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Smith 1 Biology Honors Scientific Method The organized way of using evidence to learn about the natural world

d The goal of science is to investigate and understand nature. Also, to explain events in nature and to use those explanations to make useful predictions Scientists They make observations using one or more of their senses to gather information -Qualitative - Can not be easily counted or measured (Odor or texture) -Quantitated - Can be easily measure (Like objects) Interpreting Evidence An observation must be understood to be useful An inference is a logical interpretation based on proper knowledge and experience Explaining the Observation When faced with a problem, scientists may formulate several hypotheses for why it is happening A hypothesis is a possible explanation for a set of observations or an answer to a scientific question Hypotheses arise from prior knowledge, logical inferences or imaginative guesses Designing an Experiment I. II. State the problem -What are we trying to learn? Form the hypothesis

Smith 2 III. Set up a controlled experiment - Only one variable should be changed, others remain constant IV. Record and analyze your data V. Draw a conclusion: evaluate the data and state whether it supports or refutes the hypothesis Characteristics of Life All living things are: -Made of cells -Reproduce -Based on a genetic code -Grow and develop -Obtain and use materials -Respond to their environment -Maintain homeostasis Made of Cells A cell is a collection of living matter enclosed by a barrier that separates that cell from its surroundings -Unicellular - Consists of one cell (Bacteria) -Multicellular - Consists of many cells (Complex organisms) Life Processes Metabolism - All the chemical reactions that occur within the cell of a metabolism. -Digestion, Synthesis, Hydrolysis

Smith 3 Respiration - This is not the same as breathing and is sometimes called cellular respiration. Chemical bond energy stores in nutrients are released for us by cells -Anaerobic - Fermentation without oxygen -Aerobic - With oxygen Synthesis - Involves combing simple substances into complex substances. -Most common is dehydration: Joins two simple substances by removing water. Amino acids in your food are used to create protein with this process Transport - This is not the same as locomotion. This is the movement of materials into and within a living thing -IE- Our circulatory system moves oxygen and nutrients into our cells. (Locomotion is movement, such as plants bending towards the sun or animals moving their bodies) Regulation - Control and coordination -Includes communication, like the endocrine and nervous system Assimilation - The process by which materials are incorporated into a living thing. -Proteins we ingest are used by our bodies Nutrition - Obtaining and processing food -Autotrophs - Make their own food (photosynthesis and chemosynthesis) -Heterotrophs - Must obtain food Growth - An increase in either the size or number of cells. All organism grow during at least one part of their life cycle. -Organisms also develop which is a change in the appearance of the organisms structure

Smith 4 Excretion - The removal of all wastes produced by the ells of the body -We exhale CO2 as a waste product of cellular respiration -One celled organisms such as ameba excrete wastes through their cell membranes Reproduction - Process by which organisms produce new organisms -This is the one process that is not necessary for the individual but is necessary for the survival of the specie. -Can be asexual with one parent or sexual with two parents Homeostasis When all life functions are maintained. The process by which living things keep a stable internal environment Images Under the Microscope Images under microscope appear upside down and backwards When viewing under the microscope, move slide in opposite direction to center Field of Vision Switch to high power from lower power, the field of vision gets smaller but the detail of the object gets smaller. Light Higher magnification = you need more light Measure Use millimeters or micrometers (1 Micrometer = 1,000 millimeters)

Smith 5 Cells Cells have been particular structures that perform specific jobs. These cell parts coordinate and work together just as systems within an organism are coordinated and work together Cell Theory This is one of the fundamental concepts of Biology -All living things are composed of cells -Cells are the basic units of structure and function in living things -New cells are produced from living cells Exceptions to the Theory Viruses can not reproduce on their own, they must be inside a living thing in order to reproduce Mitochondria and Chloroplast contain their own DNA and can reproduce Organelles Specialized cell structures that are formed from many different molecules and perform specific jobs -Cytoplasm - Transports materials -Mitochondria - Extracts energy from nutrients in a process called cellular respiration -Ribosome - Protein building -Lysosome - Contains enzymes -Cell Membrane - A thin flexible selectively permeable membrane -Endoplasmic Reticulum - Modifies components of the cell membrane and modifies some proteins -Vacuoles - Storage of the cell

Smith 6 -Nucleus - Information center; the nucleus contains the DNA Plant Cells There are two organelles that are found in plant cells but not in animal cells -Cell Wall - Provides support and structure for the cell -Chloroplast - Use energy from sunlight to make energy rich food molecules in a process called photosynthesis Levels of Organization Cells are grouped into tissues > organs > organ systems > organism The body is composed of different kinds of cells grouped in ways that enhance how they function together The structures present in single - celled organisms act in a manner similar to the tissues and systems found in multicellular organisms Fluid Mosaic Model The cell membrane regulates what enters and leaves the cell and also provides protection and support The core of the cell membrane is a double layered sheet called a lipid bilayer Embedded within the cell membrane are protein channels that allow certain molecules to enter the cell Carbohydrate chains are attached to the outside of the membrane and act for identification

Smith 7

Diffusion Diffusion causes substances to move across a membrane but does not require energy -All cells contain liquid and are surrounded by liquid -When molecules are in solution they move constantly -When the concentration of a substance is different in one of these liquids, it moves from the area of high concentration to low concentration -Equilibrium is reaches when the concentration is the same both inside and outside of the cell Osmosis The diffusion of water through a permeable membrane -When the concentration of a substance that can not pass through the membrane is lower on one side of the membrane, water diffuses through the side of the membrane until equilibrium is reaches -Water like other substances move from an area of high to low concentration Osmotic Pressure Because cells contain numerous salts, sugars and protein, the concentration of water is usually lower inside a cell, so water is constantly diffusing into a cell The extra water pressure creates osmotic pressure Osmotic pressure can cause a cell to burst if they do not have a way to remove water Most cells in multicellular organisms do not come in contact with fresh water. So this is not a problem

Smith 8 Single celled organisms that live in fresh water have mechanisms to move water out of the cell. These mechanisms require energy Facilitated Diffusion For molecules that can not pass through, the cell membrane can move through a protein channel -Different protein channels allow ions, sugars and salts to cross various membranes -This process is fast and specific but still moves from areas of high to low concentration and does not require energy from the cell Active Transport Moves substances from low areas to high areas of concentration. This process requires the cell to input energy -Endocytosis - When the cell folds over to take in large molecules -Phagocytosis - The cell membrane engulfing food. The membrane pinches off, forming a vacuole -Exocytosis - The process where a vacuole fuses with a cell membrane, forcing the contents out of the cell Classification Needs for classification I. II. All living things are basically alike in functions There is however a great variety in the ways and means by which different organisms carry out these functions

Smith 9 III. In order to study the variety of life in an organized and systematic manner, the different kinds of organisms are grouped together or classified on the basis of certain common characteristics or the relationships they share Classification of organisms are based mainly on similarities of structure I. Some classification is supplemented by other evidence such as: A. Fossil record B. Biochemical date - genetic makeup C. Behavioral information D. Embryonic development E. Cellular structure II. Modern classification is based on the assumption that all present forms of life development from earlier forms and have have common ancestors. The grouping of organisms suggest relationships among them that may be the result of common ancestry Modern Classification Systems I. Carolus Linnaeus - Father of modern taxonomy A. Developed the classification system today B. Based mainly off of structural similarities II. Binomial Nomenclature A. Names are in Latin B. Italicized with the genus name III.They are first separated into kingdoms A. Not all scientists agree on the number

