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National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA

September 2004

Communication for the Information Technology Age

Hubbard optimistic about future of NASA and Ames

As NASA undergoes a major trans- Hubbard said that when completed cently created Science Mission Director-
formation to meet the goals and objec- next year, the program-level SOFIA ate, Ames’ new institutional program
tives of the Vision for Space Explora- project will provide NASA with a unique office. The ‘new’ directorates will be
tion, Ames has a bright future, accord- astronomical observatory based at Aeronautics; Exploration Technology;
ing to Center Director G. Scott Hubbard. Ames. Hubbard praised Ames employ- Science; and Project Management and
Addressing an ‘all hands’ meeting ees for their hard work to help meet Engineering.
held Sept. 2 in the main auditorium and several of SOFIA's milestones, includ- Concerning conversion of NASA's
broadcast on the center's closed circuit ing completion of the telescope's upper field centers into federally funded re-
rigid cavity search and development centers
door; installa- (FFRDCs), perhaps the most controver-

NASA photo by NASA Ames video group

tion of SOFIA's sial change being proposed, Hubbard
first science in- said that the concept of converting field
strument, the centers into FFRDCs will have to un-
High-speed Im- dergo substantial study before any final
aging Photom- decisions are made. In addition, Con-
eter for Occulta- gress will need to approve special legis-
tions (HIPO); lation to facilitate the conversions.
and completing This is the fourth time that similar
the first 'on-sky concerns have been raised, dating back
test' of the tele- to the early 1970s. He said the reason the
scope, providing issue continues to be raised is a very
the first look at practical one: the high cost of living in
the stars. the Bay Area.
"Our people Pointing out that salaries for gov-
stepped up to ernment employees range anywhere
the plate and from 20 to 30 percent below what are
what they have paid by the private sector for compa-
done is nothing rable work, Hubbard said that under an
short of extraor- FFRDC, salaries could be more competi-
dinary," said tive. He also said that by eliminating the
Hubbard, refer- constraints of the civil service system,
ring to the continued on page 2
NASA Ames Center Director G. Scott Hubbard during the recent ‘all hands’
completion of
meeting discusses the process of transforming NASA Ames to meet the
SOFIA's upper
goals of the Vision for Space Exploration.
rigid cavity door
television system, Hubbard vowed to that was assembled at Ames. The door
try to make the process of transforming is a major component of the airborne
Ames to meet the goals of the Vision for observatory.
Space Exploration as smooth and effi- Concerning Project Columbia,
cient as possible, while continuing to Hubbard predicted that when the project
make adjustments in the center's job is completed, the increased
skill mix to meet its customer needs. supercomputing capacity and capabil-
"I won't kid you, this could create ity will establish NASA and Ames as a
some turbulence out there," Hubbard major supercomputing power, among
said. "However, I believe the future of the best in the world. He especially
the center is very bright and with all praised the hard work of people at both
your help, we will make it happen." the Information Science and Technol-
Before discussing the agency's trans- ogy and the Center Operations director-
formation, Hubbard cited a series of ates.
recent accomplishments made by the "This is truly an outstanding cen-
center, including several project mile- ter," Hubbard continued. "We have a lot
stones for the Stratospheric Observa- to be proud of."
tory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA) Turning to the transformation,
and Project Columbia, a major effort to Hubbard said that Ames is reorienting
dramatically increase the agency's its four program directorates to align
supercomputing capacity to meet criti- better with the new Headquarters mis-
cal national goals. sion directorates, particularly the re-
Ames celebrates completion of SOFIA's telescope cavity door
"So, Carol. Here is the upper-rigid The project's 14-month march to plex, it required a 45-page assembly
cavity door. Let's go fly the closed door completion followed a long and tortu- drawing for the team to follow to make
configuration and bring the plane home ous path, including recovering from a sure everything fit together the way it
so Ames' talented team can finish it!" bankruptcy filing by a project contrac- was supposed to. Fortunately, despite
tor, Aircraft Engi- the long hours and numerous challenges
neering Corp., of the project, there was no time lost due

NASA photo by Tom Trower

and several other to job-related injuries.
technical chal- As the project finally neared comple-
lenges. In June tion, Martwick, along with co-managers
2003, Ames re- Ackard and Bill Caldwell, gained the
ceived the door's necessary certification of the door from
assembly tools, the Federal Aviation Administration, a
which were only crucial step necessary to finish the
75 percent com- project. They now are overseeing test-
plete, along with ing and final preparations to ship the
a mere 13 pounds door next month to Waco, Texas, where
of the door's re- it will be installed on SOFIA to protect
quired parts. its sensitive telescope assembly.
"Since the The master craftsmen responsible
door's overall for assembly of the door include Ron
weight is 1,500 Hovland, Terry Bland, Tom Gilberston,
NASA Ames Center Director G. Scott Hubbard at the recent celebration held pounds, we had a Doug Krause, Phil Ugale, Alex Valdez
to recognize the completion of the SOFIA upper-rigid cavity door. long way to go," and Marty Galinski. The quality assur-
Martwick said. ance team members included Mike
With those words, Fred Martwick, During the course of the project, Henschke, John Torres and Jim Lesko.
co-manager of the complicated project, more than 13,800 hours were spent to Adel Belous and Jim Baltz, design engi-
handed over the upper-rigid cavity door assemble the door. Measuring 174 neers, provided concurrent engineering
for NASA's Stratospheric Observatory inches by 206 inches, the massive door services during the door assembly
for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA) project comprises 4,500 separate parts and 255 project.
to Carol Carroll, SOFIA program man- part classifications. The job was so com- BY MICHAEL MEWHINNEY
Completion of the door that pro-
tects SOFIA's telescope assembly aboard
the airborne observatory is a major mile-
stone for the project. Ames celebrated
the event with a festive barbecue held in
Hubbard optimistic about NASA’s future
the N-211D hangar on Aug. 27, one day continued from front page
after finishing the door. Ames would gain a more efficient way 2006 fiscal year budget, while funding
During the celebration ceremony, of doing business. "Imagine it only tak- for space science, Earth science, biologi-
co-manager Dave Ackard presented a ing three days to get a contract approved, cal and physical research and aeronau-
plaque to Carroll commemorating the instead of six months to a year," Hubbard tics appear to be relatively stable,
completion of the project milestone. offered. Hubbard said the amount of funding for
"I don't deserve this, but it will be a In the meantime, Hubbard said the exploration systems is "the big un-
great reminder of all the people who agency is considering offering buyouts known."
worked on this team," Carroll said. "You to employees. The goal of the buyout at "The stated goal is to transform
stepped up to the job and I just watched Ames would be to continue the transi- NASA's space research and technology
from the sidelines. I want to thank you tion out of legacy core competencies development portfolio to better align
from the bottom of my heart for your into ones that will support our future the investments with the Vision for
hard work and dedication to the team." business base, and to reduce the cost of Space Exploration," Hubbard observed.
Ames Center Director G. Scott doing business by reducing G&A. The Hubbard committed to keeping over-
Hubbard also thanked project team buyout reflects the reality that we must head rates stable and predictable, to re-
members for their dedication to the make changes in our workforce. How- ducing the cost of doing business at
project leading to its successful comple- ever, the buyouts, which are voluntary, Ames, and to continuing to adjust the
tion. have not yet been approved. He said he skill mix to meet customer needs. In
"There's nothing like hardware on expects the buyout plan to be approved keeping with the transformation, he
the floor; this is the real stuff and you by NASA Headquarters by Thanksgiv- added that Ames would be very proac-
guys did it," Hubbard said. "I am very, ing and implemented by the end of Janu- tive in advocating its capabilities to pro-
very proud of you and the center is ary. gram managers at NASA Headquarters
proud of you." "If the buyout is not successful, we to ensure they are familiar with how
Eric Becklin, chief scientist for may find ourselves in a situation where Ames can help the agency meet its ex-
SOFIA, also expressed his gratitude to hiring will be severely limited in 2005," ploration objectives.
the team for completing the cavity door. Hubbard warned. Concerning NASA's
"A key component of SOFIA is the tele- BY MICHAEL MEWHINNEY
scope, but without the door, we've got
nothing," Becklin said.

