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Germ of God

Brother William Marrion Branham.

Query: Germ, Attribute

FUTURE HOME. 64-0802

44-4 149 John said, "I saw the holy City, the New Jerusalem
descending out of heaven, as a bride adorned for her husband."
And where did it settle on? Just exactly like it did on there, upon
the earth. Jesus was part of that earth that the Holy Ghost
descended upon (Is that right?) and remained upon Him forever. It
never can leave Him, It's always there (He and God are one.),
always has to remain. And so John saw the holy City, the New
Jerusalem descending like a comet or a--a dove, coming down out
of heaven and settling upon a redeemed entire earth. To do what?
To claim every attribute that He made the earth for; every man that
was represented in the eternity and every woman is redeemed
then. She's been scoured and burned by fire; Jesus in His fiery
temptations in the wilderness for forty days... After that, notice, it
was ready for His ministry then. Think of it, the Holy Ghost
descending upon earth, Jesus, and that holy Blood. Now watch. I
hope I don't go too deep for you. See?

45-1 150 The holy Blood that was created by God, the Blood, the
Life, the Creation of God: Jesus was the beginning of the creation
of God. Oh, my. You see it? God made in creation... He was Spirit.
The Bible said He's the beginning of the creation of God. How did
He begin? In the wombs of a woman, which is what? The woman
is... not like...

How them blind people can't see the serpent's seed right here.
See? Eve was put here on the earth, and before Satan ever
touched her or anything else, God said to them, "Multiply and
replenish the earth." It's right. But Satan comes in here, and if that
was Adam's son, then where Adam was a direct descent from
God, and you only take the nature of your parent. And when you
are born again you take the nature of your Parent of heaven. And
your Parent of heaven is the attribute of the Word, or the Word is
2 The Spoken Word
the attribute of your Parent. And how can you deny It for

45-2 151 I--I hope you don't miss this. I know it's from God. See?
Jesus, here He comes descending, and there was Jesus, the
attribute of God. Now, the woman, she... Watch. God said,
"Because they did this," said, "I'll put enmity between your seed
and the serpent's seed." Is that right? And the woman don't have
any seed. Did you ever think of that? She has a field, not a seed.
See, the serpent had already placed his seed there. Then if the
woman doesn't have a seed, she has to remain--to have a seed...

45-3 152 You see, through the sexual intercourse here had
brought from Satan, the serpent--which was not a reptile; had legs
till his legs went off of him. He was the most subtle... the only
beast that would--would coordinate with the woman. A beast seed
won't do it now, man or nothing else. They tried it; won't work.
See? The seed life of a male won't go into a female woman; it
won't do it. But that was the closest thing...

45-4 153 See, they can't find that specie between a chimpanzee
and a man. See, each one as it is evoluted up from the birds and
on up to monkeys and so forth, up to chimpanzee, then there's a
lost. That was the serpent, not a snake. Every form is lost from
him, because he was cursed.

Now, God didn't curse Adam. He might've done the same thing,
but He cursed the earth--thorns and thistles. He didn't curse Eve,
but said Adam would be her ruler. From now on she ain't trying any
preaching or anything; Adam is her ruler. See? "All the days of
your life and in sorrow... and you'll bring your--life into the earth."
But He said, "I'll put enmity between your seed..." Now, she didn't
have any seed; she never did have. So she had to receive a seed
from some way. God gave her a seed, not by sexual intercourse,
but by creation.

Can't you blind people see, that's the seed of the serpent. Oh, my,
Satan got there before Adam; that was the seed. But she received
a seed. What was it? God Himself. He was the beginning of the
creation of God.
Germ of God 3

46-2 154 Now look, when Seth was born--or Abel, he was a just
man from his father; Seth's the same way. Where'd that evil fellow
come from: murderer, liar? See? See where it come from? It had to
be a seed because he was a seed. Cain was a man. Oh, where's
them blind people at? God of this world has blinded them. What...
No wonder Jesus said no man can see it. See?

You say, "Why don't they see it?" Jesus said one time to His
disciples, "It's given to you to know the Kingdom of God, but not for
them." And that's the reason you come from fifteen hundred miles
square (See?): "Given to you to know the Kingdom."

46-4 155 Look, fellows come even from South Africa and around,
this late hour when the Bride is made up to go into the Kingdom. I
just don't have enough time. Notice; watch now. See?

Now, can you see the serpent's seed there? See how it done, it's
perfect. Now, someone said... Now like that guy in Tucson the
other day trying to... Aw, he may listen to this tape, but if it is, man,
I want to tell you something. When he said, Eve said (here's where
they go to...), "I've gotten a son from the Lord, or a man from the
Lord." Why, certainly; God has a law.

46-6 156 Look, you take a seed and plant it out here in a field
where there's wheat, and you plant briers out there. I don't care,
the same sun and the same rain brings that seed to life. God has a
law, and that law cannot be broken. I don't care if a--if a--the
orneriest woman in the town and the orneriest man (and unmarried
and everything) would have an--an affair and live together and
bring forth a child, that child would have to come by the law of
God, 'cause there's no other way. If you don't, you make Satan a
creator, and then he's a god. Oh, how blind can you be. See?
God's law, certainly, if he ever got a baby, I don't care if it was
Esau, Jacob (whoever it was), or any ill-famed person... If it was
Judas, it had to come by God. The Bible... God has a law.

47-1 157 The Bible said, "The sun shines on the just and the
unjust. The rain falls on the just and..." Hebrews the 6th chapter
and It says that the--"The rain cometh oft upon the earth to water
and prepare it for what it's dressed," you know, to make living, "but
4 The Spoken Word
thorns and thistles live by the same water, same sunshine," for it's
a law of God to ripen every seed, to make every seed produce
itself. So it had to produce the serpent's seed. And it never--never
hindered God; it fulfilled His complete plan; it made Him a
Redeemer. Any blind... ought almost see that, unless it's hid--the
god of the world has hid it from you. It's just as plain as anything
you can see. There you are. There's your serpent's seed.

47-2 158 Now, notice. But Jesus was the beginning of the creation
of God. Now, what does a woman do? When the germ comes from
the male sex... Now, just deny that. The woman has no life in her
at all. She only has a little egg, which is a field out here. Like you
took a field and disc it all up, and--and put a spray on it, and spray
all the germs out of it, and not--not even grass of nothing could
grow in it; and then you fertilize it again and sow some good seed
in there; and if the enemy comes and sows some other seed, the
same law of God will ripen both seeds. Well, God wasn't intending
for that to be (See?), but what happened?

47-3 159 See, the sperm from the male carries the hemoglobin,
which is the blood. In the blood is the life. And if you ever... I've
watched it in hybreeding cattle and things like that. Brother
Shakarian and I--taking us through and the doctors and so forth
watching how it goes through (the chemists). See? Then here
comes the sperm from the female, which is a bunch of eggs. Here
comes a sperm from the male, which is a bunch of germs. This
hasn't got a bit of germ in it; it's only a byproduct of the man. That's
how she got here in the first place, and she's only a field. There's a
egg; it's got the fertile ground for this life. And this life moves in and
crawls... There's a mystery how that... Maybe you say, "Well, the
first one meets the rest of them dies." Well, how--who determines

"Well, the first one."

48-1 160 Will it be the one in the front, the first egg in the front and
the first germ? No, no, it might be a... one egg plumb back in the
back; in the middle of the sperm will come up (a germ) and go
meet it. Shows that some intelligence determines whether it's
going to be red headed, black headed; whether it's going to be
little, big; male or female. See? You can't--you can't do nothing
Germ of God 5

else about it. It won't work. You can mix them together and
everything. It won't make a bit of difference. God determines it.

And after while one little germ will crawl into that field, egg. What...
There's a little tail-like on it, twisting around, drops off, and there
starts the spine of the baby.

48-3 161 What is she then? She has no seed. She has a field to
receive the seed. So the seed of the enemy went forth, while the
good Sower went forth sowing good seed, and the enemy come
behind him sowing corrupt seed. But the rain falls on the just and
the unjust. The sun... It all has to grow. Jesus said, "Let them grow
together, at that day they'll be bundled"--the tares. And they're
bundling them now, in big organizations going to the big bundle:
World Council of Churches. And what is the end? Is to be burned.
But the grain's to be take to the garner. See? Where they both live
by the same thing, the same water, the same rain...

48-4 162 A citrus tree, that's a--that's a orange tree will bear--will
have to--will bring forth on it, if it's grafted into it, a pomegranate.
It'll bring forth a lemon; it'll bring forth a grapefruit. See? But it
won't be an orange, but it's living off the same life that the orange
tree's producing.

The denominations have been injected into the vine, because if

they claim Christians, they live by it. Caiaphas was (you know what
he was), and yet he even prophesied. See? See, they live by it.

Oh, I wish we had--could have a week, and we could just study

this thing out, and make it so clear you--you can't miss seeing it.
Now, I'm going to omit some of these things. Now, watch.

49-1 163 Look, them hands designed this for His Beloved and--
Bride: designed in tenderly love for His Bride. Remember that the
Holy Ghost descended on Jesus, which Jesus was a part of the
earth. Why? The germ of God, the Life of God was designed in the
womb of a woman (That right?), which was the earth. All right. And
then the Life of God came in, so He was the beginning of the
creation of God. See? And then that Blood of God, that was there
by that germ, when it was shed at Calvary, dropped back upon the
6 The Spoken Word
earth. What for? To redeem the earth. Now, it's been justified; it's
been sanctified, called and claimed; and now it's to receive its
baptism of fire, and be cleansed for Jesus and His Bride. And you
are these other parts that's drew out of this earth--the earth. You
are part of the earth, your body. Your soul is part of God, a attribute
of God, displayed here on earth in a body. The body's to be
redeemed. Now the soul's redeemed, because it was in sin. So
God come down by process of justification, sanctification, baptism
of the Holy Ghost, and redeemed your soul. And you, being part of
the earth, it's redeemed by it. You're in the process now, it's
growing on.


15 008 Now, last night I--I broke my promise again. I'm going to
sure try to keep it tonight, if I can. And now, somebody said, "You
didn't stay on your text last night." No, I--I didn't; because I'll tell
you why. I was going to preach on a subject, now I forget just what,
"But God Rich In Mercy."

And I got to trying to explain how that Paul, speaking there, said,
"We who were in past times," one time, some other time than now,
"we were dead and in sin and trespasses; who God has
quickened, made alive..." Now, see, before anything can be
quickened, there has to be something there to be quickened by.
That's right.

17 009 So you see, if you were in the foreknowledge of God, then

you are becoming a part of God. And the only way you can be a
son of God or a daughter of God, you had to be a part of God, and
God isn't complete without you. Has to be. That's right, 'cause
there is One, only one resource of Eternal Life, and that is God,
and Him alone has Eternal Life. See? Now, and you were a part of
Him, insomuch that you're an attribute, or in His thinking in the
beginning. And that, because He thought of you in the beginning, it
gives that little tug towards Him. That's what has to be quickened.
Some of them will never be quickened; they just don't have it;
that's all.

Just like if you would put a grain of corn in the ground, didn't
have... Ever how pretty it was, if it didn't have the germ of life in it,
it can never be quickened. But the germ of life has to be there first.
Germ of God 7

SATAN'S EDEN. 65-0829

9-1 029 The great paradises of God, and the great dinosaurs, and
whatever more, crawling through it, and the great animals, no
harm in them, they were just as gentle as a little kitten. They had
nothing at all. No--there's no sickness, no sorrow; not one disease
germ on the earth. Oh, what a place--the great birds swinging from
tree to tree, and Adam could call them by name, and they'd fly
upon his shoulders and--and coo to him. Oh, what a wonderful
place God had.

9-2 030 And then made one of His attributes from His Own body.
God has attributes in His body, like you are an attribute of your
father. And you notice, you was in your grandfather's grandfather's
grandfather. But in that, say, we'll take it down to like you and your

Now, you did not know anything when you were in your father. The
germ of life comes from the male. The male has the blood cell; the
woman has the--the egg. Now, therefore the blood cell has the life
in it. And then when you were in your father, you actually knew
nothing about it; but yet, science and God's Word proves that you
were in your father; but you knew nothing about it.

But then the father longed to know you. And with the union of
connection with mother, then you were made known to father.
Now, you are your father's attribute. You look like him, and you've
got parts of your body that looks like your father.

Now, that's the way God was in the beginning. Every son of God
and every daughter of God was in God at the beginning. You don't
remember it now, but you were there. He knew it, and He wanted
you to become, so He could contact you, speak with you, and love
you, and shake your hand.

9-5 031 Don't you want your own boy... Isn't it a great day when
your boy can come home and set down at the table; when he
comes back from the battlefield, or something another, scarred up,
how you fix the dinner, and you kill the fatted calf or whatever
8 The Spoken Word
more, and prepare for him? It's your own flesh and blood, and he
was in you. You didn't know him then, but you knew he was there.

And so God knew that we would be here, but then He put us in

flesh so we would be contacted. In order He could contact, He
become one of us, when He become Jesus Christ the Son of God
Himself, the fullness of the manifestation of God.

10-1 032 Therefore, that was God's purpose to display His

attributes in fellowship. When I was in my father, I knew nothing
about it. But when I become his son and was born of him, I was an
attribute, a part of my father. And you are a part of your father. And
as children of God, we are a part of God's attributes that was in
Him, made flesh like He was made flesh, so we can have
fellowship one with the other, as a family of God upon the earth.
And that was God's purpose at the beginning. Yes, sir. That's what
God wanted at the beginning. He had everything under control,
and He turned man over into the garden of Eden on free moral
agency, and say, "Son, it's yours." What a beautiful place.


