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carbon footprint Definition from AltusLumen : Carbon footprint measures total amount of greenhouse gas emissions released into

the environment. Greenhouse gas emissions from all sources are summed up and changed into units of CO2 equivalent which is used to standardize greenhouse gas emissions and help make comparisons from different time periods and across industries. Carbon emissions are usually measured in metric tons per year (1 metric ton equals 2204lbs). Example sentence(s):

With rises in the costs of fuel and widespread media coverage on the threats of global warming, reducing your carbon footprint is increasingly at the forefront of the sustainability agenda for consumer product manufacturers and retailers. Carbon Footprint Consumer Products 2008 Global climate change is one of humanitys greatest challenges and one of the most important indicators that we are in ecological overshoot. Since the carbon footprint is 50 percent of humanitys overall Ecological Footprint, reducing our carbon footprint is essential to ending ecological overshoot. Global Footprint Network Some companies have started to include footprints on their labeling. Carbon labels appeal to consumers who understand and monitor their own carbon footprints and want to support products that do the same. HowStuffWorks, Inc.

This question is closed karbonski (ugljenini) otisak Definition: Karbonski otisak predstavlja ukupnu koliinu GHG* emisija (*GHG , eng. greenhouse gases gasovi sa efektom staklene bate) proizvedenih direktno i indirektno od strane individue, organizacije, dogaaja ili produkta. Karbonski otisak je mera naeg uticaja na ivotnu sredinu i klimatske promene, a izraava se u tonama (ili kilogramima) ekvivalenata ugljen-dioksida. Example sentence(s):

Karbonski otisak poslovnog oveka koji putuje prvom klasom je najmanje etiri puta vei od onoga koji pravi osoba koja leti ekonomskom klasom. - NIN Vozilo e nositi ime 1/X (ita se engleski 1-xth), zbog razlomka koji opisuje njegov ugljenini otisak, u poreenju sa drugim vozilima. Pored znaajno nie emisije CO2 (navodno, do itavih 60 procenata), ovaj auto e koristiti i od 30 procenata manje energije,i to sve zahvaljujui kompoziciji tela. - KupujemProdajem Postajemo ugljikomani, zavisnici od ugljenika. Svako je odgovoran za smanjenje svog otiska ugljenika (eng. carbon footprint). Poruka ovogodinjeg Svetskog dana zatite okoline zato glasi Reimo se zavisnosti od CO2! - Prema privredi s niskom potronjom ugljenika. - Economy Internet Group

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