Astrogram 2 September 2004

NASA’s loss is community’s gain; Cheng honored
She is missed at NASA, that is sure. set of positions” including project man- from NASA Ames. Sid Sun of Code SL
But since Pearl Cheng left NASA in 2000, ager, line manager and by 2000, associ- speaks fondly of his former coworker,
after 19 years of service to the space ate director of Ames. Since her depar- saying “Pearl has an incredible ability to
agency, she has shined as her own star in ture, Cheng has taken her leadership mix personal touch with strong leader-
the local community. The state of Cali- skills and honorably applied them to ship. She was a great manager at Ames
fornia took notice last March and named her community, eventually earning sev- and I am very happy for the community
Cheng ‘Woman of the Year.’ eral important roles: Santa Clara Coun- that they get to benefit from her. No-
On Aug. 16, California Assembly- try School Board Association president; body else could deserve this award
woman and Assistant Speaker Pro Tem American Red Cross board member and more.”
Sally Lieber named Cheng ‘Woman of United Way advisory council member. “I was blown away [by the award],”
the Year’ for the 22nd Assembly Dis- “We took suggestions from local said Cheng. “Public service is not an
trict, which includes many of the cities community groups and one name kept area where you look for recognition, so
that surround NASA Ames. Cheng coming up,” Leiber explained. “A num- to have recognition feels very wonder-
spent almost two decades at Ames, in ber of folks who have known her say she ful.”
what Cheng describes as “a wonderful BY ARIANE CORNELL
is outstanding.” Many of those come

NASA LDP graduates for 2003-2004 honored

In July, the 19 members of the 2003- take on a collaboration initiative, but outside leaders. Participants must be
2004 Leadership Development Program rather they took what they learned about grades 13-15 and are competitively se-
(LDP) celebrated the completion of their collaboration and infused it into exist- lected at the agency level.
developmental year with a ceremony at ing initiatives and efforts such as ‘One
NASA Headquarters. The program par- NASA,’ the APPL curriculum and many Leadership Development Program
ticipants, who represent nine centers, other efforts. As a result of their project, graduates for 2003-2004
the 2003-2004
class identified 75 Dr. Jill J. Bauman, NASA Ames
collaboration best
practices. A link Dr. Orlando Santos, NASA Ames
to the full report
of their findings Brent R. Cobleigh, DFRC
and recommen-
dations can be Wei-Yen Hu, GRC
found on the
Leadership Scott R. Thomas, GRC
Program home Gary L. Cox, GSFC
page at http:// Jeffery M. Lupis, HQ
Three par-
ticipants from Dr. Judith L. Robinson, JSC
the class, Judy
Robinson, Steven Gail A. Skowron, JSC
NASA's Leadership Development Program, class of 2003-2004, graduated in
July at NASA Headquarters. The guest speaker was NASA Deputy
Goodman and
Administrator Frederick D. Gregory (center). Two people from NASA Ames
R e g i n a l d Dr. Orlando Melendez, KSC
graduated with the class, Jill Bauman (left) and Orlando Santos (right).
Alexander, were
elected to speak at Kathleen S. Potter, KSC
the graduation to
were the first graduates of the NASA share their reflections of the year and Melvin J. Ferebee, Jr., LaRC
Leadership Development Program. The their thoughts on leadership. All three
LDP replaced the NASA Professional acknowledged that, through the LDP, Shawn T. Gallagher, LaRC
Development Program in support of the they became aware of how their per-
agency’s emphasis on improving lead- sonal vision and values aligned with Laura A. O'Connor, LaRC
ership skills and effectiveness. NASA’s vision, mission and values and
In his address to the graduates, how this alignment was key in helping Elizabeth B. Plentovich, LaRC
Deputy Administrator Fred Gregory strengthen their ability to be more effec-
thanked the participants for the contri- tive leaders. Paul W. Roberts, LaRC
butions they made to the agency as part The vision of the LDP is to create
of their developmental assignments. He powerful leaders who align with William L. Willshire, Jr., LaRC
also praised them on the completion of NASA’s vision, mission and values and
their class project ‘Achieving Mission who create results that matter to the Reginald A. Alexander, MSFC
Success in the 21st Century through Col- American people. Program elements
laboration.’ Gregory stated that he was include developmental assignments, a Dr. Steven J. Goodman, MSFC
particularly thankful and impressed that class project, individual coaching and
the class did not recommend the agency training and briefings by NASA and BY CHRIS WILLIAMS

Astrogram 3 September 2004

NASA Ames provides lifetime experiences for students
This summer, Ohlone College stu- ances for the wastewater facility at NASA Division. Her mentor was Veronico, a
dents Daniel Dzoan, Elton Kong, Jer- Ames. He took the current system and NASA Ames employee contracted to
emy Randolph and Jamie Zetterberg made it more efficient and easier to assist in the Code I outreach efforts.
joined the team at NASA Ames. The maintain and update. James Laub, former fluid mechan-
program proved to be a tremendous Zetterberg, the author, is an indus- ics operations manager, was instrumen-
success as mentors Rabindra Mehta, trial engineering student attending tal in the organization and success of
Terry Grant, Daniel Petroff and Nicho- UCSD this fall. During her internship at this program.
las Veronico provided the students with NASA Ames, she worked in Code I. She The students who participated in
experiences that will last a lifetime. helped design some of the Exploration the Ohlone College internship program
Dzoan is an engineering student. Center exhibits for the NASA Advanced thank the entire staff of civil servants
This summer, he worked in the fluid Supercomputing Division and the Hu- and contractors at NASA Ames for this
mechanics lab conducting research on man Factors Research and Technology incredible opportunity and experience.
coal cars. He used a wind tunnel to BY JAMIE ZETTERBERG
observe and record aerodynamic drag
on train cars while modifying the car.
During his 10-week research internship,
he found that reducing aerodynamic
drag means increased fuel efficiency and Livermore Lab director visits Ames
the reduction of transportation costs.
Dzoan worked with Mehta, the fluid Dr. Michael R. Anastasio,
mechanics operations manager. director, Lawrence
Kong is an electrical engineering Livermore National
student. He worked with Lego Robotics Laboratory (LLNL)
this summer at Ames. Working at the presented a director's
Aerospace Encounter, he conducted re- colloquium in August. He
search on possible applications for ro- described the major
botic missions to Mars. His mentor was accomplishments,
Terry Grant, a research scientist at Ames. challenges and future
Randolph is a computer science promise of the National
major and is attending UCSC this fall. Ignition Facility as an
During his internship this summer, introduction to the
Randolph worked with facilities engi- Stockpile Stewardship
neer Petroff. Randolph put together a Program.
computerized system of checks and bal-

