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Comparative analysis of Bajaj motor bike with its competitors in New Delhi.

Submitted in partial fulfillment of POST GRADUATE DIPLOMA in INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS.

Submitted to M.R.JAIN

submitted by:jeet bahadur kumar

Hatinder udar Gaurav yadav


Session 2011-13




03 04 06 07 09 11 14 15 16


I have taken efforts in this project. However, it would not have been possible without the kind support and help of many individuals and organizations. I would like to extend my sincere thanks to all of them.

I am highly indebted to M.R.JAIN for their guidance and constant supervision as well as for providing necessary information regarding the project & also for their support in completing the project.

I would like to express my gratitude towards my parents & member of JIMS for their kind co-operation and encouragement which help me in completion of this project.

I would like to express my special gratitude and thanks to industry persons for giving me such attention and time.

My thanks and appreciations also go to my colleague in developing the project and people who have willingly helped me out with their abilities.

The two wheeler industry in India collectively produces 20 Lakh vehicles a year. Some players have managed to cut through consumer resistance with innovation, pricing and aggressive marketing. The competition level in the two wheeler industry is very high now. Many brands are fighting in the market for maximum share. They have to bring out a l o t o f d i f f e r e n t i a t i o n a mo n g t h e m. T h e ma j o r d u t y o f t h e ma r k e t e r i s t o k n o w t h e reasons for preferring particular motor bike by the consumers. Introduction :1945: Bajaj Auto is founded. 1960: Rahul Bajaj becomes the Indian licensee for Vespa scooters. 1977: Technical collaboration with Piaggio ends. 1984: Work begins on a second plant. 1998: Bajaj plans to build its third plant to meet demand. 2000: Thousands of workers are laid off to cut costs. Company History: Bajaj Auto Limited is India's largest manufacturer of scooters and motorcycles. The company generally has lagged behind its Japanese rivals in technology, but has invested heavily to catch up. Its strong suit is high-volume production; it is the lowest-cost scooter maker in the world. Although publicly owned, the company has been controlled by the Bajaj family since its founding.

Bajaj Products of Motorcycle:Motorcycles

Bajaj Platina 100cc Bajaj Platina 125 DTS-Si Bajaj Discover 135 DTS-i Bajaj XCD 125 DTS-Si Bajaj XCD 135 DTS-Si Bajaj Pulsar 135 DTSi Bajaj Pulsar 150 DTSi Bajaj Pulsar 180 DTSi Bajaj Pulsar 200 DTSi Bajaj Pulsar 220 DTS-Fi Bajaj Pulsar 220 DTSi

INDIAN TWO WHEELER INDUSTRY The two-wheeler market has had a perceptible shift from a buyers market to a sellers market with a variety of choices. Players are competing on various fronts such as pricing, technology, product design, productivity, sales process, after sales service, marketing and distribution. In the short term, market shares of individual manufacturers are sensitive to capacity, product acceptance, pricing and comp e t i t i v e p r e s s u r e s f r o m o t h e r manufacturers. All the four segments, Motor Cycles, Scooters , Scooterettes and Mopeds have witnessed capacity additions in the last one year and it will continue in the upcoming period as and when the foreign companies opens a local subsidiary. Over this period as and when the foreign companies opens a local subsidiary. Over this period, only the Motor Cycles e g me n t i s e x p e c t e d w i t n e s s h i g h e r d e ma n d v i s e v e r s a s u p p l y, w h i l e t h e S c o o t e r s , Scooterettes and Mopeds supply will outstrip demand. As incomes grew and people felt the need to own a private means of transport, sale of t w o wheelers raised. Penetration of the twow h e e l e r s i s e x p e c t e d t o i n c r e a s e t o approximately to more than 25%by 2005.T h e M o t o r C yc l e s e g me n t w i l l c o n t i n u e t o l e a d t h e d e ma n d f o r t w o - w h e e l e r s i n t h e coming years. Motor Cycle sales are expected to increase by 20% as compared to 1%growth in the Scooter market and 3% by Scooterttes and Moped sales respectively for thenext two-years. The Indian two and three wheeler industry produced and sold about 4.5million units in2003-2004. Like any other Indian Industry, the policy environment guided and controlled this segment of the industry as well. Licensing norms ruled the day till mid 80s. Access to foreign technology inputs and foreign investment were strictly government controlled. 25 S i n c e mi d 8 0 s , t h e I n d i a n a u t o mo b i l e i n d u s t r y w a s a d mi n istered select doses of l i b e r a l i z a t i o n . F o r e i g n c o l l a b o r a t i o n s w i t h e q u i t y u p t o 2 6 % , f r e s h l i c e n s e s a n d condi tional CKD imports, etc. were allowed. This liberalization coupled with the Indian market potential attracted world majors like Honda, Yamaha, Suzuki and Piaggio setup their Joint Ventures during mid 80s in India. From 1991 onwards, the industry was delicensed. Automatic approvals for foreign equity up to 51% and equity participation in excess of 51% with specific approvals entered the rulebook. Honda converted one of its Joint Ventures to

