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What is the Universal Call?

The Universal Call is a lay apostolate devoted to serving the needs of the Catholic Church by aiding parishes and dioceses in the work of evangelization and discipleship. The primary way this is accomplished is not through speaking, teaching, or serving, but by each individual member pursuing an interior life of holiness. Many well intentioned people have failed in the work of evangelization because they forgot that the first step, the engine that drives all evangelization, is personal holiness.

Who can be a part of The Universal Call?

Since the primary work of The Universal Call is each individual member pursuing an interior life of holiness, this means that anyone who is willing to seek a deeper union with Jesus Christ can be a member. By doing this, the members of The Universal Call support those who are called to actively speak, teach, and serve in the work of evangelization.

What do members of The Universal Call do to pursue holiness?

Each member of The Universal Call is committed to living out a high(er) standard of ordinary Christian living. (Novo Millennio Ineunte #31) This commitment flows from the acknowledgment that The call to mission derives, of its nature, from the call to holiness.The universal call to holiness is closely linked to the universal call to mission. (Redemptoris Missio, #90) *These commitments were developed using Dom Chautard's The Soul of the Apostolate as a guide.

It would be wrong to think that ordinary Christians can be content with a shallow prayer that is unable to fill their whole life. (Novo Millennio Ineunte #33) Daily Norms: 1. At least a half hour of mental prayer per day (preferably first thing in the morning) 1. Base your interior life on its absolutely necessary element: morning mental prayer. St. Theresa said that, The person who is fully determined to make a half hours mental prayer every morning, cost what it may, has already traveled half his journey. Without mental prayer, the day will almost unavoidably be a tepid one. (Soul of the Apostolate) 2. Some kind of Spiritual reading & Scripture study 1. My spiritual reading, in the evening so precious an element in the spiritual life rekindles my desire for mental prayer the following morning. (Soul of the Apostolate) 3. Daily entrance into the Divine Liturgy, the Mass if possible, the Breviary if the Mass is impossible. 1. Mass, Holy Communion, and the recitation of the Breviary are liturgical functions which offer inexhaustible resources for the interior life and are to be exploited with an ever increasing faith and fervor. (Soul of the Apostolate) 4. Examination of conscience every day (At end of day) 1. The particular and general examinations of conscience, should, like mental prayer and the liturgical life, help us to develop custody of the heart in which

watching and praying (Vigilate et orate) are combined. The soul that pays attention to what is going on inside itself, and is sensitive to the presence of the Aiost Holy Trinity within it, acquires an almost instinctive habit of turning to Jesus in every situation, but especially when there appears to be some danger of becoming dissipated or weak. (Soul of the Apostolate) 5. Pray at least 3 Hail Marys at the end of the day for the evangelization of the World. Weekly Norms: 1. Some kind of sacrifice 1. Offer yourself to sacrifice your being, your life, your work. Offer up to Him some act of virtue you propose to perform, some mortification upon which you have resolved, with a view to self-conquest, and offer this for the same ends for which Our Lord immolates Himself in the Holy Sacraments. Make this offering with an ardent desire to add as much as possible to the glory He gives to His Father in this august mystery.(Soul of the Apostolate) Monthly Norms: 1. At least monthly confession 2. At least one monthly meeting with your accountability group Yearly Norms: 1. At least one three day retreat 1. The yearly retreat is very useful...(Soul of the Apostolate) 2. At least one conference of your choosing 3. Tithe at least 5% of pre-taxed dollars

Will doing these things make me holy?

No. Neither being a member of The Universal Call nor keeping these commitments will make you holy. Holiness is a result of a deep interior life lived in unity with the Trinity. What these commitments will do is provide a structure within which that life of holiness will grow. It is a mistake to think that growth in the spriitual life will occur without a firm commitment to a life structured around prayer.

Do I have to do all of these things?

Members of The Universal Call who actively evangelize through speaking, teaching, or serving are expected to keep all of these commitments. But those who would like to be a part of this apostolate in the most important way by pursuing a life of holiness can choose one or all of the commitments.

How do I become a member?

The first step is to make a personal commitment to live your life for Jesus Christ. The second step is to choose commitment from the list above to follow and to pray daily for the evangelization of the world. The third step is optional. We would like you to feel as much apart of this apostolate as possible. By sending us your name, email address, and mailing address we can keep you updated on the work and fruit of The Universal Call's apostolate.

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