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HERBS, ROOTS, MINERALS, ABRUS SEEDS A small red and black legume often carried in amulets for good

luck. ACACIA LEAF Symbolizes the afterlife; the leaves are burned on charcoal to develop personal power. ALOES POWDER (BITTER ALOES) Used in a graveyard bottle spell to silence the lips of those who speak evil lies. AGRIMONY One of the few magic herbs believed to reverse a jinx, curse, or hex after it has been put on you. ALFALFA Kept in the home to protect against poverty; carried to the bank when you ask for a loan. ALKANET ROOT Ends the work of those who try to trouble your money matters or jinx your gambling luck. ALLSPICE BERRIES, ground Much used for prosperity, success, luck, and money gained through business ventures. ALLSPICE BERRIES, whole Much used for prosperity, success, luck, and money gained through business ventures. ALTHAEA LEAVES To attract benevolent spirits to the home, to increase psychic ability, to heal and soothe. ALTHAEA ROOT To attract benevolent spirits to the home, to find treasure through psychic gifts. ANGELICA (ARCHANGEL, HOLY GHOST) whole root Enhances female magical power and strength, protects children. ANGELICA (ARCHANGEL, HOLY GHOST) root powder Enhances female magical power and strength, protects children. ANISE SEED Used to ward off the Evil Eye and also to increase personal psychic abilities. ARROW ROOT POWDER An old-time hand-dusting herb powder for gambling luck; combine with lucky Sachet Powders. ASAFOETIDA (DEVIL'S DUNG) powder Said to keep off diseases, evil spells, conjure work, and interfering law officers.

ASPAND (ESPHAND, ESPAND, HARMAL, SYRIAN RUE) seed Used in ancient Zoroastrian and Muslim rites to protect from the evil eye. BALM OF GILEAD buds Comforts those who have lost in love, encourages the reconciliation of estranged lovers. BARBERRY Sprinkled in the paths of your enemies to bar their way and stop them following you. BASIL A magic herb for money and success, a happy family, and a peaceful home; to drive away the Evil Eye. BAY LEAF For protection and to avoid being jinxed, especially if you are doing a job on someone else. BAYBERRY ROOT chips Sprinkled on the money in your wallet to attract more money and good fortune to you.

BEARBERRY (KINNIKINNICK) LEAF Native American spiritual smoke, used as a psychic and spiritual incense and tea. BLACKBERRY LEAF Used to remove evil spirits from a home and to return evil to a person doing you harm. Black Root (Culver's Root, Leptandra) Chips BLACK SNAKE ROOT (BLACK COHOSH ROOT) chips Provides protection and strengthens those who are weak, timid, afraid, or shy. BLESSED THISTLE Brewed into herbal tea which is sprinkled around the home for protection from evil.

BLOOD ROOT (RED PUCCOON ROOT) chips Strengthens family relations where "blood" ties bind you but respect is sometimes lacking. BLUE COHOSH ROOT (PAPOOSE ROOT) Used to protect people and places from evil; used by Native Americans to protect children. BLUE FLAG ROOT (WATER FLAG, SNAKE LILY) chips Used in money-drawing magic spells, for prosperity, and to bring wealth. BOLDO LEAF Said to repel and keep away evil spirits, bad customers, unruly people, and even diseases.

BONESET (WHITE SNAKE ROOT) LEAF magic herb that opposes unnatural illness and wards off snakes. BORAGE FLOWERS For peace in the home, tranquility in the family, and calm in domestic relationships. BROOM STRAWS to drive away witches and unwanted visitors; for magical protection from evil. BUCKEYE NUT, WHOLE Said to prevent rheumatism, arthritis, and headache BURDOCK ROOT A cleansing, protective, and uncrossing magic herb, said to restore male nature. CALAMUS ROOT CHIPS Used by those who wish to control a situation or to dominate a specific person. CALENDULA FLOWERS Strong for winning in court and powerful to induce prophetic lucky number dreams. CARAWAY SEED Believed to provide protection and to keep young children safe from illness and harm.

CARDAMOM SEED Used in magic spells intended to bring about lust, passion, and love in one not your mate.

CASCARA SAGRADA BARK CHIPS Said to bring good luck and especially to help you win in court cases. CATNIP Used to captivate your lover with your special ways and to capture his or her heart.

