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Journal of Plant Nutrition

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E. Rafique , M. Mahmood-ul-Hassan , A. Rashid & M. F. Chaudhary
a c a a b

Land Resources Research Institute, National Agricultural Research Centre, Islamabad, Pakistan

Bio-Sciences Division, Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission, Islamabad, Pakistan


Department of Microbiology, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan Available online: 03 Feb 2012

To cite this article: E. Rafique, M. Mahmood-ul-Hassan, A. Rashid & M. F. Chaudhary (2012): NUTRIENT BALANCES AS AFFECTED BY INTEGRATED NUTRIENT AND CROP RESIDUE MANAGEMENT IN COTTON-WHEAT SYSTEM IN ARIDISOLS. I. NITROGEN, Journal of Plant Nutrition, 35:4, 591-616 To link to this article:

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Journal of Plant Nutrition, 35:591616, 2012 Copyright C Taylor & Francis Group, LLC ISSN: 0190-4167 print / 1532-4087 online DOI: 10.1080/01904167.2012.644376


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E. Raque,1 M. Mahmood-ul-Hassan,1 A. Rashid,2 and M. F. Chaudhary3 1 Land Resources Research Institute, National Agricultural Research Centre, Islamabad, Pakistan 2 Bio-Sciences Division, Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission, Islamabad, Pakistan 3 Department of Microbiology, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan

A ve-year cotton wheat rotation eld experiment was conducted on two alkaline-calcareous soils, i.e., Awagat (coarse loamy) and Shahpur (ne silty), to investigate the impact of integrated nutrient and crop residue management on soil and crop productivity. Apparent nitrogen (N) balances were developed. Minimum ve-year mean yield (Mg ha 1), obtained with Farmers Fertilizer Use (FFU) treatment was: cotton Awagat, 2.19; Shahpur, 2.45; wheat Awagat, 3.03; Shahpur, 3.94. With Balance Nutrient Management (BNM), yields increased (P 0.05) for cotton, 24% in Awagat and 18% in Shahpur soil; and wheat, 37% in Awagat and 24% in Shahpur soil. Maximum crop yields were obtained with Integrated Nutrient Management (INM), i.e., 3 5% higher than with BNM. Crop residue recycling increased the yields further, cotton by 27% and wheat by 2 10%. All nutrient management treatments, except for FFU without crop residue recycling, resulted in positive apparent N balances. INM improved SOM and NO3 -N, contents.

Keywords: cotton-wheat rotation, crop productivity, nutrient management, crop residue, N uptake, apparent N balances, soil organic matter

INTRODUCTION Sustained productivity of a irrigated cotton-wheat system in Aridisols, an important and the largest system in the country, is pivotal to national food security and economic wellbeing. Introduction of high-yielding cotton and wheat varieties during the Green Revolution era, with assured irrigation facilities and fertilizer use, fostered the adoption of cotton-wheat system, increased its productivity, and helped in enhancing farmer-income. Because of
Received 5 March 2010; accepted 13 October 2011. Address correspondence to M. Mahmood-ul-Hassan, Land Resources Research Institute, National Agricultural Research Centre, Park Road, Islamabad 45500, Pakistan. E-mail:



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no organic manure or crop residue use these intensively cultivated, low soil organic matter (SOM, 0.5 0.9%) alluvial Aridisols suffer with deciencies of multiple nutrients, including nitrogen (N) (Rashid and Raque, 1999). However, despite a rise in N and phosphorus (P) fertilizer use during the past couples of decades, crop productivity per unit area has remained almost stagnant (GOP, 2008). The cotton-wheat farmers predominantly use fertilizer N only for cotton and fertilizer N and P for wheat; the use of fertilizer potassium (K) and micronutrients is rare (Rashid, 2005). Moreover, N and P use rates are low and fertilizer N: P2 O5 use ratio is too wide, 3.4:1 (GOP, 2008), to cater the requisite crop nutrient requirements. Such imbalanced nutrient management may impair productivity of the soils. Thus, the foremost constraints to sustainable crop productivity include emergence of multiple nutrient deciencies, low SOM, low fertilizer use efciencies, less use of organic manure and crop residues and imbalanced nutrient management (Ahmad et al., 1992; Saleem, 1994; Prasad and Sinha, 2000). Consequently, effective and practically feasible crop-soil nutrient management strategies are imperative for sustaining the cropping system. Regular use of a reasonable dose of organic manure, along with crop residue recycling, is known to cater the nutrient requirements of a low to medium intensity rice-wheat cropping system (Yadvinder-Singh et al., 2004; Manna et al., 2005; Timsina et al., 2006). As neither organic manures nor chemical fertilizers alone are expected to sustain high productivity of the prevalent cotton-wheat system, integrated nutrient management (INM) can be a measure to maintain and provide stability to soil-crop productivity in such situations. However, most of the long-term INM eld research in South Asia pertains to rice-wheat system (Prasad and Sinha, 2000; Bhandari et al., 2002; Yadvinder-Singh et al., 2004; Manna et al., 2005; Timsina et al., 2006); such research for cotton-wheat system is hardly reported in literature. Moreover, it is important to understand cotton-wheat yield trends and INM impact on SOM, under different management conditions and soil types, which could inuence cotton-wheat productivity and soil quality. The objectives of this study were to determine the impacts of balanced and INM, with and without crop residue recycling on: (1) cottonwheat productivity and yield trends, (2) SOM dynamics, (3) N uptakes, and (4) apparent N balances. MATERIALS AND METHODS Sites Description A ve-year, December 2000 to November 2005, permanent layout, cotton-wheat rotation eld experiment was conducted on two predominant alluvial soil types in cotton belt of Pakistan, i.e., Awagat series (coarse loamy mixed, hyperthermic Fluventic Camborthids) at Chak 5-Faiz site (lat. 29

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Nutrient Balances in Cotton-Wheat System I

TABLE 1 Selected initial physico-chemical characteristics of eld experimental sites Soil series Characteristic Soil series Soil family Clay (%) Silt (%) Texture pH (1:1) ECe (1:1) Organic matter (%) Bulk density (Mg m3) CEC (cmol kg1) CaCO3 (%) AB-DTPA extr. (mg kg1) NO3 -N P K Zn HCl B (mg kg1) Awagat (Chak 5-Faiz site) Awagat Coarse loamy mixed, hyperthermic Fluventic Camborthid 12 46 Loam 8.0 0.45 0.60 1.40 10.7 2.2 3.4 2.2 150 0.48 0.28


Shahpur (Chah A. Rahim site) Shahpur Fine silty mixed, hyperthermic Fluventic Camborthid 29 56 Silty clay loam 8.4 0.54 0.85 1.35 14.5 3.7 5.5 3.5 204 0.72 0.40

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58 N; long. 71 31 E) and Shahpur series (ne silty mixed, hyperthermic Fluventic Camborthids) at Chah A. Rahim site (lat. 29 56 N; long. 71 23 E) in the Multan district in the Punjab province. The Awagat surface soil is relatively coarse-textured with lesser SOM, compared with Shahpur soil, (Table 1). Nutrient Management Treatments and Experimental Design The nutrient management treatments were: 1) FFU: Farmers fertilizer use practice, i.e., 110 kg N ha1 for cotton; 80 kg N + 26 kg P ha1 for wheat; 2) BNM: Balanced nutrient management, using fertilizers, i.e., 170 kg N + 26 kg P + 5 kg Zn + 1 kg B ha1 in cotton; 140 kg N + 44 kg P ha1 for wheat; 3) INM: Integrated nutrient management, i.e., same as BNM, except that 75% N was applied as fertilizer and 25% as farmyard manure (FYM); and 4) NM+GM Same as BNM, except that, during year 2 and year 4, wheat was substituted by berseem (Trifolium alexandrinum L.) green manure by applying 30 kg N + 44 kg P ha1. The nutrient management treatments were compared with and without crop residue [i.e., cotton stalks and wheat straw (equivalent to the combineharvested left-over portion)] recycling, for conventional at bed as well as


