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Colegio de bachilleres del estado de Veracruz

Materia: Ingles Profesora: Jara Diaz Tema: Textos instructivos y de anlisis. Alumna: Ingrid Janeth Carrera Herrera

Soft-centered chocolate pudding (Text instructive)

Ingredients 250g good quality couverture chocolate 250g unsalted butter 5 whole eggs 5 egg yolks 140g castor sugar 2 tablespoons plain flour Preparation: Melt the chocolate and add to the butter. Whisk the eggs, yolks and sugar until thickened. Whisk in the chocolate mix and fold in the flour. Divide the mixture between 6 buttered ramekins and bake for 6-10 minutes at 230 degrees until the outside is cooked but the centre is soft. (the top still looks moist but doesnt wobble when the pudding is shaken)

You will know this is cooked when the top still looks moist but does not wobble when the pudding is shaken

William Shakespeare
William Shakespeareborn April 1564; baptised April 26, 1564; died April 23, 1616 (O.S.), May 3, 1616 (N.S.)has a reputation as the greatest of all writers in English. His ability to capture and convey the most profound aspects of human nature is regarded by many as unequalled and the English Renaissance has often been called "the age of Shakespeare". He was among the few playwrights who have excelled in both tragedy and comedy and several of his plays contain songs that are among the finest lyric poems in English. He also wrote 154 sonnets, two narrative poems, and a handful of shorter poems. Shakespeare wrote his works between 1588 and 1613, although the exact dates and chronology of the plays attributed to him are often uncertain. Shakespeare's influence on the English-speaking world shows in the widespread use of quotations from Shakespearean plays, the titles of works based on Shakespearean phrases, and the many adaptations of his plays. Other signs of his continuing influence include his appearance in the top ten of the "100 Greatest Britons" poll sponsored by the BBC, the frequent productions based on his work, such as the BBC Television Shakespeare, and the success of the fictional account of his life in the 1998 film Shakespeare in Love. Some of his famous plays are "Romeo and Juliet", "Macbeth", "Hamlet", "Othello", "Antony and Cleopatra", "The Comedy of Errors", "A Midsummer Night's Dream", among others

Preguntas sobre el texto

1. William Shakespeare fue un gran escritor de la tragedia y la comedia. Es cierto. Falso. No lo sabemos. 2. Cuantos sonetos escribi? 2. 100. 154.

3. Sus libros estn llenos de citas. Es cierto. Falso. No lo sabemos. 4. La pelcula "Shakespeare in Love" se basa en su vida. Es cierto. Falso. No lo sabemos. 5. Muchos de sus libros contienen canciones. Es cierto. Falso. No lo sabemos. 6. l muri en 1616. Es cierto. Falso. No lo sabemos. 7. "100 britnicos ms grandes" es una de sus obras famosas. Es cierto. Falso. No lo sabemos.

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