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The set of instruction, commands, statements which after execution gives

a desired result according to the given specification by using diff technical
DATA it is the conceptual part of the program.


It is the organization of the data through different methods like
mathematical or logical for the operation of the program.

It is a procedure oriented program because it is a sequential representation
of protocol to solve a particular program.
A program contain three parts
3.main func
It is the objective of the program ignored by the compiler
Compiler can ignore this part by two methods.
a. Single line documentation (// )
b. multilane documentation (/* */)

2.Preprocessor part
it is presented by using the symbol # or it is otherwise called as
preprocessing directive.
Ex-#define size 20
it is a preprocessor directive which includes header file into the
programming which introduces prototype of the function calls. which will
helpful for the users to perform a certain task.
Ex-#include<process.h> used for exit( )
#Include <stdlib.h> used for dynamic allocation and deal

When a func returns a value when inside the main program it returns to the
main func i.e. the controller of the called function. so when main func
returns value it goes to the _AS register of the operating system.

It is defined as collecting of data through different manner like
mathematical or logical manner to solve a particular program.
1.Mathematical collection
it is that collection where user can collect data individually unless and
until the requirement is completed.
Logical collection
It is that collection where user have to collect of the reqirement and the
rest data can be collected logically or by a relation like
These are the identifications or the specification or the characteristics or
the property of the particular element or variable.
Ex-int x, float y, char d, double r.

Data types has been classified into three types according to their function
as per the requirement.
i) User defined data type
ii) Derived data type
iii) Built in data type
Data type are divided in to two parts according to their manipulations
i) Primitive
ii) Non-primitive

i) Primitive data type

Those data types can be manipulated directly through built in
Operation are called as primitive data types.
Ex-int + int = int
2 + 2 =4
Float + float = float
2.3 + 2.3 = 4.6
ii) Non primitive data type
Those data types can’t be manipulated by the built in operations is called
non-primitive data types.
Ex- array + array != array
Structure + structure != structure
Union + union != union
User defined data types
It is defined as a collection of heterogeneous type to solve a particular
Users have to collect a type to solve his particular program, which can’t be
done through individual collection so it is called user defined data type.
There are 4 types of user defined data type
1. Structure
2. Union
3. Enum
4. Class
Derived data type
User has derive some data type from the built in data types to slve his
particular program.
Ex- int a [100];
Int is derived from the requirement of data and the property of int are
loaded to a.
This derived data type occupies 100 X 2 =200 bytes of memory space
This is four types i.e.
1. Array
2. Function
3. Pointer
4. Reference
built in data types
these are the data types that has been created by the compiler designer at
the time of compiler design.
Basically these are of three types i.e.
1. Integral type
2. Float type
3. Void type
Integral data types

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