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raised bed planted cotton. Thus, the eld experiment comprised of 32 plots arranged in a split-split-plot design, with cotton sowing methods in mainplots, crop residue recycling treatments in sub-plots, and nutrient management treatments in sub-sub plots. The experiment was replicated twice. The study was initiated with wheat and in residue-recycled treatment, after seed cotton picking, cotton stalks were incorporated into the soil by rotavating, 2-3 weeks prior to wheat sowing. Similarly, three weeks prior to cotton sowing, wheat straw was incorporated into the soil, after chopping. In residue-removed treatments, all cotton stalks and the above-ground wheat straw were harvested at ground level and removed from the eld. Nitrogen, as urea, was applied in three equal splits: (1) during nal land preparation (prior to crop sowing); (2) at tillering for wheat/at squaring or rst irrigation for cotton; and (3) one week prior to wheat head emergence/cotton ower initiation. However, full dose of P, as di-ammonium phosphate; zinc (Zn), as zinc sulfate, and boron (B), as borax, was applied during nal land preparation. In crop residue recycled treatments, an additional 30 kg N ha1 was applied at crop sowing, to accelerate the residue decomposition, which was adjusted in the two later split doses. Farmyard manure, on air dry weight basis, was applied prior to crop sowing. Mean N concentration in FYM, based on chemical analyses during 2000, 2002 and 2005, was 0.9 0.1%. In BNM+GM treatment, berseem, a multi-cut Rabi/winter legume fodder, was used as the green manuring crop during year 2 and year 4, by substituting for wheat crop. After 75-day growth, rst fodder cutting was removed from the eld; the crop was grown for another 45 days, and then, about a week prior to cotton sowing, green manure was rotavated into the soil. Crop and Soil Management The predominant crop cultivars grown in the region, i.e., Inqalab-91 of wheat and CIM-496 of cotton, were grown on a permanent layout. Wheat was planted during rst half of December; after wheat harvest in April, cotton was planted during second half of May in the same layout. Flat bed planted cotton received ood irrigation and raised bed cotton received furrow irrigation. After each cotton crop, raised beds were demolished and wheat was planted on conventional at beds, in the same layout, with ood irrigation. Raised bed-planted cotton received fertilizer N and irrigation in the furrows. Flat bed sown cotton received ood irrigation, after broadcasting N fertilizer. The quantities of irrigation water supplied from tubewell or canal ( 50: 50) were measured using umes. Crop management, including pesticide and herbicide use, was in accordance with conventional practices of the area. Data Collection Composite leaf samples of youngest matured cotton leaves, (i.e., fourth leaf from the top on the main stem at ower initiation) and top two wheat

Nutrient Balances in Cotton-Wheat System I


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leaves at head emergence (Jones et al., 1991) were collected from each plot every crop season. At maturity, wheat was harvested manually. Grain and straw yields were recorded, and representative samples were kept for chemical analysis. Cotton was picked manually from each experimental plot, in two picks, and seed cotton yield was recorded. From each plot, sufcient whole plants, comprising of separated seed, lint, bur, leaf, and stalk, were sampled and a representative sub-sample of each plant part was kept for subsequent chemical analysis. Concentration of N, in wheat grain and straw, and in cotton seed, lint, bur, leaves, and stalks, as well as in diagnostic leaves, was determined by Kjeldahl method (Helrich, 1995). Nitrogen uptake by wheat was computed by multiplying grain and straw dry matter yields with respective N concentrations. Similarly, N uptake by cotton was estimated by multiplying yields of seed, lint, bur, leaf, and stalk dry matter multiplied with the respective N concentrations. After harvesting each crop, surface soil (0 15 cm) was sampled from all experimental plots for organic matter (Nelson and Sommers, 1996) and ammonium bicarbonate (AB)-diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA) extractable nitrate (NO3 )-N (Soltanpour and Workman, 1979). Nitrogen Input and Output Measurements Establishment of partial apparent N balances in cotton-wheat system was attempted by conceptualizing ve inputs (i.e., fertilizer, organic manure, atmospheric deposition, biological N xation, and sedimentation N) and ve outputs (i.e., harvested plant products, crop residue removal, leaching, gaseous losses, and water erosion). Of these, we measured N addition with fertilizer, organic manures (i.e., FYM and green manure), irrigation water and rainwater, and nutrient removal with harvested plant parts/products and crop residue removal only. Neither the N inputs from atmospheric deposition, biological N xation and sedimentation, nor N outputs by leaching, gaseous losses and water erosion were measured due to practical constraints. However, leaching losses, an important N outow, was estimated using the following regression model (De Willigen, 2000), which is valid for a wide range of soils and climates: N leaching = {0.0463 + 0.0037 [P/(C L)]} (F + D NOM U) where P = annual precipitation (mm); C = clay (%); L = layer thickness (m) = rooting depth, derived from the FAO (1998); F = mineral and organic fertilizer nitrogen (kg N ha1); D = decomposition rate ( = 1.6% year 1); NOM = amount of N in soil organic matter (kg N ha1); U = uptake by crop (kg N ha1).


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Gaseous N losses (i.e., denitrication and volatilization) were estimated using the following regression model adapted by FAO (Lesschen et al., 2003): Gaseous N losses = (0.025 + 0.000855 P + 0.01725 F + 0.117 O) + 0.113 F where P = annual precipitation (mm); F = mineral and organic fertilizer N (kg ha1); O = organic carbon content (%). Apparent partial N balance (all components measured in kg elemental N ha1) for the system was calculated as:
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N Nab = Ninp (Nf , Nm , Ni , Nr , Nc ) Noutp (Nup , Nl , Ng ) where N N ab is the apparent N balance, N inp is N input through fertilizer (N f ), FYM (N m ), irrigation water (N i ), rainwater (N r ) and crop residue (N c ); N outp is N uptake (N up ) by the above ground plant produce (i.e., wheat grain and straw; cotton seed, lint, bur, leaves and stalk), leaching (N l ) and gaseous losses (N g ). Nitrogen concentrations in rainwater and irrigation water were measured occasionally during 2000 2005; mean concentrations were used for arriving at N balances. At the Awagat soil at Chak 5-Faiz eld site, total irrigation water for ve crop cycles, was assessed to be 3000 mm for raised bed cotton, 3750 mm for at bed cotton, and 1850 mm for wheat. Similarly, at the Shahpur soil at Chah A. Rahim eld site, total irrigation was assessed to be 2950 mm for raised bed cotton, 3500 mm for at bed cotton, and 1750 mm for wheat. Approximately 50% irrigation water was provided each by canal and tubewell sources. Mean N concentration in irrigation water was: canal, 0.44 mg L1; tubewell, 0.07 mg L1; and rain, 0.19 mg L1 for Awagat soil; and canal, 0.40 mg L1; tubewell, 0.10 mg L1; and rain, 0.22 mg L1 for Shahpur soil. Statistical Analysis Analysis of variance of the measured parameters for each year was performed using MSTAT-C (Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA) and treatment means were compared using Duncans multiple range test (DMRT) at 5% probability level. Crop yield and N uptake trends over the ve-year period were analyzed by ordinary least squares linear regression of yields against a time trend variable, as under: y = a + bt where y is seed cotton/wheat grain yield (kg ha1), a the constant, t the year, and b the slope or magnitude of the yield trend (yield change per year).