Smith 10 B. Most used is 5 kingdoms 1. Animal - Multicellular organisms ingest food. 2. Plants - Multicellular organisms that make their own food 3. Fungi - Cells are usually organized into multicellular filaments called hypae, They reproduce by the means of spores 4. Protists - Mainly one celled plants-like or animal-like organisms. They have distinct nucleus surrounded by a double membrane 5. Monera - Primitive cells, lacking a nuclear membrane (Prokaryotic) C. Linnaeus System of Classification 1.Kingdom 2.Phylum 3.Class 4.Order 5.Family 6.Genus 7.Species Biochemistry The study of organic compounds Chemical Bonds Ionic Bonds - Transfer electrons (Like salt crystals dissolving in water) Covalent Bonds - Share electrons Van Der Waals Bonds - Atoms attracted to each other Way to remember: King Philip Came Over For Good Soup/Salad/Other words that start with S

Smith 11 Water Has 2 H+ molecules and one O Polar - Has 2 different charges Adhesion - Sticks to other things (Like rain on a window) Cohesion - Sticks to itself (Like a puddle)

pH Measure of H+ (Positive Hydrogen atoms in a solution) Scale of 1-14 1 - Very acidic (Lots of H+) 7 - Neutral (Pure Water) 14 - Very little H+ (A Base) Buffers - Control pH to prevent sharp changes (Maintains homeostasis) Organic - Has carbon and hydrogen ( Like C6H12O6 ) Carbohydrates - Main source of energy for living things Subunits - Sugar (Saccharide) Inorganic - No carbon (Like H2O) Monomer - One, small unit Polymer - Big unit, from small units Carbohydrates Monosaccharide - 1 Sugar (Glucose) Disaccharide - 2 Sugars (Lactose)

Smith 12 Polysaccharide- Many Sugars (Starch) Lipids (Fats) Store energy Made of mostly carbon and hydrogen Subunits - 1 glycerol and 3 fatty acids Saturated - Max # of hyrdogens; no double bonds in the molecule Unsaturated - 1 Carbon double bonded to another Polyunsaturated - More than 2 double bonds (Missing 4 or more Hs) Protein Regulate cell processes and control rate of reactions inside cells -Enzymes Made of nitrogen, carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen Subunit - Only 20 different amino acids DNA tells amino acids what order to get in to make certain proteins Enzyme Made of protein End in Ase, like Lactase Involved in all chemical reactions They are catalysts - Increase rates (speed) of reactions by lowering activation energy Substrate/Reaction = Product Fits into the enzyme at the active site The fit is specific and must be exact for the reaction to occur

Smith 13 Enzyme substrate complex - When theyre together, the enzyme does not change shape after a reaction and can be re-used over and over Enzyme Reactions are affected by: Temperature - Too high/Too low = denatures enzyme pH - Too high/Too low = denatures enzyme Concentration of Substrate More substrate = Higher concentration = Faster reactions Fewer substrate = Lower concentration = Slower reactions



C12H24O11 + H2O Products

Reactants X=Enzyme
Nucleic Acid Store and Transmit hereditary information DNA and RNA Made of carbon, phosphate and nitrogen Subunit - Nucleotides

Nucleic Acid - Carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphates Lipids - Carbon and hydrogen Proteins - Hydrogen, Oxygen, Carbon and Nitrogen Carbohydrates - Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Carbon

Smith 14 Leaf Structure The structure of a leaf is optimized for absorbing light and carrying out photosynthesis To collect sunlight, most leaves have thin flattened sections called blades. Leaves are covered on the top and bottom by an epidermis. The leaf epidermis is sometimes covered with a cuticle The epidermis and cuticle protect leaves from water loss Transpiration The loss of water from a plant through its leaves. Water is lost in ways by being replaced by water drawn into the leaf through the Xylem Xylem - Tubes through which water moves from the roots to the leaves Plants keep their stomata open just enough to allow photosynthesis to take place, but not so much that they lose an excessive amount of water -Stomata - Are pore like openings in the underside of the leaf that allow CO2 and Oxygen to diffuse in and out of the cell -Each stoma consists of two guard cells that control the opening and closing of stomata by responding to changes in water pressure -When the pressure is hugh, the outer walls of the cells are forced into a curved shape and the stoma is opened. Wen pressure is low, the guard cells are not curved and the stoma closes Biochemical processes are necessary to maintain homeostasis in living things. Life is dependent upon the availability of an energy source and raw materials that are used in the basic enzyme controlling biochemical processes of living organisms

Smith 15 -The energy for life comes from primarily from the sun. Photosynthesis provides a vital connection between the sun and the energy needs of living systems Plant cells and some one celled creatures contain chloroplasts (The site of photosynthesis) -Photosynthesis uses solar energy to combine the inorganic molecules (CO2 and H20) into energy-rich organic compounds (Glucose - C6H12O6) -Oxygen is released into the environment as a result of this process ( ) Song for Photosynthesis

6CO2 + 6H2O -> C6H12O6 + 6CO2 Carbon Dioxide + Water = Sugar and Oxygen
In addition to Water and Carbon Dioxide, photosynthesis requires light and chlorophyll, a molecule found in chloroplast The Reactions of Photosynthesis The process of photosynthesis includes the light dependent reactions as well as the Calvin cycle Calvin Cycle - Light Independent Reactions The light dependent reactions produce oxygen gas and convert ADP and NADP into ATP and NADPH The light dependent reactions occur in different areas of the thylakoid called Photosystem I and Photosystem II

Smith 16 The Calvin Cycle uses ATP and NADPH from the light-dependent reactions to produce high energy sugars.

The chemical energy stored in the bonds or organic compounds can be used as a source of energy for life processes. This energy may be released during the process of cellular respiration

C6H12O6 -> H2O + ATP Sugar + Oxygen = Carbon Dioxide + Water + ATP
-ATP - Adenosine Triphosphate This energy is temporarily stored in ATP molecules This energy from ATP is used by the organism to obtain, transform, and transport materials and to eliminate wastes. In organisms that use oxygen, carbon dioxide and water are released and ATP is produced. Cellular respiration is concluded in the mitochondria

Smith 17 In organisms that do not use oxygen or if oxygen is not available, less ATP is produced With Aerobic - 36 ATP is used With Anaerobic - 6 ATP The Reactions Glycolysis - The process in which one molecule of glucose is broken in half, producing two molecules of pyruvic avid When oxygen is not present, a different pathway follows glycolysis. Glycolysis and the pathway are called fermentation, because fermentation does not require oxygen, it is anaerobic respiration The two main types of fermentation are alcohol fermentation and lactic acid fermentation Yeast and a few micro-organisms perform alcohol fermentation Produces Carbon Dioxide and Alcohol Pyruvic Acid -> Alcohol + CO2 + ATP Lactic Acid fermentation takes place in cells during exercise when the body cannot supply enough oxygen to the muscles. The buildup of lactic acid causes a painful burning sensation (This is why muscles are sore after exercise) Pyruvic Acid -> Lactic Acid + CO2 + ATP The energy to make ATP comes from Catabolic Reactions that are Exergonic (Exergonic = Chemical reactions that release energy) (Catabolic Reactions- Breakdown of more complex organic molecules into simpler substances)

Smith 18 Respiration and Photosynthesis Different Uses: Oxygen < Respiration > Uses: Glucose Produces: CO2 Produces: H2O Produces: ATP Occurs in: Mitochondria Similar Occurs in Cells Chemical Reactions Needs Enzymes Involves Energy < Photosynthesis > Different Uses: CO2 Uses: H20 Uses: Sunlight Produces: Glucose Produces: O2 Occurs in: Chloroplast

Alcohol Fermentation : C6H12O6 -> Alcohol + CO2 + ATP Lactic Acid Fermentation: Lactic Acid + ATP Aerobic Cellular Respiration: 6O2 + C6H12O6 -> 6CO2 + 6H2O +ATP

Aerobic: (Oxygen + Glucose -> Carbon Dioxide + Water + Energy) Digestive System Made up of digestive tract and accessory glands 15 feet/9 Meters long Purpose - To acquire energy and nutrients out of the food we eat The pathway that food travels through the digestive system: -Mouth -Esophagus

