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AIM: To allow user to do transaction by using phone.

DESCRIPTION: This will be online shopping at the same time it will allow user to buy products by using their phone. Instead of the user to have internet he/she can use phone. It will involve of buying of some products which are allocated to the database. Then it will give the confirmation message about where and when to take his/her product. APPROACH: This is not a joke, to make such kind of things you need to have the way to do that. Installation of OZEKI gateway It takes a few times to find out where I should start on that project, because I was having some ideas of that. I heard my classmate talking about ozeki and how it does its work. I download it and install. I was given 20 days of trial to make this to be right, so I must make sure that I do my project well. How OZEKI works

I create my account as admin and put a password, one of the weakness of Ozeki is that, they dont allow you to put a long password. You can only type 5 characters only; after that I can now login into ozek.

Login page

After login

Adding user to that gateway I only want user which I can connect to the database. So what I did it to add new user or application. I click that words on the right side then I reach here:

I used database user interface and click install after that

They want to put application name which is unique, I did that and click ok. And this happened;

That is configuration page; Installation of mysql connector I install mysql connector so that I can connect it with OZEKI and database. The version it was mysql connector 5.1, the best file to install in .msi application. I used this connection string to connect to the database: Driver={MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver};Server=localhost;Database=ozeki;User=root;Password=;Option=4; You must make sure that database, user and password are the same as your database. Creating database from mysql I create testing database called ozeki and with two tables which are ozekimessagein and ozekimessageout. Codes:

CREATE id sender receiver msg senttime receivedtime operator msgtype reference PRIMARY ) int(11)

TABLE NOT varchar(30) varchar(30) text varchar(100) varchar(100) varchar(100) varchar(160) varchar(100) KEY

ozekimessagein NULL default default default default default default default default

( auto_increment, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, (id) charset=utf8;

ALTER TABLE ozekimessagein ADD INDEX(id) ; CREATE id sender receiver msg senttime receivedtime reference status msgtype operator errormsg PRIMARY ) ALTER TABLE ozekimessageout ADDINDEX (id); int(11) TABLE NOT varchar(30) varchar(30) text varchar(100) varchar(100) varchar(100) varchar(20) varchar(160) varchar(100) varchar(250) KEY ozekimessageout NULL default default default default default default default default default default ( auto_increment, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, (id) charset=utf8;

These are for mysql, so I run those script to the mysql console. Connection to the database To connect to the database you must make sure that you have right connection string which is Driver={MySQL ODBC 5.1 and

Driver};Server=localhost;Database=ozeki;User=root;Password=;Option=4; choose connection string type as odbc driver.

Before connecting its time to connect modem with ozeki;

Connecting a modem with ozek You must make sure that you have GSM modem with line within it. The plug to the port after that goes to add service provider

When I clicked that the following window appear

Choose GSM/GPRS Modem connection and I clicked install

I configure port number where I plugged my modem, and I clicked auto detect in order to check if the port I wrote was correct or not. After that I put sms center number for tigo because the modem and line was from tigo. Then I wrote my telephone number and service provider name after that I clicked ok.

So, I have already configure my modem with ozeki; Sending sms to user In order to send sms to user simply, after creating those table ozekimessagein and ozekimessageout, I used ozekimessageout for sending sms to user. In ozeki I will write an sql which will insert value to the table ozekimessageout and will specify sender, receiver, msg, status, msgtype and operator. Where by id, sent time, received time, reference and errormsg will be generated automatically. After insertion, the message from the database will go directly to the receiver. By using GSM for tigo they charged normal sms. So, if message is delivery it will show that message delivery or fail. In sender field you can either put your name over that, any name you want and the receiver will see over there.

PHOTO Receiving sms from user After user receive information from us then, he or she can reply and he/she will be charged in normal sms. And the message received will be put into ozekimessagein table in the database. The database will show everything as in ozekimessageout table. So from there I can see what is going on when I look into mysql database.


SENDING MAIL I planned after user already orders a product I will send an email to her for the confirmation. So, I configured an email first in wamp server before sending it. Configuration of mail server: I used Google mail server which is with port number 587 with tls authentication. And I provide my username for Gmail and my password in order for the whole things to be done. I downloaded fake sendmail and I put all configurations except one into sendmail.ini. Codes in sendmail.ini smtp_port=587 tls = always use TLS auth_username=my username auth_password=my password And in I provide sending mail path which is sendmail_path = E:\wamp\sendmail\sendmail.exe t. I restart my wamp server and after that I used a simple test for sending mail which is the following below:

After that I ran into my localhost and after few seconds I received a mail but I was having internet connection. So, next I was starting to send mail to my customers

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