Nutrient Balances in Cotton-Wheat System I


Microsoft EXCEL package (Microsoft Corporation, Pullman, WA, USA) was used for correlation analysis and for drawing graphs. RESULTS Nutrient Management Treatments and Crop Productivity Analysis of variance over 5 years showed signicant treatment effects on seed cotton yield in both soils (P 0.05; Table 2). However, interaction effects (i.e., nutrient treatments crop residue cotton sowing methods) were non-signicant. The lowest seed cotton yield was obtained with FFU during all the years in both soils. In Awagat soil, application of BNM increased
TABLE 2 Effect of INM on average seed cotton yield (Mg ha1) and yield trend in Awagat and Shahpur soils Awagat soil Year-1 yield Avg. yield Yield change Mg ha1 yr1 P value Year-1 yield Avg. yield Shahpur soil Yield change Mg ha1 yr1 P value

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Flat bed cotton Without residue FFU BNM INM BNM+GM With residue FFU BNM INM BNM+GM Without residue FFU BNM INM BNM+GM With residue FFU BNM INM BNM+GM Sowing method Crop residue LSD (P 0.05) Nutr. Manage. 2.04 2.44 2.50 2.45 2.12 2.56 2.64 2.57 2.04 2.49 2.57 2.52 2.17 2.68 2.77 2.71 0.028 0.043 0.002 0.035 0.011 0.039 0.010 0.044 0.56 0.95 0.79 0.82 2.51 2.86 2.90 2.85 2.56 2.94 2.97 2.94 2.32 2.73 2.78 2.75 2.40 2.84 2.90 2.86 0.004 0.878 0.031 0.085 0.041 0.088 0.039 0.082 0.013 0.080 0.046 0.087 0.062 0.090 0.049 0.085 0.018 0.085 0.059 0.093 0.068 0.095 0.058 0.092 0.042 0.087 0.087 0.097 0.098 0.100 0.088 0.095 0.96 0.74 0.67 0.67 0.88 0.63 0.54 0.61

0.003 0.052 0.95 0.030 0.052 0.60 0.042 0.052 0.48 0.037 0.059 0.57 Raised bed cotton 0.015 0.050 0.019 0.044 0.029 0.050 0.025 0.052 0.003 0.056 0.048 0.053 0.059 0.056 0.056 0.060 0.78 0.70 0.60 0.67 0.96 0.43 0.37 0.42

2.18 2.66 2.73 2.67 2.25 2.75 2.83 2.76 ns ns 0.05

2.22 2.75 2.86 2.79 2.34 2.93 3.04 2.97

2.65 3.05 3.10 3.06 2.69 3.12 3.19 3.13 ns ns 0.08

2.49 2.96 3.03 2.98 2.59 3.09 3.17 3.12

0.84 0.57 0.52 0.57 0.66 0.44 0.40 0.42



ns = non-signicant; = signicant (P 0.05); FFU = 110 kg N ha1 in cotton and 80 kg N + 26 kg P ha1 in wheat; BNM = 170 kg N + 26 kg P + 5 kg Zn + 1 kg B ha1 in cotton and 140 kg N + 44 kg P ha1 in wheat; INM = same as T2 , except that 75% N was applied as fertilizer and 25% as FYM; BNM+GM = same as BNM, except that, during year 2 and 4, wheat was substituted by berseem green manure, by applying 30 kg N + 44 kg P ha1 ; average yield of 5 years of cropping.


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seed cotton yield by 21% during rst year to 28% during fth year, with a mean increase of 24% over FFU yield, i.e., 2.15 Mg ha1 during rst year, 2.13 Mg ha1 during fth year, with a mean of 2.19 Mg ha1. In Shahpur soil, yield increase with BNM was 15% during rst year to 21% during fth year, with a mean increase of 18% over FFU, i.e., 2.60 Mg ha1 during rst, 2.72 Mg ha1 during fth year, with a mean of 2.45 Mg ha1. Highest seed cotton yields in both soils were obtained consistently with INM (where 25% N was supplied through FYM) since inception of the experiment. However, better impact of this treatment was more obvious in coarse-textured Awagat soil where this treatment produced 4 to 5% higher yields over BNM, compared with 2 to 4% higher yields in Shahpur soil. Cotton yields differed nonsignicantly amongst INM and BNM+GM treatments during second and fourth years, suggesting that green manuring with berseem (in BNM+GM) during the preceding winter/wheat crop season did not increase yield of the following cotton crop. As the experiment progressed, seed cotton yield under FFU treatment generally sustained at both sites (Figures 1 and 2). However, positive effect of BNM through BNM+GM treatments became more evident during later years of the study, clearly revealing that FFU was inadequate to maintain/ enhance crop productivity and soil quality for sustaining high-level crop yield. Application of INM increased seed cotton yield by 2331% during rst to third cop rotation period and 3033% during fourth and fth

No residue, flat bed cotton

Crop yield (t ha-1) Crop yield (t ha-1) Crop yield (t ha-1) Crop yield (t ha-1)

6 5 4 3 2 1 6 5 4 3 2 1 6 5 4 3 2 1 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

With residue, flat cotton bed

No residue, raised bed cotton




With residue, raised bed cotton














2 Year

2 Year

2 Year

2 Year

FIGURE 1 Yield trend of wheat grain ( ) and seed cotton ( ) yields as affected by INM in loam Awagat soil; trend lines tted by linear regression (Tables 2 and 3) are shown.

Nutrient Balances in Cotton-Wheat System I

No residue, flat bed cotton Crop yield (t ha-1)
6 5 4 3 2 1 6 5 4 3 2 1 6 5 4 3 2 1 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4

With residue, raised bed cotton

With residue, flat bed cotton

No residue, raised bed cotton





Crop yield (t ha-1) Crop yield (t ha-1)









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Crop yield (t ha-1)









FIGURE 2 Yield trend of wheat grain ( ) and seed cotton ( ) yields as affected by INM in silty clay loam Shahpur soil; trend lines tted by linear regression (Tables 2 and 3) are shown.

crop rotation period in Awagat soil and 1723% during rst to third crop rotation period and 2224% during fourth and fth crop rotation period in Shahpur soil. This implies that BNM to BNM+GM treatments had cumulative positive impact during study period. It was observed that crop productivity potential of the heavier-textured Shahpur soil was greater than that of coarse-textured Awagat soil. Contrarily, magnitudes of cotton yield increase with improved nutrient management treatments were lesser in Shahpur soil compared with Awagat soil. Wheat grain yield increases due to improved nutrient managements were signicant (P 0.05; Table 3) across the years in both soils. Whereas minimum wheat grain and straw yields were obtained with FFU treatment, INM consistently produced maximum grain and straw yields throughout the experimental period. In Awagat soil, with INM treatment, wheat grain yield increased from 4.00 Mg ha1 during 2001 to 4.39 Mg ha1 during 2005; corresponding wheat yields in Shahpur soil were 4.57 Mg ha1 to 5.13 Mg ha1. In Awagat soil, initially FFU produced about 80% and 78% of the wheat yields produced respectively with BNM and INM; but during later years of the experiment this yield percentage got reduced progressively to 75% and 71%, respectively. During year 1, year 3 and year 5 of the experiment, wheat grain yields with BNM+GM were almost equivalent to the yields obtained with BNM and INM treatments. No yield differences were observed between the wheat crop grown on at bed sites and raised bed sites (after demolishing


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TABLE 3 Effect of INM on average wheat grain yield (Mg ha1) and yield trend in Awagat and Shahpur soils Awagat soil Year-1 yield Avg. yield Yield change Mg ha1 yr1 P value Year-1 yield Avg. yield Shahpur soil Yield change Mg ha1 yr1 P value