225 104 Don't stumble at that word, "predestination." I know you
do. But, listen, It's not my word. It's one of God's Words. You want
to read it, read Ephesians 1:5, which, "He has predestinated us to
the adoptions of sons through Jesus Christ." See?

Just let me just break it just a minute, in a--just a minute to break

this out of your mind. Look. Just as you were in your father at the
beginning, a germ seed... Did you know that, every one of you?
You were in your great-great-great-grandfather also, did you know

Read the Book of Hebrews, where that we find that Levi paid tithes
when he was in the loins of Abraham, four generations behind him.
When Abraham paid tithes to Melchisedec, it was accounted to his
great-great-grandson down below him, and he was then in the
loins of Abraham. There you are. See?

228 105 You were in the loins of your father, but your father could
not have any fellowship with you until you was transformed into a
body of flesh.
Germ of God 9

My son there was in me. I--I--I wanted a son, but he was in me

then. See? He was in me then. But through wedlock, he was
transformed into a man like me, and then he become like me.

And you become like your parents (See?), 'cause it was in you to
begin with. Now, if we are the sons of God, His attributes... Which
you are an attribute of your father, not your mother; your father.
The germ lays in the father. See? And now. your mother was an
incubator that bear you, bear the seed of your father. See?

231 106 And the earth, in flesh, is also the incubator that bears the
seed of God. See, just exactly. Not the world, how great the world
is; it's how great the God that made it. See, see?

Now, if you are a son and daughter of God, then you were in God
at the beginning. You're His attribute. If you wasn't there then, then
you never was or never will be.

'Cause, I cannot bear, from my loins, the son of this man here or
that man there, I can only bear my own sons, and they would bear
my likeness. Hallelujah. You see it?

234 107 Sons and daughters was in God at the beginning. Now,
look. You've got Eternal Life, you say. We believe it, that we got
Eternal Life. Well, there's only one form of Eternal Life, and that's
God. That's the only thing that is eternal, is God. Then if you've got
Eternal Life, that Life that's in you always was, and you were in the
loins of God before there even was a world. And when the Word
Itself... Jesus Himself is called the Word, and in St. John 1, said,
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and
the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh and dwelled
among us." Then you were in the loins of Jesus, and went to
Calvary with Him. You died with Him, and you raised with Him. And
today we're setting in heavenly places in Him, filled with His Spirit,
sons and daughters of God. Die with Him, raised with Him. Sure.

235 108 Now, then, now... Now you can fellowship with Him. You
couldn't back there, because you were just a Word in Him, a seed.
But now He's manifested you, and now He wants you to fellowship
10 The Spoken Word
with Him. Then He came down, was made flesh so He could
perfectly fellowship with you. See the perfect fellowship? Oh, my,
them deep mysteries of God, how wonderful. See, God could not
fellowship in the Spirit, so God became man with us.

Jesus Christ was God Himself manifested, 'cause, He was a Son

because He was begotten, but it was just a Tabernacle for Him to
live in. "No man has seen God at any time, but the only Begotten
of the Father has declared Him." God built Himself a House, a
body to live in, come down so that you could touch Him. I Timothy
3:16, "Without controversy, great is the mystery of godliness; for
God was manifested in the flesh, seen of Angels, believed on,
received up into heaven." See? Now, He...

237 109 You being flesh, and Him being flesh, then you can
fellowship one with, 'cause He was God's attribute of love. God is
love. Is that right? And Jesus was God's attribute of love. And
when the attribute of love was displayed, which that was God
Himself; all the attributes that hung onto Him, come to Him, "All the
Father has given Me, will come to Me." Sure, they had to be
predestinated. If it wasn't, you won't be there. That's all. Certainly.

Now, we can fellowship, was through the--the riches of His Word,

and in which you are a part of. You are part of the Word; 'cause He
was the Word at the beginning; you're the Word now. See? I'm
preaching tonight, or Sunday, or one of the days when I get in,
about what the Word is. See? And now, you are part of the Word.

239 110 Listen. There's one thing I can't do. I can't brag on my
ancestors. No, I come through an awful mess. My father was an
Irishman. My mother was a Indian squaw, half Indian; her mother
was a Indian, drew a pension. Now, all of them, drunks, most all of
them died with their shoes on, fighting, gun-fighters, and so forth. I
can't brag on nothing about that, 'cause my ancestors and my
family tree's terrible.

But, brother, there's one thing I can brag on, I can brag on my Lord
Jesus Who has redeemed me. And with His transforming power
planted a seed by predestination, and I saw It. Whose son am I
now? Yeah. I can brag on Him. And I've spent thirty-three years of
my life bragging on Him. If He'd spare me another thirty-three
Germ of God 11

years, I'll try to brag more on Him. See? I can brag on my

Ancestors (Hallelujah.), He that redeemed me and planted the
seed of Life in here, and let me look down upon this Word, sent
down His Spirit and said, "Here It is. Speak this; it'll happen. Do
that." And oh, my, I can brag on Him. How did He do it? Through
the washing of the water by the Word, the Waters of separation,
wish we could explain it.

241 111 True predestinated believers will stay with the Word
because they are part of that Word.

Oh, wandering stars, how long will you wander? You Methodists,
Baptists, Presbyterian, outsiders, whatever you might be,
wandering stars from church to church, from pillar to place, and
television to television, world to world, why don't you come home?
He longs to have fellowship with you. He's longing for you. He
wants to transform you by the renewing of your mind, not to the
church or to the denomination, but to His Word, which you are a
part if that desire is in you.

Blessed are they that do hunger and thirst for righteousness: for
they shall be filled. (See? Uh-huh.)

And has sent His transforming power to bring you out of this
deformity of religion that you're in. In this deformity chaos that
we're in, God has sent His transforming power, His Word,
vindicated, proven, to bring you out of this religious deformity of
ignorance that you're walking in, "naked, blind, miserable, and
don't know it." Think of it, friends.


291 121 Don't stumble at the word "predestination." I've went
through that. You see? I want to show you, Ephesians 1:5. You
see? Just as you were... Look, just as you were in your father... As
I said the other night, just as you was in your father at the
beginning, if you wasn't, you wouldn't be here. But, you see, it had
to go to a bedding ground in order to bring you forth. And now
you're his son; you're his daughter. See, it's a seed. And then if
you every...
12 The Spoken Word
If you are a Christian now, a genuine predestinated seed, you was
in God before there was a... You always was in God. The germ of
your life, which is an attribute of God, which was His thought...

294 122 Say, for instance, this pretty little lady setting here. See?
God said, "In the day there will be a girl; her name will be So-and-
so. She'll be this, thus, and this," and even know to this very hour,
she'd set and listen at the message, dressed in a red dress. See?
That was His thought. Whoever your husband is, and whoever he
is; and He'd bring this together, and you'd set here in--in this--this
city at this day. There could be no way for you to fail it (See?),
because you're growing. And as long as you're seed inside
growing, you have to produce just exactly what the seed said you
would do. That's exactly. It's His Word. He keeps His Word. He
watches over It.

295 123 You was in your father, as a germ, and you come forth as
a daughter; you, you, every one of you, brothers and sisters, you
come forth. And if you wasn't in your father, then you wouldn't have
been here.

And if you wasn't in God... If you believe the message of the Bible,
and the present message of the day, a vindication of it... The
reason you're setting here, because you were predestinated to set
here. You wouldn't have been here otherwise; you'd have been on
the street, maybe drunk, some of you; and some of you out here
and running around with some other man's wife; and you women
out, would married, and run around with some other women's
husband, or something like that. See? But you were predestinated
to be here. See? You can't help it. You have a Father; He's God,
and you were a seed.

297 124 And when He come to a place, He's got you now to
where... You was in Him there as a thought; now you are a person
that can fellowship with Him. See? Like you was in--you was in
your fathers at the beginning, but now you're sons and daughters,
so you can fellowship with your parents. Now, we're sons and
daughters of God, who can fellowship with our Father, God. See,
it's just as beautiful. Don't you like that? Then you become like
Him. And if we were sons, then you're attributes, and was in His
form at the beginning.
Germ of God 13

And, remember, if you was in Him at the beginning; and when

Jesus, which is God, the Word made flesh and dwelt among us;
then you were in Him and stood the insults that He took. You went
to Calvary with Him, in Him. You died in Him. You rose in Him. And
now you're seated together in heavenly places in Him. See?

299 125 If I'm an American, I stand all of her shame; I stand all of
her glory. Ever what she was, I am. I'm an American citizen. I
was... I landed on Plymouth Rock. Yes, sir. Yeah, I landed on
Plymouth Rock. I signed the... I was in the hall that morning when
they signed the Declaration of Independence. I signed it with them.
I'm part of her economy. I signed the Declaration of Independence.
That's right. I was with Washington at Valley Forge, when he
crossed the river. I was there that morning. I prayed with him. I
was. You were, as an American. If you're an American, you was.
For everything America is you are. I hoisted the flaw--flag on
Guam. I helped them do that. I took every fort. I bore her shame of
the revolutionary. Whatever she was, I am.

300 126 And whatever Christ was, I am. What He is, I am. O God.
If He's considered a fanatic, so must I be. If He was a--a
Beelzebub by His works of His Spirit, I am too. Whatever He was, I
am. Whatever He was, you are.

We must be the makers of her immortality, her freedom or her

fame, her glory or her shame. We must be that. We must be the
church, the Bride of Jesus Christ. I lived with Him on the earth,
when He lived. I died with Him when He died. I rose with Him when
He rose. I'm assembled and am seated with Him now in heavenly
places, because I'm part of Him. Wherever He is, there I am.
"Where My servant is, there will I be also."

303 127 Now, He can fellowship with us and through us, and
rest His Word with us. Which we are a part of His Word. We... If He
is the Word, and we are part of Him, then we are part of the Word.
And how can I deny I got a hand? No matter how much some idiot
would, excuse me, some science would say that--that I haven't got
a hand; I got a hand. I know I got a hand. I use it.
14 The Spoken Word
And I know I got a God. I got a Saviour. I feel Him in my soul. I--I'm
part of Him. Just what this Word says; that's what I am. And if I
even deny one part of This, that'd be like denying I got an hand, an
ear, an eye. I couldn't do it and remain a human being in my right
mind; neither can I deny any of God's Word and remain in my
right--the right Spirit of God. I've got to take what the denomination
says or what God said about it. See? You cannot do it.

Query: Germ, Attributes


27 020 Today's so confused about the evidence of the Holy Ghost
and so forth. Satan can impersonate any kind of a gift that God's
got, but he cannot bring that Word, word by word. That's where he
failed in the garden of Eden; that's where he's always failed. That's
where them... The tape on false anointed ones or anointed ones...
They can be anointed with the Spirit, speak in tongues, dance,
shout, preach the Gospel, and still a devil. It's the inside. Now,
remember, Jesus said. "All the Father has given Me, will come to
Me. No man can come except My Father draws him first."

Now, we taken through the lesson to show that in--you were in

your great, great, great grandfather all the way back, physically
speaking. Then that's what you are in physical being, nature.
Sometimes a child will be born in a family red-headed. It
astonishes the father, 'cause there's nobody he knows of his
people red-headed, or the mother's. But if you'll go way back to
several generations, you'll find out somebody was red-headed.
That seed keeps coming on down, and you come the nature of one
from way back. Like the--Hebrews the 7th chapter said, that
Melchisedec... Abraham paid tithes to Him when he was returning
from the slaughter of the kings. And Levi, who received tithes, paid
tithes, for he was in the loins of Melchisedec at--or the loins of
Abraham, rather, when he met Melchisedec.

28 021 Now, the same thing is this: If you are a son of God, and if
I am a son of God, or a daughter of God, we were in God at the
beginning. And when Jesus became the Fullness of the Word, then
we were in Him, germ form. When He was crucified, we was
crucified in His body. When He rose from the dead, we rose with
Him. And now, since we have recognized it, now we set together
Germ of God 15

with Him in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. See? For He... We, if
we are sons and daughters of God, we are God's children; then
we're attributes of God. Then we were--got Eternal Life. And God
is the only Eternal Life there is. Then we were in Him from the
beginning. And when Jesus became all that Word, then we were
part of Him then. Amen. There you are. When that's in there,
there's no devil, no powers, no nothing can ever move it. That's the
tie post of the soul.

You can be anointed out here in this spirit, and desire, and do all
these other things, but when it comes to this tie post to that Word,
you'll never move from there. It'll hold right steady and true to that
Word as it can be. Outside of that, regardless of what you do,
you're still lost.

30 022 That Laodicean church age, naked, blind, miserable, don't

even know it... See, it's not--it's not anointed, anointed with the real
Spirit. See that Holy Spirit can fall upon a man in his spirit, but his
soul is his germ. That germ is the Word. See? And how... I don't
care how much you preach, how well you do this, and how much
you love... That's one of the inlets the spirit. You can't love with
your body; you love with your spirit. That's one of the inlets. And
you can love and even love God, and still not be right. You can
cast out devils, and preach, and do these things, still not be right.
Jesus said so; said many would come in that day. That Word
settles it.

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with
God, and the Word was God.

And the Word became flesh and dwelled among us,...

Query: Germs, Attribute

FUTURE HOME. 64-0802

13-3 035 Now notice, thistles, germs, all sicknesses, and things
will be completely taken away. All of this is existence that's in the
earth now: manmade systems, politics, sin, all kinds of evil spirits
that the world is contaminated with--and all the heavens above us
16 The Spoken Word
in here is contaminated with evil spirits. Now, we're going to go
deep and long in this. See?

All this exists in the heavens, or atmospheres, and the earth which
is now; this earth holds those things. But it wasn't made for that
purpose. Sin caused it to be like that. See? It was made by God,
the Creator. But all--and all of our bodies that we live in now was
put on the earth when God created it, because you're out of the
dust of the earth. It was all laid out here when God Himself created
it. You were in His thinking, and in Him, the Great eternal, was the
thought, which is His attribute.

