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YOUT 201



NAME: Rodney Courson YOUT 201 - D02

Type in your answers and submit through Blackboard. You will be graded according to the content and sufficiency of your answers. Please pay attention to your syntax and spelling. You are expected to completely read the Principles workbook. You must fill out the integrity statement which is at the conclusion of this review.

1. In at least five sentences, describe the correlation between Nehemiah's situation and today's
youth culture: Nehemiah saw the distress of Jerusalem and knew that there was need to be met, and as we look at the current distress of our youth, they are in need of a ministry devoted to them. Just as it was a reproach to the Lord of the need of Jerusalem, we should understand that not having a ministry dedicated to the needs of the youth is a reproach to the lord as well. Nehemiah established a committed team to do the work and there must also be a committed team to the ministry of the youth. The people from in Nehemiahs day did something about the problem at hand, we too must not only talk but do something about the problems that the youth face today. The people also put their faith into action, which is a must for the teaching of our youth and to challenge them to put their faith into action as well. 2. In at least five sentences, according the workbook, why does the Church need to provide student ministry? (p. 4-7) The reason for student ministry is the critical need to lead todays youth culture to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. The stats have overwhelmingly shown that most people that Accept Christ is at the youth age. Unfortunately, that stats go on to shown that less and less youth are sticking around in the church life. One stat that strikes a fear in me is that 4 out of 100 youth, describe themselves as being born-again. What are the three roles of the youth pastor, including the ms and the accompanying scripture verses ? (p. 9) a. An elder (his modeling) b. An overseer (his managing) c. A pastor (his ministering) What are the five priorities of the the youth pastor (including the Scriptural text)? (p. 11) a. Personal walk with Jesus (1 Timothy 4:15-16 b. Present Gods Truth (2 Timothy 4:2-4) c. Pastor the flock in gentleness and care (1Peter 5:2-3) d. Prepare the volunteer leadership team/ staff and students to be completely involved in ministry (Ephesians 4:11-12 e. Provide vision and direction for a Great Commission ministry (2 Timothy 3:10-11 Out of the overall purpose of youth ministry, what are the two main aspects of the youth pastor (including the Scriptural reference with each)? (p. 11-13) 1) Equipping of the Saints (Ephesians 4:11-16) 2) The Woek of the ministry (Ephesians 4:11-16)




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Fill in the blanks to this quote (p.13). His (the youth pastor) philosophy must be centered around what he can be doing to present the gospel to as many students as possible and ddevelop them into fully devoted lifetime followers of Jesus Christ. Looking at the mission statement, what are Jesus Christs five requirements of discipleship and corresponding Scriptures? (p. 15-17) a. Desire Chrsit above all others (Luke 14:26) b. Deny yourself (Luke 14:27,33) c. Dwell in the Word (john 8:31) d. Devoted to one another (John 13:34) e. Demonstrate fruit (John 15:8) Looking at the vision statement, what are five healthy signs of the ministry? (p.17-20) a. Worship (John4:23) b. Welcome (Matthew 18:5) c. Witness (Acts 1:8) d. Work (Ephesians 4:12) e. Word Colossians 3:16) No



9. As you read through page 21, are programs evil in and of themselves? Y/N

10. In at least five sentences, what is the authors concern expressed of the use of programs?
(p. 21) The author shows a concern that many churches fall into the rut of doing the same old program. The programs should be used as the direction based on rationale. In no way should the programs become something that we fill a job description or carry on a tradition of days gone by. Programs are menat to come and go but the philosophy of the ministry must remain constant.

11. Looking at the strategy statement, what are the four levels of programs and provide your
own ministrys (or personal) example of each level? (p. 22-25) a. Entry Level- This is the open door for youth to come and belong before winessing to them. b. Evangelism- This is where the unsaved are introduced to Christ. c. Edifying- Establishing a weekly meeting to teach and lift the Rod of God. d. Equipping- A program to teach youth how to impact others for Christ.

12. In your own words, what does a team have to do with youth ministry? (p.26) Th task of
caring fo r any group of people is overwhelming. It would be like trying to get a sip of water from a fire hydrant. The team is a group of people under the Godly leadership of the stdent minister to have a common goal and building the ministry to the youth and caring for each other.

13. Look at the box that gives the leaders qualifications (p. 26). Write down your own thoughts
to the importance of each one as each one relates to the ministry. 1) Connection- being saved is a must. How can there be an expectation of helping others find Christ when theyre lost? 2) Compassion- To work with youth, there must be a genuine love for the youth and a desire to see them succeed in their faith. 3) Calling- There is nothing more crucial than having the person working in a ministry to be called by God to work in that area.

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4) Consumption- the worker must have a commitment to fulfill the Great Commission. 5) Concern for excellence- Youth know when people fake it, and to strive to make it perfect. 6) Commitment- Being there is crucial. If you have everything else but you dont show up, it defeats everything. 14. P. 27 states, We have both weekly programs and monthly events which are designed to assist students in their own personal evangelism efforts. Our Christian students dont exist for us (IMPACT ministries) we exist for them ! They are the ones who live alongside the lost 96%! We must equip them, encourage them, and give them resources to reach their generation. I M P A C T The SIX STEPS to achieving IMPACT (p.29-33) are: - developing with them an Integrity Relationship - presenting to them the MESSAGE of the Gospel. - inviting them to PERSONALLY RESPOND to Jesus Christ. - getting them ASSIMILATED into our ministry. - equipping them to be CONVINCED their faith is true. - encouraging them to be TELLING other of Jesus Christ.



As you have read through this booklet, what is your main response to this material? Please write a well thought and clear paragraph This book was a well presented resource that is crucial in the work of ministry. Many of the applications are not only designed for youth ministry but could easily be worked through every outreach ministry. Through this material, I have come to appreciate the work of youth ministry and have a clearer deign of a successful youth ministry. Our churches are in dire need of Godly people to step up and lead a generation of youth to a saving knowledge of Jesusu Christ and to equip them in their service for the Lord. The material is a must read for every youth minister, worker, or team member!

Integrity Statement:
Yes I Rodney Courson Philosophy of Student Ministry workbook on have read the entirety of the 7/1/11 (Date of reading).

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