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The Soaring Eagle

T H E S O A R I N G O R A T O R S O F C L U B T H I R D Q U A R T E R M A Y 6 T H 1 2 2 7 6 0 5 J O H N S O N P A R K

E D I T O R :



Fellow Orators, It is the end of another quarter and as I type each word, I realize I must savor each moment I have as President, because the time is drawing nigh when we would chose another executive. For those of you who do not know by now, I am proud to be associated with The Soaring Orators and to be your servant leader. This has been a great quarter. We had fun, we learned and we enhanced ourselves. Once again,





Election s May 30th 2012

The Presidents Desk

I bring to your attention team S.O.A.R that made it possible for us to have a great quarter. As we enter the fourth quarter, I wish for each member of this club to think seriously about filling a position on the executive for the 2012/2013 Toastmaster year. I speak especially to those persons who are "too shy", "too young", or "too inexperienced" to be apart of the executive. This is because I used those same excuses when I was asked to serve on the first executive by TM Keith Major. It was then that I realized that, 1. You become a Leader by leading, and 2. There are more persons rooting for your success than your failure. I am optimistic that the remainder of this year will be great. We thank you for your support thus far, and we ask for your continued support as we serve the membership of this amazing club.

Presidents Roast June 27th 2012

Your Servant, Takara M. Lewis, ACB,ALB


Preparing for Table Topics Competition Toastmasters Tips Who am I ?


From There to Here

I am Katina Seymour and I have been married for 16 beautiful years. I have two children. I have my Masters Degree in Education. I am a teacher at Gerald Cash Primary School and the grade 6 team leader. I am a Christian and I love the Lord. I attend Mt. Tabor Full Gospel Baptist Church and I am the Public Relations and Directors of The Womans Ministry there. I have been a Toastmaster for eight wonderful years. In my me time I enjoy playing cards, board games and reading. Over the years, I have mastered skills in the areas of leadership and organization. My goals for the future are to be recruited for speaking engagements throughout the country and to conduct educational workshops. In Toastmasters, I would like to improve my impromptu speaking and strengthen my communication skills. Some positions that I have held in previous clubs are Secretary, Treasurer, Vice President of Public Relations Vice President of Education and President. The highest rank that I have achieved in Toastmasters is Advance Leader Bronze (ALB) and Advance Communicator Gold (ACG). I am grateful that the Soaring Orators have welcomed me into their club and I am committed to lend my support/influence to the club.

Why the Mentor- 3 ing Program? Winners Circle

Riddle Me This Riddle Me That Highlights of the Quarter




How to Prepare for both the Area 86 and Division I Table Topic Competition.
One of the mistakes I think that Toastmasters often make (in my opinion) regarding the table topics competition is that over thinking. A growing trend amongst Toastmasters competing in this area seems to be thoughts along the line of Ill read and memorize a bunch of quotations, that way no matter what is asked, I have a poignant quote to share. The problem with this is that it defeats the purpose of table topics, which is to foster the ability to think on ones feet and may put the competitor at a disadvantage. quotes at my disposal put me at a disadvantage? Simple, instead of taking a few moments to gather your thoughts and give a unique answer, you spend the time sorting through a hodgepodge of quotes trying to find and remember one that is appropriate to the question asked. And then, upon giving this quote, you try to shoehorn your response around it, thereby making the process more mechanical than organic. If you feel the need to prepare, then at each club meeting you attend, whether or not you are asked a particular table topics question, answer it. (Internally of course.) This way, you get used to responding to a wide range of questions even though youre unprepared. So to the novice Toastmaster looking to enter the Table Topics questions, I say enter the room with a clear mind and when asked a question, take a few seconds to decide where you want to go, and then go with it. Remember, its table topics, so theres no wrong answer.

TM Adriel Hepburn ACS,ALB

But Toastmaster Hepburn, how can having several

Anatole France: To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe.

Toastmasters Tips/ When Things Go Wrong

When things beyond your control go wrong, the only thing you can control is your react i o n t o t h e m . Just as the sailor at sea is at the mercy of the elements, so is the speaker. The sailors batten down the hatches in rough weather; what does the speaker do in when the microphone wont work? Or when the lights malfunction? Or when the music in the n e xt r o om i s t o o l ou d ? The following article from the Toastmaster magazine, written by Bob Hopes Emmy Award winning head writer Gene Perret, offers examples of intrepid speakers who rode out the sometimes stormy seas of the speakers podium. Among his dos and donts: Dont: Blow your cool. Do: Maintain your dignity. Dont: Surrender to the situation. Do: Your best under any circumstances. Dont: Continually refer to the problem. Do: Keep your sense of humor

Who am I ?
TM Nehemie Louis
My name is Nehemie Louis and was born on the 19th day of December 1990 in the beautiful island, Nassau Bahamas. I obtained my education at Stephen Dillet Primary, the C.C. Sweeting Junior and C.R.Walker Senior High. I aspire to become a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner. I believe that I can do all things through Christ who gives me the strength I need. My hobbies include reading, dancing and singing. I also enjoy doing community service. For "only a life lived in service to others is worth living". I joined Toastmasters to enhance my leadership skills and in doing so will become all that God has called me to be.