Flat bed cotton Without residue FFU BNM INM BNM+GM With residue FFU BNM INM BNM+GM Without residue FFU BNM INM BNM+GM With residue FFU BNM INM BNM+GM Crop residue LSD (P 0.05) Nutr. Manage. 3.09 3.83 3.92 3.85 3.15 3.94 4.03 3.95 2.91 3.77 3.92 3.84 3.06 4.03 4.19 4.10 0.016 0.050 0.012 0.027 0.042 0.026 0.017 0.044 0.76 0.67 0.21 0.76 3.77 4.41 4.49 4.39 3.81 4.48 4.57 4.50 3.85 4.60 4.71 4.53 3.96 4.75 4.92 4.68 0.020 0.074 0.062 0.625 0.078 0.064 0.102 0.055 0.015 0.074 0.108 0.062 0.143 0.074 0.129 0.064 0.013 0.072 0.090 0.063 0.095 0.067 0.112 0.050 0.027 0.072 0.139 0.067 0.158 0.069 0.169 0.063 0.81 0.39 0.31 0.31 0.85 0.18 0.15 0.29

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0.039 0.055 0.53 0.095 0.031 0.05 0.130 0.031 0.03 0.101 0.046 0.28 Raised bed cotton 0.003 0.045 0.046 0.010 0.076 0.013 0.055 0.009 0.057 0.049 0.120 0.013 0.157 0.015 0.136 0.026 0.95 0.02 0.01 0.11 0.33 0.00 0.00 0.12

3.10 3.86 3.97 3.86 3.18 3.97 4.10 3.98 ns 0.09

2.98 3.92 4.08 3.96 3.15 4.17 4.36 4.22

3.83 4.44 4.56 4.48 3.88 4.55 4.64 4.57 ns 0.08

3.91 4.71 4.84 4.65 4.04 4.90 5.04 4.83

0.87 0.25 0.26 0.27 0.73 0.13 0.11 0.23



Average wheat yield and yield trend under BNM+GM are for years 1, 3 and 5.

raised beds of cotton crop). Almost similar wheat yield trends were observed in Shahpur soil. However, similar to cotton, magnitudes of wheat grain yield increase were higher in coarse-textured Awagat soil than in Shahpur soil. Crop Residue Incorporation and Crop Productivity Crop residue recycling resulted in increased yields of cotton as well as of wheat; however, in both soils, signicant increases were observed during the last 3-4 years of the experiment (P 0.05; Figures 1 and 2). For example, in Awagat soil, crop residue recycling (wheat straw) increased the cotton yield by 4% during year 1 and 7% during year 5, over the respective treatment yields without residue recycling, i.e., 2.46 Mg ha1 and 2.51 Mg ha1. Similarly, in Shahpur soil, cotton yield increase was 2% during year 1 and 5% during year 5, over the respective treatment yields without crop residue recycling, i.e., 2.87 Mg ha1 and 3.08 Mg ha1. Similar to cotton, in Awagat soil, crop residue recycling (cotton stalks) increased wheat grain yield by

Nutrient Balances in Cotton-Wheat System I


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3% during year 1 and by 10% during year 5, over the respective treatment yields without residue recycling, i.e., 3.69 Mg ha1 and 3.78 Mg ha1. In Shahpur soil, wheat yield increase was 2% during year 1 and 6% in year 5 over respective treatment yield, without crop residue recycling, i.e., 4.30 Mg ha1 and 4.65 Mg ha1l. Magnitudes of yield increase with crop residue were relatively greater in the lesser SOM containing coarse-textured Awagat soil. It is worth emphasizing that yield increases because of previous crops residue recycling were greater with INM treatment than with BNM treatment. Seed cotton yields obtained with BNM+GM treatment, during 2002 and 2004, were comparable with the yields obtained with INM. In Awagat soil, within FFU treatment, seed cotton yield increase with crop residue recycling was 0.08 Mg ha1 during 2001 and 0.14 Mg ha1 during 2005; the corresponding increases within INM treatment were 0.12 Mg ha1 and 0.21 Mg ha1. Seed cotton yields obtained with BNM+GM treatment, during 2002 and 2004, were comparable with the yields obtained with INM. With FFU, wheat grain yield increase by crop residue recycling was 0.07 Mg ha1 during 2001 and 0.28 Mg ha1 during 2005; the corresponding wheat yield increases with INM were 0.12 Mg ha1 and 0.45 Mg ha1. In Shahpur soil, within FFU, seed cotton yield increases with residue recycling was 0.05 Mg ha1 during 2000, which progressively rose to 0.14 Mg ha1 during 2005; the corresponding cotton yield increases with INM were 0.08 Mg ha1 and 0.19 Mg ha1. During year- and year 4, seed cotton yields with BNM+GM were comparable with the yields obtained with INM. With FFU, wheat grain yield increase by crop residue recycling was 0.05 Mg ha1 during 2001 and 0.19 Mg ha1 during 2005. The corresponding wheat yield increases with INM were 0.08 Mg ha1 and 0.29 Mg ha1. Cotton Sowing Methods and Crop Productivity Seed cotton yields were higher on raised beds compared with the at beds (P 05; Figures 1 and 2). In Awagat soil, cotton yield on raised beds was 8% greater during year 1 and 13% during year 5, i.e., 2.41 Mg ha1 and 2.45 Mg ha1. The corresponding yield increase in Shahpur soil was 6% during year 1 and 10% during year 5, i.e., 2.82 Mg ha1 and 3.02 Mg ha1. Some benecial residual effect of raised beds was also observed on the succeeding wheat crop planted there, after demolishing the raised beds that were non-signicant. Diagnostic Leaf N Composition as Affected by INM Nitrogen concentration in diagnostic leaves of cotton and wheat varied among the treatments from year to year without following any particular pattern (data not shown). Cotton leaf N concentration varied signicantly with nutrient management treatments across years and due to crop residue


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recycling during nal years of the eld experiment (P 0.05). Leaf N concentrations of cotton plants receiving FFU were signicantly lesser than the N concentrations with other nutrient management treatments. Maximum N concentrations were observed with INM treatment. For example, in Awagat soil, average cotton leaf N concentration with FFU was 3.33%, and was much higher with INM, i.e., 3.65%. Similarly, in Shahpur soil, mean cotton leaf N concentration was 3.46% with FFU and 3.71% with INM. Crop residue recycling also increased N concentrations in plant leaves over the N concentrations without crop residues. However, the increasing effect was mild during initial years and became pronounced during nal years of the study. In Awagat soil, mean N concentration in cotton leaves without crop residue was 3.51% during year 1 and 3.57% during year 5. The corresponding N concentrations with crop residue were 3.53% and 3.63%. In Shahpur soil, cotton leaf N concentration without crop residue recycling was 3.60% during year 1 and 3.63% during year 5. The corresponding N concentrations with crop residue were 3.61% and 3.67%. Slightly greater cotton leaf N concentrations were observed in raised bed plants at both the eld sites. However, this increase remained non-signicant during the ve-year study period. Wheat leaf N concentration also differed signicantly because of nutrient management treatments across the years (P 0.05). With FFU, wheat leaf N concentrations were signicantly lesser than with other nutrient management treatments. And similar to cotton, maximum wheat leaf N concentrations were observed with INM. In Awagat soil, mean wheat leaf N concentration was 1.80% with FFU and 2.23% with INM. Similarly, in Shahpur soil, average wheat leaf N concentration was 1.93% with FFU and 2.27% with INM. In Awagat soil, wheat leaf N concentration without crop residue recycling was 2.01% during year 1 and 2.06% during year 5. The corresponding N concentrations with crop residue were 2.05% and 2.13%. In Shahpur soil, N concentration without crop residue was 2.13% during year 1 and 2.19% during year 5. The corresponding N concentrations with crop residue recycling were 2.15% and 2.22%. However, unlike cotton crop, wheat leaf N concentrations did not differ at the raised beds and at bed plot sites. Total N Uptake by Cotton and Wheat Crops The experimental treatment effects on total N uptake patterns by cotton and wheat crops resembled with those of crop yield patterns (data not shown). For example, total N uptake by cotton plants (i.e., by lint + seed + bur + leaf + stalk) at maturity differed signicantly due to nutrient management treatments, across years, and due to crop residue treatment as well as because of cotton sowing method, during nal years, at both eld sites (P 0.05). However, as interaction effects (i.e., nutrient treatments residue treatments cotton sowing methods) on cotton N uptake were non-signicant. The improved nutrient management treatments (i.e., BNM,