Smith 19 -Stomach -Small Intestine -Large Intestine -Rectum -Anus Accessory Glands Exocrine glands that secrete digestive liquids through ducts into the digestive system Salivary Glands Pancreas ALiver Mouth and Salivary Glands Teeth mechanically break up food Breaks down food into smaller pieces to increase the surface area so that it can be digested easier Salivary Glands - Produce saliva Made up of mostly water which moistens food, making it easier to swallow Ptyalin and Amylase are digestive enzymes in saliva which begin the breakdown of simple sugars. Esophagus A gullet or muscular tube Peristalsis - Waves of muscle contraction in the throat that push food through the digestive tract

Smith 20 -Takes food from the throat and pushes it down the neck and into the stomach (Takes 5-10 seconds Stomach The thick muscles in the stomach wall contract to mash the food up Chemical digestion of protein begins here Gastric glands secrete gastric juice which contain digestive enzymes, acids, and mucus Pepsin - Begins protein digestion Hydrochloric Acid - Produces acidic environment in stomach so digestive enzymes can work better Mucus - Protects the stomach wall from acid Digestion here takes about 2-6 hours Small Intestine 6 Meters long Final digestion and nutrient absorption occurs here over a 5-6 hour period In the beginning, mostly digestion is occurring whereas in the end, mostly absorption is occurring Villi - Small fingerlike projections that increase surface area of the small intestine which maximizes absorption/diffusion -Capillaries - Simple sugars, amino acids, vitamins and minerals are absorbed into the bloodstream here -Lacteal - Fatty acids and glycerol are absorbed into these tiny lymphatic vessels

Smith 21 Pancreas Produces a couple of digestive enzymes that chemically digest or breakdown proteins, carbohydrates, fats, and nucleic acids in the small intestine Chemical Digestion: -Protein -> Amino Acids -Carbohydrates -> Simple Sugars -Lipids -> Fatty Acids -Nucleic Acids -> Nucleotides Liver Among many other functions in the body, it produces bile which doesnt contain any digestive enzymes Bile is stored in the gall bladder Bile emulsifies the fat into smaller globules (Mechanical Digestion), Which aids in the absorption of fats in the small intestine Large Intestine Any useful substances in the leftovers, such as spare water and body minerals are absorbed through the walls of the large intestine, back into the blood Usually takes about 12-24 hours to move through the large intestine The remains are formed into brown, semi-solid feces, ready to be removed from the body Over 7 liters of water are released into the digestive tract with secretions throughout a day (this is much more than the average person drinks). 90% of this water is recovered in the small and large intestines

Smith 22 Rectum and Anus Feces are stored in the rectum until they can be eliminated/egested These are finally pushed through a ring of muscles (the anus) and out of the body Gall Stones Deposits of bile that became hardened stone like structures and can be surgically removed

Disorders of the Digestive System Heart Burn -Painful burning sensation in the center of the chest -Caused when stomach acid moves out of the stomach and into the esophagus -Happens when you drink or over eat Peptic Ulcer -Holes in the wall o the stomach caused by acid -For many years, people thought this was caused by stress and spicy food -Caused by Helicobacter Pylori Bacteria -Doctors can cure 90% of ulcers with antibiotics Appendicitis -Inflammation of the appendix -Located below colon/large intestine -No function in humans Diarrhea -When not enough water is absorbed by the large intestine

Smith 23 -A lot of salts and water can be life threatening -Can be caused by contaminated water -Leading cause of childhood death in under-developed countries The Human Circulatory System Consists of: The heart A series of blood vessels and the blood that flows through them The Heart Located near the center of your chest and is composed entirely of muscle The size of a clenched fist and contracts roughly 72 times a minute pimping 70 milliliters of blood each time Parts of the Heart Pericardium - Protective sac of tissue Myocardium - A thick layer of muscle in the walls Septum - Divides the left side and the right side of the heart Prevents oxygen rich blood from mixing with oxygen poor blood Upper chamber which receives blood is the Atrium Lower chamber which pumps blood out is the Ventricle There are two atriums and two ventricles: A total of four chambers

Smith 24

Heartbeat Contractions begin in a small group of cardiac muscle cells Located in the right atrium called the sinoatrial node Because these cells set the pace for the whole heart, they are also known as pacemakers Circulation Blood flows through the lungs through the pulmonary artery, where it picks up oxygen and returns through the pulmonary vein Blood then enters through the left atrium and is pumped to the left ventricle, then through the aorta to the body Oxygen rich blood flows to the left side of the heart and is pumped to the body (Systemic Circulation)

Smith 25 Blood that returns to the right side of the heart is oxygen poor because the cells of the body have absorbed so much of the oxygen and are loaded with CO2 (both types of blood are shades of red) Blood Vessels Arteries - Large vessels that carry blood away from the heart, except for the pulmonary artery, they always carry oxygen rich blood -They have thick walls to help them withstand pressure -Exerted when the heart contracts and pushed through them Capillaries - Smallest vessel (the walls are only once cell thick) -Blood must pass through in single file and the bring the nutrients to the tissues and absorb CO2 and other wastes Veins - Returns blood to the heart and the walls contain connective tissue and muscle like arteries -They contain one way valves that keep the blood flowing toward the heart -Many are located near skeletal muscles so when these muscles contract, blood is forced through the veins Blood Blood is made 45% of cells Suspended in the other 55%, a straw colored fluid called plasma Plasma is 90% water and 10% dissolved gases, salts, nutrients, enzymes, hormones, waste products, and proteins called plasma proteins

Smith 26 Red Blood Cells Transport oxygen and get their color from hemoglobin The iron containing protein that binds to oxygen in the lungs and transports it to the tissues White Blood Cells and Platelets White blood cells attack foreign substances or organisms Blood clotting is made possible by plasma and proteins and cell fragments called platelets Blood Types A, B, AB, O Blood can be given to individuals with the same blood type and all blood types can receive O Blood Pressure When the heart contracts, it produces a wave of fluid pressure in the arteries The pressure the blood exerts on the artery walls is known as blood pressure Blood pressure decreases when the heart relaxes but the system remains under pressure Measuring Blood Pressure Medical workers can measure blood pressure with a cuff placed on the arm An average adults blood pressure is 120/80 First number is the systolic pressure: the force in the arteries when the ventricles contract Second number is the diastolic pressure: the force in the arteries when the ventricles relax Disorders of the Circulatory System Arteriosclerosis - Fatty acids known as plaque build up on the walls of the arteries If the deposits get too big they obstruct blood and can increase blood pressure The plaque buildup also increases risk of blood clots

Smith 27 High Blood Pressure/Hypertension - Forces the heart to work harder which may weaken or damage the heart muscle and blood vessels (Increases risk for heart attack and stroke) Heart Attack - When the arteriosclerosis blocks one of the arteries bringing blood to the heart Part of the heart muscle begins to die from lack of oxygen Symptoms include nausea, shortness of breath, and severe crushing chest pain Stroke - Blood clots break free and stuck in one of the blood vessels leading to the brain Brain cells die from lack of oxygen Can also occur when a weakened blood vessel in the brain bursts Prevention - These disorders are easier to prevent than cure Exercise, weight control, sensible diet and not smoking seem to be the best ways to keep the heart healthy Lymphatic System A network of vessels called the lymphatic system Collects the fluid that is lost by the blood and returns it to the circulatory system Along the length of the lymph vessels are small enlargements called lymph nodes They act as filters that trap bacteria and other microorganisms; they can become enlarged as a result Respiratory System Two meanings: when glucose and oxygen are converted into CO2, water and ATP into the mitochondria Oxygen and CO2 are exchanged between cells, the blood and air in the lungs Nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi and lungs