Academy students
present work
NASA photo by Dominic Hart
NASA photo by Tom Trower

Ames federal police officer dies

at Fort Lewis, Wash.
Ames federal police officer Sigfredo Marilyn and two children, daughter
(Fred) Pilipina, who was on military Thea, age 6 and son Christian, age 2.
duty, died Sept. 15 after collapsing dur- The Ames police and security of-
ing training exercises. He was 34 years ficers have set up a fund to help
One of the NASA Academy students speaks
at the recent ceremony at Ames.
old. Pilipina's family.
Pilipina started his law enforcement If you would like to help, please
The NASA Ames Academy stu- career in Guam, where he was employed make your donation out to:
dents displayed their projects at a re- as a police officer before being recruited S. Pilipina Family Fund #240814
cent presentation ceremony at Ames. by the Sunnyvale Department of Public
The academy is designed to pro- Safety in 2000. Pilipina left Sunnyvale And mail it to:
mote leadership and science among
college juniors, seniors and first-year Public Safety in 2001 and began work- S. Pilipina Family Fund
graduates from universities across the ing at Ames in February 2003. c/o Golden Bay Federal
United States and Canada. Each stu- In the fall of 2003, Pilipina elected to Credit Union
dent took 25 minutes to present their rejoin the Army Reserves and again be- P.O. Box 127
individual projects and the work on came active in supporting his country. Moffett Field, CA 94035-0127
the group project. Pilipina received orders in July 2004 that
The schedule and listing of all he would be shipped out to the Middle For further questions, contact Al
presentations can be found at: http:/ East for up to 18 months. Gonzalez at (925) 366-6213 or Kim
/ Pilipina leaves behind his wife Giovannini at (831) 869-1067.

Astrogram 4 September 2004

NASA Academy inspires next generation of explorers
Summer brought many fresh young What makes the NASA Academy with the information needed to fully
faces to Ames, including 13 students program unique are the additional ac- understand the impact and opportuni-
taking part in the NASA Academy at tivities that focus on leadership. The ties of the Vision for Space Exploration.
Ames (formerly known as the Astrobi- academy students attend leadership/ The students also organized a campaign
ology Academy). Participating students management seminars and also travel to write letters to local newspapers and
are from both the United States (12) and to companies and other NASA centers popular science magazines promoting
Canada (1). The Canadian Space Agency (40 percent of the time) to explore the the vision. They enlisted the help of
sponsors its NASA Academy partici- integration of science, engineering and NASA Academy alumni and welcomed
pant. In 10 weeks, academy students are management. This
exposed to both research and leader- summer, the stu-
ship opportunities, learning how this dents had the op-
interaction is essential to NASA and the portunity to visit
space industry at large. The goal of all the Jet Propulsion
NASA-sponsored education programs Lab, Dryden
is to inspire tomorrow’s leaders and the Flight Research
academy is one component in a series of Center, Johnson
opportunities afforded to students. Space Center,
Yvonne Pendleton, of Code SST, and Desert Research
Douglas O’Handley, of Lockheed Mar- I n s t i t u t e ,
tin, are the co-directors of the academy Monterrey Bay
this year, in charge of research and lead- Aquarium Research Institute, Lick Ob- participation from the entire commu-
ership, respectively. Kelley Atkinson and servatory, Lawrence Livermore National nity.
Graylan Vincent, graduates of last year’s Lab, SETI, Space Systems Loral and Students also participated in role-
Astrobiology Academy, are the current Stanford University. playing activities where they were put
staff leaders, following the tradition that Another aspect of the academy ex- in different space-mission simulations
graduates return to lead the next year’s perience involves the selection and ex- and had to manage the simulation, react
program. The student selection process ecution of a group project that will ben- to the challenges and work together in
and matching with their principle in- efit NASA and the space program. Dur- order to succeed.
vestigator (PI) was conducted by Emily ing this project, the students learned The academy appreciates the op-
Holton, of Code SLR; Jennifer Dungan, valuable leadership and teamwork skills. portunity to be at Ames again this sum-
mer, marking eight consecutive years.
The academy students were housed at
the NASA Lodge with students from
other Ames programs, allowing all stu-
dents to benefit from interactions
through daily living and working expe-
riences. This interaction among students
at different stages in their education,
with interests in a wide variety of sub-
ject matters, has created a unique learn-
ing environment and unity within the
NASA education programs.
Among the many NASA education
programs are the Undergraduate Stu-
dent Research Program (USRP), the
Academy, the NASA Scholars and the
Graduate Student Research Program
(GSRP). The NASA Scholars program is
a scholarship program for students at-
tending Historically Black Colleges and
Universities, Hispanic-serving institu-
NASA Academy students, PIs and projects. tions and tribal colleges. Taken together,
each of these unique opportunities pro-
of Code SGE; Jen Heldmann, of Code This year’s project was entitled ‘Getting vides a continuum of programs for stu-
SST, NASA Academy ’99 alumna; and the message out: informing the public dents as they progress through college
John Kaumeyer, of Lockheed Martin. about the ‘Vision for Space Exploration.’’ and graduate school. The goal of this
Over the summer, each student worked The project focused on educating series of research experiences is to en-
with their PI on a research project (60 the public about the ‘Vision for Space courage students to pursue excellence
percent of the time) that will likely lead Exploration.’ The students gathered facts in their space-related endeavors, such
to a publication and/or conference pre- and background information on the as attending the International Space
sentation. The student projects and PIs president’s exploration initiative. They University, working for NASA or find-
are listed below. created a Web site to provide the public continued on page 13

Astrogram 5 September 2004

Combined Federal Campaign kicks-off at Ames on Oct. 14
Oct. 14 marks the beginning of the said Chris Hlavka, CFC’s deputy chair. about,” said De Maio. “We are very
Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) for Ames’ senior management encour- fortunate to work here at Ames. Now is
2004. The theme of this year’s campaign ages all civil servants to share with those the time to give something back.”
is ‘Compassion in action, every dollar in need and those who will be there to
can change a life.’