CEDAR WOOD CHIPS Draw a two-armed cross on the ground to peacefully cause an unwanted person to move.

CELANDINE Said to keep off witches and law officers; helps one win in court by confusing opponents. CELERY SEED Believed by many to enhance latent psychic powers and to bring on prophetic dreams.


A magic herb used in gambling spells and washes, and also for uncrossing. Chaney Root (Chainey Root, Jamaican Sarsaparilla) Said to grant health, happiness and prolong life.

CHERRY BARK Said to be efficacious in matters of love, romance, sexual attraction, and conjugal relations.

CHIA SEED To stop gossip and back-biting; may be added to Slippery Elm Bark for this purpose.

CINNAMON chips Believed to rapidly attract luck, money, and love; also for purification and protection.

CINNAMON POWDER Sprinkled to attract luck, money, and love; also for purification and protection.

CLOVER FLOWERS, RED Used in love-magic, for a prosperous marriage, and to insure conjugal felicity.

CLOVER FLOWERS, WHITE Used for personal purification and to drive away evil influences.

CLOVES, whole Said to attract good luck to your home, to stop gossip, and to help sustain friendships. COLTSFOOT HERB Burned with other magic herbs to aid psychic visions or to remove sickness and mental problems.

COMFREY LEAF Helps you hold onto the money you have or the money that you win while gambling.

COMFREY ROOT Carried for safety and good health while travelling or when away from home.

CORIANDER SEEDS To draw love to you, to stimulate passion, and to keep your lover faithful to you.

COREOPSIS FLOWERS Golden coin-shaped dried flowers are used in gambling and money-luck baths and spells. COUCH GRASS (WITCH GRASS, DOG GRASS) A magic herb used in binding spells, both for love-magic and for evil purposes. CUBEB BERRIES Used to control a lover and to increase sexual heat; will also help you meet a new mate.

CUMIN SEEDS Believed to keep evil and bad luck away from your home, to keep your lover faithful.

DAMIANA Used in magic spells to draw a new lover, intensify sexual passion, or bring back a straying lover.

DANDELION ROOT, WHOLE Drunk as tea or carried in a bag to enhance psychic dreams and second sight.

DEER'S TONGUE Used to get someone to love you, to obtain a proposal of marriage, also for court cases.

DEVIL POD (BAT NUT) For strong protection from evil; also used as an offering to dark forces. DEVIL'S SHOE STRINGS For protection from crossing and gossip, for gambling luck, for job getting.

DILL LEAF For folks crossed or jinxed in love, and for men who have had their nature taken away.

DILL SEED To make you irresistible to the one you desire, and also to help you win in court.

DITTANY OF CRETE Fed to the one you love to promote desire; burned to bring a vision of your future mate.

DRAGON'S BLOOD CURIO chunks Carried for good luck, for making magic pacts, and to attract riches.

Earth Smoke / Fumitory Herb Used as a money drawing incense herb in magic spell-casting. ELDER FLOWERS Sprinkled around property or carried for protection from criminals and from the law.

ELECAMPANE A famous magical love herb; one of the three ingredients in Medieval True Love Powder.

EUCALYPTUS To drive away pestiferous people and also for personal cleansing after contact with evil.

FENNEL SEEDS For protection, to keep the law away, to strengthen a women's courage, to prevent curses.

FENUGREEK SEED Carried with your money for prosperity, increase in wages, lucky money-finding, and wealth.

FERN Used to prevent jinxes, to remove evil spirits from the home, to help ward off burglars.

FEVERFEW A magic herb carried by clumsy or accident prone people to protect them from harm. FIVE FINGER GRASS For success in all the things that five fingers can do, to get others to do you favours. FLAX SEED Used to increase psychic abilities and mental powers, and for protection of children.

GARLIC CLOVES (AJO JAPONES) Protective, powerful, and edible; used in cooking and to repel all manner of evil.

GENTIAN ROOT CHIPS A love-drawing magic herb; carried in a conjure bag with the name of the one you desire.

GINGER ROOT (JAMAICA GINGER) Fiery protection from evil; also heats up love affairs and sexuality. GINSENG ROOT (WONDER OF THE WORLD) POWDER For male vigour and nature, good luck in gambling, and to control your mate. GINSENG ROOT (WONDER OF THE WORLD) For male vigour and nature, good luck in gambling, and to control your mate.

