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Those who do not regard the Prophet as their master will not taste the sweetness of


…For this reason Imam Ajal, ‘Arif Billah Sayyidi Sahl bin Abdullah Tastari RadiAllaho
Anhu, Imam Qadi ‘Iyad in his al-Shifa, Imam Ahmad Qastalani in Mawahib al-Laduniyya
quote and then Allama Shaahabuddeen Khafaji Misri in Naseemur Riyad and ‘Allama
Muhammad Abdul Baqi Zarqani in the Sharh Mawahib write;
“He who does not regard the Prophet as his guardian in all his affairs nor does he see
himself in the possessions of the Prophet will never able to taste the sweetness of Iman
(faith).”1 May Allah forbid!

After mentioning the verses from the Torat and Injeel, this humble servant has remembered
an additional two verses and several more Ahadith. But before I write them I would like to
tell you what their Imam had to say in his Taqwiyatul Iman: “Who ever posseses the key will
have the lock in his power, whenever he wishes he can open it”2. However…

Twelve ahadith to prove that the Prophet has been given the keys of control and

…what would this poor man know? Several pages later he then said; “He whose name is
Muhammad or Ali have no power/command of anything”3. Now InshaAllah it will be proven
that the Prophet has been given the keys of all the transactions of this world.
This poor man must have been thinking about those keys of Dehli, which are sold on the
steps of Jami’ Masjid! (Some people, together with other goods, sell keys on the steps of
Jami’ Masjid of Delhi…their Imam, Isma’il was also from Delhi). It is a pity that he did not
know what keys the Beloved Prophet of Allah was given… Yes if you want to know then
read on…

Verse 44: (Torat Sharif: Baihaqi and Abu Na’eem write in Dala’il al-Nubuwwah that Umm
al-Darda narrates that I asked Ka’ab Ahbar whether he read the description of Prophet
in the torah. Answering in affirmative he said that it was written in the Torah that);

“Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. His name is Mutawakki. Neither is he harsh nor is
he coarse. He never screams in the markets. He has been given the keys so that though him,
Allah can give sight to the blind, give hearing to the deaf and give the power of speech to
those who are dumb until the people will testify that, there is no deity except Allah, who has

Al-Shifa Bi Ta’reef Huqooq al-Mustafa, Chapter Two in the necessity of loving the Prophet Peace be upon
him, (Al-Matba’ al-Sharika al-Sahafiyya), vol. 2, p. 16.
Naseem al-Riyadh Fi Sharh Al-Qadi ‘Iyad, chapter in the necessity of loving the Prophet Peace be upon him,
(Markaz Ahlesunnat, Gujarat), vol. 3, pp. 346-347.
Al-Mawahib al-Ladunya, Chapter Seven, (Al-Maktab al-Islami, Beirut), vol. 3, pp. 299-300.
Sharh al-Zurqani ‘Ala al-Mawahib al-Ladunya, Chapter One, (Dar al-Marifa, Beirut), vol. 6, p. 313.
Taqwiyat al-Iman, Chapter two, (Matba’ ‘alimi, Andrun Lohari Darwaza, Lahore), p. 14.
Ibid. p. 28.
no partner. That Prophet will protect the oppressed and the weak and save them from
being deemed weak.”4

Verse 45: (Hakim, Ibn Sa’ad, Baihaqi and Abu Na’eem narrate from Ummul Mu’mineen
Aisha Siddiqah, the beloved of the beloved of Allah, that the description of the Prophet in
Injeel was as follows):
“Neither is he harsh nor is he coarse. He never screams in the markets. He has been given the
keys.”5 (The rest of the text is like the previous verse of Torat Sharif).

Hadith 61: (Bukhari and Muslim narrate from Abu Hurairah). The Messenger of Allah
has said: “I was asleep when the keys of the treasures of this world were brought to me and
were placed in my hands.”6

Hadith 62: (Imam Ahmad and Abu Bakr bin Abi Shayba narrate from Sayyiduna Ali
KarramAllaho Wajhahul Kareem). The Messenger of Allah has said: “I have been given
that which other Prophets before me were not given. I has been assisted by awe (the enemies
shudder for months by merely hearing my name) and I have been given keys of the earth”7.
Imam Jalaluddeen has declared this Hadith as Sahih.