Smith 28 Nose Filters dust particles in the air Hairs lining the entrance to the nasal cavity traps large dust particles Mucus, produced by cells lining the system, moistens the air and traps inhaled particles Cilia sweeps trapped particles and mucus away from the pharynx The mucus is either spit out or swallowed Airflow Air moves from the nose to a tube at the back of the throat called the pharynx This is the passageway for both air and food When food is swallowed, a piece of cartilage called the epiglottis covers the trachea -Trachea - Tube from pharynx -Vocal Cords - Two highly elastic folds of tissue in the larynx. When the muscles pull the chords together, the air moving between the folds causes the chords to vibrate Air moves the trachea and enters two large passageways n the chest cavity called the bronchi (Each bronchus leads to the lungs) In each lung, the large bronchi subdivides into smaller bronchi which lead to even smaller bronchi called bronchioles The bronchi and bronchioles are surrounded by smooth muscles that regulate the size fo the passageways Alveoli - Tiny air sacs at the end of the bronchioles and are grouped together like grapes. A delicate network of capillaries surrounds each alveoli This is where the exchange of oxygen and CO2 happen within the blood

Smith 29 Gas Exchange Oxygen diffuses through the inner surface of the alveoli and through the capillary to the blood CO2 diffuses in the opposite direction Very efficient process: inhaled air is 21% oxygen and .04 CO2 -Exhaled air is 15% oxygen and 4% CO2 Breathing The movement of air into and out of the lungs Lungs have no muscles attached to them so the large flat muscle at the bottom of the chest cavity is called the diaphragm Because the cavity is sealed, this causes a vacuum and atmospheric pressure causes air to rush to the lungs The system works because the cavity is sealed and if it is punctured, then it is very difficult to breathe Breathing is controlled by the amount of CO2 in the blood, not oxygen Diseases Asthma - Constriction of the bronchioles caused by allergens or exercise Emphysema - Loss of elasticity in the lungs Bronchitis - Bronchi are swollen and filled with mucus Lung Cancer - Particular deadly because it easily spreads to other locations (It metastasizes or spreads), mostly caused by smoking or asbestos

Smith 30 Excretion Metabolic waste is ousted -CO2 is a waste of cellular respiration -Water is a waste of cellular respiration and dehydration synthesis -Mineral salts are produced by many processes -Nitrogenous wastes -Result of metabolism of proteins and when proteins are used in cellular respiration Ammonia: Very toxic Urea: Less toxic Uric Acid: Generally non-toxic Results Toxic materials are released by animals Toxic materials are sealed and stored in the vacuoles of plants Non-toxic wastes are retained, released, or recycled in other metabolic activities Human Excretory System Two kidneys on either side of the spinal column near the lower back Two ureter tubes that leave each kidney and cary urine to the bladder -Bladder - Where urine is stored -Urethra - Is the tube in which urine travels to leave the body Kidney Made of two parts

Smith 31 -Inner: The renal medulla -Outer: The renal cortex Functional unit of the kidney is called the nephron (1 million nephrons in each kidney) Kidney Function Waste containing blood enters the kidney through the renal artery Blood travels through the kidney and urea and other wastes & water are filtered out as urea The cleaned filtered blood is returned to circulation through the renal vein Blood Purification A complex mechanism that involves three distinct processes I. Filtration II. Reabsorption III. Secretion Filtration Occurs in the Glomerulus Diffusion causes substances to leave the blood and enter the Bowmans Capsule Water, salt, glucose, amino acids and urea are filtered Proteins and blood cells remain in the the blood because they are too large to diffuse Reabsorption The kidneys play an important role in homeostasis; they regulate blood volume, water content, blood pH, and remove wastes from the body If anything goes wrong, serious medical problems can ensue; humans can only live with one kidney

Smith 32 If both kidneys fail there are two options: Transplant from healthy, compatible donor Dialysis blood is removed and pumped through a machine that does the work of a nephron (Expensive and time consuming - 3 times a week for several hours) Immune System Homeostasis - An organisms homeostasis is constantly threatened (Failure to respond can result in disease or death) Agents of Disease: V -Viruses - Common Cold, Chicken Pox, Influenza -Bacteria - Tetanus, Meningitis, Strep Throat -Fungi - Athletes foot, ringworm -Parasites - Protists - Malaria, African Sleeping Sickness - Worms - Tapeworm Factors of Disease Many show up right away or not show up for many years Inheritance, Toxic Substance, Poor Nutrition, Organ Malfunction, Personal Behavior Person-to-Person (Through coughing, sneezing and physical contact or sexual transmission) Contaminated food or water Exposure to an infected animals (Vectors- Insects tat spread disease via bite) First Line of Defense

Smith 33 A nonspecific response like skin which is the most important nonspecific response. This is the barrier that keeps pathogens out of the body (even a small cut can become infected) Pathogens can enter through the mouth and nose Mucus in your nose and throat trap viruses and bacteria Cilia push them away from lungs Stomach acid and digestive enzymes destroys pathogens Body secretions including mucus, saliva. sweat and tears contain lysozyme (breaks down cell walls of bacteria) Second Line of Defense Inflammatory response (When pathogens enter the body and release toxins) Blood vessels near the infection site grow larger and white blood cells leak into the infected area -Phagocytes (Macrophages) - White blood cells that engulf and destroy pathogens -B Cells - Produce antibodies -Killer T Cells - Attach to and kill infected cels -Memory B and T Cells - Remain after an infection, ready to kill the pathogen before you get sick if you are ever exposed again Fever The immune system releases chemicals that raise the body temperature Many pathogens can only survive in a narrow temperature range This slows or stops their growth and speeds up metabolism in the body to repair damaged cells

Smith 34 Specific Defenses If a pathogen gets past the nonspecific defense, the body starts a defense called the immune response. The substance that triggers this response is an antigen -A carbohydrate, lipid or protein on the outside of the pathogen that triggers the immune response Humoral Response Carried out by B Lymphocytes (B Cells) They produce antibodies -A protein that helps destroy pathogens and are Y shaped and have identical binding sites -Antibodies attach to pathogens and mark them for phagocytes and other white blood cells (Keeps them from entering other cells) Antibody Production Specific for each pathogen; B cells each create a different antibody When infected with a pathogen, the B cell that produces and makes plasma cells, also produces the specific antibody needed to destroy the pathogen T Lymphocytes (T Cells) Assist the body Cell Mediated Immunity Body cells infected with a pathogen must also be destroyed by T Cells Organ Transplant Rejection Killer T cells cause problems during organ transplants. They see the new organ as foreign

Smith 35 They damage or destroy transplanted organs this is called rejection. To prevent rejection transplant patients are given drugs to suppress the immune system. This leaves the patients open to other infections. Permanent Immunity Once the body has been exposed to a pathogen, memory B and T cells remain. They are capable of producing the specific antibody to the pathogen before you ever get sick Active Immunity 1. Once the body has been exposed to a pathogen memory B cells and T cells remain. They are capable of producing the specific antibody to the pathogen before you ever get sick. This is why you can only get certain diseases once in a lifetime 2. Injection of weakened or dead forms of a pathogen is called vaccination. Vaccines cause the body to produce memory B and T cells without having been infected with the disease Passive Immunity 1. Travelers are sometimes injected with antibodies produced in animals to give them protection from certain disease 2. Antibodies can be passed from mother to child through the placenta and through breast milk Disorders 1. Allergies happen when an allergen attaches to a type of immune cell called a mast cell which releases histamine. Histamine causes the sneezing, runny eyes and nose associated with an allergy. Antihistamines are drugs that counteract histamine. 2. The immune system needs to recognize your own tissues and cells as self in order to work effectively. When the body makes a mistake and attacks cells of the body it is an autoimmune disease