GOLDEN SEAL ROOT THREADS Used by those who seek wisdom, strength, and beauty, also better health. GRAINS OF PARADISE (GUINEA GRAINS) For good luck, protection of the house, to get a job, and to make wishes come true.

GRAVEL ROOT CHIPS Carried when looking for a new job or when asking your boss for a raise or benefits.

HAWTHORN BERRIES, WHOLE Sprinkle around the home to keep another person from trying to become your spouse's lover.

HOLLY LEAVES For protection of the home, to invite helpful spirits into the household.

HONEYSUCKLE FLOWERS A twining vine with sweet-smelling flowers, it is used to entangle and tie a lover to you.

HOPS FLOWERS, WHOLE An aid to peaceful sleep when placed in the pillow; ends nightmares, brings beneficial dreams.

HOREHOUND Said to keep off wild animals and packs of dogs if sprinkled around the home; used medically against coughs.

HUCKLEBERRY LEAVES Said to make your dreams come true; used by gamblers to produce lucky number dreams.

HYSSOP A purification herb, for home cleansing, to put an end to crossed conditions, to take off a jinx

IRISH MOSS WHOLE PIECES To bring continuous good luck and a steady flow of money in business and gambling.

Jasmine Flowers Said to aid in the reception of psychic dreams and to enhance the power of love herb mixtures.

JEZEBEL ROOT, WHOLE Attracts men with money; also used in the famous curse of Jezebel against enemies.

JUNIPER BERRIES To increase virility in men, enhance sensuality in women, and to attract physical love.

KNOT WEED (LADIES' THUMB) To bind, restrict or control a person's movements; to symbolically tie things down.

LAVENDER FLOWERS To promote passion, romance, harmony, friendship, and cooperation with a lover.

LEMON LEAVES For "cut-and-clear" spells to remove old conditions and open the way to draw a new lover.

LEMON GRASS LEAVES For protection and to increase the power of all amulets; also for a good sexual time.

LEMON MINT (BERGAMOT MINT) To break up bad conditions and promote health; to draw a new lover. LEMON VERBENA To magically break up or causee discord and strife between two people. LICORICE ROOT SLICES To gain power over others and control them; also to change someone's mind.

LIFE EVERLASTING, YELLOW Brewed into an herbal tea that is drunk daily for longer life.



LOTUS ROOT SLICED Used in Lunar magical workings, for love, and for protection. LOVAGE ROOT (BO' HOG ROOT) SLICES To attract a lover of the opposite gender for romance and sexual passion.

MAGNOLIA LEAVES Placed under the mattress for marital happiness, fidelity, and mutual sexual attraction.

MANDRAKE ROOT (MAYPOPS) A famous root used by conjurers to create love-dolls and also for money-drawing magic. MARJORAM To drive off those who would harm your family; to protect home or business from jinxes.

MASTER OF THE WOODS For mastery, strength, and control over adversaries, also used to prepare a healing oil.

MASTER ROOT, PIECES A power enhancing magic herb used for protection, psychism, luck, and to command respect from others.

MINT An herb said to break magic spells and jinxes and to gain mental strength during times of difficulty.

MISTLETOE Sacred herb of the Druids; one of the three ingredients in Medieval True Love Powder.

MOJO BEAN (ST. JOSEPH WISHING BEAN), WHOLE Carried for luck; used in spells to make wishes come true.

MOTHERWORT HERB For the magical protection of women and children; to bring peace to the home and family.

MUGWORT (ARTEMISIA) HERB Burned and inhaled for psychic abilities, made into tea to wash amulets and crystals. MULLEIN Used in "dark arts" spells and conjurations; burned with incense when raising spirits.

MUSTARD SEED, BLACK (BROWN) To disrupt the activities of unwanted associates or troublesome, meddling people.

NETTLE A strong jinx-breaker herb when used as a sprinkle or brewed and drunk as a tea.

NUTMEG, WHOLE A most powerful lucky charm is made from it by gamblers to bring in the winnings.

OREGANO To keep the law away; also used to keep troublesome in-laws away.

PASSION FLOWER HERB Symbolic of clinging love and of the crucifixion; brings peace and blessings to the home.


Used in both love-drawing and money-drawing magic rites, and to break jinxes. PEACH TREE LEAF An herb used to help students pass tests and to increase studious concentration.

PENNYROYAL HERB To keep peace in the home, end family troubles, and help solve marital problems.

