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Anderson Marsh 4-H Agenda Monday, May 21, 2012 6:00PM Clearlake Masonic Lodge President called meeting

to order: _6:08__________ PM by Vanessa Flag salute: American Flag: Sam 4-H Flag: Chani Roll Call by Secretary Erin-Favorite summer activity? Read and Approval of Minutes: 1st__Blake_______________ 2nd ___Chianne______________ vote: ___passed by voice________ Treasurers Report by Chani: Previous Balance: _$1326.69__Expenses: _0__ Income: __0___Current Balance: $1326.69 Guest Speaker: Shea Odom info on Poultry Day Program: Organized Game- Telephone by Game Chair Seth Upcoming Project meetings and Project report by leaders and members: TBA=to be announced

Horse: Greg 994-3114 Foods: Jennifer 998-1421 Poultry: Charmaine- 998-9120 Leadership - 987-9206 James and Nanette Shooting Sports Jill 994-7531 Archery Mike - 994-2591 Sheep Katy 994-3114 Public Speaking James - 987-9206


Swine Greg 994-3114 Rabbits: Suze 998-9201 Outdoor adventure Joe 998-1421 Arts & Crafts Michelle 998-0279 Dog Care Arleen-998-3539 Turkeys Jessika- 671-4527 Reptiles Nanette - 987-9206 C&L Karen- 272-0602

TBA sometime in July Field Day in Ukiah 6/23 6/22 10AM

Beg. 4-H Michelle 998-0279 Beef Katy 994-3314 Sewing: Sally 998-3410 Goats Michelle 998-0279 Photo Jessika - 6714527 Officers - 9879206 James and Nanette Dairy Cattle Katy 994-3114 TechnologyComputers James- 987-9206


Ended for year. Jen has info on mtgs if needed 6/22 11:30, 6/13 6PM, 6/10 Poultry Day 5/29 5PM 6/9 10:30 @ Austin Park Power to the Youth Event See the 4H 411

TBA sometime in July Field Day in Ukiah 6/24 Completed for the year

Ended for year. Jen has info on mtgs if needed 6/13 11:30 6/28 11:30 6/3 10AM

6/13 10AM 6/28 10AM TBA

Cancelled for the year


TBA sometime in July TBA

TBA sometime in July TBA


Wed 6/20 6PM

Sign ups start 6/1 Must be older than 12

Old Business: Community Service Project Update- Maile- nothing new yet Project Linus Update Chani will be continuing next year Misc. Report Katy Fair- procedure- see box Wheel Barrow Race- Chair: Sofi and Chace Food Booth- mtg 5/24 6:30 @ Fair Record Books- year ends 6/30/2012 Due to club 9/17 Forms @: Online Record Book (ORB): Pancake Breakfast: Foods Etc 5/23 @ 2-5:30 ticket sales, all welcome Workers: Vanessa- sign up for shifts Lower Lake Daze: Erin- parade entry for club and Century 21 fun day Salsa Judging Contest: Hadyn Officer Elections: Vanessa and Nanette Pres. Joanna, VP Erin, Sect. Grace, Treas. Chani, Sgt @ Arms- Seth & Sofi, Host Abby, Birthday Chair Kai Historian Jaden, Game Chair- open Club Announcements & Upcoming Events: 4-H Camp July 10-14 Camp Masonite Navarro Pancake Breakfast Saturday May 26th, Lakeport Natural High Lower Lake Daze Celebration May 27th, Lower Lake May and June Birthdays:

NEXT GENERAL MEETING 7/23, @ 6PM @ Rustici Park (park behind brick hall) Lower Lake, CA Bring finger food to share! Come celebrate the end of the 2011-2012 year and beginning of the 2012-2013 4H year. Re-enrollment will be starting in July. Meeting adjourned: ____ 7:54 p.m. ____

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