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chromosomal DNA stored in an area named thenucleoid, while eukaryote DNA is found on tightly bound andorganizedchromosomes.

In photosynthetic prokaryotic bacteria, the chlorophyll pigment is present in bag-likemembrane bound structures. P R O K A R Y O T I C C E L L E U K A R Y O T I C C E L L 1. Generally smaller in size than eukaryotic cells1. Generally larger in size than prokaryotic cells2. Have a poorly defined nuclear region due toabsence of nuclear membrane.2. have a well defined nuclear region surrounded by anuclear membrane3 . S i n g l e chromosome (Nucleoid) is present.3. More than one chromosomes are present in t h e nucleus.4 . M e m b r a n e b o u n d c e l l o r g a n e l l e s a r e absent4. Membrane bound cell organelles like m i t o c h o n d r i a , ER, Golgi bodies etc are present. A Prokaryotic CellA Eukaryotic Cell CYTOPLASM: The cytoplasm i s t h e p a r t o f a cellt h a t i s en cl os e d wi t h i n t he plasma membrane . Ineukaryoticcells the cytoplasm containsorganelles, such asmitochondria, that are filled with liquid kept separate from the rest of the cytoplasm by biological membranes. S u c h me m b r a n e b ou n d s t r u c t u r e s a r e a b s e n t i n pr o kar y o t i c c el l s . Th e cytoplasm is the site where most cellular activities occur.monikamehan@gmail.com4

Organelles a r e m e m b r a n e - b o u n d c o m pa r t m e n t s wi t h i n t h e ce l l t h at ha ve s p e c i f i c f u n c t i o n s . S o m e m aj or or ga n e l l e s t h at ar e s u s p en d e d i n t h e c y t o p l a s m a r e t h e mitochondria, t h e endoplasmic reticulum, t h e Golgi apparatus,lysosomes, vacuoles and in plant cells Plastids likechloroplasts. The

Endoplasmic Reticulum ( ER ) i s a eukaryotic organellethat forms an interconnected network of tubules, vesicles, andcisternaewithincells. It has a similar structure as the plasma membrane. On the basis of presence or absence of ribosomes, ER may be classified into two groups: Ro u g h E R : The surface of the rough endoplasmic reticulum ( R E R ) i s s t u d d e d w i t h p r o t e i n - manufacturingribosomesgiving it a "rough" appearance (hence its name) Smooth ER : The smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER) has functions in several metabolic processes,including synthesis of lipids and drug detoxification. Functions of ER : 1. To serve as channels for the transport of materials within the cell. 2. He l p i n t h e m a n u f a c t u r e of l i p i d s a nd pr o t e i ns t ha t ar e u s e d f o r b u i l d i n g t h e c e l l m e m b r an e i . e. membrane biogenesis . 3. SER manufactures lipids important for cell functions. 4. RER manufactures proteins required for various cellular activities. 5. ER provides a cytoplasmic framework by providing an area for come biochemical activities of the cell. 6. SER plays an important role in detoxification of many poisons and drugs. Golgi Apparatus : It was identified in 1898 by the Italian physicianCamillo Golgiand was named after him.Th e Go l g i i s co m p os e d o f me m b r a n e - b ou n d s t a c k s k n o wn a s cisternae. Th e pr i m ar y f u n ct i o n of t he Go l g i apparatus is to process and package themacromoleculessuch as proteinsandlipidsthat are synthesized by the cell.After leaving the

