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Kady Ho (10) 3E1


With reference to examples from DCs and LDCs, assess the success of measures taken to prevent rivers from flooding. [8m]

There are many measures to prevent flood occurrence like realignment, resectioning, bank protection and planting vegetation. Realignment is the straightening and shortening of the river channel by removing meanders hence reducing the length of the river channel. With a shortened and deepened river, it allows faster flow of the river and carries away the sediments faster therefore minimising flood risk. However, it is only effective in one localised area, flooding problem may persist downstream. Realignment is also an expensive method as it requires resources like funds and manpower, but the requirement of more manpower also refers to more jobs available for the population of the country. Realignment also results in loss of wetlands or habitats for the marine life, by shortening the course of rivers, the area of wetland decreases because the river flows over a smaller land area now. An example of an DC country using realignment as a measure would be the Mississippi River in USA. Planting vegetation such as mangroves is also another measure used to protect river banks against erosion. Vegetation also slows down the rate of surface runoff preventing large amounts of water to flow into the river at the same time during a rainfall. Reducing the amount of eroded sediments being transported into the river, thus the channel does not become shallower reducing the chances of flood. It is effective as it is a long term solution roots of the trees and other plants holds the soil together firmly, stabilising the banks. However the weight of the vegetation could also contribute to bank stresses causing the bank to collapse and become sediment build-up in the river channel. Excessive shade prevents sunlight from reaching the river bed killing aquatic plants and affecting the aquatic food chains. An example of an LDC country using this measure would be Malaysia planting mangroves along its coastline. Most measures are more effective for DCs because of its initial and maintenance cost that are frequently high and DCs can afford to combine two or more measures, with enough funds, to make the reducing of flood occurrence more effective. Unlike LDCs which does not have the fund to afford for most measures with its own economical strength, without depending on international funds, to pay for the measures and maintenance. Therefore, I can conclude that measures are more successful in DCs as compared to LDCs.

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