And now sin caused all this to happen, and God through this age is
gathering up His material.

FUTURE HOME. 64-0802

35-3 116 Now, in Ephesians 1:10 it's called (now, if you're putting it
down)--Ephesians 1:10 is called, not a dispensation, not the
seventh day; it's called the fullness of time. And when the fullness
of time has come, that's when time has been fulfilled, when there
is no more time, then you go into eternity. After the seventh church
age is over (and it is); Luther's age is over; Methodist age is over;
Pentecostal age is over, and now you go into what? Eternity. No
more sevens; no more threes; no more of any... eternity, where
there is no such time as numbers, and times, and things. Amen.
Oh, my. You see it?

35-4 117 Now... Or after time has been fulfilled... All sin is gone--
taken away at the millennium, at the great white throne judgment:
a type of the Holy Ghost. After the world is on fire and baptized, its
baptism of holy fire from heaven; all sin is gone; all germs is gone;
all devils is gone; all temptations is gone; all evil is gone (type
now). Then what does God do? He can set upon the earth (See?),
because all sin's gone.

36-1 118 That's the same thing He does when He gives you the
Holy Ghost baptism with Fire. He can come and dwell with you,
and we can set in heavenly places in Christ Jesus, because we
are already in Him. Not we will be, we are now setting in Christ
Jesus. How do we get into it? By one Holy Ghost baptism. By one
Spirit we're all baptized into Christ, which we are now--won't be in
Germ of God 17

Christ; we are. He is the great spiritual King over the Spirit that's in
us, because we were in Him at the beginning.

36-2 119 See, God in the beginning, when He thought of you, and
thought of others, like that, thought of Himself of being tangible.
That was His thoughts (See?), so He expressed His thoughts by
Word. He said, "Let there be. Let there be"; and there was. "Let
there be"; and there was. Then after while He kept saying, "Let
there be," till the people said one day, "don't let God speak."

He said, "Then I'll speak to them through a prophet." See? "From

this on I'll speak to them through a prophet." And the Prophet said,
"There shall come. There will be." And it was, and it was, and it
was, and it was (See?) just like that. You get it now?

36-3 120 The fullness of time has come, after time has been
fulfilled. Sin is gone, after the world's baptism--after the world's
baptism makes it a fit place: no sickness, no germs, no thorns, no
thistles, no death, no sorrow, no heartaches, no old age, nothing to
represent death, nothing wrong: all right; nothing natural: eternal.
Then His attribute is expressed, because it was there first to begin
with. That's what He thought.

36-4 121 And then what happened? He set Adam and Eve here
on the earth and said, "Multiply now and replenish the earth." Their
bodies was all laid out here for you to eat and make your bodies.
That's the way He had of doing it. But sin come along interrupted
His plan. She rolls right on just the same (time does).

36-5 122 But what did Jesus do? God came down and expressed
Himself in the form of a Man, a human being; gave His life, instead
of staying here (which He was the King), but He gave Himself to
redeem the rest. You get it? And when it's all over, then it's pulled
right back, and God's purpose is fulfilled. There's a eternal King
again with His eternal subjects expressed in human flesh. Exactly
the way it happened. Sin's took away. The devil's gone. It's all
done now, what will do it?

37-1 123 This earth couldn't be a place for heaven to sit now. Look
at it, the sin. It'll have to be cleansed. No man, no person, no
18 The Spoken Word
woman, boy, girl--I don't care who he is--is fit to go in the pulpit, or
even claim to be a Christian, without being filled with the Holy
Ghost. You have no right to the Lord's supper or any Communion
or feet washing or anything, until you've been cleansed by the holy
Fire of God.

No man has a right to preach 'less he like Moses, meets Him out
there in that sacred grounds, that Pillar of Fire hanging there,
where he knows where he's at. See?

37-3 124 Notice now, how we go. After the world's fire baptism, all
germs is gone; makes it a fit place then for heavens to dwell here
on earth. Type now of setting in heavenly places in Christ Jesus,
passed from just dirty (like the little woman was) into the
expressed attribute of God. Now we are the Sons of God, not we
will be. We're the attributes of God's thinking. See?

37-4 125 Now, you say, "Well, look at this priest; wasn't he a son of
God?" It proved he wasn't; he couldn't recognize what? Did he say,
"I believe the Bible?" Sure, but he couldn't recognize the
expressed Word of the hour. He only had a intellectual learning
from some group that'd been back before him. And it's the same
thing today. See? I know that's strong but it's the Truth. There was
the Word, as spoken exactly for that day, and he... Yet he was a
scholar; yet, he was a renown person, but he could not recognize
It. Why? No matter how scholarly he was, anything like that, he still
didn't have representation of predestination. See? Only the
predestinated will only be the one that does it. Only can be. And
you only can do it because look; it proves predestination, 'cause if
you've got Eternal Life, you had to be a part of God all times
'cause He's the only One that's eternal. You see it? Oh, my. Think
of it. Now, watch what happens through the great millennium.

Query: Germ, Zoe

PATH OF LIFE. 62-0621B

E-39 039 Not long ago I was setting, eating dinner with an old
Methodist minister, gracious old saint of God. He had the Holy
Spirit in his life. And we were listening to the Agricultural Hour
come on from Louisville. And the 4H club had had a machine that
they could perfect a grain of corn so perfect, that it would make
Germ of God 19

just as good a corn bread as the one that was grew out of the
field--same kind of corn flakes. And actually, you could cut them
open, put them in a laboratory, and its heart was in the right place,
the right amount of moisture, and potash, and all that's in the corn.
You could not separate them. Once mixing them together, you
could not tell one from the other, it was so perfect.

He said, "And the only way that you can tell which is which is bury
them. The one that the machine made rots, and that's all of it. But
the one that God grew, its got a life in there that'll rise up again."

E-40 040 A man might look like a Christian, impersonate a

Christian, or walk like a Christian, or so forth. But unless that germ
of life is there, he cannot rise again.

Jesus said, "I come that they might have Life," Zoe, God's own life
in them. And there's... Everything that had a beginning has an end.
It's those things which had not a beginning that has no end.
There's only one thing that never had a beginning; that was God.
And we become His children, part of Him, then Zoe, God's own
Life, Eternal Life, is imparted to us. And that's the only way that we
can live. And that's the only way that our lost friends out here, even
church members, can ever live again, is because Zoe has been
imparted to them, and we become a part.

E-41 041 Did you notice on the day of Pentecost, how that His
great Pillar of Fire which we all know was the Messenger of the
covenant, which was Jesus Christ, that... Moses esteemed the
reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures of Egypt, for
he forsook Egypt, following that great Messenger, this Light.

On the day of Pentecost, when this great Light came in there, God
divided Himself. Tongues of fire set upon each of them, and they
were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and begin to speak with other
tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance, God separating
Himself from one Being to being in His Church, dividing His Life
with His people. That's the message we must get to the people.
They'll perish without it. They have to.
20 The Spoken Word
32 018 Sometime ago I was eating dinner with a--an old Methodist
preacher, and I heard "The Agriculture Hour" on from--from
Louisville, the 4-H Club was talking, that they had a machine that
could put out a grain of corn just like they grew in the field: said, "It
would make the same kind of corn flakes, same kind of corn bread;
it just the same corn." Cut it like that, put it under the light, take it to
the laboratory; its--the heart's in the right place, and everything,
and the same amount of moisture, calcium, potash, whatever it's in
the corn is laying just exactly." Said, "If you ever took a handful out
of the sack that was grew in the field, and the sack that the
machine makes, or made, and mix them up, you could never tell
the difference with your natural eye, or cutting it apart, or any
science could ever find the difference. The only way you could tell
the difference was bury them." That tells it.

33 019 A man might look like a Christian; he might act like a

Christian; he might impersonate a Christian. But unless he's got
the germ of Life in there, he cannot rise again; got to have that Life
germ in there, have Eternal Life.

And any person that's studied Greek, knows that that "eternal"
comes from the word Zoe, which means "God's Own Life," that
become a part of Him, as you are a part of your father, you
become a part of God. And God's Own Life is divided and put in
you, and It can't die, because It's eternal. Anything that begin,
ends; but He never did begin, so He cannot end. He's eternal, and
you're eternal with Him, can no more die than He can die, because
you become a part of Him. You're born of Him. Amen. Just keep
talking about that, and I'll never get to this lesson.

Oh, I'm so glad to be a Christian. I--I--I--I wouldn't trade places with

nobody in the world, not presidents, kings. If they'd give me the
whole world, said I could live a million years; after there I would
die, after the million years. But now, a million years, why, it won't
be nothing now, we just keep on living, no death. So it's great to be
a Christian.

36 020 Talking of Abraham... Let's go back. Now, we are

Abraham's seed if we are in Christ. And then if you are Abraham's
seed, you have the same faith that Abraham had, 'cause it was his
Germ of God 21

faith that we're talking about. Especially in the church now, it's the
royal seed of Abraham. There was two seeds of Abraham. One of
them was the natural, Isaac; the other one was Christ, the
promise. So through Isaac, Israel was blessed; through Christ, he
become the father of nations. See? So the royal seed, how much
greater that would be than the natural seed of Abraham. So if you
are in Christ, you have a super Seed, a super to what Abraham
was, because you come by the royal Seed, Christ. If you are dead
in Christ, then are ye Abraham's children, and you have Abraham's
seed and Abraham's faith. And Abraham's faith was in God's Word
regardless of what took place. He called those things which were
not as though they were, because God said so. What a promise.

Query: Germ, Son


E-35 035 I remember here not long ago, standing up in the
mountains... I love to hunt. I was way in the mountains hunting elk,
late. Now, all my life, that's how I learned of God was by hunting,
being out. I never went to shows, dances, never smoked, drink. I
was a black sheep, sure enough. And all of them laughed at me.

But I'd gone hunting. And out there in the woods, I'd seen a sunset,
and I'd cried. I'd hear the winds blowing through the leaves of the
trees, and I'd wondered, "Oh, my. What brought them trees here?"
Flowers would die in the winter time, come back to life in the
summer; how the little flowers would go away and come up again;
how the winds would...?... that little seed up and bury it in the
ground, and tears from the fall would bury the seed. Is that all of it?
No. The ground would freeze, and the seed would burst; the pulp
would run out. Is that all? No. In there there's a germ of life. Just
as sure as that warm spring sun begin to shine, yet all soft petals
fall off, seed, pulp, everything else gone from the flower. But God's
made a way for that flower to live again. Just as soon as that sun
goes to shining, there's a germ of life in there somewhere that's
stayed through the freeze. And I'll tell you, it'll live again.

E-36 036 And if God made a way for a flower to live again, what
about a man that's made in His image? The freeze might come,
but when a man's born again of the Spirit of God, there's Life in
22 The Spoken Word
there, Eternal Life that'll stand the freeze. And when the Son of
Righteousness rises with healing in His wings, there'll be a church
to go up to meet Him in the air. Amen.

You're going to call me a holy-roller anyhow, and I might as well

have a good time anyhow. So there you are.

Notice. Yes, sir. There's a Life comes from God that only God
alone can give. The freeze might come. It might break me this way
or that way. But when that germ of Life in there, it'll stay. That's
right. And God will bring it forth again in a resurrection. Oh, my.


E-12 012 And what is fatherhood? Is an attribute of God. Then if
we are God's children, then God wants us to love one another. In
doing so, we love God. Is that right? We love His Church.

All right. Are they just about, [A man says, "Yeah. They are over
there."--Ed.] All right, sir. I guess they're... [A man speaks to
Brother Branham--Ed.] That's all right. Now, just... waiting just a
moment to get the--the pictures taken for in there (You see?), and
going into the service.

Now, how many of you are expecting our Lord Jesus to do a great
work with His people here tonight? Let's see your hand. How many
of you is praying? Let's see your hand. Now, if you'll pray, if you'll
pray, and believe with all your heart, just a simple story of the
appearing of this supernatural One... And as I trying to speak this
afternoon, you'll draw from It, when you believe in It. Is that right?

If Jesus was standing here, the Son of God, He could do no more

for you than what He can right now, when you believe it, when you
believe it. Faith...

E-13 013 Some of them come up to Jesus, one time... Do you

believe He was a Prophet? Well, they put a rag around His face
one day, and smote Him on the head, and said, "If You be a
Prophet, tell us who--who hit you, and then we'll believe you."
Jesus didn't clown for no one. He had the will of the Father to do.
But yet, He stood and told a woman her sins. He told... He knew
where there was a fish at had a coin in its mouth. He knew where
Germ of God 23

two mules was hitched, where two ways met. Is that right? See?
He knew those things, but He didn't clown it for people. See? It
was too Divine. It's the Father's will.

And now, tonight you might be setting there just for curiosity, and
saying, "Well, Brother B... I--I just wish you'd turned around tell me
something." God will never do that.

E-14 014 But you get real deeply sincere, and say, "Dear Lord, You
know my condition. And that would help my faith so much if You'd
just have our brother just turn around here and say something to
me. Let it appear a vision by me, that he will tell me, and--and let
me see what's going be my outcome and what my conditions is.
Then our heavenly Father, will grant that to you. See? Anywhere in
the meeting, any place, He will do it.

Be sincere. I can't make Him. I can only ask Him. Are you ready
now? All right. Excuse me, just a moment...?...

E-15 015 I said, "I love them too." So that goes for all Chicago.
The grace of God be on you all now. Now, it is my humble part in
the ministry of Jesus Christ to pray for the sick people. I have tried
to be loyal to the heavenly vision, and to do just as He told me to

Now, tonight I want to read just a--a two or three places in the
Scripture here, and then we're going to start right in praying for the
sick; because we're just a little late to get started, I guess. And so,
we're going to start right away, right now.