production site of the ER, most products are transported to the Golgi apparatus. The GolgiApparatus consists of several flattened saclike membranes. These sacs sit one on top of the other like a stack of pancakes, and all of the sacs are interconnected. The smooth ER manufactures the Golgi apparatus by pinchingoff parts of itself. These bits of membrane add themselves to the Golgi apparatus. Function of Golgi apparatus : It is like a cellular post office- it packages and labels items and then sends them to different parts of thecell. It primarily modifies proteins delivered from therough endoplasmic reticulumbut is also involved in thetransport of lipidsaround the cell, and the creation of lysosomes. It also helps in formation of complex sugars from simple sugars. Lysosomes : Lysosomes are Membrane bound sacs filled with powerful digestive enzymes. These enzymes aremanufactured by RER.Role and function of lysosomes: As Waste disposal system of the cell : Lysosomes are the cells' garbage disposal system. Any foreignmaterial such as bacteria that enters a cell and worn out cell organelles are engulfed by lysosomes and broken down. Digestive bags of the cell : Since lysosomes are little digestion machines, they go to work when the cellabsorbs or eats some food. Once the material is inside the cell, the lysosomes attach and release their enzymes. The enzymes break down complex molecules that can include complex sugars and proteins. If monikamehan@gmail.com5

food is scarce and the cell is starving, the lysosomes go to work even if there is no food for the cell. Whenthe signal is sent out, lysosomes will actually digest the cell organelles for nutrients.

Suicide bags of the cell : Sometimes, when the cell gets damaged, the lysosomes burst and the enzymesdigest their own cell, so they are also called suicide bags of the cell. Mitochondria : (singular: mitochondrion) are known as Power Houses of the cell.The word mitochondrion comes from theGreek mitos , thread + khondrion , granule. Mitochondria are membrane- bound organelles, and like the nucleus have a double membrane. The outer membrane is fairly smooth and porous. But the inner membrane forms folds called cristae. The cristae greatly increase the inner membrane'ssurface area. This is useful as more space is available for reactions since it is on these cristae that food (sugar) iscombined with oxygen to produce ATP (Adenosine triphosphate) - the primary energy source for the cell. The process of creating cell energy is known as cellular respiration . ATP is also known as Energy Currency of theCell .Mitochondria are strange organelles as they have their own DNA and ribososmes.Due to this, they are able tomake some of their own proteins. So they are also known as semi-autonomous bodies. Plastids: It is a double membrane boundorganelleinvolved in the synthesis and storage of food, and is commonly foundwithin thecellsof photosyntheticorganisms, likeplants. In addition to the inner and outer membranes of the envelope, chloroplasts have a third internal membranesystem, called the thylakoid membrane. The thylakoid membrane forms a network of flattened discs calledthylakoids, which are frequently arranged in stacks called grana.Grana are embedded in a material called stroma.Types of Plastids: A plastid containing green pigment (chlorophyll) is called chloroplast . They also contain yellow andorange pigments in addition to chlorophyll.Chloroplasts are the site of photosynthesis in plant cells. A plastid containing pigmentsapart from green is called chromoplast

. A plastid that lacks pigmentsis called leucoplast , and is involved mainly in food storage. A leucoplastmay storesstarch fats or proteins. Likemitochondria, plastids have their ownDNAandribosomes. So plastids too, can manufacture some proteins for themselves and are called semi-autonomous bodies. Vacuoles They are found in both animal and plant cells but are much larger in plant cells. Vacuoles might store food or anyvariety of nutrients a cell might need to survive. They can even store waste products so the rest of the cell is protected from contamination.When a plant cell has stopped growing, there is usually one very large vacuole. Sometimes that vacuole can takeup 50 90% of the cell's volume.The structure of vacuoles is fairly simple. There is a membrane that surrounds a mass of fluid. In that fluid arenutrients or waste products.These include amino acids, sugars, certain organic acids and some proteins.Vacuoles tend to be large in plant cells and play a role in turgor pressure. When a plant is well-watered, water collects in cell vacuoles producing rigidity in the plant. Without sufficient water, pressure in the vacuole isreduced and the plant wilts.In unicellular organism like amoeba, the food vacuole contains the items consumed by amoeba throughendocytosis.Most unicellular organism also have specialised vacuoles that control the water content and also help inremoving wastes from the cell.monikamehan@gmail.com6

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