Smith 36 3. Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome or AIDS happens when one is infected with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus or HIV. The HIV replicates in helper T cells which destroys them. This makes the immune system unable to fight off other diseases The Nervous System Controls and Coordinates functions throughout the body and responds to internal and external stimuli Neurons Transmit electrical impulses Sensory Neurons - Carry impulses from sense organs to Central Nervous System Motor Neurons - Carry impulses from Central Nervous System to muscles & glands Interneurons- Connect sensory & motor neurons and carry impulses between them Neuron Structure Cell Body - Contains nucleus and much of the cytoplasm (Site of most metabolic activity) Dendrites - Branches extensions spreading out from the cell body and carries impulses from the environment or from the neurons towards the cell body. Axon - Long fiber that carries impulses away from the cell body Nerves- Bundles of axons and dendrites Myelin Sheath- Insulating membrane surrounding the axon on some neurons Nerve Impulses A negative charge builds up on the inside of the cell membrane The difference in electrical charge is the neurons Resting Potential A nerve impulse begins when a neuron is stimulated by another neuron or by the environment Impulses travel along the axon away from the cell body towards the terminal The Moving Impulse The protein channels on the cell membrane open & sodium flows into the cell This flow of positive electrons changes the charge of the membrane

Smith 37 The inside becomes positive and the outside becomes negative This change in charge is called the Action Potential As the impulse passes, the potassium gates close & the resting potential is reestablished (See page 611) Threshold The strength of an impulse is always the same There must be enough strength to cause a neuron to transmit an impulse The minimum level needed to activate a neuron is called the threshold The Synapse At the end of the neuron, the impulse reaches an axon terminal There is usually another cell at this location The small gap between the axon terminal of one neuron and the dendrites of the next is called the synapse The terminals contain tiny vesicles filled with neurotransmitters Neurotransmitters Chemicals used by neurons to transmit an impulse across a synapse to another cell When the action potential reaches the axon terminal, the vesicles release the neurotransmitters which diffuse across the synapse & attach to receptors on the membrane of the next cell Action Potential = Impulse This stimulates the cell & causes the sodium ions to rush across the cell membrane of the second cell A fraction of a second after they bind, the neurotransmitters are released from the cell surface They are either broken down by enzymes or recycles back to the axon terminal The Nervous System Continued Divided into two major divisions Central nervous system is the control center of the body and relays messages and processes & analyzes information Peripheral nervous system is all the nerves that are not apart of the brain or spinal cord

Smith 38 Brain and Spinal Cord Wrapped in 3 layers of connective tissue known as meninges The space between the layers are filled with cerebrospinal fluid Fluid bathes the brain and spinal cord and acts as a shock absorber It allows for the exchange of nutrients & waste products between the blood & nervous tissue Cerebrum- Voluntary or conscious activities of the body (Site of intelligence and learning) Cerebellum- Located at the back of the skull - (Coordinates & Balances the action of muscles Brain Stem- Connects the brain & spinal cord (Controls most important bodily functions including blood pressure, heart rate, breathing and swallowing) Thalamus & Hypothalamus Found between the brain stem and the cerebrum Thalamus receives messages from the sense organs - Relays the information to the proper region of the cerebrum Hypothalamus recognizes hunger, thrust, fatigue, anger and body temperature Cerebrum Divided into the left & right hemispheres Each hemisphere divided into regions called lobes Left hemisphere controls right side and vice versa Spinal Cord Main communication link between the brian and the rest of the body Reflexes are processed directly to the spinal cord Reflexes are quick automatic responses to a stimulus Reflexes allow for immediate response to danger Peripheral Nervous System All nerves that are not part of the brain or spinal cord Can be divided into two divisions Sensory Division transmits impulses from the sense organs to the central nervous system to the muscles or glands Motor Division is divided into Somatic and Autonomic nervous system

Smith 39 Somatic- Controls activities that are conscious control; movement of skeletal muscles Autonomic- Controls activities that are NOT under conscious control like heartbeat, digestive system, blood vessels, etc. Autonomic divided into two parts that have opposite effects on the organs they control Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Heart rate is increased by sympathetic and decreased by parasympathetic Regulation

Nervous Peripheral Central Spinal








Brain Stem



The Endocrine System Involved with regulation Made up of glands Glands release their products into the bloodstream The products broadcasts messages throughout the body Hormones The products released by the endocrine system are hormones Hormones bind to chemical receptors on cells Cells that have the receptors are called target cells

Smith 40 If the cell receptors are not present on the cell, the cells will not respond to the specific hormone Glands An organ that produces and releases a substance or secretion Exocrine glands release their secretion through tubes called ducts (Sweat & Tears) Endocrine releases secretions (Hormones) directly to the blood stream Thyroid - Regulates metabolism Parathyroid - Maintains blood calcium levels Thymus - T-Cell production Adrenals - Stress Pancreas - Insulin and glucagon blood sugar levels Ovaries - Egg productions and female secondary sex characteristics Testis - Sperm productions and male secondary sex characteristics Disorders Diabetes - When the body does not produce enough insulin & blood glucose remains high Hypoglycemia - When the body does not produce enough glucagon & glucose remains low Skeletal System Names are a network of living cells and protein fibers They are surrounded by calcium salt deposits Bone marrow is the soft tissue within the cavities of bones Red marrow is where red blood cells and some white blood cells and platelets are produced Development of Bone Fetuses are composed of mostly cartilage Cartilage is a network of protein fibers, tough collagen, and flexible elastin fibers Cartilage does not contain blood vessels Cartilage is replaced by bone during a process called ossification Ossification This process is carried out by 3 types of cells

Smith 41 Osteoblasts - Creates bones Osteocytes - Maintains bones Osteoclasts - Breakdowns bones Types of Joints Immovable - Allow no movement - Joints in skull Slightly Moveable - Allow restricted movement Free Moveable - Permits movement in one of more directions Structure of Joints Cartilage is found at the ends of bones in joint It protects them as they move Joints are surrounded by a fibrous capsule This helps hold the bones together The capsule consists of two layers Ligaments hold the bones together Synovial fluid lubricates and allows the ends of the bones to slip past each other Types of Muscle Tissues Skeletal (Aka Striated) usually attached to bones Responsible for voluntary movement Smooth - usually not under voluntary control Muscles that are found in stomach, blood vessels, small & large intestine Cardiac - Found in only one place in the body; the heart How Muscles & Bones Work Together Individual muscles can only pull in one direction Skeletal muscles are connected to bones by tough tissue called tendons Tendons pull on bones & make them work like levers Work in opposing pairs (One contracts, One releases) Diseases Arthritis - Inflammation of the joints Tendonitis - Inflammation of the tendons

Smith 42 Osteoporoses - Brittle bones Reproduction System Asexual - Done by single organisms (Amoebas) Four Types: Binary Fission - Where the cytoplasm is equally divided (Amoeba and paramecium) Budding - When the cytoplasm is unequally divided (Yeast and Hydra) Regeneration - When a missing part of the organism can regrow (Starfish, planaria and lizard tails only) Vegetative Propagation - Form of asexual reproduction in plants Sexual - Two cells from different parents combine to make one organism Gonads - The male & female reproductive structures that contain hormones Ovaries & Testes (Do not become active until puberty) Sexual Maturity - When reproductive system becomes fully functional Male Reproductive System FSH & Testosterone stimulates the development of sperm Sperm - One celled organisms that carry out genetic information of the father 2-6 ML of sperm contain more than 200-600 million sperm Main structures that deliver sperm Testes - Make sperm Epididymis - Where mature sperm are stored Vas Deferens - Sperm travel through here Urethra - Exit way for sperm/urine Penis - Where urethra passes through Female Reproductive System Ovulation - Egg is released When follicle is matured, egg is released Egg is swept from ovary into the fallopian tube Egg is moved in tubes and is pushed by cilia in the tubes