In the 5th chapter of Saint John, if you want to mark it down to the
closing of our services, that I... And then I want to read, also,
another read a first few verses of that. Then I want to read over in
John 16 again. And upon, while you're getting your things ready, I
want to ask you something. In Hebrews 13:8, the Bible said that
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Do you
believe that's inspired?
24 The Spoken Word
E-16 016 I believe that that is the truth, that at the judgment day,
that God will see that that is the truth. God will stand behind what
He says to be truth. Don't you believe it? All right.

And now, let's just wonder what type of a Person Jesus was. Now,
I know we have some theological ideas, and some painters that's
painted pictures. But let's not look at Him in the picture form
tonight, 'cause we might not know. But let's look at Him in His life,
His Spirit. So Jesus, when He comes back to earth again in His
body form, it'll be way too late then for us to think anything about it.
You believe that? We're going with Him then, those that are ready.

So now when we see Him in body form, no matter whether He's

a--a white Man, a yellow Man, or black Man, brown Man, whatever
He is, He's my Saviour. [Blank spot on tape--Ed.]... little Man, a fat
Man, a thin Man, He's my Saviour. See? I love Him. I love Him, so
much. And I love Him with all my heart.

And now, He... But what He was, it wasn't so much as the flesh,
but the flesh was wonderful. It was virgin born. You believe that? I
believe that Almighty God overshadowed the virgin Mary and
created a Blood cell in the womb of Mary.

E-17 017 The--the germ of life, to the child, comes from the male
sex, we know that, don't we? It's like a hen can lay an egg, but if
she hasn't been with the male bird, it's not fertile. See? It won't
hatch. The germ of life comes from the male.

So the germ of Life in this case, come from Jehovah God, the
Father of Jesus Christ, the great Creator. You believe that? And He
created in the womb of this little virgin girl, a Blood cell that
developed into the Son of the living God. He wasn't Jew, neither
was He Gentile. He was God. See?

Did you ever think about that? The baby hasn't got one drop of the
mother's blood in it. Did you know that? No, sir. A baby does not
have any bit of its mothers blood. It has its father blood; not its
mothers. A babe... A mother can be dying with TB, and the baby
can be taken from the mother, and it'd have to be contracted (You
see?), anything that's in the blood stream (See?), because the
blood comes from the male.
Germ of God 25

E-18 018 And Jesus was the Blood of God. If His Blood was
earthly, then it was no more than mine or yours. It come through
sexual desire. But His Blood was the Blood of His Father, which is
the great Creator, Jehovah…


E-12 012 Listen. A man can stand, both of them going to church
and both of them professing Christianity, but except this man's
born again of the Spirit of God, it's finished. That's all there is to it.
And as a germ of life, it comes into a man that he lives again,
because God has germitized his spirit by Jesus Christ the
resurrected Son of God. Amen. Certainly. Watch God in any way
you want to.


E-42 042 Notice, now in the germ, but when God, when Christ,
was in the womb of Mary... You're just a little teeny germ. Before it
was a germ... What's after that germ? Is a life. Then you're in the
supernatural; you're in the sixth dimension. You're plumb out of
human reasoning. You're into spirit life. Every little germ has a life;
that life come from somewhere. The life of the cancer come from
the Devil. Your life come from God; that's the difference.

And God being manifested in the flesh with Christ Jesus the
anointed, wrapped Himself in a Blood cell (Oh, my.) in the womb of
Mary, brought forth His Life. He lived a man; He died a man to give
His Blood, that through His body, and the shedding of His Blood
that every believer could be wrapped in that Blood cell with Him.
Which if a born again Spirit of a man is wrapped in the Blood cell
of the Son of God, and God can no more deny you than He could
deny Himself. For by one Spirit we're all baptized into one Body,
and become partakers of the same Spirit that's in this Blood cell.
And the Church is wrapped into the Blood cell of the Life of Jesus
Christ. Hallelujah. Then we are sons of God, joint heirs with Jesus
Christ in the Kingdom.

E-43 043 Oh, my. You say, "Brother Branham, the Devil got me."
No, the Devil didn't. You went out to the devil. The devil couldn't
get you. For you are dead. Dead people won't argue and fuss and
26 The Spoken Word
backbite. You're dead and your life is hid in God through Christ,
and you're sealed there by the Holy Ghost. How can the Devil get
you? Can't do it. That's right. You get inside one time.

By one Spirit, not by one letter we're all joined into one body. Not
by one denomination are we all brought into the Body. But by one
Spirit we're all baptized by Holy Spirit baptism into one Body.
Whether we're Methodist, Baptist, Pentecostals, or whatever we
are, one Spirit has baptized us into one Body of believers. You
believe it?

LAW OR GRACE. 54-1006

45 018 Now, if that doesn't take the idea of some of these people
that talk, and they teach in school here, that we evoluted down
from animal life. If that be so, then the animal could give the
human a blood transfusion. But the blood, the human life, lays the
same. But the animal life, some of them are... Like a snake, he's
cold-blooded; a fish, he's cold-blooded; but now, a bear, elk, or
dog, or horse, they're a different kind. Neither, none of them--none
of them could transfuse blood, one with another, because they're
all different. But the human being is all the same.

Then through the offering of animal blood, only was a--a

substitutionary under the law, until Jesus came, which wasn't born
of any man. No man on this earth was His father. He had a mother,
and the mother was a virgin, virgin Mary, a girl about eighteen
years old. And the Holy Spirit overshadowed her, being God the
Father Himself, and created. The very One Who spoke the world
into existence, just spoke.

47 019 You know, Sunday, how we got into it. When God speaks, it
has to be so. There's no way at all to get away from it. God said,
"Let there be," and it has to be. Nothing... The very Word Itself...
And the Word was a thought. God, when He... Before... A word is
an expression of a thought. God thought it in His mind, spoke it
into existence.

48 020 And we have faith in our heart, the faith of God in our heart,
and can see it clear. It becomes a faith, and then we speak it, and
it comes into existence, the same thing, 'cause the mind of Christ
is in the man. That's what makes healings and so forth. When you
Germ of God 27

get that perfect revelation, just what you're doing, then you know
how to walk. That's it, 'cause that's the Christian walk. Now, but the
blood of animals didn't take away sin.

Then when Jesus came, being God Himself, manifested in flesh,

His Blood was not after any other man's blood. Every one of us,
every prophet, every great man was human blood. But this Man
had Divine Blood. God Himself created the Blood cell.

And the--the person, you, come from one blood cell, if you'd ever
look at it under a glass. I did a few weeks ago. And--and the
breeding of animals, so that you... or cattle, and tens of thousands
of germs in there. And those germs, little blood cells, strike. And in
this in the ordinary human...

But in the--this place, God Himself created this Blood cell, without
any act of man at all. And out of there come His Own Son, Christ
Jesus, Who God Himself dwelt in, making Him Emmanuel on
earth. That's the picture. That's what you have to believe to be
saved. And then Jesus, freely, didn't have to do it, but freely with
the love in His heart for His fellow man, died on Calvary and shed
that Blood, with the sins of the world upon Him, that He took our
sins to Calvary on Himself.

But see, what it is, it's something your body yonder is a-needing.
Come on. But God's got the vitamins right in Here for every bit of
that body. Jesus has gone to prepare the place in the bosom of
God. Yes, sir. A little germ, son of God, a little son or daughter of


E-13 013 Now, last night I was teaching on how that God was
made among us, flesh. Strange that the brother sang that song; I
never told him to. But it drops right in with the--with the thing--with
the service tonight. That Christ being God's manifestation to the
world, or showing to the world what His attitude towards the

He showed His attitude towards the sinner, when the woman who
was in adultery, He forgave her for it. And when the sick was laying
28 The Spoken Word
in need, He healed them: God expressing Himself towards the
people through Jesus Christ, His Son, in which He was

E-14 014 And how that we'd taken that God manifested Himself.
And how that Jesus was not neither Jew nor Gentile. The Blood
that was in the Lord Jesus Christ was deity's Blood itself, a
creative Blood. See, the blood cell... How that God... The life lays
in the blood.

The Bible said, "The flesh thereof, you may eat it. But the blood
thereof (which is the life) pour it upon the ground. Don't eat the
blood." 'Cause in the blood lays the life. And the life is wrapped up
in the blood cell. And the blood cell comes from the male sex, the
man. The...

And remember, that Levi paid tithes when he was in the loins of his
grandfather, which was Abraham. When he was in the loins, not of
Sarah, but of Abraham. The life begin in there, through his--it was
his grandfather.

E-15 015 Now, notice. Then that blood cell... How that God did to
protect or to bless His people or to get to His people... How He has
done it through the years. The first, He was great, holy and high.
No man could touch Him. He dwelt with the children of Israel in a
Pillar of Fire.

And when He settled on the mount that morning, even if a beast

touched the mountain, it must be thrust through with a dart. No
middle grounds, must be thrust through with a dart.

What a terrible thing it was. And when His voice spoke out and the
thunders roared and the lightnings flashed, the people said, "Let
Moses speak unto us and not God, lest we die." What a terrible
sight it was. That was God, holy. But watch. He loved the people.
He was trying to make His way.

E-16 016 Then the next time God was manifested, was in His Son,
Christ Jesus. Then He come through a virgin birth. Conceived by a
virgin, overshadowed by the Holy Spirit. God Himself came down
into a blood cell and wrapped the Blood around Him. The Blood
Germ of God 29

cell, the germ of Life of God Himself, wrapped in this Blood cell
that brought forth the Son, Christ Jesus.

Now, what He did--does by that, to make you perfect and to bring

you back into fellowship, He brings you through that Blood cell into
Himself. You get it? Through the Blood cell of the Lord Jesus that
in-veiled the Life of Jehovah, and we, coming through the Blood
cell, becomes a part of that Life.

So, Deity itself lays in the man that's received the Holy Spirit. You
are a son. I'm a Branham by birth. And a part of Mr. and Mrs.
Branham is in me. And if you become a son or a daughter of God,
part of Deity lays in you.

E-17 017 See how the devil robs you. Say, "Oh, you can't do this."
All things are possible to them that believe. No matter what it is.
You are a part of Deity, a son or dau... not a servant, a son and a

Why, brother, it surpasses all Angels, Archangels and everything

else. It comes right into the Presence of the Potter Himself. And
how are we brought? Through the Blood. Amen. Then you come
into Deity. You become a part. You're welded in.

Let's think of God folding around Him now. We're going to enlarge
it billions of times from this Blood cell. And there God, in this Blood
cell, folded Himself up, and wrapped Himself in this Blood cell, and
come to redeem man to Life. Hallelujah.

There, when that Blood cell spread out, spread out, and brought
the body Christ Jesus, Jehovah Himself was tabernacled in Him.
That through the bursting of that Blood cell at Calvary might bring
sons and daughters to Himself, in the Blood cell to the Blood of the
Lord Jesus Christ, into Himself. And we become a part of God.

That's what makes Satan mad. That's what shakes him. When the
Church of Jesus Christ only knew who they were, brother... Oh,
you say, "I know there is nothing impossible with God." He said
30 The Spoken Word
there is nothing impossible to you. Amen. That changes the
subject, doesn't it?

Oh, they says, "There's nothing impossible to God." He said there

is nothing impossible with you. "Whatsoever things you desire,
when you pray, believe you receive it, and you shall have it."


E-1 001 Good evening, friends. I'm happy to be back here in the
auditorium tonight in the service of the Lord Jesus. And now, I'm
just a little bit tired, preached twice today, hard, and I'm just a little
bit worn out. I was telling some of my brethren a few moments
ago, on preaching this afternoon, I--I'm not too much of a preacher,
but I hope you got what I meant, what that the... I'm a great
believer in the Blood.

E-2 002 I think without the shedding of Blood there's no remission

of sin. And I just can't stress that enough. And my--my motives this
afternoon in speaking of the Lamb, was the--the lamb under the
old sacrificial law, I thought I'd better kinda straighten it just a little
bit, or not straighten it, but just bring it down to where you'd see it,
that maybe it wouldn't be misunderstood. That under the old law,
when a lamb, a burnt offering was made, and the lamb died, the
innocent substitute for the guilty sinner, the life that went out of the
lamb's blood cell could not return back to the man, so he come out
of the--the church, the Holy place, with the same desire to sin that
he had when he went in. The only thing he had was an answering
of a good conscious that he knew a innocent victim had died for
his guilty sins. But the life of the lamb, out of the blood cell of the
lamb, could not return back into the human being. You understand

E-3 003 But when Christ died, the Life that was in Christ's Blood
cell returns back to the human being as the baptism of the Holy
Spirit, bringing the believer into relationship with God after he's
been cleansed through the offering of the Blood of Jesus Christ.
You see what I mean? Now watch, we're going to bring it down to
one little place so you can see it.
Germ of God 31

Every little cell in the human body, and any body, starts first from a
little germ. And the germ comes from the male sex, no matter if it's
a fly, the same thing; it comes from the male sex, the little germ of
life. And the little germ of life that was in the lamb, first it had to be
a spirit before it could be a germ. And that's what we're dealing
with, like sickness.

E-4 004 A cancer, what is it? A germ. What's a tumor? A germ.

What's tuberculosis? A germ. All those diseases are germs called
cancer, tumor, tuberculosis. That's medical terms. What they are is
demons, in the line of the Scripture. They are tormentors comes
into your body to shorten your days on the earth.

Now, God doesn't intend them to be there. He doesn't want them

there. But Satan, the arch enemy of God and man, is the one that
puts them there. They're his little dev--little imps, demons. Ask the
doctor what starts cancer. Ask him where tumor comes from.

E-5 005 When I was interviewed at Mayo Brothers, years ago, I

asked them. I said, "Isn't that beginning of a germ?"