a 51% subsidiary On regulation front, Central Motor Vehicles Regulations mandates the safety, emissions and other norms. Vehicular emissions standards came into effect first in 1991 and were tightened further in 1996. For the two and three wheeler these are among the tightest in the world. Further tightening has taken effect from April 2000.The four-stroke Motor Cycle has added new dimensions to the two-wheeler segment. The major players in the Motor Cycle market are Bajaj Auto Ltd. with its Pulsar DTS-i, Hero Honda Co. with its Hero Honda Karizma. Competition is inte nse in all segments of the two-wheeler industry with fuel efficiency and price being crucial considerations for success. In the recent past, a manufacturers ability at product innovation and opening new market niches have also been crucial for the growth of the industry. Bajaj Auto Ltd. entered the Motor Cycle segment in the mid 80s. Since then it has won market shares increasing indigenization and by opening new market niches for their products. Bajaj has emphasized its higher safety and superior quality. Fuel efficiency allowed Hero Honda to dominate the 100cc Motor Cycle segment for most of the last eight years. Bajaj Auto Ltd. has gained considerable market share in this segment since it also launched a four-stroke Motor Cycle two years ago. The 100-cc segment is further power (dominated by Bajaj Pulsar DTS-i), fuel economy and sub-segments. The semi-urban and rural markets will increase in importance in the future and all manufacturers plan to launch heavier bikes with stronger suspensions.26 The relatively affordable and stable prices of Bajaj Motor Cycles backed by flexible loan options have caused other Motor Cycles to continuously lose market share to them in the previous few years

Review of Literature

The Customer Perception Report includes questions in four key areas,Ex p e c t a t i o n s , P u r c h a s e D e c i s i o n s , C u s t o me r S e r v i c e , a n d F u t u r e P u r c h a s e s . S o t h e customer should be invited to participate in the survey. Setting realistic expectations d u r i n g t h e s a l e s p r o c e s s i s a v i t a l c o mp o n e n t o f ma k i n g h a p p y c u s t o me r s . H o w a c o m p a n y s e t s a n d m e e t s p r o d u c t a n d s e r vice expectations plays a pivotal role infashioning c ustomer opinions. How a company meets or exceeds e x p e c t a t i o n s i s measured in three important areas: product/service, support, and price. These three areas w i l l b e u s e d t o f a c t o r a s c o r e f o r t h e E x p e c t a t i o n s c a t e g o r y. T h e r e s u l t s o f t h e t h r e e questions will be used to factor an overall expectations perception score. The Purchase Decision category gives us a better understanding of how the customer p e r c e i v e s t h e p u r c h a s e process. Two key areas for questions include an open e n d e d question on why they purchased and a ratings question on their experience. The rating Question data will be used for the analysis of Purchase Decision category. The open ended responses from the Why questions will be used for product strengths analysis. The results of the purchase experience question will be used for the overall Purchase perception analysis. Customer service is one of the most important differentiations a company can have. For this report, customers will rate a company in three key areas: customer service, timeliness for problem resolution, and expertise. These three areas will be used to factor a score for the Customer Service category. Purpose of Literature review Literature review is one of the prime parts of every project. The very basic purpose of the literature review is to gain insight on the theoretical background of the research problem. It helps the researcher to gain strong theoretical basis of the problem under study and also help to explore whether any one has done research on the related issue.Thats why literature review helps one to find out the path of problem solving. In thisregards the very basic purpose of the literature review in this dissertation is same as mentioned


RESEARCH METHODOLOGY It is well known fact that the most important step in marketing research process is to define the problem. Choose for investigation because a problem well defined is half solved. That was the reason that at most care was taken while defining various parameters of the problem. After giving through brain storming session, objectives were selected and the set on the base of these objectives. A questionnaire was designed major emphasis of which was gathering new ideas or insight so as to determine and bind out solution to the problems. DATASOURCE Research included gathering both Primary and Secondary data. Primary data Is the first hand data, which are selected a fresh and thus happen to be original in character. Primary Data was crucial to know various customers and past consumer views about bikes and to calculate the market share of this brand in regards to other brands. Secondary data are those which has been collected by some one else and which already have been passed through statistical process. Secondary data has been taken from internet, newspaper, magazines and companies web sites. RESEARCH APPROACH The research approach was used survey method which is a widely used methodfor data collection and best suited for descriptive type of research sur vey includesresearch instrument like questionnaire which can be structured and unstructured. Target population is well identified and various methods like personal interviews and telephone interviews are employed. SAMPLING UNIT It gives the target population that will be sampled. This research was carried in south delhi These were 80 respondents. DATA COMPLETION AND ANALYSIS After the data has been collected, it was tabulated and findings of the project were presented followed by analysis and interpretation to reach certain conclusions. SCOPE My project was based on the Comparative Study of Bajaj bike with its competitor in new delhi