PEONY ROOT slices To protect against misfortune, bolster health, break jinxes, and draw good fortune.

PEPPER, BLACK To get rid of evil or to cast evil onto someone; to make someone move out of your way.

PEPPER, RED flakes To make problems for someone, cause a break-up, make them move out; also for cleansing.

PEPPER, RED whole pods To make problems for someone, cause a break-up, make them move out; also for cleansing.

PERIWINKLE Placed under the mattress for love; carried to attract money and to dispel the Evil Eye.

PINE NEEDLES A spiritual cleanser, draws steady money, drives out spirits, removes mental negativity.

PLANTAIN LEAF An herb that is said to protect one against snakes and also against thieves.

POPPY FLOWERS To induce psychic dreams and visions while you sleep; to confuse someone for love. POPPY SEEDS Used in spells to confuse someone; also used to dominate and morally weaken enemies.

QUASSIA (BITTER ROOT) chips Used in controlling and domination spells to replace or augment the hair of the target.

QUEEN ELIZABETH ROOT (ORRIS ROOT) WHOLE To attract men and to cause them to love you.

QUEEN ELIZABETH ROOT (ORRIS ROOT) POWDER To attract men and to cause them to love you.

RASPBERRY LEAVES Used in an herbal bath by women so that their men will not want to wander.

RATTLESNAKE MASTER (CORN SNAKE ROOT, ERYNGO) For protection from actual and symbolic "snakes in the grass".

RICE, GREEN, WITH SHREDDED U.S. DOLLARS (LUCKY GREEN RICE) For prosperity in the home and drawing customers to a business. ROSE BUDS For conjugal love; combined with lavender and red clover tops in love-drawing spells.

ROSE PETALS For good luck in love; also to remove any kind of love-jinxing someone has done to you.

ROSEMARY Protects against evil, cleanses, ensures fidelity; gives a woman domination in the home. RUE (RUTA, RUDA) To break hexes or jinxes that have been cast upon you; to ward off the Evil Eye.

SAFFLOWER PETALS Burned as a love-drawing incense by gay men; mixed with Sampson Snake Root by gay men to draw a dominant lover. SAGE For wisdom, discernment, and decision-making; keeps off the Evil Eye; reverses evil magic spells.

SAMPSON SNAKE ROOT CHIPS A root of power and strength, especially for men; used in making Jack-balls and mojos.

SARSAPARILLA ROOT CHIPS For health, to draw money, to bless a house, and to arouse sexual passion. SASSAFRAS ROOT CHIPS Carried in wallet near money, helps you control and make your money go further.

SELF HEAL (ALL-HEAL) LEAVES Believed to aid in matters of physical health and to cleanse the sick. SENECA SNAKE ROOT (MILKWORT, RATTLESNAKE ROOT) A magic herb used to protect from liars, false friends, backbiters and other "snakes in the grass."

SENNA LEAF Used to draw love from someone unaware of your interest, also for faithful love. SENNA PODS Mixed with other herbs to make a rinse water for laundry that keeps a lover faithful.

SKULLCAP HERB To encourage fidelity; also used to magically attract gifts of money. SLIPPERY ELM BARK To stop all types of slander, gossip, and back-biting by strangers, neighbors, and family.

SNAKE WEED (BISTORT, SMART WEED) For luck and money; to protect against snakes and false friends.

SOLOMON'S SEAL ROOT CHIPS To increase wisdom and make wise decisions; for success; for protection.

SPANISH MOSS Strange, grey plant used to stuff doll-babies ("voodoo dolls") and for enemy-work.

SPIKENARD A noted love-herb, mentioned in the Bible and often used love spells, oils, and incenses. SQUAW VINE (PARTRIDGE BERRY) HERB Used by pregnant women to protect an unborn baby from being "marked" by jealous eyes.

STAR ANISE Stops misfortunes, increases psychic power, brings back a lost love, increases good luck.

SUMAC BERRY To be given a reduced sentence or fine in court cases; for making triple-strength Peace Water.

TANSY Said to protect against the police, DEA, or INS looking into one's affairs.

TEN BARK (CINCHONA) CHIPS To ward off or reduce the effects of unnatural illnesses caused by tricking or hexing.

THYME To make money grow and stay with you; to promote good health; to stop nightmares.

TOBACCO To win in court cases; to reach folks when you don't know where they are.