Author Wolverton
visits Ames

NASA photo by Dominic Hart

help us. “The Combined Federal Cam-
paign is our chance to support our com-
munity by assisting organizations that
work to improve our country and help
those in need,” said Ames’ Deputy Cen-
ter Director Stan Newberry.
"The CFC is a great way for federal The CFC is an effective way for
employees to support the causes that people to contribute to specific organi-
make a difference," said Joe De Maio, zations that they want to support. What-
this year's CFC chair. It is a charitable ever is important to you, there is an
network that provides employees with organization that shares your passion -
an opportunity to improve the quality - from working with children to assist-
of life in their home town, in their state, ing the elderly and from improving air
across the country and internationally. quality to providing a safe shelter for
The CFC umbrella covers hundreds of animals. The campaign is designed to
local, state and national charities, in- provide an easy and convenient way to Mark Wolverton, author of 'The Depths of
cluding the Ames Childcare Center. donate money by check, cash or payroll Space: The Story of the Pioneer Planetary
The campaign will continue until deduction. Even a small contribution Probes' is seen here at a recent book signing
Nov. 5. During this time, a group of will make a difference. at Ames. The event was sponsored by the
volunteers will distribute the brochures “We have a group of great people NASA Ames History Office. Copies of his book
and collect the contributions from Ames working as CFC coordinators, who will can be purchased by visiting the Web at:
employees in their organizations. “A guide you through the process to make
successful CFC campaign draws sup- sure that your contributions will go to-
port from the entire Ames community,” ward supporting the cause you care

Ames’ Torrez awarded NASA Achievement Medal

In September, the Acquisition Divi- nesses. The winners of this medal are curement category. He was presented
sion, Code JA, hosted a tea reception for honored for their special advocacy on with the medal by NASA Administrator
recipients of two types of awards. behalf of minority business in three cat- Sean O'Keefe at a ceremony at NASA
Connie L. Cunningham, chief, Acquisi- egories. Torrez was selected in the pro- Headquarters on Sept. 9.
tion Division, presented certificates to BY GRACE ANN WEILER
the Contracting Officers' Technical Rep-
resentatives (COTR) of the Year for NASA photo by Daryl Wong
FY04. With this award, each branch in
the division recognizes an individual
with whom they work closely and whose
diligence makes a significant contribu-
tion to the successful acquisition of goods
and services at NASA Ames. Those
honored for their outstanding support
were Stephanie Langhoff, of Code D;
Maria Elena Lopez, of Code HR; James
T. Heineck, of Code APS; Robert Fong,
of Code AV; and Arsi Vaziri, of Code IN.
This year, in addition to the COTR
awards, the division chief was pleased
to announce that one of the Acquisition Carlos Torrez, lead contract specialist, third from left, receives a NASA Achievement Medal for Special
Division's staff members, Carlos Torrez, Advocacy on Behalf of Minority Businesses on Sept. 9 from NASA Headquarters. Code J and JA managers
a lead contract specialist, was recog- from Ames congratulate him here at the center: Shown (left to right) are Charles W. Duff II, deputy
nized by NASA Headquarters with a director, Center Operations; Connie Cunningham, chief, Acquisition Division; Carlos Torrez; Lewis Braxton,
NASA Achievement Medal for Special director, Center Operations; and Marie Dorish, branch chief, Center Operations and Space.
Advocacy on Behalf of Minority Busi-

Astrogram 6 September 2004

Sixth annual Ames Safety Week events FPPS training set
This year’s Safety Week is set for training will be held in the main audito- Do you hire employees or re-
Oct. 18 to 21. It will be an action-packed rium building N-201. quest other personnel actions? Do
week in recognition of Ames’ commit- you use reports of employee data? If
ment to assuring mission success Wednesday, Oct. 20 so, you can learn how to use NASA’s
through safety and environmental re- • 9:00 a.m. -- Supervisor safety train- new personnel/payroll system at
sponsibility. The week-long celebration ing in the main auditorium building N- hands-on clinics here at Ames. Train-
begins at 9 a.m. on Monday, Oct. 18 in 201. ing began in September and contin-
the main auditorium, building N-201. ues through Dec. 8.
All Ames employees are encour- Thursday, Oct. 21 NASA switched to the Federal
aged to attend. • 11 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. The safety Personnel/Payroll System (FPPS) in
Special safety, health and environ- week street fair on Durand Road. All August as part of a government-
mental classes will be offered each day. center employees are encouraged to at- wide program to consolidate and
The following events are planned: tend. There will be health and safety automate federal payroll systems.
booths for flu shots, diabetes testing, The change has gone smoothly, with
Monday, Oct. 18 computer glasses, VPP and ergonomics. employees receiving their electronic
• 9:00 a.m. -- The safety week kick- There will be free cookies. funds transfer paychecks on time.
off meeting with introductory remarks • Fall fun run and walk -- Will take At Ames, personnel action re-
given by Ames Center Director G. Scott place at 11:30 a.m. Everyone is welcome questers and report users are trained
Hubbard, followed by keynote speaker to participate. Registration is $2 or free before they begin using the new sys-
Gary Bradt, whose topic will be ‘Change: with purchase of a t-shirt. The starting tem. They are first offered an over-
Love it or Leave it.’ point for the fall fun run and walk will view of FPPS and given their user
• The kid calendar contest will be be at DeFrance Avenue near Boyd Road. IDs for the system.
displayed at the Ames Café until For more information, contact They may then attend one or
Wednesday. Michael Hulet at ext 4-0268 or Jennifer more hands-on clinics, where train-
Chan at ext 4-5602 or e-mail: ers can help them input personnel
Tuesday, Oct. 19 or visit the actions or run queries of employee
• 9:00 a.m. -- The contractor /COTR Web at data. Trainers can also answer ques-
tions about personnel actions and
Mackie featured at student program celebration Personnel action requesters and
report users who have not already
In August, the Office of Education, Human attended an overview may attend
Capital Directorate,hosted a closing ceremony at one of the two remaining presenta-
Ames celebrating the successful completion of tions: Oct. 25 at 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
summer research activities conducted by student and Nov. 9 at 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
interns, faculty fellows and guest researchers. The presentations will be held in the
The theme of the ceremony was 'Inspiring the Building 245 auditorium.
Next Generation of only NASA Hands-on clinics are held in
can.' Dr. Calvin Mackie, an associate professor Building 241, Room 147. Remaining
of mechanical engineering at Tulane University clinics will be held:
(left), was the keynote speaker for this event.
• Oct. 12, 9 to 11 a.m.
• Oct. 13, 1 to 3 p.m.
• Oct. 26, 9 to11 a.m.
NASA photo by Tom Trower • Oct. 27, 1 to 3 p.m.
• Nov. 9, 9 to 11 a.m.
• Nov. 10, 1 to 3 p.m.
• Nov. 17, 9 to 11 a.m.
Ask the ‘export expert’ • Nov. 18, 1 to 3 p.m.
• Dec. 7, 9 to 11 a.m.
Question: • Dec. 8, 1 to 3 p.m.
What exactly is ‘fundamental sity research will not be considered
research’? ‘fundamental research’ if: For more information about
1) the University or its research- FPPS and training, visit the center’s
Answer: ers accept other restrictions on publi- FPPS Web site: http://
The International Traffic in Arms cation of scientific and technical in-
Regulations (ITAR) provide the fol- formation resulting from the project index.html
lowing definition for fundamental or activity; or
research: “Basic and applied research 2) the research is funded by the
in science and engineering where the U.S. government and specific access
resulting information is ordinarily
published and shared broadly within
and dissemination controls protect-
ing information resulting from the
the scientific community, as distin- research are applicable.” On page two of the August edi-
guished from research the results of Do you have a question for the tion of the Astrogram, the name of
which are restricted for proprietary export expert? Send it care of Louisa R. Beck was inadvertently
reasons or specific U.S. government And, visit missing under the category of ‘Ex-
access and dissemination controls.” us on the Web at http:// ceptional Achievement Medal.’ We
The ITAR also specifies that “Univer- apologize for the error.