Hadith 63: [Imam Ahmad in his Masnad, Ibn Habban in his Sahih and Abu Na’eem in
Dala’ilun Nubuwwa narrates through an authentic (Sahih) chain from Jabir Bin Abdillah
RadiAllaho Anhuma]. The Prophet has said: “The keys of the earth were brought to me
on the back of the ‘Ablaq’ horse. Jibra’il Alaihis Salaam brought it having very fine silk
velvet on it.”8

Al-Khasais al-Kubra, the chapter on Dhikruhu Fi al-Tourat Wa al-Injeel, (Markaz AhleSunnat, Gujarat), vol. 1,
p. 11.
Al-Tabaqat al-Kubra li Ibn Sa’ad, the chapter on Dhikr Sifati Rasoolillahi , (Dar Sadir, Beirut), vol. 1, p.

Al-Khasais al-Kubra, the chapter on Dhikruhu Fi al-Tourat Wa al-Injeel, (Markaz Ahl Sunnat, Gujarat), vol. 1,
p. 11.
Al-Mustadrak li al-Haakim, the book on al-Tareekh, the chapter on the most generous of the men, (Dar al-Fikr,
Beirut), vol. 2, p. 614.
Al-Tabaqat al-Kubra li Ibn Sa’ad, the chapter on Dhikr Sifati Rasoolillahi , (Dar Sadir, Beirut), vol. 1 , p.
Sahih al-Bukhari, the book al-I’tisam, the chapter on Qawl al-Nabi “Bu’ithtu Bi Jawami’i al-Kilam, (Qadimi
Kutub Khana, Karachi), vol. 2, p. 108.
Sahih Muslim, the Chapter on al-Masajid wa Mawdi’ al-Salaah, (Qadimi Kutub Khana, Karachi), vol. 1, p. 199.
Musnad Ahmad Bin Hanbal, narrated from Ali Radiallaho Anhu, (Al-Maktab al-Islamiy, Beirut), vol. 1, p. 98.
Al-Musannaf Li Ibn Abi Shayba, the book on al-Manaqib, Hadith# 31638, (Dar al-Kutub al-‘Ilmiyyah, Beirut),
vol. 6, p. 308.
Al-Khasais al-Kubra, the chapter on Ikhtisasuhu Bi al-Nasr Bi al-Ru’bi, (Markaz Ahl Sunnat, Gujarat), vol. 2, p.
Musnad Ahmad Bin Hanbal, narrated from Jabir Radiallaho Anhu, (Al-Maktab al-Islamiy, Beirut), vol. 3, p.
Hadith 64: (Imam Ahmad in his Musnad and Tabrani in Mu’jam Kabeer narrate from
Abdullah Bin Umar RadiAllaho Anhuma). The Prophet once said: “I have been given the
keys of everything except for these five hidden things.” 9 (The five hidden knowledge,
Guyoob Khamsa)

Allama Hafni in the notes of Jami Sagheer writes; “He was then given the knowledge of
these five too”10 (For more information upon this topic, refer to my book, “Ma’al al-Jaib Bi
‘Uloom al-Ghaib”)

Similarly Imam Jalaluddeen Suyuti quotes in his Khasa’is Kubra11 that ‘Allama MadaBagi, in
the Sharh of Fathul Mubeen of Imam Ibn Hajar Makki, writes, “This is the truth”, (that the
Prophet was given the knowledge of the 5 hidden things).

Al-Khasais al-Kubra, with reference to Ahmad Bin Hanbal and Abu Nu’aim, the chapter on Ikhtisasuhu Bi al-
Nasr, (Markaz AhleSunnat, Gujarat), vol. 2, p. 195.

Musnad Ahmad Bin Hanbal, narrated from Ibn Umar RadiAllaho Anhuma, (Al-Maktab al-Islami, Beirut), vol.
3, p. 328.
Al-Mu’jam al-Kabeer, , (Al-maktabat al-Faisaliyya, Beirut), vol. 12, p. 361.
Hawashi al-Hafni ‘Ala Jami’ al-Sageer ‘Ala Hamish al-siraj al-Muneer, the Hadith Utitu Mafatih, (Al-Matba’
al-Azhariyya al-Misriyya, Egypt), vol. 2, p. 73.
Al-Khasais al-Kubra, the chapter on Ikhtisasuhu Bi al-Nasr Bi al-Ru’bi, (Markaz Ahl Sunnat, Gujarat), vol. 2,
p. 195.

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