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EO 129581.4(c)<25Yrs EO 129583.5(c)

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rnE DIREcro*ffiffiFnrn-.LIGENcE
wAsFlrNGTON, 20505 D.c. .:1 Decenber1998 MEMORANDUM FOR: DeputyDirectorof Central Intelligence Deputy Directorof Gentral lntelligencefor CornmunityManagement AssociatEDireclorbf CentralIntelligencefor t MititarySupport ExacutiveDirac-tor Deputy Direc{orfor Operations ' DeputyDirectorfor Intefligerre Usama Bin Ledin

1.1 Bin lWernustnowenters ngwphaseln oureffortagainst Ladin. Our workJoilatehasbeenremarkable in someinstances yet.each and hbroie, day we all acknowl.edge that.retatiationinevhable that its scope is and may.befar largertl.nnwe.have previously experienced. Z[-le'rnusi nowredouble effortsagainst Ladinhimsefihis our Bin infrastruffre,followers, etc. urgency. financas, wih a senseof enormous

mustnowpursu6 pathsslmultaneously. strould muttipte This inctude:

musr.acknowledge.thai bu,"ton"F . 3.l-rye nolongerT-e relied solely upon bring Laden to Bin topsriee. a resutt" E we
a Dbcussionswith atl liaisonservices who may have.acapabilit! lo captureand rendarBin Ladin.tojustice. Activeand immediateeffortsto errsurethat we are able to provide the mllilary with 'b.

both unilateratlyand in concerlwith liaison





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| the Which'have pot ]iaison relations

e. We needto immediately pushthe restbf the collection communi$ makeBin Ladinand his Infrastructure top priority.I to our wantCharlle Altento immediately chaira meeting with NSA.NIMA,CITO, and others-to ensure that we are doingeverything can to rneetcrc's we requirements. f. I wantto knowthal we are pursuing available all conventional and special collection methodsto get afterBin Ladin,his infrastructure, people money. and g. We needan immediate with engagement Speqial Operations _ commandand all DoDcollection asiets/prograrns, sAps, etc.whichmay be of efforts. our

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others*[*-#?:Ai,ilHi"1Hl?l"?.H:iff ?:IilT"'i,ffi "i:'ff ?l';:'

are at war. The DDCIwill chairthe groupto coordinate the . s[--'lwe acuonsproposed aboveand any otheractions whichmaybe possible.I want no resources people or sparedin this effort,eitherinside clA or the community..

cc: Counselor the DCI to


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