Smith 43 Fertilization can only happen in the fallopian tubes After a few days, egg is passes into the uterus Lining of uterus is ready to receive fertilized egg & nurture development of the embryo FSH & LH stimulate cells in ovaries to produce estrogen Follicles are the clusters of cells that surround a single egg Follicles help an egg mature for release into the reproductive tract Females are born with 400,000 immature eggs (Primary follicles) and do not produce any more eggs in her lifetime. Only 400 eggs will actually be released Ovary - Produces eggs Fallopian Tubes - Egg travels through and fertilization happens here Uterus - Where the fetus grows & develops Cervix - At the bottom of the uterus Vagina - Birth canal/ Baby travels through here while being born Menstrual Cycle Occurs after puberty Regulated by FSH, Estrogen, LH, Progesterone Controlled by negative feedback of endocrine system & reproductive system 4 Stages : 1 Follicular stage - Hormones cause follicle to develop into a maturity. Estrogen makes lining in uterus thicken to receive a possibly fertilized egg. Development of an egg takes 10 days in this phase 2. Ovulation Phase - Flood of FSH & LH are released & cause follicle to rupture and releases the egg into fallopian tubes. this is the shortest phase in the cycle 3. Luteal Phase - Follicle turns yellow (Corpus Luteum) & releases estrogen & progesterone to stimulate cell growth & tissue development in fetal lining. Chances for fertilization are greatest during first 2 days of the luteal phase This phase is 10-14 days after completion of last menstrual cycle 4 Menstruation - If fertilization does not occur, within 2-3 days of ovulation, egg wil lpass through the uterus without implantation. Follicle will break down & release less estrogen &

Smith 44 progesterone. Lining of uterine wall will detach and with blood, the unfertilized egg will pass through the Vagina. This stage lasts 3-7 days (The first say of menstruation begins new cycle) Steps of Fertilization and Implantation I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. Ovulation Fertilization Zygote 2 Cells 4 Cells Morula (A solid ball of about 64 cells) Blastocyst - A hallow ball of cells Blastocyst attaches to and then implants into the uterine wall.

Gastrulation - The formation of three cell layers called the ectoderm, mesoderm and the endoderm Neurulation - The first step in the development of the nervous system Placenta - The chorionic villi and uterine lining form a vital organ called the placenta which is the connection between the mother and embryo that acts as the embryos organ of respiration, nourishment and excretion. Across this thin barrier, oxygen and nutrients diffuse from the mothers blood to the embryos blood and CO2 and metabolic wastes diffuse from the embryos blood to the mothers blood. After eight weeks of development, the embryo is called a fetus. By the end of three months, most of the major organs and tissues of the fetus are fully formed.

Mitosis Division of chromosomes followed by the division of cytoplasm (Cytokinesis) resulting in two identical daughter cells Plants and animals perform mitosis Structures Involved:

Smith 45 Cytoplasm, Chromosomes, Nucleus, Cell Membranes, Centrioles, Spindle Fibers Purpose: Reproduction for simple creature or growth and repair Five phases of mitosis: I. II. III. IV. V. Interphase - Cell is growing, performing metabolism Prophase - Nuclear membrane disappears & chromosomes roll Metaphase - Chromosomes line up in the middle (Think M for meta, M for middle) Anaphase - Chromosomes pull apart (A for ana, A for apart/away) Telophase - Two cells form

Start with 1 cell, end with 2. Start with 46 chromosomes and end with 46, caused by chromosomes replicating. Haploid/Monoploid - Cell that has one set of chromosomes (Like sperm/egg or gametes) Diploid - Cell with two sets of chromosomes (Every cell in your body) Chromosome - Contains DNA Chromatid - One of two identical sister parts of a duplicated chromosome Centromere - Region of a chromosome where the two sister chromatids attach DNA - Genetic information/ Deoxyribonucleic acid Karyotype - Pictures of chromosomes Plant cells have no centrioles, but have spindle fibers and they cannot break a cell wall. They form a cell plate instead.

Smith 46 Meiosis The process that results in the production of gametes Cells in gonads (Testes and Ovaries or Anther and Ovary) perform meiosis Structures Involved: Cell Membrane, Nucleus, Chromosomes, Centrioles, Single Fibers, Cytoplasm Start with 1 cell, end with 4 cells. Start with 46 chromosomes, end with 23 chromosomes. Caused by chromosomes replicating. The purpose is to form gametes - Monoploid/Haploid cells Phases: I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. Interphase I - DNA replicates forming duplicate chromosome Prophase I - Chromosomes pair with homologous chromosomes Anaphase I - Homologous chromosomes pull apart Telophase I - Nuclear membrane forms 2 diploid cells Prophase II - Nuclear membrane disappears Metaphase II - Chromosomes line up in the middle Anaphase II - Chromatids suppurate & move to opposite ends Telophase II - 4 Haploid cells form

Cytokinesis - Division of cytoplasm Sister Chromatids - Chromosomes and its exact copy. It looks like this: )( Homologous Chromosomes - Chromosome with corresponding chromosome from opposite parent Looks like this: )( )( Spermatogenesis and Oogenesis:

Smith 47 Sexual Reproduction in Plants Cones and flowers are the gametophyte (gamete making) parts of plants Conifers or Gymnosperms : There are male and female cones fertilize eggs in the female cone and seeds are formed Angiosperms or flowering plants: Flowers are produced at certain times of the yea Stamen is the male part which includes: Anther - Where pollen is formed during Meiosis Filament - Stem like structure which holds the anther Pistol - Female part of the flower which includes: Stigma - Top of the pistol where pollination takes places Style - Leads from stigma to the style pollen tube run through here Ovary - Contains the ovule where fertilization takes place

Genetics Study of heredity How inheritance is passed from one generation to another Discovered by Gregor Mendel Gregor Mendel Studies 7 traits for pea plants

Smith 48 Studies seed color, plant height and texture Trait - Specific characteristics Crossed plants with each of the 7 characteristics and studied their offspring Called parents P Generation & offspring F1 Generation Offspring of crosses between parents with different traits are called hybrids Mendel has a group of true seeds which mean if they were allowed to self pollinate, they would produce seeds exactly like themselves Performed his experiments by removing the stamen off each flower so they could not self pollinate He put the pollen from other people on the female part of each flower (Selectively Cross pollinated them) The offspring did not blend the traits of the parent Tall and short plants did not make medium plants They had the traits of one parent Mendels Conclusion Biological inheritance is determined by factors that are passed from one generation to the next The principle of dominance states that some alleles are dominant and others are recessive Segregation Mendel now wondered what happened if the recessive traits disappeared He then allowed the 7 F1 Generation plants to produce an F2 Generation The recessive traits reappeared One fourth of the plants in the F2 possessed the gene When each F1 plant flowers, the two alleles are segregated from each other. So that each gamete carries only a single copy of each gene. Therefore, each F1 Plant produces two types of gametes Those with the allele for tallness & those with the the allele for shortness Punnett Squares Homozygous - Two identical alleles for the same trait (TT) Heterozygous - Two different alleles for the same trait (Tt)

Smith 49 Phenotype - Physical characteristics Genotype - Genetic makeup Probability When Mendel performed his F2 Generation crosses, the ratios always came out 3:1 You need to do a great many crosses to these ratios Just like flipping a coin should result in a 50/50 ratio, the #s only come out this way if the coin is flipped a large amount of times Other Types of Dominance Incomplete Dominance - 1 Allele is not completely dominant over the other Heterozygous - Somewhere between the two Homozygous - Hair straight, curly or wavy Codominance - Both alleles contribute to the phenotype - red & white flowers give pink offspring Multiple Alleles - Many genes have 2 alleles (Rabbit fur color) Polygenic Traits - Interaction of several genes (skin color) Inheritance of Traits Offspring inherit a combination of traits & characteristics from their parents At first, there is a process of random recombination of these traits Environment can modify the physical expression of these inherited traits Information is stored in nucleus of cell Heredity - The passage of these coded instructions from 1 generation to the next Gene Expression & Cell Differentiation Hereditary information is in genes; genes are in chromosomes; chromosomes are in cells An inherited trait can be determined by first generation genes Single genes can influence first traits A human cell contains thousands of different genes in the nucleus DNA - Molecule of Heredity DNA - Molecular basis of heredity Contained in all organisms and contains coded instructions to specify characteristics