Astrogram 7 September 2004

NASA band soars at San Jose Jazz Festival
The Ames Jazz Band, a club spon- nervous performing alongside profes- own Richard Geven. In comments to a
sored by the Ames Exchange, has served sional musicians, many of whom were very responsive audience, Wilson re-
Ames by providing entertainment at recruited from around the country. Stage marked how proud he was to be playing
various celebrations, dedications, par- jitters aside (or
ties, retirements and other events. How- maybe because of
ever, this summer marks the first time them), the band
our big band has performed offsite. The soared to new
band was selected to perform at the 15th heights. Under
Annual Comcast San Jose Jazz Festival. the baton of Rob
The San Jose Jazz Festival is big, Roman, the band
attracting approximately 165,000 people, kicked off with
making it the largest free jazz festival in the jazz standard
the country and occupying much of mid- ‘Blue Bossa’ and
town San Jose. On Saturday, Aug. 7, the concluded (an
band led off the performances at the hour later) with a
Big Band Stage near San Pedro square. blistering ‘Samba
Band members were understandably de Los Gatos.’ The
performance was The NASA Ames Jazz Band plays at the recent 15th Annual Comcast San Jose
marked by a num- Jazz Festival.
New bike ber of outstanding
solo performances by band members. with these representatives of NASA. Of
lockers at Ames The band was graced with the addi- course, the band also was proud to be
A small, but passionate group of tion of two guest artists: Modesto Briseno performing at such an event and in such
Ames employees ride their bikes to work and Dennis Wilson. Briseno is a profes- great company.
each day. The Ames Commute Alterna- sional trumpet player from the Bay area, If you are a musician interested in
tives Program (ACAP) encourages bicy- and he certainly complemented the band joining the Ames jazz band, you are
cling as an alternative to automobiles by both playing the arrangements and very welcome. The club contains a wide
and supports bicyclists by providing belting out a few solos. The other guest, range of expertise and can be a great
centerwide bike lockers. As a result, a Dennis Wilson, brought the magic of his learning experience. The band meets ev-
total of 25 new bike lockers have been trombone talent to the stage. Wilson, an ery Thursday at 5:30 p.m. at the old
installed across the Ames campus, mak- alumnus of the Count Basie Orchestra Navy recreation center. If you are inter-
ing the combined total of new and old and a recipient of a Grammy Award ested in joining the band, stop by at a
bike lockers 170 storage units. Some
lockers were replaced, while others were nomination, contributed two composi- rehearsal or call Doreen Comerford at
established in new locations based on tions to the performance and played ext. 4-1508 or David Alfano at ext. 4-
employee feedback. For example, new several outstanding solos. Wilson also 3409.
played a great trombone duet with our BY FRANK CARADONNA
lockers were placed near the Ellis Street
gate for employees who take the light
rail to work and would like to use their
bicycles while on campus during the
The new bike lockers are a welcome
Fall Fun Walk and Run set for Oct. 21
campus addition for those in the Ames Sponsored by Safety, Health and placed second and Langley placed
bicycling community. “I enjoy riding to Medical Services, Code QH, the two- third) and the NASA inter-center 10K
work as often as my schedule permits, mile, Fall Fun Walk and Run is just running competition (Goddard placed
typically three to four times a week. The around the corner. It’s scheduled for second and Langley placed third). The
convenience of having use of one of the Thursday, Oct. 21, at 11:30 a.m. This large number of walkers in last year’s
lockers here at Ames really encourages year’s theme is a silly hat contest, so two-mile fun walk and run shuffled
me to bring my bike instead of my car,” wear a comical hat and come enjoy the Ames to victory.
said Ted Roush, space scientist, Plan- fresh air, friends and some fantastic Free registration for the Fall Fun
etary Systems Branch at Ames. exercise by participating in this event. Walk and Run. T-shirts can be pur-
Offering bike lockers is one method Each participant will get a com- chased for $10. Pre-register with a fun
of achieving ACAP’s mission, which is memorative ribbon and some delicious walk and run coordinator (see posters
to reduce the number of single occupant cold refreshments at the finish line. displayed around the center) or at the
vehicles entering the center each day. Prizes will be given out to the top five Fitness Center before Oct. 15. On race
By bicycling to work, employees collec- folks wearing the best silly hat. Door day, registration will begin at 11:00
tively help to reduce contamination from prizes of various safety items also will a.m. at the starting line. No roller-
the main cause of air pollution in the Bay be given out. The event will start at blades, please. Leisurely walkers are
area - motor vehicles. 11:30 a.m. on DeFrance near Boyd Road. encouraged to join in.
To obtain a bike locker, contact Bo Walkers and runners will be directed Buildings N-220, N-218, N-
Casero, the ACAP program manager, at by the beautiful wetlands and eventu- 219,TA16, N-226, N-227-C and N-227B
ext. 4-4581. If you are interested in con- ally finish on Durand in front of build- may be affected by road closures or
necting with others in the Ames bicy- ing 218. Winner's certificates will be have limited parking on Oct. 21.
cling community, e-mail Stacy St. Louis given to walker and runner categories. Contact the fitness coordinator,
at To learn Last fall, Ames placed first in both Nancy Dunagan, at ext. 4-5804 for ad-
more about ACAP, visit http:// the NASA inter-center two mile fun ditional information. walk and run competition (Goddard