Nutrient Balances in Cotton-Wheat System I


INM and BNM+GM) resulted in almost similar N uptake increases. Since inception of the experiment, minimum N uptake was obtained with FFU and maximum with INM. During year 2 and year 4, N uptake with BNM+GM was almost equal to the respective N uptake with INM. As the experiment progressed, N uptake with FFU generally remained unaffected or was reduced slightly, at both eld sites. Positive effect of improved nutrient treatments became more evident during nal years of the experiment. In Awagat soil, N uptake by cotton crop during year 1 and year 5 was: FFU, 72.5 kg ha1 and 71.4 kg ha1 (mean, 73.8 kg ha1); BNM, 95.5 kg ha1 and 100.9 kg ha1 (mean, 99.4 kg ha1); INM, 98.8 kg ha1 and 107.4 kg ha1 (mean, 104.9 kg ha1); and BNM+GM, 95.5 kg ha1 and 102.8 kg ha1 (mean, 101.3 kg ha1). Nitrogen uptake was relatively higher in Shahpur soil because of greater yield potential and higher N plant concentrations in this soil. Specically, N uptake by cotton crop during year 1 and year 5 was: FFU, 93.7 kg ha1 and 96.3 kg ha1 (mean, 89.7 kg ha1); BNM, 114.9 kg ha1 and 125.2 kg ha1 (mean, 112.2 kg ha1) ; INM, 118.2 kg ha1 and 130.4 kg ha1 (mean, 116.0 kg ha1) ; and BNM+GM, 114.4 kg ha1 and 126.8 kg ha1 (mean, 113.3 kg ha1). The effects of nutrient management practices on N uptake by wheat were almost similar to those on cotton N uptake. However, no particular N uptake pattern was observed over years. Similar to cotton, across the years, minimum total N uptake by wheat was observed with FFU and maximum with INM. Nitrogen uptakes with BNM+GM, during year 1, year 3 and year 4 were almost equal to the N uptakes with BNM. At both eld sites, with FFU, wheat N uptake values remained almost stable or got reduced slightly. And the positive effect of improved nutrient managements (i.e., BNM, INM and BNM+GM) became pronounced only during nal phase of the experiment. With FFU, in Awagat soil N uptake by wheat was 68.8 kg ha1 during year 1 and 68.8 kg ha1 during year 5. Corresponding increases in N uptake with INM were 29.9 kg ha1and 42.3 kg ha1. On an average of ve-years, INM resulted in 9% more N uptake than BNM. In Shahpur soil, N uptake by wheat crop was relatively higher than in Awagat soil; this is attributed to greater crop productivity coupled with higher plant N content. However, in this soil, magnitudes of increase in N uptake with BNM, INM and BNM+GM, over FFU, were lesser than in Awagat soil. On an average of ve-years, N uptake increase with INM, over BNM, was 7%. With crop residue recycling, total N uptake by cotton crop got enhanced signicantly during all years in Awagat soil but only during nal years in Shahpur soil (P 0.05); the magnitude of increases in both soils being more pronounced during nal years. For example, in Awagat soil crop residue recycling increased cotton N uptake by 4% during year 1 and by 9% during year 5. On an average of 5 years, increase in N uptake because of crop residue was 7.1 kg ha1. However, magnitudes of N uptake increase were lesser in Shahpur soil, i.e., 3% during year 1 and 7% during year 5. On an

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average of 5 years, in Shahpur soil, increase in N uptake with crop residue was 5.8 kg ha1. Similarly, N uptake by wheat also got enhanced with crop residue recycling during nal years of the study (P 0.05). In Awagat soil, crop residue recycling increased wheat N uptake by 5% during year 1 and by 15% during year 5. On an average of 5 years for Awagat soil, increase in N uptake with crop residue was 8.7 kg ha1. As for cotton, magnitudes of increase in wheat crop N uptake with crop residue were lesser in Shahpur soil than in Awagat soil. In Shahpur soil, crop residue recycling increased N uptake by wheat by 3% during year 1 and by 9% during year 5. On an average of 5 years, increase in wheat N uptake with crop residue was 7.0 kg ha1. During most of the years, N uptake by cotton was greater on raised beds compared with at beds (P 0.05). On an average of 5 years, increased N uptake on raised beds, compared with at beds, and was 10% in Awagat soil and 8% in Shahpur soil. Yield Trends The yearly cotton and wheat yield trends differed under various nutrient management treatments as well as at the two eld locations. However, cotton yield trends did not differ signicantly over years with any of the tested treatments in both soil types (Table 2; Figures 1 and 2). The recorded rates of yield change were highly positive with improved nutrient management treatments. Contrarily, with FFU in Awagat soil, without crop residue recycling, seed cotton yield declined at 3 28 kg ha1 year 1. However, no cotton yield decline occurred with FFU in crop residue recycled raised beds. And in Shahpur soil, a decline of only 4 kg ha1 year 1 occurred with FFU in the without crop residue at beds. With INM, annual increase in seed cotton yields varied from +1.1 to +5.9% per year in Awagat soil and from +4.1 to +9.8% per year in Shahpur soil. Annual increases in seed cotton yield with BNM were lesser compared with the respective increases with INM. Over the ve-year period, non-signicant wheat yield changes were observed with all nutrient management treatments in at beds without crop residue. However, in residue recycled at beds of Awagat soil a signicantly positive yield trend was observed with INM (i.e., 13.0% per year; P = 0.03) (Table 3; Figure 1). At raised bed plot sites, with BNM and INM signicant positive wheat yield increase trends were 4.67.6% per year, without crop residue (P 0.02) and 12.015.7% per year with crop residue recycling (P 0.003; Table 3). Application of adequate doses of N and P along with the use of decient micronutrients, Zn and B (i.e., BNM), enhanced the rate of yield increase per year, which was further increased with INM. Crop residue recycling improved the magnitude of yield increases at both eld locations. In Shahpur soil, changes in wheat yield over years were non-signicant with all nutrient management treatments (Table 3; Figure 2). The lowest rates of