How the Mentoring Program has Helped You in Toastmasters.

the time that I took every week on Tuesdays to learn how to effectively TM Yamma St. Fleur write and deliver my speeches, Some of the skills that Ive learned and still practice today are:To obtain knowledge and wisdom is to never assume that you cant learn from others for in doing you will become wiser. When I look back on my journey in the Toastmasters club, I can truly say that it was an easy transition for me, and it could not have been possible without the Mentoring program. A program implemented to ensure that new members are fully trained in the area of speech writing and Speech delivery. The wealth of knowledge obtain by my Mentors was worth 1. There are four ways to begin a speech Humor A Story A Series of questions A quote 3. Only write on things that youre passionate about, 4. In every speech there should be a Opening, Body and Conclusion, 5. Always rememorize your Opening and closing because that is what most people remember. This club is truly blessed to have veteran Toastmasters who are equipping new Toastmasters. To the mentoring team of TM Rory Major, TM Takara Lewis and TM Keith Major, I will forever be grateful.

2. When searching for speech topics we What are the Keys to becoming a are taught that there are speech topics Successful Toastmaster, attend a mentor everywhere. My last speech I found in the program and you will see yourself transition from a Ordinary Toastmaster to an News paper, Extraordinary Orator.

Winners Circle
Best Speaker TM Adriel Hepburn Best Table Best Topic Answer Evaluator TM Katina Seymour DTM Keith Major

The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will. Vince Lombardi

Riddle Me This, Riddle Me That

1. It is greater than God and more evil than the devil. The poor have it, the rich need it and if you eat it you'll die. What is it? 2. It walks on four legs in the morning, two legs at noon and three legs in the evening. What is it? 3. I am the beginning of the end, and the end of time and space. I am essential to creation, and I surround every place. What am I? 4. What is in seasons, seconds, centuries and minutes but not in decades, years or days? 5. What's black when you get it, red when you use it, and white when you're all through with it? 6. Cannot be seen, it weighs nothing, but when put into a barrel, it makes it lighter. What is it? 7. You saw me where I never was and where I could not be. And yet within that very place, my face you often see. What am I?


Advantages of being on a Toastmasters Executive

Serving on a Toastmasters executive can be one of the most rewarding experiences one can take part in. Toastmasters who have never served as a member if the executive before and may be wondering what are the benefits, they are below: 1. You have an opportunity to master working as a team. 2 you learn interpersonal skills that helps you in your social and professional interactions. 3. It fosters leadership development from a variety of perspectives mainly organising and developing plans for your various roles. 4. Affords you the ability to chair a committee of your peers. 5. Encourages constructive feedback on the roles you perform. 6. Fosters a higher level of accountability in ensuring the club achieves its goals as would in the corporate arena, lending insight to the different management styles you will encounter in the work place. These are just a few reasons why serving on the executive is rewarding. If one of those points appeal to you, then you should offer yourself for election. Speak to any current executive and they would be more than willing to assist you and train you in whatever role you want to assist in.


It has become the most memorable program of The Soaring Orators experience; Gender Wars. Weeks leading up to it, males and females spend time taunting each other about who will come out victorious. This year's "Girls Night Out" Chairman was TM Erica Collie who had lots of delightful treats, a nicely decorated room and constant reminders that she is "bossy". The speakers for that evening were TMs Yamma St. Fleur, TM Manouchka Bien-Aime and TM Takara Lewis. One week later, the men came with authority, led by TM Adriel Hepburn reminding the ladies that "It's a Man's World". There was food prepared by the men that the ladies thoroughly enjoyed, and had props surrounding the room that gave a firm and manly reminder of who is in charge. The speakers for the evening were, TM Rory Major, TM James Mckinney and TM Latroy A. Bodie. At the end of the two week program, we all became friends again and in the words of TM Yvan Cherenfant, we agreed to "Cease Fire".





Gender Wars Contd

Highlights of the Quarter

At the T





Flash Backs

Guest Gallery

Word of the Day

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