreds of years old.

Ricungimi Qe nga kohet me te lashta ne Britani, nevojat per material drusor jane plotesuar jo me prerjen e zonave t reja t pyllit te larte te eger natyrore , por nga prerje periodik t ngastrave t menaxhuara si cungishte. Ricungimi u krijon mundesi Pyjeve natyrore gjethe renese te mbijetojne, ne forme te modifikuar, per shkak te funskionit qe ata kryejne per te siguruar material per prodhim energjie, ndertim apo te tjera funksione..Besimi i gjer se pyjet u prene e u pastruan pr qymyr druri, burim energjie pr te pjekur tulla dhe furrat e glqeres dhe pr te prodhuar tanine sht i gabuar. N fakt, ishin kto krkesa t vazhdueshme qe e mbajten kete tip trajtimi, dhe pikerisht renia e kerkesave per keto sherbime pati si rezultat shpyllezimin. "Cungishte " vjen nga fjala francize Couper , apo me prer. Cungim apo copses jan pyje t prera n rotacion mjaft t shkurtr prej pes deri tridhjet vjet. N shumicn e rasteve, nj pjes e pylluit i quajtur "Coupe" shpesh ne kosove thirret konop ose poteze sht prere do vit. Druret e trjatuar ne kete menyre e thirrur shpesh korije dhe prodhimet e tyre jan t njohur si "nen pyll specie te nenpyllit cilat jan t gjitha gjethegjera prgjigjet prerje duke nxjerre ne vendprerje me dhjetera llastare nga cungu. Prerja periodike e shton jetegjatesine e drureve dhe filizat jane shpesh mbi cungj qindra vjecare

God had told Adam and Eve to eat the fruit of every tree in the garden, except for one. To eat the fruit of the trees. Not for dessert. Not as a snack food. To live on the fruit of trees. What if this were not a poetic manner of speaking, but a description of what people, before agriculture, really did? I had loved the acorn-eating cultures of the Indians of California, where I grew up, but always considered the eating of acorns a habit peculiar to these small, rotund people on the edge of the earth. What if they were not the only, but only the last of, the balanophages? Balanophages: acorn eaters.

Logan, William Bryant (2011-12-12). Oak: The Frame of Civilization (Kindle Locations 336-343). Norton. Kindle Edition.

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