I said, "Isn't a germ life?"
I said, "Doctor, where does that life come from?"
He said, "Nobody knows."

It's a devil. That's right. What it is, is a life. Now, remember, the
devil can't create. But the devil can take and perverts something
that God has created. You understand? Perverts. Now, that was a
life that's been perverted from a germ of life to a germ of death.
That's what the devil does to your very life, your life. He could
pervert it to unbelief, and you'll die in your sins and can't come to
Christ. If you'll let God, He will sanctify that spirit, or give you a
sanctified Spirit, the Holy Spirit, that'll pass you from death unto
Life. You see?

E-6 006 Now, that little germ that was in the animal, that started
off, one little germ... making it... 'Course there's billions of them,
little cells. But that one little cell being broke, let the life of the
32 The Spoken Word
animal out. But the life could not... Now, it answered of a good
conscious towards God, but could not come back to the believer.
His conscious was the same as he went in there, only he knew
he'd done what God said to do. But the life that was in the lamb,
the animal lamb, could not come back to the human being
because it was a life of an animal. But when the Blood cell of
Jesus Christ was broke, and in that Blood cell was the Spirit of
God. For the Holy Ghost overshadowed a virgin, not knowing any
male of the earth, the Holy Ghost overshadowed her, and created
around Himself. The Holy Spirit entered the womb of this virgin
and created a Blood cell around Himself. And then when that
Blood shell--cell was broke at Calvary, freeing the Spirit, through
the midst of the Blood cell offering of Himself, the believer comes
through the Blood of Jesus Christ back in. And the Lamb that died,
the Spirit that went from the Lamb, returns again on the believer,
and he becomes a son of God, through the offering of the Blood of
Jesus. Do you get it now? Amen. The Lord bless you.


E-28 028 The life germ lays in the male's blood. The male sex
produces the life. You realize that. The--the female has nothing to
do with it no more than a--the incubator. But it's the--it's the man,
the male, the sperm, the life is in the--the male.

And that's how God in His wisdom, how that He seen that... It isn't
virgin Mary that did it. It's not the virgin Mary; it's the virgin Christ.
See? Christ was born without a earthly father; the Holy Ghost
overshadowed Him, overshadowed Mary, and she produced this
Son, Christ Jesus. And His Blood actually wasn't neither Jew nor
Gentile. It was the creative Blood of Almighty God for all nations.

So no one can put their option, say, "He was this and He was that."
He was God.

HEAR YE HIM. 58-0209A

E-9 009 I'm a great lover of nature: hunt. How I love to hunt and I
watch God in the mountains. My first Bible was to watch and see a
little flower, how it's standing pretty. Sometimes it's young, and
sometimes it's middle-aged, and sometimes it's old. But when the
frost hits it... But it's death when the frost hits it. It bows its little
head and sheds off its petals. Out of there drops a little black seed.
Germ of God 33

And did you know they have a funeral procession for a flower? Did
you not know that? Sure. Well, as October winds come by and the
fall rains just cry tears down out of the sky, and they bury that little
seed down under the ground. Then along comes the bad
wintertime, like it is now, and freezes up; the little petals gone off
the flower. The--the little bulb has dried up and froze. The stalk's
gone; the leaf's gone; the petal's gone; the flower's gone. The seed
swells up and burst open; the pulp runs out. There's just nothing
left of that little flower. You can't find it.

You might take up the dirt and take it over to the laboratory and
examine it; there's not a thing in there you can find. But just let that
warm spring sun begin to shine on that dirt just a little bit, it'll bring
forth another flower, because there's a germ of life in there that no
science can find. And if God made a way for a flower to live again,
how much more has He made a way for a man who's in His own
image. When the Son of righteousness rises, those who sleep in
the dust of the earth shall rise again. God's everywhere. I love to
look at Him. Watch Him in the sunset, watch Him in nature.

E-38 038 God's back like He was in the garden of Eden,
communing with our souls, speaking to us. No wonder people,
standing on the outside with an intellectual education, trying to find
out what these people are doing on the inside there... You'll never
be able to do it by the waters of separation alone. You've got to
recognize that that animal or that thing that died for you, did have a
body that it give, it had a blood that it shed, and has the life that
comes back to you. Jesus is that water of separation. "In the
beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the
Word was God." This is God, God's message to you that Jesus
died for you--waters of separation.

Sanctification is what cleanses us up. And the Holy Spirit that

come out of Him... The reason the animal life couldn't give them
the Holy Ghost, is because the animal, the life that was in the
animal, when that life was taken, it was the animal's life. It would
not coincide to the human life, because the animal has not a soul.
But when Jesus died, then He was not only man, but He was God
34 The Spoken Word
and man, God in-veiled in man. And when that Cell was broke,
God was turned loose again to come back through the shed Blood
to sanctify and to live in every vessel, that would dare to receive
the baptism of the Holy Ghost. There's why we have that
fellowship. That's what makes the real thing. It's something like

E-39 039 God has a preparation. That's the reason these people
are happy. That's what makes the people the way they are,
because they've into this holiest of holies. Their under the power of
God. They're--they're walking in the--in the beauty of His
resurrection. Why certainly, that God that resurrected, living in this
holiest of holies... I tell you what taken place. You watch them
straighten up. Old dead lives that we couldn't do nothing, watch
what happens to them.

Well, one day they left Aaron's rod in there. My, my. When they
come back the next year to pick it up, it had blossoms on it, and
already got life in it, and had leaves on it, and blossoms on it.

And you take any old dead life and lay it in that holiest of holies for
awhile, and let it come through that process of Blood, water, and
sanctification, and then go into the holiest of holies, it'll blossom
out, if she's the orneriest woman there is in this city or the worst
gambler there is. You'll hear him stand up on a breakfast some
morning and give a testimony that'll shake the shingles of the top
of the house here. Why? Is because that he's come into a
fellowship; that dead life has been renewed again.

E-40 040 Now, you can take Aaron's rod and lay it on the--the
waters of separation, it wouldn't do that. Lay it upon the--on the
Blood, it wouldn't do that. But after it gets through the Blood into
the holiest of holies, there is where fellowship comes, there's
where life comes. Life comes by the Spirit. Amen.

Then God made a remedy for that. In closing I might say this: In
the garden of Eden, when God saw that His children had sinned
and had gone from Him, God Himself, Who is the supreme Judge,
made a reconciliation so He could restore that fellowship to His
creatures by the shed blood of an animal. And that shed blood
lasted for a many years under--speaking of the coming of Christ.
Germ of God 35

But one day, nineteen hundred years ago, God made a complete
fellowship to restore, not into a tabernacle as he said, made with
hands (where the priest went every year with the blood for the
people and for himself), but on this day, Jesus, once for all,
purchased an eternal fellowship for us. Not every year to make a
commemoration to go back and say, "Well, I've sinned. I done this,
and I went and done this," and offer another lamb and--and
another thing... He...

Jesus, once for all, one time He has perfected forever those that
have come into that fellowship, with an eternal blessing, eternal
fellowship, with a eternal Presence of God, with the--with the
power of the Holy Ghost, not in a symbol out yonder, or in some
word, or in some theology, but the Holy Ghost in you! The power of
God that raised Christ from the grave is made alive in you, and you
are a new creature. Then you are a son and daughter of God. Oh,
brother, that's it. Oh, it takes the--the Blood Jesus Christ to serve.
It takes the power to--the Life that was in that Blood...

E-41 041 See, there's a element of life in the blood. Life is in the
blood cell. Life comes from the male sex, not from the woman. The
woman can't produce life, 'cause she's the egg. But she produces
the egg, but the male produces the germ. The germ of life comes
from the male, because it's in the blood cell. And in that blood cell
lays life. And in the blood cell, in the state--in the place of Jesus--
was not the sexual affair of a man, but the creative power of God.
It created a Blood cell in the womb of Mary with that egg that
brought forth the Son of God, which was the tabernacle that God
lived in Himself.

Oh, brother... One of these days I want to preach on the super sign
for you. Everybody's wanting a sign, and God gave him a super
sign. And the super sign was, "Unto us a Child is born, unto us a
Son is given," the super sign, one that was to be forever a
commemoration that God Himself, made Himself a body and came
down. He crossed Himself from God to become our stock.
Hallelujah. God became man, stretched His tabernacle to live with
36 The Spoken Word
E-54 054 God is in His Word, and the Word is a Seed. No matter
what happens it's going to grow anyhow. God said it would be
there without spot or wrinkle. You believe God's in His Word? God
takes His Word; God keeps His Word; God keeps His promise of
His Word. What He does, He does it. God's in His universe.
Amen? God's in His Word. Believe that?

Now, God in His Son, I got wrote down here. God in His Son. All
right. Is God in His Son? The Bible said He was. God was in
Christ, reconciling the world to Himself.

E-55 055 Now, if you oneness, twoness, threeness, fourness, and

whatever you are, will just get this in your mind right now, you--
you'd shake hands and say we're brothers. Look, God was in
Christ reconciling the world to Himself. Jesus was the Son of God
that God overshadowed Mary, created in the womb a Blood cell.

Now, you've heard people say, "We were saved by Jewish blood."
We could not be saved by Jewish blood. It's just as sinful as any
other blood.

"We were saved by the blood of Gentile?" No, sir. We wasn't even
saved by human blood. We were saved by the Blood of God,
God's Blood. The--the germ of life comes from the blood cell, and
the Blood Cell here came from God the Creator, Who created a
Blood Cell that brought forth the Son of God.

E-56 056 When the old worshiper took a lamb, went to the altar to
worship, he laid it on there, put his hands on it, and confessed his
sins. They cut its throat, broke the blood cell; the lamb died. Now,
he went right away with the same condition he did when he come
in. His sins were forgiven, but what he went with the same desire:
If he'd stole, shot, committed adultery, whatever it was, he went
back with the same desire. But if a man ever puts his hands upon
the head of the Son of God... Why didn't he go--did he go away
like he would if he put his hands on the Son of God? The blood cell
from that lamb had animal life in it. And that animal life will not
coincide with human life; therefore, when the life comes back, it
was animal life to the human life, and it couldn't do nothing for him.
But when God's Blood Cell was broke, the Spirit of God living in
Germ of God 37

that cell, returns back in the form of the Holy Ghost; that man is
free from sin. The very conscious of sin has been condemned.
Amen. I believe that with all my heart.

"The worshiper once purged has no more desire of sin." The Bible
says, "Conscious," which really means "desire." A worshiper once
put his hands upon the head of Jesus Christ by faith, and feel that
quivering flesh like the man did on the lamb, dying, crying, an
innocent one, and with all your heart, believing that Son of God
died in your place, and when you make that confession the Holy
Spirit, from that Blood cell that sanctified you, comes into your life,
and you are a new creation in Christ Jesus. The Life of God is in
you, and He's adopted you, and you are a Son of God. Amen.
Don't get scared. "Amen" means "so be it." That won't hurt you.

E-57 057 Notice. The Son of God, the Spirit of God, is in the man.
So God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself. God is a
Spirit. He had no hands till He become Jesus. He had no feet,
arms, legs, and so forth, till He become Jesus. He manifested... No
man has seen the Father at any time, but the only Begotten has
declared Him. He, God, dwelt in the body of Christ. It ought to be
striking. It ought to make men wonder. He could've come down
from heaven, right down the corridors of heaven, with a full Angel
salute, if He wanted to. He could've been born a full matured man.
He could come down with all the pomp and glory of heaven, but
He didn't choose that. He come to a stable, born over a--a manure
pile. And little Jehovah crying in a manger, little Jehovah playing as
a boy, little Jehovah toiling as a man, He--He crossed His cast with
us. God become human.

When Jesus Christ was born, God was human in--on earth,
manifesting God, what He was. He toiled and labored, and felt for
the teen-ager. He--He went through every temptation that we go
through. God did it, that He might do His own judgment justice.
He--His judgment is got to be justice. If there's no justice, what
good does it do to have judgment? And if there's no judgment
without penalty, then it's not judgment yet. So he took the penalty
of His own judgment, and died as a sinner, to condemn the sin of
the world, that we, through His justice, might have reconciliation
back to the throne of God in fellowship, like we did in the garden of
38 The Spoken Word
Eden. If that's not the Gospel, I don't know it. That's exactly right.
The precious Son of God. Sure God was in His Son.

WHY. 61-0128
E-40 040 Now we find out [Brother Branham clears his throat--Ed.]
(pardon me)... That's right. But God's toxin, there's one time that
God's toxin didn't work too good, because it was on lambs. You'd
go to... A sinner went to the altar, and went up to the priest, and he
took this little lamb. And he confessed his sins, and the lamb was
killed; and the blood bathed his hands, and he offered up his
prayers for forgiveness.

But while he was holding on to that lamb, and his hands being
bathed with his blood and its little wool, and it kicking, dying; the
worshiper realized that that lamb was taking his place--that he
should've died that death, but the lamb took his place.

E-41 041 But what did he do? When that blood cell was broke, the
spirit that was in that blood cell, which is the life, it could not come
back to the believer, the worshiper. Why? Because it was the life of
an animal. So the life of an animal would not coincide with the life
of a human. So therefore, if he'd committed adultery, he went out
with the same desire he had when he come in. If he went out and
stole, he went out with the same desire, because that... He had
only his conscience that he had done what was right, but the same
desire was there.

