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Study of the Be-Attitudes: Matt.

Prepared by Jim Puterbaugh Introduction: Someone has described the "BeAttitudes" as that of "humility in action." A. The Context of the "Sermon on the Mount." 1. Matt. 4:23---Jesus is proclaiming the "Gospel of the Kingdom." 2. Matt. 4:24---Jesus is doing "miracles," which demonstrates His "Kingship," which in turn affirms His right to require our submission to Him. B. The type of teaching: He uses a structure like that of a proverb or "cryptic" statements that are full of meaning. C. Each statement is "formally a declarative sentence"; that has a "hortatory" (the form of being an exhortation") purpose. That is, each "be-attitude" is expressing a required attitude and/or a behavior required in order for us to be part of the "Kingdom" of our Lord. D. Each "be-attitude" is an expression of "humility in action." E. The definition of "blessed:" 1. The word is often defined as "being happy." 2. There is a need to understand that it is more than "being happy." 3. Each of the statements are expressing behavior that is necessary for "being in the full favor of God." 4. It is that of having confidence that we are "enjoying the favor of God," no matter the physical circumstances. F. The goal of this study is three-fold: 1. We will seek to define and understand each of the statements. 2. We will try to explain the connection between the "required" behavior and the "promised result." 3. We will try to help each of us to make a personal application of each of these "required behaviors." G. The "Blessed" statements are in necessary contrast to the "woe" statements such as those in Matt. 23:13, 15,16, 23, 25, 27, 29. (also cf. Luke 6:24, 25, 26). I. "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven" (Matt. 5:3). A. "Poor in spirit:"---The "poor" in this be-attitude is more than one's financial status. It is important to understand the expression in terms of one's "spiritual" thinking of self! It is evaluating self as being a sinner before our Creator and fully realizing that we are "spiritually bankrupted." Cf. Isa. 64:6; Isa. 6:1-5. 1. This is not only an attitude necessary when we are converted; but it is the necessary perception of ourselves throughout our entire life as a Christian! 2. We have our "status" with God through the "cross."

B. Jesus helps us to understand this quality in the teaching of the Pharisee and the tax collector---Luke 18:9-14. C. It is full acknowledgment of the truth of our standing with God as stated in Rom. 4:6-8, Here is a "be-attitude" as taught by the Apostle Paul. We can only have "peace with God" and be "justified by faith" through Jesus Christ. Through Jesus, we "stand and we exult in hope" (Rom. 5:1-3). D. Only through the "cross" can we have the "blessedness" that we are acceptable to God. In this understanding, we then appreciate that we are all equal members of the "family of God." E. The more we sense "our sin" (Psalm 51:17---contriteness on our part"), the more we appreciate what Jesus has done for us in that He paid for our sins and He is the bases of our "forgiveness." F. The application of this can be seen in this illustration. As I realize that I am a sinner, I can react in one of two methods: 1. I can be my own "defense attorney." That is, I can try to justify my sin to myself and to others. 2. Or I can "plead guilty." And in so doing, seek the forgiveness provided by God, the Father through our Savior, Jesus Christ (again, cf. Luke 18:9-14). 3. Have "we" ever wept over our own the awareness that we have sinned against my Creator? 4. When we live with this awareness of our own personal sins, then we can pray as Daniel did (Daniel 9:7-9) or as Ezra did (Ezra 9:5-7). 5. This "be-attitude" is a call to REPENTANCE!!! 6. It is not simply a call to "repentance" at the beginning of the life of a Christian, but it is a "life-time" of "repentance"; that is, a life time of being "poor in spirit." We do not simply "humble ourselves to get in and then become self-sufficient for the rest of our lives.though some try to do it that way!!! G. The reward: "For theirs is the kingdom of heaven." 1. The "be-attitudes" teach us the nature of the "Kingdom." 2. It is a fellowship with God, the Creator. It is not a relationship that provides some unique "status" in this world. 3. It is the means of entering into "life," that is into the "eternal life." (Cf. Mark 9:43-48). Life and the "kingdom of God" are synonyms. 4. The "kingdom of heaven" that Jesus preaches is a spiritual realm of being saved from ones sins!!! 5. Therefore, being "poor in spirit" is the very basis of being blessed to live in a "state in which we enjoy the favor of God!!" And we are ushered into that "favor" by

Jesus "BLESSED."








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