Astrogram 8 September 2004

Leader in aviation technology development, Dick Carlson, dies
Richard ‘Dick’ Carlson, a loving hus- of composites in VTOL aircraft, Carlson (structural) for the FAA (since 1952) until
band and father and an acknowledged was assigned by Lockheed to support his death.
leader in the development of aviation on-going, fixed-wing projects (C-5A Carlson has a Presidential Rank
technology for 50 years, died on July 12. wing problems, L-1011 empenage, and Meritorious Executive Award and re-
SST development) and as a consultant to ceived 3 Army Meritorious Civilian Ser-
the Advanced Development Projects vice Awards. An author of 25 technical
(ADP) activity. papers on circular frames, helicopter
He also served as a lecturer at rotor blade structural analysis and the
Stanford University from 1958 into the application of composite material to ro-
1970s as he commuted from southern torcraft structures, he is an Honorary
California during his Lockheed years, Fellow of the American Helicopter Soci-
and developed and taught a full heli- ety (AHS) and is a recipient of its
copter curriculum, at the undergradu- Alexander Klemin Award (for notable
ate and graduate levels, covering achievement in the advancement of ro-
VTOL aerodynamics, dynamics, tary-wing aeronautics); the Paul E.
aeroelasticity and design. Hauter Award (for significant contribu-
Leaving industry, Carlson went to tions to the development of VTOL air-
work for the US Army at NASA Ames craft other than helicopters) and the
in 1972. Beginning as chief, Advanced Alexander Nikolsky Lectureship Award.
Systems Research Office, he rose to the He has served with distinction as a mem-
position of director, US Army Air Mo- ber of the original W-76, AIA, Commit-
bility Research and Development Labo- tee on Commercial Aircraft Fatigue
ratories in 1976, managing all rotorcraft Strength Certification; the AIAA Tech-
research activities for the Army. He was nical Committee for VTOL Aircraft De-
a leader and force behind such technol- sign; the AHS Technical Council; the
ogy development programs as the Ad- AGARD Structures and Materials Panel;
Richard M. Carlson vanced Digital-Optical Control System, and as a three term appointee to the
Advanced Rotorcraft Transmission and Congressional Advisory Committee on
the Advanced Composite Airframe Pro- Aeronautics. He also was a Fellow of
In a lifetime of technical achieve- gram. His personal expertise and suc- the American Institute for Aeronautics
ment, few people have impacted the cessful guidance of the R&D program and Astronautics (AIAA), a Fellow of
aerospace technology field in the triad for the XV-15 Tilt Rotor program is in no the British Royal Aeronautical Society, a
of industry, government and academia small part the foundation of the V-22 member of the Swedish Society of Aero-
as Carlson. His personal contributions Osprey, a third type of VTOL aircraft nautics and Astronautics and a member
to the field of rotorcraft technology have (after the helicopter and jet lift) to attain of the National Academy of Engineer-
greatly advanced and benefited the do- production status. Carlson retired from ing.
mestic and international vertical take- the government in 1995, but continued He leaves his wife Venis and three
off and landing (VTOL) community. His his professional career serving as an children: Judith, Jennifer and Richard
mentorship had a great impact on a Army emeritus volunteer and as a des- Jr., and two grandchildren.
legion of practicing engineers and avia- ignated engineering representative
tion professionals
Born in Preston, Idaho, Carlson
graduated from the University of Wash-
PSTI students explore planet ‘Exotera’
ington. After completing naval service, Participants in Ames’ Pre-Service
he gained his initial experience in fixed- Teacher Institute (PSTI) took two fourth-
wing engineering at Convair and Dou- grade classes from Hellyer School in San
glas Aircraft, and in exploratory research Jose on an imaginary trip to the fictitious
at NASA Ames working in the 12-ft planet ‘Exotera.’ Ames' Education Of-
pressure tunnel. In 1950, he joined Hiller fice provided funding for the workshop
Aircraft Corporation, rising from a
structures engineer, to manager,
NASA photos by Dominic Hart

Aerostructures Department from 1956

to 1964. Concurrently, he attended
Stanford University and received his Hellyer School fourth graders on their way to
PhD in engineering mechanics in 1960. a far-off newly discovered planet. Later, they
The genesis of his deep involvment with will explore the ‘planet.’
rotary-wing aircraft was at Hiller. He
was instrumental in providing technol- PSTI is a two-week program set up
ogy and design contributions to a gen- to increase knowledge, skills and com-
eration of helicopters, particularly in the petence in teaching mathematics and
early application of composite struc- science using technology. College stu-
tures, and in developing unique aircraft dents were exposed to problem-based
configurations (tilting thrusters). learning, mathematics and science en-
In 1964, he joined Lockheed-Cali- Pre-service teachers working with Hellyer
fornia Company in Burbank where he School fourth graders. Students are richment activities. California State Uni-
served as an advanced design division designing the solar system as they know it. versity, Fresno, provided extended edu-
engineer, responsible for aerodynam- cation units for the prospective teach-
ics, dynamics, structures, and weights in August through a grant to California ers, who took part in the enhancement
development analyses for the AH-56 State University, Fresno, and Integrated program that featured NASA's exciting
compound helicopter. While continu- Space Technologies Inc. of Huntsville, educational resources and Ames’ unique
ing to encourage development and use Ala. facilities.