Smith 50 Genes are segments of DNA molecules DNA molecules is made of a sequence of sub-unites called nucleotides (made up of nitrogen base [A,G,C,T] ) Number and Sequence of these subunits determines chemical structural properties of DNA Genetic information that underlies heredity is uncoded in genes as a string of molecule bases Sequence of bases in a DNA molecule provides a template for replication which will produce identical DNA strands DNA Replication Weak chemical bonds between bases of DNA It can open up (Unzip) forming a template for a new molecule A new molecule forms by pairing each base on the template with each complementary pare (A and T, G and C) Mutations Random alteration of DNA Can be passes to every cell derived from the mutated parent by cell division Can produce new inheritable characteristics In gametes (Sex cells), can be passes to future generations Mutations in other cells can only be passes onto other body cells Can result from change in DNA sequence Inserting, Deleting, or Substituting DNA segments can alter genes Mutations may be caused by radiation and certain chemicals Correcting Errors of Replication Biological research increases our knowledge in diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of diseases which may include genetic disorders Modern technology allows people to control or to cure some genetic diseases of plants and animals THE FAT CAT ATE THE RAT -THE FEA TCA TAT ETH ERA T (Insertion - Frame Shift; inserted the E between the F and A)

Smith 51 -THE FTC ATA TET HER AT (Deletion or subtraction- Frame Shift - Take A out -THE FET CAT ARE THE RAT (Substitution - Point - Take a out and put e in). From Genes to Protein Work of a cell is carried out by many different molecules it assembles (mostly proteins) DNA contains codes to synthesize thousands of proteins that each cell requires This code is contained in the sequence of many DNA base pairs Sequence of 3 bases (Called a Codon) represents a single amino acid Amino acids - The building blocks of priteins 20 Different Amino acids each with their own properties and structures) RNA Messenger RNA (mRNA) - Carries the message from the nucleus to the ribosome Proteins are synthesized in the ribosome Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) - Found in the ribosome/ Type of RNA that combines with proteins to form ribosomes) Transfer RNA (tRNA) - Carries a single amino acid and attaches to mRNA Differnece between DNA and RNA: RNA is a single strand RNA contains different sugar called Ribose RNA does not have the base Thymine; it is replaced by the base Uracil DNA needs a way to send messages to ribosomes without leaving the nucleus mRNA is the complimentary DNA pair tRNA attaches its amino acids to protein From Genes to Proteins DNA molecule will unzip, exposing a template for the production of mRNA mRNA leaves the nucleus and goes to the ribosome

Smith 52 tRNA reads the code and attaches the amino acids in the correct order to create the new protein Protein Synthesis - Transcription and Translation Transcription - Synthesis of an RNA molecule from a DNA template Translation - Process by which the sequence of bases of an mRNA is converted into the sequence of amino acids of a protein A specific sequence of amino acids produces a long folded chain forming a protein molecule The shape of the protein determines the function of the protein Since the genes that code for the protein of the offspring are similar to the parent, the structure and function of the proteins will also be similar Similar DNA This simultaneously accounts for offspring resembling their parents Identifying Genes of Interest Plant and animal breeding Improvements in cultivated plants and domestic animals haver been produced for thousands of years through selective breeding Cultivated plants that are resistant to disease produce greater yields to food Domestic animals with a desirable trait can be maintained, those with an undesirable trait can have it removed New varieties of plants and animals have been genetically engineered Manipulating genetic instructions produces new characteristics Knowledge of genetics makes possible new fields of health care Mapping of genetic instructions make it possible to detect defective genes and possibly aid in the development of preventative measures to fight Hormones and enzymes from genetically engineered organisms, such as bacteria, reduce cost and side effects of replacing missing body chemicals Cloning increases the number of identical cells without changing the genetic content Recombinant DNA technology Different enzymes can be used to cut, copy and move segments of DNA

Smith 53 The characteristics produced by segments of DNA technology has positive and negative implications Gel Electrophoresis is a technique used for the separation of DNA, RNA and protein molecules. Evolution - Theory Evolution is the change of species over time. This theory is the central unifying theme of biology. The basic theory of biological evolution states that the Earths present day species developed from earlier, distinctly different species. Evolutionary changes may occur in structure, function and behavior of population over time. Supporting Observations The geologic record contains fossils that indicate that simple organisms evolved into increasingly complex multicellular organisms. Comparative studies of molecular and structural similarities between organisms indicate ancestry. Evolution by Natural Selection Natural selection is the consequence of many interactions. Overproduction of offspring and variations among offspring. Adaptive value of certain structural, functional and behavioral variations. Struggle for survival. Competition for a finite supply of resources. Selection by changing environment of those offspring best adapted for survival and reproductive success. The proportion of individuals that have advantageous characteristics will increase. Behaviors also evolve through natural selection of they lead to greater reproductive success. This had led to the broad patterns of behavior exhibited by organisms. Over time, new species of organisms may form. Genetic Basis of Evolution New inheritable characteristics can result from new combinations of existing genes.

Smith 54 Random mutations of genes in reproductive cells lead to new characters in offspring. If they occur in other cells, they can be passed on the other body cells only. These lead to variation of organisms within a species which increase the likelihood that at least some members of the species will survive under changed environmental condition. Evolutionary Patterns Evolution does not necessitate long-term progress in some set directions. It may be compared to the growth of a tree. Evolution of species may process with little or no change (some branches survive from the beginning) Some species may die out all together -extinction Other species branch repeatedly, sometimes giving rise o more complex organisms. Extinction of a species occurs when it lacks adaptive characteristics for survival in the changing environment. Fossil evidence indicates that extinction of species are common. Most species that live on Earth, no longer exist. Human Influence on Evolution For thousands of years, selective breeding for particular traits in cultivated plants and domestic animals has resulted in new varieties. In recent years, genetic engineering has been used to produce new varieties of plants and animals. Organisms with short reproductive cycles are most affected by human activities. Pathogens in an antibiotic environment. Insects in a pesticide environment. Evolution has Led to Biodiversity Biodiversity increases the chances that at least some species will survive in the face of large environmental changes. Biodiversity increases the stability of an ecosystem. Origins of Life

Smith 55 It is thought by many scientists that life on Earth began billions of years ago as simple, single celled organisms. Starting about a billion years ago, these evolved into increasingly complex multicellular organisms. Types of Evolution Gradualism- The gradual change over a very long period of time. Punctuated Equilibrium - A dramatic change in the environment leads to rapid change in organisms. IE: The death of the dinosaurs. Ecology The fundamental concept of Ecology is that living organisms interact with and are dependent upon their environment and each other. Levels of Organization The components of living systems, from single cell to an ecosystem, interact to maintain balance The most fundamental level is a single organism Groups of organisms belonging to the same species form a population All the populations in an area form a community The living things and the physical environment that influence them form an ecosystem The portion of the Earth that can sustain life is the biosphere Organelles-Cells-Tissues-Organs-Organisms-Population-Community-Ecosystem-Biosphere Definition of an Ecosystem An ecosystem involves the interaction between abiotic and biotic factors. Abiotic - Includes physical and chemical factors that influence an organisms ability to live and reproduce. Biotic - Includes all the living things that directly influence each other and the non living environment

Smith 56 Biomes The biosphere contains a variety of physical conditions, which creates a variety of environments. Self-Sustaining Ecosystems There must be a constant source of energy (Sun) and a living system capable (Plants) of incorporating this energy into energy rich organic compounds (Glucose) Energy flows through ecosystems in one direction From the sun to plants to herbivore to a carnivore to decomposer Food Chains and Webs Food chains and webs illustrate the interrelationships and interdependence of producers, consumers, and decomposers. Autotrophic Nutrition The energy for an ecosystem is derived from the organic compounds synthesized by producers These organisms are called Autotrophs Uses 90& of the energy obtained, 10% of the other energy is used inside the structure Heterotrophic Nutrition Consumers are organisms that are not able to synthesized their own nutrients and must get them from other organisms -Called heterotrophs Types of Consumers Herbivores -Which feed directly on green plants and algae Carnivores - Which fee directly on other consumers Decomposers - Which break down organic wastes and dead organisms into simpler substances Returning chemical substances to the environment where they can be reused by other organisms Energy Pyramid Used to illustrate the flow of energy through the various levels in an ecosystem The base is producers The second level is herbivores and higher levels are carnivores

