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: Raygartheus Adityas Basuki 292009042 Eddy aprilia christanti 292009082 Yunita Indah Sulistyaningrum 292009511 Lesson plan

School : ............................. Semester : V/Semester I Learning subject : Natural Science Time used : Standard competence : 5.1 students understand the functions of animal and human body parts, the way green plant makes food and develops the abilities to investigate how the living thing adapt with the environment, and realize the importance of environment preservation to prevent the extinction Basic competence : 5.1.1 Students describe the function of respiratory organ, digestive system and the relationship between food and health Goal of learning : 1. Students understand the meaning of respiratory process of human and animal 2. Students describe the meaning of the respiratory system 3. Students mention the respiratory organ of the human and animal 4. Students differ the respiratory system of human and animal 5. Students stimulate the respiratory process using the props 6. Students know the disorders of human respiratory system Expected characteristic of students in the learning process 1. Have very high interest or curiosity to know about the learning material 2. Have respect to the teacher 3. Have carefulness 4. Open to express the idea Learning material : Respiratory system Learning method - Model o Direct instruction (DI) o Co-operative learning - Method o Speech method o Experiment o Discussion

Step of the learning 1. First step of the learning = pre activity a. Preparation i. Prepare the object that is used in the aperception section (video of breathing cat and breathing man and also breathing lizard and fish) ii. Prepare the tools that is used in the experiment of the elaboration section (the prop*) b. Motivation and apperception i. Ask the student why the stomach of cat, lizard or human always inflating and deflating when breathing ii. Ask the student why the part behind the face of the fish is always open and close c. The criteria of knowledge i. What is respiratory system ii. What is the process of the respiratory system? 2. Second step of learning = main activity a. Exploration in this step students i. Participate in searching and analyzing why the stomach of the animal and human is always deflating and inflating ii. Analyzing the cause of deflating and inflating stomach or chest of human and animal in the given time iii. Participating and delivering opinion about the answer of question that has been asked in the apperception section based on their opinion In this steps the teacher Receive and accommodate the student when the student is delivering their opinion Give the time for the student to analyze (in this activity is about 5 minute) Help the student out as a facilitator of the learning process Ask the student to observe some experiment shown b. Elaboration In this step the students i. Together with their group make the props ii. Together with their group observe and analyze about the props iii. Together with their group make a hypothesis from the experiment that has been done

*Material of how and what is the kind of the props is attached. In this steps the teacher iv. Lead the student in making group of observation v. Lead the observation of student vi. Tell the student what observation that they must do 1. Prepare the props (a bottle that already made to show hoe the lung is working) 2. Show the respirator y system in lung through the experiment using the props 3. Tell the student to make an opinion based on the experiment shown vii. Facilitate the student to make the opinion/hypothesis viii. Tell the student to analyze again why the stomach of cat, or human always inflating and deflating c. Confirmation in this step the teacher i. Give present nor compliment to the student ii. Tell and explain the student why the stomach of cat, or human always inflating and deflating** iii. Facilitate the student to do the reflection to achieving any experience from the observation iv. Explain why the stomach of cat, lizard or human always inflating and deflating** v. Explain why the part behind the face of the fish is always opened and closed** vi. Facilitate the student to get meaningful experience in achieving the basic competence 1. Answer the student when they get trouble and be the facilitator if they do not understand yet. 2. Help to solve the problem and motivate the inactive student to be more active 3. Give the information to do furthermore exploration and experiment 3. Third step of learning = closing activity in this session the teacher a. Together with the student make the conclusion** b. Do the evaluation or reflection for what they have done with consistency and programmed** c. Give the feed back for the learning process** d. Give the furthermore activity such as, exercise, test about respiration, or any homework that match with the skill of the student, etc (attached) **material attached

The learning resources The props Here, we use props that show us how the lung is working. Things that needed to make the props are 1. Empty plastic bottle

2. Clay

3. Straw

4. Balloon

5. Rubber or adhesive tape

And this is how to make the props 1. First cut the bottle into 2 pieces. Try to cut them in ratio 2:3 2 for the bottom piece and 3 for the upper piece that have the bottle lid. 2. Make a hole in the middle of the closing part of bottle 3. Arrange the straw and make it to become like Y letter, and give the clay as the closer so that there is no air that can come in 4. Put the balloon into the tip of the arranged straw, and give them rubber or adhesive tape, so that there is no air that can come in 5. Put the arranged balloon and straw inside the bottle in the reversed Y model (shown) 6. Put the straw into the closing part of bottle and give them clay, so that there is no air that can come in. 7. Put the other balloon to the base of the cut bottle by cut the balloon into half and arrange them in the base of the cut bottle. The picture of the result


Balloon Straw

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