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The last few times I have spoken to you I have preached works not grace Ive preached about

the 10 commandments to your guys and focused on dos and donts God loves you unconditionally no matter what you do, He loves you unconditionally If you guys can get that statement there will be a true change in your heart. And you will not love God out of fear or guilt or even obligation. I used to think that we had to preach about law and grace (EXPLAIN LAW) But what I have realized is that we have no relationship with that whatsoever, not even a little bit How? In the old covenant (old testament) it says DO NOT DO NOT DO NOT, but in the new covenant (after jesus died on the cross) God says I WILL I WILL I WILL. I WILL TRANSFORM YOUR HEART, I WILL PUT MY LOVE IN YOUR HEART. 1 corinthians 15 56-57 we are no under law, but under grace LAW IS FOCUSSING ON YOU TRYING TO LOVE GOD but GRACE IS FOCUSSING ON GODS LOVE FOR YOU And heres the thing if you truly focus on Gods love for you I BET ANYTHING that you will love God back unconditionally. People dont like preaching this grace message because they are afraid people will distort it. Did you know that there is nothing you can do to make God love you less? And on the other side there is nothing you can do to make God Love you more. Thats the whole point of the word UNCONDITIONAL. There is no reason or condition for Gods love for you. And when you understand that its so revelational in your life. You will be free from so many things. When you look at the law, jesus did not come to abolish it or get rid of it but Jesus came on this earth to fulfill the law because you and I can not do it, He lived the perfect life for you and me and because he knew we couldnt do it. And thats why WE NEED GRACE. People think salvation is grace through faith, but everything else is a matter of doing works, you gotta earn. If you gotta earn then thats not grace so how do you live by grace? You dont live by work to work but by faith to faith and by trusting the work of Jesus Christ PREACHERS MAKING YOU FEEL LIKE CRAP Have you guys ever went to church and by the end of the preachers sermon you feel like crap? Because there is a bunch of do do do do, you gotta do this, youre not praying this enough, your not doing this enough, your not being good enough, your not being faithful enough. Have you guys ever felt that? You know when people are putting that weight on you, that you have to do all these things. You know thats not the gospel thats LAW. The gospel is the GOOD NEWS RIGHT? The gospel is when you screw up Jesus still love you 100% How many of your sins are forgiven? Shout it out. ALL then why do you guys still ask for forgiveness? Have you ever asked that question? 1

REVIVAL GATHERING FOR FORGIVENESS Im sure all of us have gone to those gatherings where the speaker says you better get down and repent and people get on their face and say FORGIVE ME FORGIVE ME FORGIVE ME LORD! You know what is funny about that, is that those people are beating themselves up so much when Jesus was beaten for them so they dont have to go through that. They all cry out for forgiveness when Jesus already forgave them over 2000 years ago when he died on the cross for you. They cry out for something they already have. Thats why it says that Jesus washes away ALL of your sins. And you can approach it with grace with full confidence. REVIVAL DEFINITION Do you guys know how people define revival? A big mass gathering where people speak in tongues and cry out for God and there screaming and people are on their faces and theres signs and wonders. But I bet if you talked to those people after they still live defeated lives They see the signs and wonders and they still live in condemnation they still live in guilt they still live in shame, They still think that our heavenly father is still pissed at them when they sin. THEY STILL THINK THEY ARENT GOOD ENOUGH. Thats called LAW and the Law is supposed to mess you up. Did you know the person that always tries to do good, they are going to FAIL WHY? Because of 1 Corinthians chapter 15 the strength of sin is LAW. When you think of the old covenant you its a bunch of DO NOT DO NOT DO NOT DO NOT KILL DO NOT STEAL, BUT WHAT DOES THE GOD SAY IN THE NEW COVENANT? I WILL I WILL I WILL. But so many of us try to live our live through our strength, trying to perform and trying to obey the law. Now heres a controversial statement and it will Hit a lot of you. SUMMARY OF THE LAW When the bible says you must love your God with all your heart with all your mind with all your soul with all your strength. Whats that called? Its called the summary of the Law did you know we arent supposed to follow that? Now you guys say ER your are supposed to follow that, well tell me one person who has actually followed it through? REASON FOR THE LAW The law was created to expose you. The book of gelation calls the law a tutor. It was created so you have the conscious knowledge and thought of sin. So you knew what was bad. What has happens is that people have placed it in such a high standard But Gods standards are much higher. So like when you say you have never killed anyone or had sex before marriage, but I bet that you have lusted over someone or have stolen something. And the Bible says in James 2:10 If you have broken 1 you are guilty of all. Thats you guys dont live by the law, but by the life of Jesus Christ What people dont realize is there was a transition that happened between the old and new covenant and of what happened after Jesus Christ died on the cross. So many people live as if Jesus never died. They just pick and choose passages in the old testament and live by it. The main message is JESUS CHRIST. 2

