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2011 National Achievement Test (NAT)_____ -(20 points)53.34 x 0.2 10.668 a. 1 Awards of students (Academic and Co-curricular) (10-points) (DepED Recognized 1st to 3rd Placers Only) 1 National Winner -10.0___ 2 Regional Winners 8.0_X_ 1 Regional Winner 6.0___ 2 Division Winners 5.0___ 1 Division Winner 4.0___ 2 Congressional Winners 3.0___ 1 Congressional Winner 2.0___ 2 Municipal/2 School Winners 1.0___

B. Teachers Awards - 10.0 pts. a. Awards - 7.0 pts. 2 National Winners 7.0 ___ winners 6.0 _X_ 1 Regional winner 5.0 ___ 2 Division Winners 4.0 ___ 1 Division Winner 3.0 ___ 2 Congressional Winners 2.0 ___ 1 Congressional Winner 1.0 ___ 2 Municipal/2 School Winners 0.5 ___ b. PAST (at least 25% of the Teachers have Outstanding performance) - 3.0 ___

2 Regional

C . Administrators Awards 10 points a. Awards - 6.0 pts. 1 National Winner 6.0 ___ 2 Regional Winners 5.0___ 1 Regional Winner 4.0___ 2 Division Winners 3.0___ 1 Division Winner - 2.0_X_ 2Congressional Winners 1.5___ 1 Congressional Winner 1.0___ 2 Municipal/ 2 School Winners 0.5___ b. PASKDO - 2.0 ___ (Outstanding) - 2.0 ___ VS (Very Satisfactory) - 1.0 _X_ c. Clearance (Accomplished) - 2.0 ___ I. Introduction Education is the process of establishing habits in critical and independent appr aisal of information for the purpose of intellectually developing the whole pers on. Socrates held that the beginning of real learning was the realization that w e do not know. Education can take place formally in school with activities. It c an also take place formally in homes, streets or meeting places when ideas and i nformation are exchange.

II What is that For? NAT MPS result in 2009-2010 brings cavernous darkness to Lemery National High Sc hool for we belong to the bottom 5 lowest. Thus, theres nothing else we could eve r reason out that would do justice to an end. The NAT result serves as our guidi ng light to strive harder in order to regain our rank in the Division of Iloilo. We conducted a thorough review to our 2nd year students spearheaded by our prin cipal III Ma. Luisa L. Asong, the teaching force and the full support from each parent. Gladly, our effort was being paid for. Although we did not get in the to p ten but at least were no longer at the bottom. III Who Are the End User? The students of Lemery NHS are the recipient of this endeavor. Result of this will determine the schools performance for this school year. It will also a id the teachers to determine the strength and weakness of instruction. IV Purpose & Function The result in the National Achievement Test (NAT) will assess how well t he students performed academically if so the efficacy of the teachers teaching s trategy.

The softball team prize of winning during the ISSC MEET 2011 Prepared by: TERESITA M. DIETE MT-1 ANA B. LAGAA MT-1 2011 NATIONAL ACHIEVEMENT TEST School MPS 53.34 X 0.2 = 10.668

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