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yield change over years were recorded with FFU, i.e., -2.0 to 2.7% per year, and maximum annual increases in wheat yield were recorded with INM, i.e., +7.8 to +15.8% per year. Changes in Soil Organic Matter and NO3 -N Status The surface soil (0 15 cm) native and the post-ve-year SOM and NO3 N concentrations are presented in Table 4. Application of BNM, INM and BNM+GM treatments improved the SOM content over time in both soils (P 0.05). Maximum SOM content improvements were observed with INM. The magnitude of SOM increase with INM, over FFU, was greater in Awagat soil (i.e., 9%) compared with Shahpur soil (i.e., 6%). However, SOM increases with crop residue recycling per se, i.e., 4% in Shahpur soil and 7% in Awagat soil, were statistically non-signicant. The SOM did not differ in the at and raised bed soils. The surface soil NO3 -N content also got enhanced signicantly by the improved nutrient management practices in both soils (P 0.05; Table 4).
TABLE 4 Effect of fertilizer and manure use and crop residue recycling on soil organic matter and NO3 -N content after ve cycles of cotton-wheat crop rotation Awagat soil Treatment Initial Without crop residue FFU BNM INM BNM+GM With crop residue FFU BNM INM BNM+GM Without crop residue FFU BNM INM BNM+GM With crop residue FFU BNM INM BNM+GM LSD (P 0.05) Nutr. Mange. Treatment

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Shahpur soil kg1) OM (%) 0.85 NO3 -N (mg kg1) 5.5

OM (%) 0.60

NO3 -N (mg 3.4 Flat bed site 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.5

0.62 0.64 0.66 0.65 0.65 0.68 0.71 0.69

0.82 0.84 0.86 0.84 0.85 0.87 0.90 0.88

5.6 5.9 6.0 5.9 5.7 6.0 6.2 6.1

3.3 3.6 3.7 3.6 Raised bed site 3.3 3.6 3.7 3.6 3.4 3.7 3.8 3.8 0.06

0.63 0.65 0.68 0.67 0.67 0.70 0.74 0.72 0.04

0.84 0.86 0.90 0.88 0.87 0.90 0.93 0.92 0.03

5.5 5.8 6.0 5.9 5.6 5.9 6.1 6.0 0.14

= signicant (P 0.05).


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The fertilizer N included in FFU did not increase soil NO3 -N status at any eld site over the ve-year period. In Awagat soil, BNM increased surface soil NO3 -N content by 8%; INM by 12% and BNM+GM by 10% over the soil NO3 N level with FFU, which was 3.3 mg kg1 at end of the ve-year experiment. Similarly, in Shahpur soil, BNM increased soil NO3 -N content by 5%, INM by 8% and BNM+GM by 7% over the NO3 -N level with FFU treatment, which was 5.6 mg kg1. Maximum increases in NO3 -N increase in both soils was observed with the integrated use of recommended fertilizer doses along with FYM (i.e., with INM). The magnitude of increase in soil NO3 -N content was higher in coarse-textured Awagat soil than in Shahpur soil. For example, crop residue recycling increased surface soil NO3 -N content by 4% in Awagat soil and by 2% in Shahpur soil. Soil NO3 -N content did not differ due to cotton sowing methods.

Apparent N Balances Estimates of inputs and outputs for arriving at apparent N balances (Tables 5 and 6) indicate that N variations were related primarily to applied N, crop N uptake and N losses. In our study, apparent N balances with FFU, without crop residue recycling, were negative in at beds as well as in raised beds of both soils: 22 kg ha1 and 29 kg ha1 in Awagat soil and 85 kg ha1 and 118 kg ha1 in Shahpur soil. In both soil types, N balances got converted to slightly positive with crop residue recycling along with FFU. Apparent N losses increased substantially with BNM, INM and BNM+GM treatments, indicating that N losses were more or less proportional to the rate of fertilizer N. Mean apparent N balances with INM treatment, having FYM, were 123 kg ha1 in Awagat soil and 221 kg ha1 in Shahpur soil, which were slightly less positive compared than the ones observed with BNM and BNM+GM. Nutrient treatment wise, mean N balance in Awagat soil,/ after the ve-year period, was only 24 kg ha1 with FFU, 150 kg ha1 with BNM, 123 kg ha1 with INM and 206 kg ha1 with BNM+GM. The corresponding N balances in Shahpur soil were: 11 kg ha1 with FFU, 252 kg ha1 with BNM, 221 kg ha1 with INM and 392 kg ha1 with BNM+GM. Greater N balances with BNM+GM are attributed to N contribution by berseem green manuring, i.e., 201 kg N ha1 in Awagat soil and 248 kg N ha1 in Shahpur soil (Tables 5 and 6). Similarly, recycling of crop residue added 296 485 kg N ha1 over the ve-year period in Awagat soil and 380 549 kg N ha1 in Shahpur soil (Tables 5 and 6). Thus, the crop residue recycled-soils ended up with higher mean positive N balances, i.e., 129 kg ha1 in Awagat soil and 307 kg ha1 in Shahpur soil, compared with respective soils without crop residue. On an average, slightly higher positive N balances were observed in at bed soils (i.e., 234 kg ha1) compared with raised bed soils (i.e., 205 kg ha1) in Shahpur soil. The corresponding N balances were relatively

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TABLE 5 Apparent soil N balance (kg ha1) in cotton-wheat system over ve year period in Awagat soil N Input

N Output Irrigation Flat beds Rain Total Crop uptake Leaching


Treatment res. losses Total




aN balance (Kg ha1 5 yr1)

950 1550 1162 1330 201


14.28 14.28 14.28 14.28

1.82 1.82 1.82 1.82

966 1566 1566 1547

660 914 969 791

199 363 335 410

130 208 208 205

988 1484 1511 1406

22 82 55 141

Without residue FFU BNM INM BNM+GM With residue FFU BNM INM BNM+GM 296 420 448 368 201 14.28 14.28 14.28 14.28 1.82 1262 1.82 1986 1.82 2014 1.82 1915 Raised beds 716 998 1057 856 311 517 506 552 168 263 266 253

950 1550 1162 1330


1195 1778 1829 1662

67 208 185 253

950 1550 1162 1330 201


12.39 12.39 12.39 12.39

1.82 1.82 1.82 1.82

964 1564 1564 1545

704 987 1047 857

159 294 269 340

129 207 207 205

993 1488 1522 1402

29 76 42 144

Without residue FFU BNM INM BNM+GM With residue FFU BNM INM BNM+GM 318 455 485 401 201 12.39 12.39 12.39 12.39 1.82 1.82 1.82 1.82 1283 2019 2050 1947 763 1071 1138 923

950 1550 1162 1330


269 449 433 479

171 266 270 257

1202 1787 1841 1658

80 232 209 288



N balance (kg ha1 5 year1): at bed, 121 and raised bed, 130; without residue, 61 and with residue, 190; FFU, 24; BNM, 150; INM, 123; BNM+GM, 206. = farmyard manure. cCrop. res. = crop residue; dGM = green manure; eG. losses = gaseous losses. Included 50 kg N removed by 1st cutting of berseem fodder.


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N Input

TABLE 6 Apparent soil N balance (kg ha1) in cotton-wheat system over ve year period in Shahpur soil N Output Irrigation Flat beds Rain Total Crop uptake Leaching








N balancea

950 1550 1162 1330 248


13.10 13.10 13.10 13.10

1.98 1.98 1.98 1.98

965 1565 1565 1593

869 1100 1145 933

51 127 117 166

129 208 208 211

1050 1434 1470 1311

85 131 95 282

Without residue FFU BNM INM BNM+GM With residue FFU BNM INM BNM+GM 380 490 517 425 248 13.10 13.10 13.10 13.10 1.98 1.98 1.98 1.98 Raised beds 1345 2055 2082 2018 915 1166 1218 983 119 213 207 242 179 271 275 267

950 1550 1162 1330


1213 1650 1699 1492

132 405 383 526

950 1550 1162 1330 248


11.75 11.75 11.75 11.75

1.98 1.98 1.98 1.98

964 1564 1564 1592

914 1163 1215 990

39 106 96 144

129 207 207 211

1082 1476 1518 1345

118 88 46 246

Without residue FFU BNM INM BNM+GM With residue FFU BNM INM BNM+GM 402 520 549 452 248 11.75 11.75 11.75 11.75 1.98 1.98 1.98 1.98 1366 2084 2113 2044

950 1550 1162 1330


962 1232 1287 1043

106 192 187 219

181 275 279 270

1249 1699 1753 1532

117 385 360 512



N balance (kg ha1 5 year1): at bed, 234 and raised bed, 205; without residue, 86 and with residue, 393; FFU, 11; BNM 252; INM 221; BNM+GM, 392. = farmyard manure; cCrop res. = crop residue; dGM = green manure; eG. losses = gaseous losses. Included 50 kg N removed by 1st cutting of berseem fodder.