While purchasing my bike I considered the following factors. Please answer in the following manner: For strongly agree For agree For neutral For disagree For strongly disagree

Q-1. Are you a user of two wheeler bike? Yes NO

Q-2. Do you like to drive a two wheeler bike? Yes No

Q-3. which model do you have? a- Bajaj CT100 Pulsar Discover Others b- TVS Flame Apache Starcity Others c- Herohonda Spleander karizma Passion Other d- Others company bike Q-4. For how long do you have own a bike? a- 0-1 year b- 1-2 year c- 2-3 year d- above 3 year

Q-5. For what purpose do you use bike? a- Office purpose b- For enjoying c- For personal use d- others

Q-6. How do you come to know about this? a- Newspaper b- E-journal c- magazine d- others

Q-7. Are you happy from the performance of the bike which you have? a- Yes d- No

Q-8. What factors behind your likeness? a- Exterior b- Interior c- Fuel capacity d- clutch system e- Riding system f- Tank size and some others please specify

Q-9. Have you ever thought to change this model? a- Never b- yes if

Q-10 you give the rate your bike with the several things: For Exterior of the bike For Colour of the bike For Fuel efficiency of the bike For Attractive gear system of the bike For Design of the head light of the bike For Digital speedometer of the bike 1.( ) 1.( ) 1.( ) 1.( ) 1.( ) 1.( ) 2.( ) 3.( ) 4.( ) 5.( ) 2.( ) 3.( ) 4.( ) 5.( ) 2.( ) 3.( ) 4.( ) 5.( ) 2.( ) 3.( ) 4.( ) 5.( ) 2.( ) 3.( ) 4.( ) 5.( ) 2.( ) 3.( ) 4.( ) 5.( )

Personal details :Name :Age:Sex: Male ( ) Female ( )

Family Income (Monthly): Less than 20000 ( 20000-40000 40000-60000 Above 60000 Family kind: Nuclear Family ( Joint Family ( ) ) ( ( ( ) ) ) )

Where do you belong: Urban aria Rular aria others

Q-1. Are you a user of two wheeler bike?

yes no

Result:- there has a 80 people data in which the user of the bike is 70% and non user are 30% people. Q-2. Do you like to drive a two wheeler bike?

yes yes

Result:- there has a 88% people who like the drive of bike but 12% dont like the drive of the bike . Q-3. which model do you have?

50 40 30 20 10 0 bajaj herohonda tvs other company

Result:- in the 80 people data in this 45 people like bajaj bikes, 10 people like herohonda bike, 8 people like tvs bike and 15 people like other company bike.

Q-4. For how long do you have own a bike?

30 20 10 0 0-1 years 1-2 years 2-3 years above 3 years

Result:- In this data there are 15 people who own the bike to 0-1 year old, 20 to 1-2 years old, 15 people to 2-3 years and 30people own the bike above the 3years. Q-5. For what purpose do you use bike?
office purpose personal use enjoying 10 0 others

40 30 20

Result:- there are 80people data in which 36 people use bike for official use,24 uses for personal ,10 use for enjoying purpose and 10 use for other purpose . Q-6. How do you come to know about this?

40 30 20 10 0 news paper e journal magazine other

Result:-in the 80 people data there are 40 people know from the news paper 15 know the e journal 10 know from the magazine and rest of 15 people know from the other .

Q-7. Are you happy from the performance of the bike which you have?
60 40 20 0 yes no Column1

Result:- there are a 80 people data in this 55 people like the performance of the bike and 25 people which dont like the performance of the bike. Q-8. What factors behind your likeness?
exterior 30 20 10 0 interior fuel capacity clutch system riding system tank size and other

Result:- In the people data there are 23 people like the bike for his exterior 17 people like for his interior, 8 people like for his fuel efficiency 10 people like bike for his clutch system,6 like for his riding system and 16 like for his tank size and other reason . Q-9. Have you ever thought to change this model?
50 40 30 20 10 0 never yes if

Result:- 45 people never change his model and 35 people change his bike when they get better technology or any other reason.


The time and economic factor was not sufficient.

Complete and appropriate knowledge cannot be obtained from primary as well as secondary sources.

The appropriate material or information about the related study is not available.

Lack of complete data.

Respondents are not taking the questionnaire seriously.

Sample size is not appropriate to cover whole population.

Restrictions placed by governments to maintain the secrecy of the process


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