If there something you guys can get out of this message is that its all about Jesus Christ and it takes the slack off of you guys. The thing about grace is that it MAKES NOTHING OF US and it makes EVERYTHING OF JESUS CHRIST. When Jesus said he PAID IT ALL HE REALLY DID PAY IT ALL. There is no more condemnation on you guys there is no more fear or obligation. You know that God doesnt bless you because you are good now, under the new covenant that Jesus died on the cross. Thats old covenant. So now under the new covenant why does God bless you? Because you are good? NO BECAUSE HE IS GOOD. Because Jesus paid it all. Ephesians 1:3 is says that every blessing is found in Christ Ephesians 2 as Jesus sits on the right hand of the father YOU TO NOW SIT IN HEAVENLY PLACES. But here everyone is STILL TRYING TO EARN IT. Isnt it funny tat you can do something bad in the Morning but still be blessed with something later on in the day? THATS CALLED GRACE GUYS. But you hear people saying you have to preach law also or balance it out and I have to admit thats what I have always thought especially for the youth. Because it can be easily distorted. THE NEW COVENANT Hebrews 8:7-13 calls the law obsolete. and will disappear. God has done away with the old covenant and given us a new one. THE COVENANT OF GRACE. When you understand the grace of God. The grace of God is not focused on you doing the focus is on you believing and when you BELIEVE RIGHT YOU WILL LIVE RIGHT. The law is about you trying to love God but Grace is focused on Gods love for you. And When you focus on Gods love for you way to react but to Love God back. REALIZATION OF GRACE This is where one realizes Gods goodness. When you guys lift up your head and say GOD THIS IS TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE. Yet its true. And this realization for Gods love and his grace in our life gives you and I the power to overcome anything, all the stupid things we do and all the addictions we have. Because when people get this perspective of GRACE of GOD it changes things, it changes the way you feel and they way you react to everything. NO LONGER OBLIGATED OR FEARED So when you look at the Christian life you dont look at it as a matter of obligation where you have to do these things you have to serve in ministry, you have to play in the band, you have to set up the program, you have to make a game, you have to talk to the new person at youthnight When you understand grace and you look at God the way the bible describes God under grace you will start to do the Christian things because YOU WANT TO NOW. You guys get that? ITS NO LONGER A MATTER OF YOU HAVE TO DO BUT YOU WANT TO DO. Because you dont want to live a Christian life where you are motivated by FEAR or OBLIGATION to the church or God or Motivated because you are afraid to get judged. When you preach the good News its not preaching Father is Mad at you but its that even when you screw up Father is not mad at you. So instead of being motivated by fear or obligation you are motivated by LOVE. 3


SLOPPY GRACE So how do you deal with what a lot of people call Sloppy grace or CHEAP grace? Thats the fear leaders have when they preach grace. We think that if you preach it people will sin more right? Because it gives us the excuse to sin. We are forgiven no matter what we do no matter how bad that is right? They might give the excuse the more sin we do the more grace we receive. Paul actually answers it when he is asked that they say what shall we do then?shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase? Paul replies by no means. We die to sin, how can we live in it any longer? Because its only this grace that can get you out of this sin, because there is no sin that can STOP the grace of God YOU GUYS GOT THAT? But its only the GRACE of God that can stop any sin. It is the realization of Gods unconditional love for you, in matter what you do he will always love you the same, no more no less. You are still 100% OK WITH GOD YOUR FELLOWSHIP IS NOT BROKEN. THAT EVEN WHEN YOU SIN YOU ARE STILL AS RIGHTEOUS AS JESUS CHRIST. THATS BIG if you guys can understand that you live a much happier and fulfilled life. CHRIST COMES TO YOUR DEFENSE In 1John 2 says that even when you sin Christ comes to your defense. It doesnt say only when you say sorry Jesus will defend you. It says when you sin Christ will come to your defense. And when he looks t your sin it already says PAID, ITS BEEN PAID FOR. Is that not amazing. And this is what changes our lives that realization of grace and Gods love for US. Thats what is so amazing, knowing that your past present and future sins are washed away. And thats the best feeling in the world I think. And thats why we say those who have been forgiven much will love much. A better way to put it is those who have REALIZED they are forgiven much will love much. When we focus on the finished work where we are loved 100%, thats what will get people to change WASHING AWAY OF SINS Instead of trying to perform people will say GOD I LOVE YOU SO MUCH BECAUSE YOU HAVE WASHED AWAY ALL MY SINS AND FORGIVEN ME NO MATTER WHAT. My past is my past and it is no more. Thats what humbles you and thats what transforms a human heart. You guys get that? And you know what if more people understood this grace message I bet you there would be more Christians out in the world. But the problem is when an unbeliever comes to Christ they get screwed because all of a sudden you have all these principles you have to live by; you have to read your bible everyday and all those things and then end up failing. NOW ALL THOSE THINGS ARE GOOD AND BENEFICIAL. But thats not the Christian life. You tell them that He loves you unconditionally no matter what you do. And with that realization it gets them to change. Did you know that true change does not happen by you making your commitment and promises to God. TRUE CHANGE IS FOCUSING ON GODS PROMISES TO YOU. Thats why you dont focus on trying to Love God, because you are going to fail. Focus on Gods love for you because in response you automatically fall in Love with him. 4

GODS DOESNT WANT TO CHANGE YOU You guys realize now that Gods Main Goal is not to change you. IF you think about it in a relationship, I dont think your main goal in it is I have to get this person to stop doing this and stop doing that, I just want to change them. GODS MAIN GOAL Gods main Goal is not to change you but for you to realize how much you are loved by him and once you know how much you are loved by him, you will change. Just like in a relationship, you dont want to put those expectations on your partner, If its true love, its selfless and you keep loving them, no matter what, and once they get that revelation that my partner loves me so much I want to change. And thats how God is, he loves us just because. Jesus did not die for you so you can stop sinning, he died for you so you can know him and know his heart. So when you really think about it during those alter calls, when the preacher says who wants to give their life to Jesus Christ, its not exactly right because God is not asking you for your life. You know what God is saying? LET ME GIVE YOU MY LIFE. John 10:10 talks about how he gives you life and life to the FULL. MISUNDERSTODD And when you come out of here and start trying to speak about grace dont be surprised when you guys are misunderstood. A LOT OF RELIGIOUS AND LEGALISTIC PEOPLE WILL MIUNDERSTAND YOU. But its because they believe they always have to perform and do things they believe that we must EARN IT. But when you look at Jesus Christ its JESUS CHRIST 100% PLUS NOTHING. ITS JESUS PLUS NOTHING ITS ALL HIM NOT ANYTHING WE DO.

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