Nutrient Balances in Cotton-Wheat System I


smaller in Awagat soil, i.e., 121 and 130 kg ha1. As N inputs through irrigation water and rainwater were negligible, the main determinant of N balances in these irrigated cotton-wheat Aridisols were mineral or organic N inputs and N exports through crop products, N leaching and gaseous N losses.

DISCUSSION Analysis of results from a long-term experiment can help in establishing cause-and-effect relationships to explain crop yield trends, provided sufcient data are recorded regarding soil and crop parameters. Though not a typical long-term experiment, this ve-year cotton-wheat system eld experiment on two predominant Aridisols soil series provided such an opportunity. Crop Productivity, Leaf N Composition and Total N Uptake Improved nutrient management treatments, i.e., BNM, INM and BNM+GM, enhanced yield of both crops over conventional FFU by the cotton-wheat growers. Maximum crop yields and N uptakes by cotton as well as wheat were observed with INM, i.e., with conjunctive use of fertilizers and FYM. As FYM not only provides stable supply of macro-and micronutrients (Kabeerathumma et al., 1993) but also improves soil physical properties (Kurual and Tripathi, 1990; Bhattacharyya et al., 2004) and soil microbial activities (Tiwari et al., 1998), and in this study, maximization of cotton-wheat plant growth, yield and nutrient uptake with conjunctive use of fertilizers and manures is understandable. Our results are in agreement with the ndings of many other researchers who also attained maximum crop productivity by combined application of chemical fertilizers and manures (Kabeerathumma et al., 1993; Vats et al., 2001; Yang et al., 2004). The yield-increasing effect of INM in our study got more pronounced as the experiment progressed over years. Thus, obviously, FYM for each crop in the rotation left a benecial residual effect, which got accumulated over duration of the ve-year experiment. This observation was in agreement with a previous report in a sandy clay loam soil under wheat-wheat-corn rotation in northwestern China (Zhang et al., 2000; Yang et al., 2004). Also, in the present study, greater cumulative benecial effects of INM in coarse-textured Awagat soil than in Shahpur soil was probably related to lesser native SOM content in the former soil (i.e., 0.60%; Table 1) than in ner-textured Shahpur soil (i.e., 0.85%). Xie and MacKenzie (1986) also reported that benecial effects of manure use on corn dry matter yield and N uptake were more pronounced in the coarser textured St. Benoit soil than those in the ner textured Chicot soil in Canada. In their study, greater yield response to manure use in St. Benoit

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soil than on Chicot soil was attributed to deeper soil prole, a lower total N, and a coarser texture. However, Dubetz et al. (1975) have observed that in the short term, manure plus inorganic N use leave greatest cumulative benecial effect on crop yields, inorganic N use alone leaves a medium benecial effect, and manure use alone leaves the minimum effect. In our study, N concentration in diagnostic leaves of cotton as well as of wheat varied with experimental treatments in both soils. On an average, N concentration was greater in heavier-textured Shahpur soil than in coarsetextured Awagat soil. However, in Awagat soil, the magnitude of crop N concentration increase with improved nutrient managements was greater than in Shahpur soil. As positive crop responses to fertilizer N application are negatively correlated with soil extractable N level (Lloveras et al., 2004), more plant N gains in Awagat soil could be partially attributed to lower initial soil-plant N levels in this soil compared to Shahpur soil. The sufciency range of N concentration in diagnostic leaves of cotton is 3.5 4.5% and of wheat is 2.0 3.0% (Jones et al., 1991; Reuter et al., 1997). According to these diagnostic criteria, in our study average N concentrations in cotton and wheat leaves attained with BNM, INM and BNM+GM, in both soils, were adequate; but leaf N concentrations attained with FFU were decient. All the three improved nutrient management treatments led to greater N uptakes by cotton as well as by wheat. Earlier researchers (Vanlauwe et al., 2000; Bationo and Buerkert, 2001) also observed that fertilizer N application improves the uptake of P and K by cereal crops, which, in turn, improve plant N uptake. This could explain the mechanism of greater N exports by plant products as a consequence of balanced or INM, comprising of organic manure and higher rate of fertilizer N and P, compared to plant N uptake with FFU comprising lower rates of fertilizer N and P. Obviously, outow of N through crop products was related to the magnitude of crop yields, which explains larger quantities of N export through crop produce with BNM, INM and BNM + GM, with and without crop residue recycling, compared to respective FFU treatments. Our results are in agreement with several earlier reports concerning soils of Sub-Saharan West Africa (Bationo et al., 1998; Ramisch, 1999) where use of adequate fertilizer nutrients stimulated greater biomass production, leading to considerable enhanced plant nutrient uptakes. In our study, crop residue recycling back to the soil also resulted in increased N uptakes both by cotton and wheat crops, especially during nal years of the experiment. Crop residues and organic manures, on decomposition, not only deliver nutrients as a food for plants and soil microbial communities but also are a source of energy for soil microbes, which in turn, may promote soil nutrient replenishment (Bielders et al., 2002). In Niger, crop residue plus fertilizer application to N-decient soils increased both the number of diazotrophic and total bacteria, in comparison to mineral

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fertilizer application alone. This increase of bacterial population was accompanied with a N gain of about 6 kg ha1 per year (Hafner et al., 1993). Cotton Sowing Methods and Crop Productivity Greater seed cotton yields on raised beds (Awagat soil, 813% and 610% in Shahpur soil), compared with at beds, was probably related to: (i) avoidance of soil surface crust problem and improved soil physical condition; (ii) improved microclimate within the eld, on the raised beds, which minimizes crop germination losses due to rainfalls and, thus helps in attaining optimum plant population per unit area (Fahong et al., 2004). Additionally, in raised beds, furrow irrigation water use efciency is better, compared with the at bed ood irrigation. Also, because of proper placement with respect to plant roots, use efciency of applied fertilizer, especially of N, is better in raised beds compared with the broadcast fertilizer in at beds. These advantages, interacting together, lead to better cotton growth and production on raised beds. Thus, results of this ve-year research verify the advantage of raised beds for irrigated cotton production. Yield Trends In our ve-year study, the cotton and wheat yield plateaus, intermingled with sporadic slight yield declines observed with FFU suggest that the lowrate, imbalanced fertilizer use in the multiple nutrient-decient soil resource was hardly adequate to sustain even low-level cotton-wheat productivity (Figures 1 and 2). However, noticeable yield increase trends, of both crops, were observed with BNM, INM and BNM+GM treatments (Tables 2 and 3). Also, in contrast to the results of Manna et al. (2005), in our study crop yields tended to increase over time with balanced fertilizer use (i.e., BNM) alone or in combination with organic manure (i.e., INM). These benecial impacts on crop productivity got enhanced with crop residue recycling, while with FFU crop yields trends remained almost stagnant. These differing crop productivity trends convincingly demonstrated that the rates and balances of applied nutrients play a key role in determining the level and sustainability of crop productivity. According to the soil test diagnostic criteria suggested by Ryan et al. (2001), in our study soils of both the experimental elds were decient in SOM (0.60 and 0.85%), NO3 -N (3.4 and 5.5 mg kg1), P (2.2 and 3.5 mg kg1), Zn (0.48 and 0.72 mg kg1), and B (0.28 and 0.40 mg kg1) (Table 1). Continuous cotton-wheat cropping with application of recommended fertilizer rates (BNM or INM) most probably decreased the intensity of nutrient deciencies in these soils, resulting in appreciable crop growth and yield improvements, after 23 years. At the end of ve-year experiment, maximum SOM level was 0.74% in Awagat soil and 93% in Shahpur soil; the corresponding soil NO3 -N levels were 3.8 mg kg1 and

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6.2 mg kg1 (Table 4), indicating a slight buildups of SOM and soil N with wise nutrient and crop residue management.