TONKA BEAN Whole beans in pod; used in spells to make love-wishes come true

VANDAL ROOT (VALERIAN ROOT) CHIPS Used in raising demonic spirits, making pacts, and casting evil spells.

VERBENA (VERVAIN) One of the three herbal ingredients in magical Medieval True Love Powder. VIOLET LEAF CUT AND SIFTED Used in magic spells to heal a broken heart and to attract a new love to you. VIOLET LEAF WHOLE Worn in the shoe to attract a new lover, bring back a lost love, or heal a broken heart.

WAHOO ROOT BARK CHIPS Used in a special magical rite of uncrossing, to take off jinxes and tricks.

WALNUT LEAF An herb that is used in hexing, jinxing, crossing, and break-up spells.

WALNUT DRIED WHOLE IN HUSKS 9 per package Used in a spell to rid oneself of ties to the past, to remove obsessive love.

WHITE OAK BARK CHIPS Brewed into an herbal tea in which one bathes for purification, jinx-removal, and cleansing.

WILLOW LEAF A magic herb used to make an impromptu doll-baby when spell-casting.

WINTERGREEN Draws money and good luck; aids in sexual matters; used to smoke gambling halls.

WOOD BETONY Protective against evil spirits and disease; burned with Agrimony to reverse jinxes.

WORMWOOD A protective magical herb, prevents accidents; stimulates psychic visions and magical contact with spirits.

YARROW FLOWER, WHOLE FLOWER HEADS Breaks curses, increases psychic power, and stimulates courage in dangerous situations.

YELLOW DOCK ROOT WHOLE Native Americans have preferred this root for the creation of effigy dolls for love.

YERBA SANTA The name means Holy herb; it is kept on altars as an offering, and brewed into a cleansing herb tea.

Benzoin Resin Burned on charcoal to purify the home, break jinxes, and dispel evil.

CAMPHOR RESIN INCENSE Burned on charcoal for purification and laid down to protect a home. Copal negro Burned on charcoal in Central America as an offering to the gods.

Copal Oro Burned on charcoal in Central America as an offering to the gods. Dragon's Blood RESIN Burned on charcoal for good luck, invocations, and pact-making.

Frankincense resin Burned on charcoal for spiritual worship, as recommended in the Bible.

GUM ARABIC Use in Magic: Burned on charcoal for contact with the dead; used as a binding agent in inks.

Myrrh RESIN Usually burned with Frankincense, for healing, purification, romance, love.

PINE RESIN Purification incense favoured by Native Americans of the Woodlands Tribes.

SAGE BUNDLE, WHITE White Sage Bundles are a traditional incense of ceremonial offering, cleansing, purification, and protection among some tribes of Native Americans and have become popular for these same uses with spiritual workers of diverse cultures.

SANDALWOOD Sandalwood is a holy incense in India and has always been popular in blended incenses burned for fragrance and in magical rites

SWEET GRASS Sweet Grass is best known as an incense smudge, but it is also a medicinal tea for coughs and sore throats.

Teekanne Chamomile Tea Bags, Chamomile flowers are protective and bring luck in money and games of chance. Chamomile also calms upset stomachs, soothes nerves and helps induce sleep. Teekanne Mixed Fruit Tea Bags, Can be used in conjunction with love work and love drawing spells. This blend also has natural herbal healing properties and is an excellent source of vitamin C.

Nor-Sun Pu-Ehr Loose Black Tea, Black tea is used for the reading of tea leaves, a form of intuitive divination where by the reader translates various shapes and relationships seen in the over turned leaves.

CALAMUS ROOT, WHOLE Whole root, for pocket piece, mojo bag. Used by those who wish to control a situation or to dominate a specific person.

MASTER ROOT, CHIPS and PIECES A power enhancing herb used for protection, psychism, luck, and to command respect from others

ALUM CHUNK For stopping gossip and for other protective and cleansing purposes. ALUM POWDER For stopping gossip and for other protective and cleansing purposes.

BLUEING: MEXICAN BLUE ANIL BALLS A solid blueing compound used for good luck, purification, and uncrossing. Recommended as a safe substitute for toxic bluestone (copper sulphate). Packet with full instructions.

BLUEING: RECKITT'S CROWN BLUE SQUARES, A solid blueing compound used for good luck, purification, and uncrossing. Recommended as a safe substitute for toxic bluestone (copper sulphate).