Astrogram 9 September 2004

Purchase ‘Energy Star’ products to be more efficient
Do computers cause air pollution? using Energy Star® equipment (100 com- ing computers off and on frequently can
Well, not directly. But the energy used puters, 10 printers, four copiers, four fax affect the processor.
by computers and other office equip- machines and two scanners) is approxi-
ment creates a power demand that adds mately $5,000 per year. Standby power mode
Check your desktop system for the Standby power is the amount of
Energy Star® logo. If you have a moni- power used after a device is turned off.
tor with the logo, you should have no- Most electronics consume power even
ticed the power-down ‘sleep’ mode by after turning the unit off, for example
now (a dark screen is hard to miss). If ink jet printers with external power sup-
not, ask your IT support person to make plies, or cordless phones with a charger
sure the power-down feature is enabled. base. Executive Order13221 energy effi-
Screen savers are not an energy savings cient standby devices requires federal
feature. agencies when purchasing commercially
available, off-the-shelf products that use
Is there any need to turn off my com- external standby power devices, or that
puter with Energy Star®? contain an internal standby power func-
‘Sleep’ or low-power mode still re- tion, to purchase products that use 1
quires energy. Your monitor should watt or less when in standby mode. The
always be turned off when you leave for Federal Energy Management Program
to the pollution load from power plants. the day. Printers and copiers can also be (FEMP) has a database of equipment
The U.S. Environmental Protection turned off. Check with your IT admin- that meets this standard http://
Agency (EPA) estimates that computers istrator before turning off your com-
and other office equipment account for puter. Typically, systems on a network If you have questions about Energy
11 percent of all commercial sector elec- are on a back-up program that requires Star®, contact Christel VanArsdale at
tricity usage. You may think that 11 the computer to remain on. Also, turn- ext. 4-1175 or the author at ext. 4-1406.
percent is reasonable, after all, we have BY MARK LACY
to use our computers. However, much
of the power consumption is wasted on
idle equipment. According to research
by the Lawrence Berkeley National
Hubbard receives ASC membership
The NASA Ames Sailing Club (ASC) most dramatic backdrops on the Cali-
Laboratory, nearly 60 percent of office presented NASA Ames Center Director fornia coast. The Ames Sailing Club
computers are left powered on during G. Scott Hubbard recently with an hon- organizes regular sails out of local mari-
non-business hours and on weekends. orary Sailing Club membership. The nas in Redwood City, Santa Cruz,
award was made by Paul Birch, the ASC Monterey, Coyote Point, Oakland and
What’s ‘Energy Star®’? director and Jeff Smith, the ASC mem- San Francisco. Events range from relax-
To reduce this wasted electricity bership director and past president. ing ‘attitude adjustment’ sails, day sails
usage, the EPA created an energy stan- on the bay, weekend cruises along the
dard for electronic equipment called coast and recreational racing. Instruc-
Energy Star®. Manufacturers meeting tional opportunities also are available.
these standards have been selling equip- Monthly meetings are held on the
ment with the familiar Energy Star® second Thursday of each month during
logo (see above logo) for years. Energy the lunch hour and include famous Bay
Star®- qualified computers, for example, area sailors as well as presentations on
reduce energy usage 70 percent, as com- exotic Caribbean cruising destinations,
pared to a conventional system, by en- racing, navigation and much more. Join
tering a low-power mode after being us at our next meeting featuring Stan
idle for 15 minutes. An average laser Honey, experienced off-shore racer and
printer that has earned the Energy Star® world-record holder. The meeting will
uses 57 percent less electricity and is in be held in the N-245 auditorium on Oct.
the low-power mode for eight hours of 14 at 12:00 p.m.
a typical 9.5-hour business day. The Ames Sailing club is sponsored
NASA photo by Tom Trower
by the NASA Ames Exchange and is
open to all NASA employees, contrac-
What does ENERGY STAR® have to Paul Birch, Ames Sailing Club director (far left) tors, students and their guests. No pre-
do with me? and Jeff Smith, Ames Sailing Club membership vious sailing experience is required, so
NASA and all federal agencies are director and past-president (second from left) come aboard and enjoy clear skies, bright
required to purchase Energy Star®- present NASA Ames Center Director G. Scott sun, cool breezes and spectacular views
qualified equipment according to Fed- Hubbard (right) with an honorary Sailing Club that make San Francisco Bay one of the
eral Acquisition Regulation (FAR) 23.203 membership recently. best sailing locations. New member dues
– Energy-efficient products. If you are are $35 and include one free sail. Re-
due for a printer or desktop system up- The Ames Sailing Club was founded newal dues are only $10 per year. Con-
grade, request that the unit meets En- in 1997 by Greg Sherwood, who had a tact membership director Jeff Smith at
ergy Star® standards. vision to provide Moffett Field employ- ext. 4-2586, or e-mail him at
Office equipment that qualifies for ees and their families an opportunity to or contact the
Energy Star® does not cost more than enjoy the art and sport of sailing. Today, Ames Sailing Club president Becky
equipment without the power manage- for locals ready to take a sail and enjoy Hooey at ext. 4-2399 or e-mail
ment feature. In fact, the electric bill brisk sea breezes, the Ames Sailing Club for more in-
savings for an office with 100 people provides access to the best sailing and formation.

Astrogram 10 September 2004

Code IC outreach team garners many communications awards
Silver, Bronze, Aurora, Beacon, 'Site sci-fi. Most people – when they think of 2003.’ The team filmed the regional
of the Day' and Telly are words and NASA – they think of things that are 'botball' student robot competition at
names related to almost a dozen medals almost impossible to achieve. And then Santa Clara University. The NASA con-
and honors Code IC's outreach team we basically take that mood and sci-fi nection to the competition is that NASA
won for excellence in communications feel and give
during the last 12 months. our audience a
The animated ‘Destination: Inter- glimpse of the
national Space Station (ISS)’ flash Web reality of how
site recently was selected by far humanity
Macromedia, Inc. for 'Site of the Day' really is going,"
honors. The site is an interactive over- Conde detailed.
view of the space station, with a focus on The team
technologies that people from Ames' garnered nu-
Computational Sciences Division (Code merous awards
IC) have developed. for video pro-
Some of these developments include duction – seven
the Personal Satellite Assistant (PSA), a Telly awards,
ball-shaped robot that may someday fly one Aurora
within the space station and help astro- award and one
nauts; Clarissa, voice recognition soft- Beacon award.
ware that enables human beings and "Our team has
robots to converse; the Strider computer won four Telly
program, which scientists designed to silver awards
diagnose some software used on ISS; (the highest
and a space station computer applica- awarded) and One of the Ames’ Code ICs’ Internet pages at the animated ‘Destination
tion that provides 3D design and analy- three finalist International Space Station’ flash Web site.
sis. The ISS 'flash' site is located at: http:/ b r o n z e
/ awards," reported Casadonte. More in- researchers serve as mentors for Bay
iss/flash/index.html. formation about Telly awards is on the area Botball teams.
The team also won another 'Site of Web at: The first Telly Bronze medal was
the Day' award for production of the "We realize that audiences nowa- awarded for ‘Lessons in Inspiration,’
‘Destination: Mars’ Web site. This flash days are extremely sophisticated," said about Carnegie Mellon University's ro-
animation Web page can be seen at: Mark Romo, the Code IC video pro- bot camp for students that took place in ducer and director. "Everyone watches summer of 2003. The video was pro-
mars/mars_flash. broadcast and cable and the high-qual- vided to all the students who attended
"I think that there are three key ele- ity media generated by these guys is the camp and to Carnegie Mellon offi-
ments to our success," said Brett what viewers have become accustomed cials. The outreach team is working with
Casadonte, outreach manager for to. Our competition is the networks and KCSM-TV (PBS), San Mateo, to air the
ASANI Solutions LLC at Code IC. "First, cable stations with their refined looks. ‘Lessons’ video and other Code IC pro-
we have an incredibly talented team. Anything less – and we lose the atten- ductions.
Video, graphics, content, web develop- tion of an audience, and if that happens, ‘Smart Approach,’ a video about
ment, you name it – our guys are second we're not doing our job," Romo contin- intelligent flight control software – which
to none. Next, we have a great work ued. NASA is developing to help pilots land
environment. Plain and simple, NASA Two of the Silver awards were for crippled or malfunctioning aircraft –
is just an incredibly cool place to work. 'trade show vignettes' used during con- won a second Telly Bronze. The third
How many people get to come to work ventions. Bronze winner is a video that the team
every day and work with rocket scien- One Silver award was for ‘Going to made for the Autonomous Rotorcraft
tists? The third element is the content. Mars,’ a video that highlights Code ICs’ Project, called ‘ARP.’ The goals of the
We are really fortunate to be able to talk contributions to the ongoing MER mis- project are to explore ways that helicop-
about some of the most cutting-edge sion. ters might take off, fly and land on their
technologies anywhere on the planet. The videos were shot in DVCAM, a own.
The research being done here in the professional, broadcast-quality video The IC team also won an Aurora
Computational Sciences Division is just format. The team edited the program in award for the ‘ARP’ video. Aurora
amazing," Casadonte said. 'Final Cut Pro,' an Apple application awards are international competitions
"The great thing about what we've that some companies in Hollywood also that acknowledge excellence in film and
done so far is that we have been able to use to cut feature-length productions. video productions – non-national com-
do work up to par with the professional The second Silver award was for the mercials, regional or special interest en-
world of design. That's why we are get- ‘Always On’ video, made for Dan tertainment and corporate sponsored
ting recognition," said Andres Conde, a Clancy's presentation at the ‘Always On films and videos. Details about the Au-
graphics expert who designed the win- Conference,’ which took place at rora awards are on the Web at: http://
ning flash sites and also made some of Stanford University. Bay area executives
the graphics for an IC video about au- attended the conference to exchange In addition, the Code IC video,
tonomous rotorcraft. ideas. ‘Semantic Organizer’ earned a ‘Smart Approach,’ was a finalist in the
"Our designs are based on the target third Silver award. Code IC produced ‘best storytelling’ category of the Bea-
audience and the information that we this video to highlight the Division's con awards. These awards honor indi-
are trying to convey," Conde said. "We Semantic Organizer software for NASA's vidual and agency-wide achievements
are given a topic -- in this case it's Code 2003 Software of the Year competition. in government communications and
IC's contributions to the Mars Explora- Semantic Organizer is a Web-based, dis- access television operations.
tion Rover (MER) mission and to the ISS tributed knowledge management sys- More information about these
mission," explained Conde. tem. It allows scientists, researchers and awards is on the Internet at: http://
"Basically, for both of these mis- investigators to work together from any-
sions, there's a specific feel that we want where in the world.
to convey. Both of them are borderline The fourth Silver winner is ‘Botball