Changes in Soil Organic Matter and NO3 -N Status Soil organic matter is known to play an important role in maintaining soil health. In our study, an increase in SOM content with BNM (Table 4) could be the consequence of better plant root and shoot growth, leading to larger quantities of plant stubbles and leaf fall going back to the soil. Still better impact of INM on SOM, than of BNM, could be attributed to the addition of organic matter as FMY, and consequent benecial inuence on physicochemical characteristics of the soil, triggering better root growth and more plant residue after each crop harvest. These observations are in conformity with the ndings of Bellakki et al. (1998). The observed highest SOM levels with INM along with crop residue recycling, i.e., 0.74% in Awagat soil and 0.93% in Shahpur soil (Table 4), indicated that long-term adoption of these soil management practices can improve soil health, which in turn, can help in sustaining crop productivity. Thus, in our ve-year study, the observed increase in SOM with improved nutrient management, in conjunction with organic manure and crop residue use, revealed that wise soil management not only enhances crop productivity but also contribute in improving soil health and sustainability. Monitoring of soil fertility parameters over ve-year period revealed a gradual decline of soil available NO3 -N pool with FFU in both soil types. However, this N pool remained unchanged or rather got enhanced with BNM and BNM+GM and maximized with INM where 25% N was supplied through FYM. The gradual decline of soil NO3 -N may have contributed to the crop yield stagnation or slight decline with FFU without crop residue recycling. We hypothesize that depletion of soil available N, with the conventional FFU, is likely to play a major role in declining soil resource quality and, thus, reducing cotton-wheat productivity over long periods of time. The soil available NO3 -N pool however, was maintained or increased with INM, where FYM partially replaced fertilizer N, suggesting that application of organic manures, such as FYM, is critical for sustaining productivity of light to medium textured Aridisols under intensive cotton-wheat system. The improvement in soil NO3 -N with INM may also be attributed to greater multiplication of soil microbes, triggered by the manure-released energy, which in turn, accelerates the conversion of organically bound N to inorganic forms as well as the mineralization of soil N, leading to buildup of soil available N. The berseem green manure, being low in C: N ratio, behaves almost similar to N fertilizer and, thus, does not immobilize N. Thus, integrated use of N fertilizers with organic manures could enhance soil available N. In India, Tiwari et al. (2002) also observed enhanced soil available N with

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Nutrient Balances in Cotton-Wheat System I


the use of recommended dose of fertilizers in conjunction with manures (P 0.05). Apparent N Balances In our study, apparent N balances over the ve-year period were positive in both soils with all nutrient management treatments, except for FFU without crop residue recycling (Tables 5 and 6). The negative N balance with FFU resulted because of continuous crop mining of N coupled with inadequate N replenishment. Timsina et al. (2006), in a three-year eld experiment on a silty clay loam soil of Bangladesh under rice-wheat sequence also observed mean annual negative N balance of 35 kg ha1 to 15 kg ha1 under farmers fertilizer use practice without residue incorporation. They also observed positive N balances, ranging from 1 kg ha1 to 15 kg ha1 with soil test-based fertilizer use without residue incorporation and 28 kg ha1 with crop residue recycling. Rego et al. (2003) observed a substantial positive N balance of 129 kg N ha1 in an on-farm 2-year nutrient balance study of cotton and sorghum/pigeonpea intercrop rotation with farmers fertilizer use practices in India. This positive N balance was attributed to the farmers trend of applying more than recommended fertilizer rates and use of FYM both to cotton and pigeonpea crops. The estimates of inputs and outputs of the apparent N balance (Tables 5 and 6) indicate that variations in N balances were related mainly to applied N rate and source (i.e., fertilizer and/or organic manure), quantity of crop N uptake and N losses. However, removal of a nutrient depends on the crop production level, soil type, and retention or removal of crop residues from the eld (Yadvinder-Singh et al., 2005). The application of fertilizer-N, along with organic-N, induces a major increase in crop biomass. Consequently, greater amount of N was exported from the INM plots compared to plots without organic-nutrients. Smaling et al. (1997), after studying nutrient balances in Kenya and Mali, concluded that most nutrients left the cropping system through the harvested crop products. In the present study, removal of 869 1287 kg N ha1 by cotton-wheat cropping over the ve-year period was greater in the heavier-textured Shahpur soil compared with lighter-textured Awagat soil, i.e., 660 1138 kg N ha1. In our study, estimated quantity of gaseous N losses (i.e., by denitrication and volatilization; Lesschen et al., 2003) were about 13% of the total applied N at each eld site, and N leaching losses (De Willigen, 2000) were 23% of the applied N in Awagat soil and 9% of the applied N in Shahpur soil. These values were similar (except for leached N in Shahpur soil) to the values reported by Rozas et al. (2004) in a 4-year eld experiment on a loam textured soil. According to Rozas et al. (2004), total gaseous N losses, through denitrication plus volatilization were 7.6 to 13.8% of the applied N and leached N losses were 20 to 22.8% of the applied N, when fertilizer N was applied at planting to no-tillage

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irrigated maize. Lower N leaching losses in Shahpur soil are attributed to its relatively heavier texture (containing 29% clay + 56% silt) compared with coarse-textured Awagat soil (containing 12% clay + 46% silt; Table 1). In crop residue recycled treatment, substantial amount of N may get recycled, relative to the nutrient inputs through rainfall and irrigation, and even the N removed by grain/cotton seed. However, in the prevalent cottonwheat system where large amounts of N is removed from the eld, apparent N contribution through crop residue recycling was 12% of the applied N in Awagat soil and 14% of the applied N in Shahpur soil. CONCLUSIONS
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The conventional cotton-wheat farmers fertilizer use practice is not only responsible for yield stagnation but also may lead to progressive yield declines and soil resource degradation. In our study, though soil test-based BNM proved quite effective in replenishing soil fertility and enhancing cottonwheat productivity, the INM and nutrient recycling through crop residue recycling hold great promise in achieving not only a high level of soil fertility and crop productivity, but also against emergence of multiple nutrient deciencies from deterioration of soil heath. Thus, conjunctive use of soil test-based INM along with crop residue recycling is suggested to enhance and sustain productivity of the SOM-starved cotton-wheat system. Results of this ve-year research also highlight the advantage of raised beds for irrigated cotton production. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Financial support for this multi-year eld-cum-laboratory investigation was provided by the Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of Pakistan, Islamabad, through the Pak-Kazakh Joint Research Fund Project. The authors are indebted to the Central Cotton Research Institute, Multan and the Pak-German Institute for Cooperative Agriculture, Multan for invaluable support in this challenging eld research endeavor. We are also grateful to M. Inayat Khan and M. Asif Ghumman for guidance and support in experimental design and the statistical work and to M. Tauseef Tabassum and Zulfqar Ali for assistance in analytical work. REFERENCES
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