But it isn't so with this toxin we have today. When a man by faith
lays his hands on Jesus Christ [Brother Branham clears his
throat--Ed.] (pardon me), when a man by faith places his hands
upon Jesus Christ, and feels the pains of Calvary, and sees what
He did to save your soul, brother, "the worshiper once purged has
no more conscience of sin." It's taken away from him. He's a new

E-42 042 What happens to the believer? God Almighty come down
from heaven, the greatest thing that there is, that covered all space
and time. He never had a beginning, and He never did begin, and
He never will end. But when He come down from the largest thing
there was, and become the smallest thing that there is--a little
Germ of God 39

germ of Life that was conceived in the womb of a woman called


And because sin broke that blood cell and let out that Spirit of God
that fell on the Day of Pentecost, now the worshiper, when he puts
his hand upon this Lamb and receives forgiveness of his sins, the
Life that was in that Lamb (which is God's own Life), comes back
to the believer, and he becomes a son of God--sons and daughters
of God. Then he's in the family of God. He's a believer. Goes out
with no more conscience or desire to sin. Hebrews tells us that he
doesn't desire any more sin because he's become a son of God.


24-6 075 Now, Jesus is the Word made manifest. He and the Word
is One and the same, and that's why it was so made manifest in
Him so perfectly. That's the reason that God manifested Himself so
perfectly in Jesus: because He was the Seed Word, the germ
Word Itself (the germ that's inside the seed, that's the life in the
seed). You get it? See, it was the... He was the germ Word of God.
The germ is the Spirit; the germ is the Water. And Jesus had to be
broken open there in order for that Seed to let forth It's Life to
water other seed that was coming. Do you see? Even He said,
"Other sheep I have that's not of even of this fold, I have. They're
going to see that; they're going to get that Word and stay right with
It. And I'm sending forth the Spirit to water it, and it'll produce just

It'll produce miracles; it will produce the power of God; it'll

produce... And it will not deny anything, because it is a kindred
seed with the Seed. It can't say, "Mr. Cocklebur, you come live with
me." No, no, sir; no, no. It won't do it. No indeedy. It just won't mix.
Can't mix death and life. You can't be dead and alive at the same
time. Uh-hum, uh-hum.

25-1 076 So you see what I mean? It is the Germ that come from
the Seed: He is. He's the Word of God made perfectly manifest.
That's the reason that in Him was what? That was the thing that
He is correctly, the Son from the first Adam was the Son that was
promised through Adam continue on the human race, and Eve
hybrid it to the serpent and brought forth a generation of bastard
40 The Spoken Word
children born to death without Life, and Jesus come and was that
Seed. He proved it. Everything that Adam lost, Jesus was. See it?
He is the correct... Eve would have finally brought that child forth,
but she hybrid it, brought the serpent in, listening for wisdom,
understanding, knowledge.


31-2 094 God's Word's just the same as It was when He spoke
It back yonder thousands of years ago. The only thing it needs is
water. Why don't we get a crop? Because we got the wrong kind of
seed in.

"How many you all would like to change your letter?" Twofold child
more of hell than you was when you started. "How many of you
Methodists would like to become Baptists? You Baptists like to
come Pentecostals? Just bring your membership over here." Oh,
for goodness sake. Tommyrot, trash, trash of the Devil, there's no
Life in it at all. It's hybrid, hypocritical, dead, twice dead, plucked
up by the roots.

Didn't Jesus say, "Every plant that My heavenly Father hasn't

planted will be rooted up?" Denomination or whatever it is, it'll be
rooted up. God's Word alone will stand. Right. That's what He said.
"Every man's word is a lie, but Mine's the Truth."

31-4 095 Then where are we going to go? You better come back to
the--your senses. But you can't hear it unless you're predestinated
to hear it. We're getting into that. No wonder it falls like water on a
duck's back. He's made to shed the water, not absorb it.

The ark was made out of gopher wood and shittim wood. It's the
most--it's nothing but just hollow; nothing in it but hollow.
Everything's taken out of it. It's grew that way, the lightest wood
there is, lighter than balsam. Why did they do it? So he could soak
it with pitch. If it been oak... You say, "Wouldn't oak do just as
good?" No, sir, it won't soak up nothing; it turns it away. It's
repellent, and this is an absorbent. And a real Seed of God is an
absorbent for the Spirit. All denominationalism's took out; all
unbelief is out. And when the Holy Spirit comes into that germ of
Life that's laying there, It produces another Seed, just exactly.
Germ of God 41

Another son of God is born (Amen.), another amateur god, son of


32-1 096 I'm a Branham because I was born of Charlie and Ella
Branham. That makes me a Branham because I'm their seed.
Their two agreements with their sperm together made a seed, and
that made me.

When God and His Word becomes one (Hallelujah.) that's when
God's Spirit waters the Seed of God, the Word of God, It produces
God; and it's not the individual; it's God. For what? you are dead;
you're not yourself no more. You reckon yourself dead, hollowed
out, waiting for the Seed germ. Then what is it? It isn't you no
more; isn't the man; it's God in the man. It's a Seed germ like the
beginning spoken Word. God's Word made manifest in the man;
then it isn't the man; it's the man that's died. He can't be a hybrid
and a son at the same time. He's either a son of death or a son of
Life. So if he's a son of death, give it over to the devil and let him
kill it. Give over to God a minute and let Him kill the devil that's in
you--run him out: hollows you out. Then let God plant His Own Life
in you, then it's not you no more; it's God's Life, because it's God's
Word, watered by the Holy Spirit will produce the same thing. You
see it? I'd just love to preach on that a few minutes, but with thirty
or forty pages of Scripture here... And I've only got three so far.

32-3 097 All right. Manifested, the works manifested the same by--
same by us, for It is the same Word. Now, if you want to do the
works of Christ, do the same thing He done. "He that believeth on
Me shall have My works." What is that? Believeth what? That He is
the Original Seed germ that come. Where is the seed? Here, let
me take these handkerchiefs. Here is the man that was supposed
to be, right here. This is the man that was supposed to be. What
happened? Eve hybrided it--breed it. What it did... Then what did it
do? Turned to death, keep dying, dying.

Now, this one come that out... Now, here stays the Word just the
same. Here's the Word laying here just the same. Now, what
happened? Here's the Word. Now, the Word that God spoke to
multiply and replenish the earth, It couldn't find a place to land.
Finally this Word caught into the womb of a virgin. (We'll speak of
42 The Spoken Word
the two wombs this afternoon more...?...) And what happened?
From Him came forth the germ Life, the thing that gives, the Water
that gives the--the--the kernel its chance to reproduce itself. The
Spirit came out of Him and went up.

31-2 094 God's Word's just the same as It was when He spoke It
back yonder thousands of years ago. The only thing it needs is
water. Why don't we get a crop? Because we got the wrong kind of
seed in.

"How many you all would like to change your letter?" Twofold child
more of hell than you was when you started. "How many of you
Methodists would like to become Baptists? You Baptists like to
come Pentecostals? Just bring your membership over here." Oh,
for goodness sake. Tommyrot, trash, trash of the Devil, there's no
Life in it at all. It's hybrid, hypocritical, dead, twice dead, plucked
up by the roots.

Didn't Jesus say, "Every plant that My heavenly Father hasn't

planted will be rooted up?" Denomination or whatever it is, it'll be
rooted up. God's Word alone will stand. Right. That's what He said.
"Every man's word is a lie, but Mine's the Truth."

33-3 100 "Christ" means "the anointed One," a Man that was
anointed. And God dwelling in Him, what was it? The germ with the
flesh, the anointed One, flesh being anointed with the Spirit of God
produced the Word of God made manifest. "And we beheld Him,
the only begotten of the Father, full of grace..." See? There He
was. See? He was God's Word made manifest. And now He died
in order to pay the debt of your hybreeding (my, my, there it is,
what is it?), that you could die to yourself until you're no more
yourself and be filled with His Word, believing His Word, and then
the Holy Spirit that was in Him comes down to water that Word to
make It grow. See?

And then what is it? God manifesting, continuing the work of His
first Son, His Only Begotten (See?), that died for our hybreeding
life, that He might reconcile us back to be sons and daughters of
God, that through the church, might flow the same Life by the
Word, continuing the Word being manifested as It was in Christ.
Christ was God's Word made manifest. And He died, gave His Life,
Germ of God 43

that He might send the Spirit: take His body up and send the Spirit
back to water, pay the redeeming price, if we'll believe it. That's it
right there--if you believe it. "He that believeth on Me, the works
that I do..." Then come the Holy Spirit upon the same Word of


117-5 166 Notice, the eunuch... Oh here, we're going to get in
something deep now. Now, watch, this Seed-church, this real
church with the real true sperm. Notice, the eunuch had been with
all the D.D.'s. Now, remember, God never committed--God never
committed His--His preaching and His Gospel to an Angel. How
many knows that? How many knows that Galatians 1:8 said if an
Angel come from heaven and preach something else besides they
had preached, let it be accursed? So the Angel's wrong if he's
different from the Word. God came on down below Angels and
committed it to men, which were sons. You believe that? Now,
watch. Now, He never committed it to Angels. Notice, He did not
do it.

117-6 167 Now, Philip had been up to Pentecost, Jerusalem, to

worship. How many says, "Amen," to that? The eunuch, he had
been with all the D.D.'s and L.D.'s and everything. But why didn't
he get something? He come back down studying the prophecy of

Although an Angel directed Philip to him, but the germ of Life had
to come through the body: Philip. Oh, brother, now we're on the
line. Where did the germ come from? Through the Angel? The
Angel showed him where to go. A Angel is a messenger; here's a
son. Philip had the Germ, the Message, the Word. That's how a
child can be born. Philip laid his hands upon him. Philip baptized
him in the Name of Jesus Christ. There come forth the Spirit of
God. Sure.

Now, the germ had to come from the body. What body? Christ's
body. Correct. And Philip was a member of the Body.
44 The Spoken Word
LOOK. 63-0428
…Now, the thing of it is, it's come to a place where that all the stain
of sin is washed away. Then you stand redeemed by the Blood of
the Lamb. You are a Adam, like he was before he fell. You are a
son of God, washed in the Blood of God's own Blood.

E-53 053 It was blood that brings forth a child. It was only blood
alone. The blood comes from the male sex. The male--blood
comes from the man. The woman, she produces the egg, the filler,
but the man is the hemoglobin. It's there comes the germ. And in
the germ is where--is where the life lays. And the life comes not by
confession in--of some church, or some creed, or some document,
but the life comes when you're, been born again by the Blood of
Jesus Christ. The germ, the... "The works that I do shall you do
also. He that believeth on Me, though he were dead, yet shall he
live: whosoever liveth and believeth in Me shall never die."

There's that life of God. As a son of God, born by the Blood of

God, and you're... The same Holy Spirit that wrote this Bible will
focus It right back into you again. There's not a denomination or a
creed that can do that. Only God Himself can take ahold of the
camera of your eyes and let you see what God is, and what His
purpose is. Yes, sir, certainly.


80 059 A certain denominational minister the other night said to
me; he said, "Mr. Branham, looky here, Jesus said, 'Whosoever
believeth...' The Bible said, 'Whosoever believeth that Jesus Christ
is the Son of God is born of the Spirit of God.'"

I said, "Don't the Bible also say that no man can call Jesus the
Christ only by the Holy Ghost?" See? You can't make the Bible lie.
It's got to hook right in, so you have to become absolutely born
again of the Holy Spirit in you that witness out, yourself, you know
that He is the Son of God. And then if you are in a part...

If you are a child of God in the Word of God, how can you deny the
Word? How can the Holy Spirit make you believe a creed that you
have to do something like this when the Bible said something else:
"We have to join a church, and do this, or do that," when the Bible
plainly tells you what to do. See? And then when you see that,
Germ of God 45

then you jump right into it and you're right with it then. Just keep
moving right on up, and it grows like a germ coming into the womb
of a woman with the egg. And then when that little egg begins to
develop and begins to spread forth germs, it don't put one human
germ, and a dog germ, and a cow germ; it puts all human germs.

81 060 And when a child of God, when that predestinated... That's

a bad word to use, but it's God; I use God's Bible. The
foreknowledge of God could predestinate, make everything work to
His honor. When that predestinated seed that you were to be, and
God called you, and that little eagle of a seed in there heard the
Word of God, it will build on top, one word on top the other one, on
top the other one, on top the other one; it'll not mix with any

Notice, in these gates every day they should eat new kosher, and
there would be no leaven found among them through the seven
days. Is that right? The seven church ages then, no unleavened,
no creed, no nothing added, it has to be absolutely unleavened
bread. No leaven shall be found among you at all, just the leaven,
the Word Itself. That's the only... And that Word is God, and God
was made flesh in the Person of Jesus Christ, which that is the
Gate. "There's the Gate I meet you in to worship when you follow
the commandments of God."

83 061 Therefore, if you've tonight, just come and said, "I offer
Jesus Christ my life," and you're never received the Holy Ghost,
come into It. You must do it. You must grow into It. Ask God to pile
Word on top of Word like that until you become the full statue of a
son of God or a daughter of God. Taking the things of the world... I
John says, "If you love the world or the things of the world, it's
because the love of God's not even in you." You've been deceived.
You got the love of the world there, and it's deceived you, the devil
has, by piling things onto there and showing...

See, you can't... When the... You cannot take one word of God out
of the Bible. What caused the first sin? Not by just a big point blank
lie, but because Eve misconstrued (the devil did to her) one word.
One word broke the chain, and Eve refused to take one word. That
was the beginning of the Bible. Jesus came in the center of the
46 The Spoken Word
Bible; He said, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every
Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God." That's the entire
Word of God. You believe that's the revelation of Him? The entire
Word of God...

Then in Revelations 22, Jesus came to John on the Isle of Patmos.

And Jesus: "I Jesus have sent My angel to testify of these things.
(See?) Whosoever shall take one word out of It or add one word to
It, I'll take his part from the Book of Life."

A lot of them say, "Well, I--I, believe Jesus Christ is the Son of
God." That's all right. Then add the rest of it to it.