BLUEING: RECKITT'S CROWN BLUE SQUARE, A solid blueing compound used for good luck, purification, and uncrossing. Recommended as a safe substitute for toxic bluestone (copper sulphate).

RED BRICK DUST ("REDDING") Blessed and empowered for protection; sprinkle across doorways and around the yard. Lay it down over top of any powders that were thrown for you and it will kill them.

BATH SALT BASE, BLUE, UNSCENTED For making your own Bath Crystals. Use blue for peace, harmony, joy, kindly intentions, healing.

BATH SALT BASE, GREEN, UNSCENTED For making your own Bath Crystals. Use green for money spells, gambling luck, business, a good job, good crops.

BATH SALT BASE, GREY, UNSCENTED For making your own Bath Crystals. Use for repulsion, dark thoughts, sorrow, freedom from evil. Grey salts and powders are used when the color black is called for. BATH SALT BASE, LAVENDER, UNSCENTED For making your own Bath Crystals. Use lavender for mastery, power, ambition, control, command. Lavender salts and powders are used when the color purple is called for.

BATH SALT BASE, ORANGE, UNSCENTED For making your own Bath Crystals. Use orange for change of plans, opening the way, prophetic dreams.

GOOFER DUST To mess up, jinx, or trouble an enemy.

GRAVEYARD DIRT For use in very serious Enemy Tricks or for Protection.

LODESTONE, for use on an altar or in drawing ritual.

LODESTONE GRIT Pea-Gravel-size Lodestones for making oils or mojo bags.

MAGNETIC SAND For feeding Lodestones, dressing candles, or for use in mojo bag.

NAILS: COFFIN NAILS for use in "bad work."

NAILS: SQUARE-CUT NAILS These are the old-time square nails used for nailing down the corners of your property or home for protection and to keep you from being moved out.

NAILS: RAILROAD SPIKE 7" long genuine old-time rusty Railroad Spike, use four of them for nailing down the corner of your property or home for protection and to keep you from being moved out. PYRITE CHUNK A nice shiny chunk, with lore and legend of its use in money-drawing luck.

PYRITE GRIT Pea-Gravel-size Pyrite for making oils or mojo bags.

SALT: WHITE SALT, KOSHER SALT, BLESSED SALT For protection, removal of jinxes, and driving away enemies. SALT: WITCH'S SALT, BLACK SALT, SAL NEGRO For jinxing, driving people away, and also for protection from known enemies.

SALTPETER For protection, removal of jinxes, and clearing out evil messes in the home.

SULPHUR POWDER For jinxing, crossing, Drive Away, or Hot Foot work.

BLACK CAT HAIR For use in gambler's mojo bag and in break-up spells.


For use in Black Arts work and in break-up spells.

BLACK HEN FEATHERS To remove jinxes and drive away witches. (We also carry a Black Chicken Feather Whisk or Duster for Uncrossing Clients.) BLACK HEN EGG For all kinds of spell work, both evil and good.

CAT'S EYE SHELL, repel the evil eye or carry in a protective mojo bag.

CRAB SHELL POWDER Used in Reversing work; sprinkled on Reversing Candles and mirrors.

COWRIE SHELLS, ONE DOZEN PER PACK For use in money spells, to symbolize female genitalia, and for divination.

Eggshell Powder Cup, Cascarilla To keep off bill collectors and police officers.

Red Fire Ants Curio, (Deceased) Used for Jinxing spells, and to cause a woman to go crazy. Also to make a person return to you. HUMAN FINGER BONE, SMALL (DISTAL PHALANX) For use in mojo bags for extreme gambling luck in games of chance; also used in Necromantic and Black Arts work.

HUMAN FINGER BONE, LARGE (MIDDLE PHALNX OR PROXIMAL PHALANX) For use in mojo bags for extreme gambling luck in games of chance; also used in Necromantic and Black Arts work. Human Hand Bone, Carpal Curio For use in mojo bags for extreme gambling luck in games of chance; also used in Necromantic and Black Arts work. HUMAN TOOTH For use in Justified Revenge and Black Arts work to "bite your enemy on the a**"; also applicable to Necromantic work. RACCOON PENIS BONE (PECKER BONE, COON DONG) for use in mojo bag or on an altar.

SNAKE SHEDS For use in jinxing, crossing, goofering, and "live things in you."

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