Smith 57 To meet the requirements of the ecosystem, the number of producers and the energy in their level must be greater than the number of consumers and their available energy Material Cycles In a self sustaining ecosystem there must be a recycling of materials between organisms and the physical (abiotic) environments. Chemical elements such as carbon, hydrogen and oxygen make up molecules that pass through food webs and are combined and recombined in different ways. The atoms and molecules on the Earth cycle among living and nonliving components of the biosphere. Carbon dioxide and water used in photosynthesis to form glucose The plant is eaten by a herbivore which performs cellular respiration and releases the carbon dioxide and water. Carrying Capacity The number of organisms any habitat can support (carrying capacity) are limited by the available energy, water, oxygen and minerals Living organisms have the capacity to produce populations of unlimited size, but environments have limited resources The limiting factor in an ecosystem keeps a population in check. Competition Competition occurs when organisms living in the same environment (habitat) utilize the same limited resource (either abiotic or biotic) This can be between members of the same or different species The more similar the requirements the more intense the competition When two organisms compete, one will be successful and the other will be eliminated (Extinction) This establishes one species in each ecological niche Niche - The organisms role in the environment Interactions Interactions can be positive, negative, or neutral

Smith 58 Producer/Consumer = Grass/Rabbit Predator/Prey = Hawk/Mouse Parasite/Host = Tapeworm/Dog Disease Causing Organisms = Staph/Strep Scavengers = Vultures Decomposers = Bacteria Ecosystems Show Cyclic Change Ecosystems show cyclic changes around a state of approximate equilibrium As one population increases it is held in check by one or more environmental factors or another species Disruptions in the number and types of species and environmental changes can upset an ecosystems stability Ecological Succession A community of organisms change the environment making it more suitable to the next community (Ecological Succession) Long term gradual changes lead to stability This can last for hundreds or thousands of years Stable ecosystems can be changed through the activities of organisms including humans, climate changes or natural disaster An altered ecosystem can undergo succession again either returning to the original community or if the environment is changed to a new community Biodiversity Evolution leads to a great diversity of organisms and roles in an ecosystem Biodiversity - increases stability Biodiversity provides for a variety of genetic material. This leads to possible medical or agricultural discoveries Biodiversity increases that some species will survive in large environmental changes

Smith 59 Human Impact: Causes, Effects and Solutions I. Ozone Depletion Causes: CFCs found in aerosol cans, styrofoam and refrigerants. Immediate Effects: Reduces Ozone (O3), More UV light enters Earth Long Term Effect: Increased Skin Cancer, Kills plankton in oceans (Plankton gives 80% of the oxygen in Earth, if the plankton die, oxygen levels decrease) Solutions: Stop using CFCs, Find a way to produce O3 II. Global Warming Causes: CO2 from burning fossil fuels Immediate Effects: CO2 traps the suns heat energy close to the planet (Greenhouse Effect) Long Term Effect: Increasing temperature 5-10 degrees, Increase ocean level by 10 feet, Salt solution of the oceans decrease, killing plankton. Solutions: Burn less fossil fuels and use an alternative source of energy III. Acid Rain Causes: SO2 and NO2 (Nitrogen Dioxide and Sulfur Dioxide) from fossil fuels combine with acid rain. Immediate Effects: pH of rain lowers Long Term Effect: Crop damage, acidification of fresh water lakes (kills fish) Solutions: Burn less fossil fuels, use alternative energy sources IV. Habitat Destruction Causes: Deforestation for cities and towns, overgrazing, direct harvesting Immediate Effect: Lack of biodiversity Long Term Effect: Food chain problems Solutions: Dont deforest, overgraze or direct harvest

Smith 60 Human Impact as a Whole I. Instructional Input A. The unrestricted growth of the human population has stressed the carrying capacity of our environment. This growth has upset the balance within the biosphere i. Renewable resources can be replaced. It will take a great deal of time in most cases. These include water, trees and other plants and food supplies. ii. Nonrenewable resources once they are used cannot be replaced, such as fossil fuels and minerals. B. Natural Ecosystems provide a variety of basic processes that affect humans. These include: i. Maintenance of the quality of the atmosphere The levels of oxygen and CO2 are kept in a constant range through photosynthesis and cellular respiration The rain cleans the air of particles and soluble gases. ii. Generation of soil Soil is mea from the decay of plant and animals and from the breakdown of rock (Like composting) Soil is the habitat for decomposers who break down organic materials and is where producers grow (Also held in place by the root systems of plants) iii. Control of the Water Cycle Water evaporates, becomes clouds, condenses and returns to the surfaces as precipitation, the water collects as run off or ground water and the process restarts Water transpires from plants and evaporates into the atmosphere -This allows ecosystems to maintain a supply of fresh water iv. Water Disposal Examples are landfills and sewage disposal v. Energy Flow Energy flows in one direction only. It flows through food chains and food webs

Smith 61 90% of the energy is lost at least level to movement of the animal and heat. Only 10% of the energy moves to the next levels (A constant source is needed -The Sun) vi. Recycling of Nutrients Carbon Cycle: Carbon is stored in the atmosphere and in fossil fuels Plants use CO2 during photosynthesis, animals eat the plants (Plants and animals release CO2 during cellular respiration and decomposition) CO2 is released when fossil fuels and wood are burned Nitrogen Cycle: Nitrogen is stored in the atmosphere and in soils - Plants absorb Nitrogen from the soil, animals eat the plants Plants and Animals release the nitrogen in their urine C. Human Activities can deliberately or inadvertently alter the equilibrium in ecosystems as a result of: i. Population Growth: more people cause overcrowding and a greater drain on resources ii. Consumption of Resources: Some resources are finite and others take a long time to renew iii. Technology Better health care and improvements in the food supply has led to longer lives thus increasing population Industrialization leads to pollution of air and water D. Human Destruction of habitats may threaten Global Stability as a result of: i. Direct Harvesting: Removing an animal or plant from its environment for food, pets, or other uses ii. Deforestation: Decreases the amount of unaltered space and resources available and may lead to the threat of or actual extinction of species. iii. Pollution: Change in Th.e chemical composition of air, soil or water iv. Atmospheric Changes: Alteration of the ozone shield and global warming II. Impact of Technological Development & Growth on Living & Non-Living Environment A. Degrading ecosystem results in loss of diversity i. Land use decreases space and resources available to other species

Smith 62 ii. Pollution changes the chemical composition of air, soil and water B. Ecosystems may be altered by adding or removing specific organisms. IE: Planting large expanses of one crop reduces biodiversity C. Negative impacts of industrialization include increased demand for and use of energy. III. Remediation: Individual and Societal Short Term and Long Term Solutions A. Individual choices and societal activities can contribute to improving the environmental technologies i. Societies must decide on proposals which involve the introduction of new technologies Technological fixes include more energy efficient cars, alternative fuels, better ways to grow food and better ways to handle human wastes ii. Individuals need to make decisions, which will assess risks, costs, benefits and tradeoffs Are we willing to pay more for a product so that it can be built in a more energy efficient or nonpolluting manner? B. Global awareness, cooperation and action are necessary to resolve issues The issues are global and are going to need global solutions. That means that different governments and cultures are going to have to come together and agree on and thenc arry out the solutions. C. The decisions and actions of one generation both provide and limit the range of possibilities open to the next generation.

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