84 062 You say, "I been justified. I give my hand to the minister. I
believe in Jesus Christ." Then you've got to be born again. You
must be filled with the Holy Ghost. See? Just keep adding on as
you keep on going. You're growing into the statue of a son and
daughter of God. My. God able to prepare us and to give the--to us
the--that crave in our life that we want to see something. How
many in here wants more of God? Why, it goes to show there's
more for you. See? You're craving it. Your little birth pains are
coming on. See? You need more, so that we can be happy, and
free, and perfect. We got to be. Like the--the little--the little germ of
life being the--in the bosom of God, just like to the germ of life is in
the--in the bosom of the mother...

85 063 God's growing and going, gone on to prepare the place for
us, the eternal place with Himself, not a place where you're in a
pesthouse a-dying, sin, adultery, and filth of the world here. If your
mind's on that, it shows it never has come in contact with God.
See? You're worked up. You got a mental illusion. You're just join a
church and say, "Well, I belong to this. My mother belonged to
that." That might've been all right in you mother's day, but we're
living in another day.

Wesley's message would've never... He just couldn't take Luther.

Luther believed in justification, but Wesley had sanctification. The
Pentecostals come along; they couldn't take just justification and
sanctification; they--it was time for the restoration of the gifts. Now
we're going from that. See? The three stages of the--the vine
coming up. The first, it's a little blade, Luther come up from the
Germ of God 47

reformation. All right, that was the stalk. Watch nature; God and
nature works in continuity, because God is in nature. Then next
come the tassel, the pollen, the Methodist age. Then come the
Pentecostals. Oh, my, just so perfect. See? Just like that grain of
wheat look like it's a perfect wheat--grain of wheat; open it up;
there's no wheat there at all. It's a shuck, a carrier of it, but that
Life is working on through. See?

87 064 Them back there in the Luther age accept Luther, that Life
come through, but it went and denominated out; the first thing you
know it just become a denominational whose end is to be burned.
See? The stalk dries up; it was just a carrier. Some of them still try
to stay in that old carrier stalk, knowing nothing about God, dead.
They say, "Look we're a leaf. We was a Lutheran." That's right, but
look where it's at now. See? "We were Methodists," and even, "We
were a Pentecostal." But look at Pentecost, how cold and formal
it's getting, how that everybody walking away. See? What is it? It
was a carrier of the real seed. See? All these others are carriers,
but went denomination.

If you say, "I'm Pentecost." That don't mean no more to God than if
you'd said you was a Roman Catholic, or a Jew, or whatever you
might be. You've got to be born. That Life that come through that
carrier there... Don't stay in the stalk; don't stay in the seed; go
right on out to the perfect part.

89 065 Now, remember, in every reformation we've had on all

those Lutherans and so forth, in three years they organized. That's
right. Every revival brought a organization in three years. Think
how long this has been going on: twenty something years and no
organizations. Why? It's the seed coming, forming under the husk
like this. Laying out now, it's got to lay in the presence of the sun to
ripen into the glorious grain like the One that went into the first.
The real church that went down first, It's coming right back up
through the stalk to come out another church. When the combine
comes to pick it up, the Life that went down in Luther, the Life that
went down in the Methodist, the Life that went down in the
Pentecostal will come into the grain; it'll all go right into the grain
and go out, forming the perfect Body of Jesus Christ.
48 The Spoken Word
90 066 Just like the sun comes up of morning. You can't look at no
nature 'less it testifies of God. You don't need even the Bible to
know there's a God. The little sun born a little weak baby. About 7
o'clock, goes, starts off to school; 10 or 11 o'clock it's out. Twelve
o'clock it's in its strength; three o'clock in the afternoon it's getting
old. Seven or eight--six--five or six o'clock in the afternoon she's
getting stoop-shouldered; it dies. Is that the end of it? No. It
resurrects again the next morning: a life, death, burial,

91 067 Look at the leaves come on the tree. It comes up a good,

fine leaf, brings out shade, puts out its fruit. The next... First thing
you know autumn comes, strikes with death, runs right down
through the root into the ground again. Is that the end of it? Next
spring she comes right back again to testify. Oh, that's perpetual
life, but, brother, sister, we got Eternal Life. We've got Eternal Life
through this great One Who came, and is gone, is able to prepare
us a body. And these growing pains we feel, like you women feel
condemned of what you do, you men that hangs onto a seminary
doctrines and so forth, you all want to say, "I--I recite this creed; I
do this."... But there's something right down here when you see the
eyes of the blind opened, the deaf under--blind, all these things
that's promised; see the Word preached in Its power, see a
prostitute off the street made a lady, and see a--see a drunkard
come out of there and be a real saint of God. Oh, my. See, there's
something, life in there. And you begin to feel. "Well, maybe I
oughtn't to do that." But see, what it is, it's something your body
yonder is a-needing. Come on. But God's got the vitamins right in
Here for every bit of that body. Jesus has gone to prepare the
place in the bosom of God. Yes, sir. A little germ, son of God, a
little son or daughter of God...

92 068 Jesus only asked for one thing in His prayer to the Father.
You know what that was? One thing, after all of His sacrifice that
He did here on earth, the life that He lived, the path that He
walked, He asked for one thing: "That where I am they may be
also." He asked for our fellowship. That's the only thing He asked
the Father in the prayer: your companionship forever. If you want
to read this in St. John 17 and the 24th verse... Then how much
should we desire Him? If He...
Germ of God 49

Now, listen, if you really are born of the Spirit of God, that means
everything to you. See? It ain't some book of rules. You don't live
by any laws and so forth; you live by the grace of God, the Spirit of

Query: Germ, Sons


E-39 039 O God, oh, from the depths of my... [Blank spot on tape -
Ed.] O Lord, and from the depth of the souls of these hands that's
been raised, we love You, Jesus, because You first loved us when
we were unlovable. You came and redeemed us by Your Blood
and washed us from our sins and made us white in the Blood of
Thy own precious body, and has granted us the privilege by the
Holy Spirit to be sealed into the Kingdom of God and called sons
and daughters of God. It does not yet appear what we shall be at
the final end, but we know we'll have a body like His own glorious
body, for we shall see Him as He is.

O God, my heart jumps when I think of someday when You come,

and those who have Eternal Life awake from the dust of the
earth... Just can't hide life. O God, I'm thinking you can put a little
seed under a rock, put the rock on top of it. But just as sure as the
warm sun goes to bathing the earth, that little germ of life will work
its way around that rock and stick its head up. You can't hide life.
We may be buried under stones and in bogs and in the bottom of
the sea, wherever it may be, but when the Son of God comes, and
the warm breezes of eternity begins to bathe the earth, His Blood-
washed children will raise their head and give praise to God. We
thank Thee for this, for it lives within us now.


...You know Isaiah, in the temple after Uzziah's death, he was
down there, and he heard a noise, and the whole temple was
rocking. The posts was moved out of their places, and there was
Angels, Seraphims there (which are cherubims, burners of the
sacrifice) to give the repented the right of way to the altar, those
great beings beyond angels with their wings over their faces, and
wings over their feet, and flying with two wings, crying, "Holy, holy,
holy, is the Lord God Almighty."
50 The Spoken Word

E-53 053 If an Angel covers his holy face to meet God, how are we
going to take a creed and cover ours with it? It's going to take the
Blood of Jesus Christ to cover us. Then we're sons. Not a fashion
of this, or fashion of that, but the Blood. God's always... His only
place to meet man for fellowship is under the shed Blood, where
the Life germ... In the old sacrifice under the--the Mosaic law they
brought an animal. And when they broke the blood cell of this
animal, the lamb, the worshipper worshipped. But the life that was
in the animal could not come back upon the worshipper, because it
was an animal's life without a soul; and it could not come back
upon the worshipper. Therefore it only was a hide. It was just a
place to last till a certain time.

Query: Spiritual Germ


561-329 122 When a baby is being--a baby is being formed in a
womb of a mother, soon as it's put there... See, see? But first it's a
spirit. As that spirit begins to take on flesh, a little germ of life
begins to take on flesh, and as soon as it drops from its... Now, in
the womb, it's a little, quivering, jerking muscles. We know that.
That's cells. Just like you take a horse hair and put it in the water,
it'll cap over and it'll move, and you touch it and it'll jump. That's
the way a baby is.

But as soon as it's born in this world and breathes its first breath, it
becomes a living soul. See? Because as soon as the earthly body
is born into the world, there's a celestial body, or a spiritual body, to
take a hold of it. And as soon as this natural body is dropped, there
is a heavenly tabernacle waiting for it: "If this earthly tabernacle be
dissolved, there is a heavenly tabernacle waiting for it." Just as
soon as--as the baby's dropped into the earth in flesh, there's a
spiritual body waiting to receive it. And as soon as the spiritual
body--the natural body is dissolved, there's a spiritual body waiting
yonder (See?), a theophany we call it (See?), a theophany.


61 030 Did you ever notice a seed, as the Reverend Pitts was
speaking a few moments ago, that how a seed goes into the
ground? Many seeds are there in the ground. When God moved
Germ of God 51

upon the water with the Light, and Light brought forth. The first
Presence of God, spoken Light came by God's Word. And God's
Word is the only thing that still brings Light. And when the waters
went back, the seed was already in the earth, and the Light only
brought forth the seeds that remained with germ in them, come
forth, God making His creation.

And now, on Easter morning there was another Light struck the
earth when the Holy Spirit was given. And It's given to bring Light
to those Seeds that God by His foreknowledge knew that would be
here on the earth. As He knew the first natural seed, He knows
where the spiritual seed is. Your body was laying here right then on
the earth when God first brought the earth into existence. We are a
part of the earth. We were laying there. And by His foreknowledge
He knew exactly who would love Him and who would serve Him,
and who would not. His foreknowledge tells that. If it doesn't, then
He isn't God. He can't be God without being infinite. And if He's
infinite, He knows all things.


31-5 090 See, that's what Eve took. She was pregnated with that
kind of a pregnation. That's what the church is today by Bible
schools and intellectuals, and look, everyone disagreeing with the
other. A big mess of just exactly what the Bible said: Babylon.

The Bride knows where She stands. She's very few. There won't
be many saved. Just a very, very, very few. You say, "Well, they
said thousands." Yes, but they've come up through the two
thousand years too, on every age where it come out. Every...
Luther's age and that group, and then died off, and they went
denominated. And Wesley, then come Pentecostals, and so forth
and all the little out branches of Baptists, Presbyterians, Methodist,
Nazarenes, Pilgrim Holiness and so forth.

See, all those branched off from there like a leaf. But you
remember, when it went down, and the grain begin to ripen, they--
you find that before that grain can ripen, everything in that stalk
has to be dead. Hallelujah. Can't you see where we're standing?
Life is in the grain again. What is it? Just exactly like the same
52 The Spoken Word
Grain that went in the ground, the same Jesus in the Bride form:
same power, same church, same thing, same Word.

32-1 091 The same Word sucked up through these and come out
here and come to a head here. And all that Life that come through
there, picked up its people, and now it's forming up into a head for
the rapture. (Speaking on that tomorrow night or next night, one,
the Lord willing.)

When you're separated from your first union by spiritual death.

Now, you are born again or remarried again to the new spiritual
union of, not your natural life of the things of the world, but of
Eternal Life. That Germ that was in you at the beginning, found

32-2 092 Now, your old book is gone with your old union. Now,
your name in your old--in your--has been transferred. Now, you
say, "Do you mean to tell me, that my old book..." God put it in the
sea of His forgetfulness. You stand perfectly before God.

Now, your name is now in the new Book, not in the Book of Life,
but the Lamb's Book of Life. What the Lamb redeemed, not the old
book of your natural union, but you're new Bride. Hallelujah! Your
new Life is in the Lamb's Book of Life, your marriage certificate
(Hallelujah.) where your true eternal germ from the beginning
takes hold.


43-3 125 Just as I say this in closing, it's getting late. It's almost
9:30. And we're going to be out of here by 9:30, the Lord willing.
Just real reverent now. Listen. One time... Saying this now, this
goes across the nation. In New York now, it is twenty-five minutes
after eleven. Way up in Philadelphia and around through there,
those dear saints setting there listening right now in churches all
around. Way up--way down around Mexico, way up around in
Canada all around; across. Two hundred miles anywhere, within
the North American continent here almost peoples there, listening
right now, thousands times thousands listening. That's my
message to you, church. You that's a union, spiritual union by the
Word, that you're dead to these old husbands. You're born anew.
Don't try to dig him up. He's dead. If you're a born again Christian,
Germ of God 53

that little Germ that's predestinated in you, it's Word coming on

Word, on Word, on Word, on Word, till it comes into the full statue
of Christ. That's right. So He can come and get His Bride.

Query: Germ, soul


E-46 046 How many of you in here every dreamed a dream? Let's
see your hands? Dreamed a dream? Well, there's at least two-
thirds of you. Now, you say, "Well, they all..." No, sir, there's some
people that doesn't dream at all. Is that right? Some people never
dreams a dream.

Now, what is dreaming? Let's take it, in the scientific stand. We're
taught that a dream is your subconscious in action. Here's your
real conscious, your first conscious. And when you go to sleep
here, your subconscious comes on. Now, God can deal in dreams,
but it's not too accurate. He did with Joseph, and King
Nebuchadnezzar, and Joseph the foster father of Jesus, and so
forth. He did. And many times, if there's an interpreter of dreams,
dreams are all right, if they're of God, but they're not too accurate,
especially in this day.

E-47 047 Now, if we had an interpreter of dreams, it would be fine.

Just like speaking with tongues, if you got an interpreter, fine. If
you haven't keep still. See? Now, let everything be in order. Now,
here's the first conscious. When you go to sleep here, you dream
of something over here. You dream of something you done back
here. Then when you come back to this conscious, you remember
what you dreamed about. Is that right? Many of you in here has
dreamed dreams, twenty years ago, and still remember it. Is that

Well, then, you actually had some part of you, some makeup was
somewhere and seen something that bears yet on your mind. Is
that right. That's your subconscious. Now, look. Now, a normal
person dreams, because when you are here, you're subconscious,
they say, is set this far from you. Now, the man that doesn't dream,
say, his subconscious would be plumb back to that wall there. He
sleeps so sound that he never wakes up. A noise doesn't wake
54 The Spoken Word
him. But a person that dreams, is not altogether asleep. Did you
know that? A dream only lasts a second or two. But it's just
between waking up and--and asleep. You see? It's your
subconscious in there. Now, listen close so you won't miss this.

E-48 048 Now, that man can't help because he doesn't dream.
Neither can you help because you do dream. Now, look. God
made you that way. Is that right? Now, what if I told you, "Dream
me a dream." Could you do it? No, sir. Yet, you dream dreams. But
I say, "Dream me a dream." You can't do it. The one who puts a
dream upon you, has to do it. Is that right? How many understands
that far, what I'm talking about? Now, let... That's right.

Now, look. Now, you begin to be germitized, as your body, in your

great-grandfather, the germ begin to begin to become active. Did
you know that? Why here, Levi, paid tithes when he was in the
loins of Abraham, his grandfather. Is that right? See? Now, if you
germitized in your great-grandfather, come out through your
grandfather, down to your father, then in, and that's how you
become germitized for your body.

But your spirit, your soul was made up before the foundation of the
world, when God made man in His image. Now, a person that
cannot dream, his subconscious is there, that's God's way of doing
it. The man that does dream, his subconscious is here, he can't
help it. But a seer, that's born a seer, His subconscious is neither
back there, nor here. It's right here with him. You don't go asleep.
You're wide awake and see it. Now, who understands what I
mean? See? It's not laying on of hands. It's not in imparting
spiritual gift, as the error is going across the country today. That's
wrong. If you believe me to be a prophet sent from God, hear my
word: That's an error, no such a thing. Gifts and callings are
without repentance. God ordains them; God has set in the Church.
See? All right.


I was setting on a bench, or a little stool, eating some ice cream
with an old Methodist minister friend of mine. The Agriculture Hour
come on from Louisville, Kentucky. And the little 4-H club, they
said, had perfected a machine that would produce a grain of corn
that was so perfect that you couldn't tell it from the natural grain of
Germ of God 55

corn that was grew in the field. A sack-full of each, pick up one
handful out of one sack grew in the field, and the other handful that
they'd made, mix them together, they'd both make the same
amount of cornflakes. Open them up in the laboratory, they had the
same kind of skin, the same amount of moisture, calcium, and
what all goes in the grain of corn, every one just exactly alike. You
couldn't tell one from the other, no way to separate them no more,
which was grew in the field, and which one... they... was grew in
the field, or which one was made by the machine, mechanically.

E-57 057 But there's only one way he said you could tell them.
That's (listen) bury them. The one that man made just exactly like
the one that God made, every physical thing looked just exactly
alike, but it didn't have a germ of life in it. And the one that man
made would rot, and that was all of it, but the one that God made,
when it rotted, had a germ of life, and lived again.

You may go to church, act like a Christian, pertain to be a

Christian, but, brother, if that germ of immortal Life of the Holy
Ghost isn't resting in your soul, you'll never raise in the
resurrection, the first resurrection. Won't you think that over
seriously? As your brother, I speak to you and encourage you in
the Name of the Lord Jesus, to as much as raise your hand tonight
to Him, and say, "God, give me that germ of Life," while we pray.


E-28 028 He was God. God manifested in flesh. If He was just a
prophet we're all lost. He was neither Jew, nor Gentile. He was
God. His Blood came from God's own creative power, and the
created the Blood cells. Mary was just a incubator. That was all.
The woman produces the egg. The man produces the germ of life.
He had no man, male as sexual, but His heavenly Father created
the Blood cells, so the Blood was God's own Blood, not...?...

That's where our blessed hope rests tonight, right there. "My hope
is built on nothing less, but Jesus Blood and righteousness; when
all around my soul gives way, then He's all my hope and stay."
Eddie Perronett said, "On Christ, the solid rock, I stand; all other
grounds is sinking sand." What a beautiful thing.
56 The Spoken Word
"I am." Not, "I will be." "I am now, forevermore the Resurrection
and Life." I'm so glad to know Him as my Saviour.

23 017 Now, this morning we want to talk on faith. Now, my subject
this morning is: "Perseverance." "Perseverance" means "to--to be
persistent, to make a goal." Now, "Faith is the substance of things
hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."

We have our body, and our being here is like a seed. And a seed
on the outside has a shell; inside the shell has a crust, or a pulp,
pardon me; and inside the pulp has a germ. That's the way we are:
body, soul, spirit. Now, to the body there's five senses: see, taste,
feel, smell, and hear. To the soul there's conscience, and so forth:
five avenues to it.

The inside is one, one avenue. And that avenue is the same place
that God set every man from Adam and Eve: self-will. You will to
live or you will to die, either one you want to. It's, you're based on
free moral agency, and whatever spirit that you let dominate you
will bring forth the fruits, your life will be dominated by the inside.
And faith...

So many people rely upon these five senses on the outside.

They're fine, nothing against them, if they agree with this sixth
sense. This soul... This spirit only can be of two kinds, one of them
is the Spirit of God, the other is the spirit of the Devil. You can't
serve two masters at the same time. You're wholly given to one or
wholly given to the other. And if you got the Spirit of God in you,
you've got faith, and you'll believe every Word that God wrote. And
if you haven't, you might be...

26 018 Now, the Devil is not like some people think; he's mean
and everything, but he's deceitful. The Devil makes you think that
you're right. But when you disagree with the Word, that shows that
it isn't the Spirit of God, 'cause the Holy Spirit wrote the Bible. And
then it's got to be agreeable with the Word. And remember last
Sunday, just one little disbelief in God's Word... Eve, Satan told her
the truth, and he never denied the Word being true, but that one
little part of the Word caused all this trouble. The woman
disbelieved It because she was hunting for wisdom instead of
Germ of God 57

staying with the Word. When God says anything, heavens and
earth will pass, but His Word shall never pass away. God's Word
must be fulfilled to the dot. Just to the very tittle and jot, It must be


14-2 047 Decisions are made in the mind, the head. There's where
Satan meets you. And the decisions are, because that God made
a man that way. Now, I have... If you was looking on my note here,
a little map drew out. I had it here not long ago on--used on the

The human being is made up just like a grain of wheat. It's a seed,
and the human being is a seed. Physically you're the seed of your
father and mother, and the life come from the father, the pulp come
from the mother. So the two together, the egg and the--the blood
comes together, and in the blood cell is life, and in there it begins
to develop making the--the child.

14-4 048 Now, any seed has a shell on the outside; the inside is
pulp, and inside of the pulp is the germ of life. Well, that's the way
we're made. We are body, soul, and spirit. The outside, the body,
the shell, the inside of that (the conscience and so forth) is the
soul, and the inside the soul is the spirit. And the spirit governs all
the other.

14-5 049 Now, if you'll set down when you get home and draw
three little rings, you'll find out that the outside body has five
senses it's contacted by, and that is see, taste, feel, smell, hear;
that's the five senses that control the human body. Inside of the
body is a soul, and that soul is controlled by imaginations,
conscience, memory, reasons, and affections; that's the thing that
controls the soul. But the spirit, its only has one sense--the spirit.
Oh, let's get it! The spirit has one sense, and that sense is--either
dominates it, is faith or doubt. That's exactly. And there's only one
avenue to it, that's free moral agency. You can accept doubt or you
can accept faith, either one you want to work on.
Therefore, Satan begin at the principal part to cause the spirit of
man to doubt God's Word. God begin at the principal part to lay
His Word in that spirit. There you are, that's what does it.
58 The Spoken Word

15-2 050 If this church right now could be put together and knitted
together with such, that every person would be in one accord, with
not one shadow of doubt anywhere, there would not be a feeble
person in our midst in another five minutes; there would not be
nobody here desiring the Holy Ghost, but what would receive It. If
you could just get that certain thing fixed.

15-3 051 Now, there's where the battle begins--right in your mind,
whether you will... Now, you remember, it's not Christian Science
now, mind over matter; that hasn't... The mind accepts the Life
which is the Word of God, and there brings the Life. Just your
thought doesn't do it, but the Word of God brought in the channel
of your thought. See? It's not the thought, as Christian Science
make it, mind over matter. No. That isn't it. But your mind accepts
it and grasp it. What is your mind controlled by? Your spirit; and
your spirit catches the Word of God, and that's the thing that's got
Life in it. It brings Life into you.

Oh, brother, when that takes place, when Life comes down that
channel into you, the Word of God is manifested in you. "If ye
abide in Me and My words abide in you, then ask what you will and
it'll be done for you."

15-5 052 Then what does that do? From the middle of the heart,
which is the soul, from there goes forth, feeding every channel.
The trouble of it is we're standing in here with a lot of doubt trying
to accept what's out there. You've got to stop that and come down
that channel with the true Word of God, and then it goes out, itself,
automatically. It's what's on the inside. That's the thing that counts,
is the inside. Satan's approach is from the inside.

15-6 053 Now, you say, "I don't steal; I don't drink; I don't do these
things." That has nothing to do with it (See?); it's the inside. No
matter how good you are, how moral you are, how truthful you are,
those things are respected, but Jesus said, "Except a man be born
again..." See? There's got to be something happen inside. If you
don't, that's artificial put-on, for down in your heart you desire to do
it anyhow.
Germ of God 59

16-1 054 It can't be artificial; it's got to be real. And there's only--
only, one avenue that that can come down, and that's by the way
of free moral agency, come into the soul by your thoughts. "As a
man thinketh in his heart so is he. If you say to this mountain,
'Move' and don't doubt in your heart, but believe that what you
have said will come to pass; you can have what you said." You get
it? There you are. See? There's the battleground.


23 019 And last Sunday when we was going into those cycles
about how that the five senses on the outer realm... That's the
inlet, five senses to the body. There's only one way you can get
into the body, that's by those five senses: See, taste, feel, smell,
and hear; there's no other way to contact the--the body.

On the inside of that man is a man called spirit. And he has five
senses: Think--thought, and thought, and love, and conscience,
and so forth. All right.

Now, you can't think with your body; you think with your mind. And
in there is where too many of Christians only stop. And they can,
just like the corn in the field and the weed in the field, they can be
anointed with the same Holy Spirit that the real believer's anointed
with. But down on the inside of that next realm, the third realm, is
the soul; and that's predestinated by God. There's where the real
seed-germ lays, is in there.

And remember, if I'd take a cocklebur and cut it open, graft into it
the heart of a--of a wheat and put it there, bury it, it would bring
forth a wheat out of the cocklebur, no matter what the outside is,
what the emotions.


123 056 Notice. Is that God's filter? He said we was washed by the
water of the Word. And when God gave Adam and Eve a Filter in
the garden of Eden, He said, "Don't you draw none of this in
there." But Satan punched a hole in it, said, "Oh, it's... A little bit
won't hurt."
60 The Spoken Word
Just one drop too, it's all it took to set death into the human race.
That's all it takes, just one taste of nicotine, then they're gone.

There's nothing left but the Holy Ghost. And then, that shows that
in you was that predestinated seed down in you that makes you
hunger for God. "All the Father has given Me, has given Me to
redeem, they died with Me at Calvary; they raised with Me in the
resurrection; all that He has given Me, will come to Me. They'll be
placed in the body (whether foot, arm, nose, mouth, whatever it is).
They'll be placed in there, and they will come to Me in their

127 057 Oh, my. There is that real filtration. Of all the sin of the
world and the love of the world is dead and this soul is drawing
only one thing. Here it is, don't remember it--don't forget it. All you
out there on the telephones, set this down in your mind. When a
thinking man begins to think Who he's going to stand before and
what the Word of God is, when he begins to think, then when he
draws through that, there's nothing can get to it but the Holy
Ghost. What is it? It's the germ, seed Word from the beginning,
that you was in God at the beginning, standing here drawing the
seed Life. The seed is in your heart by foreordination. Hallelujah.
The seed is already in there by the foreknowledge of God,
predestinated. And when it draws, it can't draw through nothing
else but the Word. And then it's the taste of the thinking man, the
righteous man, the holy man who sees the Bible, that Jesus Christ
is the same yesterday, today, and forever. What comes into that
place down there? That Word that's in the heart "I've hid Thy Word
in my heart that I sin not against Thee." What is it when it's
drawing through the Word? There's only one thing will pass
through the Word; that's the Holy Ghost. That's the only thing that
can pass through the Word, is the Holy Ghost. And a thinking
man's Filter gives a holy man a taste.


112 082 "I got the baptism of the Holy Spirit." That still has nothing
to do with it. That's just only a temporal gift for you. The real gift is
your soul down in there (See?) that was born of God, and that
controls the whole thing to the Word of God and the will of God;
and there you grow up. See? Then you are a son and daughter of
God. You are a child of God. And these things that you come up...
Germ of God 61

Like the mother now, you're in the bowels of the earth trying to
come forth. You're a son of God coming forth and you see the
Word says, "I should do this; I should be born again." "Well, I
belong to a church." That don't mean one thing. See?

"I'm Methodist, my mother..." That's good for your mother.

"Well, my, I'm Pentecostal; I belong..." If you don't line with that
Word, there's something wrong. See? Then you see, your real
father ain't God (See?), because that real start in your soul, before
there even was a spirit, it was your soul. That soul didn't come
from God, then it wasn't a germ of God to begin. You're deceived.
You're in a patch of weeds and bearing the world's record of the
weeds, coming forth acting like the world, loving the world, is
because the love of God's not in you.

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