Astrogram 11 September 2004

NASA Ames Honor Awards for 2004 ceremony held
The Ames Honor awardees received
their awards at a ceremony held at NASA Ames Honor
Ames on Sept. 15 Congratulations to Award participants
these deserving employees. and recipients enjoy
a light moment at
the reception held
Administrative Professional after the recent
Deborah E. Glass honor award
David R. Morse ceremony at Ames.
Fredric R. Van Wert

Best First Paper at Ames

Ann M. Fridlind
Steven J. Landry
NASA photo by Dominic Hart

Tech Transfer Award Engineer Safety and Environment
William M. Chan Michael J. Fletcher A C Mosher
David A. Maluf

Community Service/Volunteer Group/Team Scientist/Researcher

Raymond T. Gilstrap Advanced Air Transportation Louisa R. Beck
Technologies (AATT) Project
Office Team
Arc Jet Complex
Contractor Staff
Joint Ames/Langley Secretary/Administrative
Contractor Employee DAG-TM Simulation Team Support
Bradley J. Betts, QSS Group, Inc. NASA Ames Educational Reynaldo Pasion
Nancy A. Dunagan, Technology Team
PAI Corporation Regional Metering Team
David N. Ferguson, Small Payloads Team
Planner's Collaborative
R. Lee Hayward, Student
Muniz Technologies, Inc. Michelle N. Lee
Dinesh K. Prabhu,
Rheda A. Rapada, Mentor
Raytheon ITSS Ronnee R. Gonzalez
Nancy M. Smith and Supervisor/Manager
Cynthia L. Schmidt, Michelle M. Eshow
San Jose State University Vern Battiste (co-winners)
Mark B. Tischler Barry T. Sullivan
Tana D. Windhorst,
Ames Exchange

Technical Support
Craftsman/Technician NASA Employee Robert M. Padilla
Antonio A. Trias Michael J. Kurylo

Project Manager Technology Development

EEO Daniel R. Andrews Ernesto Moralez III
Lewis S. Braxton III James E. Kennon

Astrogram 12 September 2004

Ames supports Engineering and Safety Center with key personnel
-- employees, contractors have direct communication line
Two Ames employees fill critical nondestructive evaluation; Robert programs. The NESC can provide pro-
positions in the relatively new NASA Piascik for materials; and Ivatury Raju grams with independent technical as-
Engineering and Safety Center (NESC) for structures. Located at Marshall Space sessments, consultations, support and/
formed in response to the space shuttle Flight Center is George Hopson in jet or inspections. Twelve requests have
Columbia incident to address engineer- propulsion. been completed with 39 either in
ing concerns. Ames also has put in place two tech- progress or under review.
Michael Freeman, formerly the nical assistant positions to work with Requests for NESC involvement, so
Ames primary representative to the the NESC chief engineer and the NESC far, have come mostly from engineering
NASA Software Working Group and discipline expert for human factors. and scientific organizations, the NESC
leader of its Engineering Process Group, These are six-month details at Ames or program management. Individual
is now one of 10 NESC chief engineers. with the goal of providing Ames people employees and contractors are encour-
Cynthia Null, formerly a scientist in the an in-depth understanding of the func- aged to contact the NESC if they have an
Human Factors Division and deputy tioning of the NESC and how it can engineering or safety concern about a
program manager of the Space Human benefit the center. The first selectees for NASA program.
Factors Engineering Project at Ames, is these NCE and NDE technical assistant Individuals may contact the NESC
one of 12 NESC discipline experts. While positions are Wei Lin and Rudy Aquilina, through their center NESC chief engi-
the NESC is located at NASA Langley respectively. neer at, by e-mail
Research Center, both Freeman and Null NESC employs approximately 40 at or anonymously by
remain at NASA Ames. full-time employees and has immediate writing to NESC, NASA Langley Re-
In order to stay informed about per- access to another 200-250 ‘ready experts’ search Center, Mail Stop 118, Hampton,
tinent issues in his or her field of exper- spread throughout the country. Since VA 23681.
tise and to continue support of center its official kickoff in November 2003, it For more information about the
projects and institutions, NESC chief has received 63 requests. The NESC has NESC on the Web, visit http://
engineers and discipline experts sup- most recently assisted Hubble Space
port the NESC from their home centers. Telescope and shuttle return-to-flight
The NESC chief engineer at each
NASA center ensures that there is a
strong link between that center and the
NESC. NASA Academy Students celebrate
When a concern is brought to the
continued from page 5
chief engineer’s attention, it is his re-
sponsibility to evaluate the technical ing employment in the private space
decisions made by the relevant center sector.
program office and to notify the NESC if Through sponsorship of education
an independent technical review is war- programs, NASA has the potential to
ranted or requested. NESC chief engi- gain valuable employees who have ex-
neers also are voting members of the perienced first-hand the inspiration in
NESC review board. exploration that only NASA can pro-
As the NESC discipline expert for vide. In the case of the NASA Academy
human factors, Null adds technical depth at Ames, students get the most exposure
and leadership to NESC program as-
sessments. When conducting an NESC to our facility and many may choose to
Ames summer students relax at a recent pool
assessment, she reports directly to NESC return to Ames and continue their work.
party hosted for them by the AAAG and NAAC.
leadership to maintain the independence The graph (on page 5) shows a survey
of NESC investigations. of academy alumni that demonstrates The African-American Advisory
NESC discipline experts establish that the academy experience is success- Group (AAAG) and the Native Ameri-
super problem resolution teams for each ful in bringing people to work for NASA can Advisory Council (NAAC) co-
discipline using experts from the agency who might otherwise not have consid- hosted a pool party in July for the
and industry, academia and other gov- ered a career in government. summer students at the NASA Ex-
ernment agencies. They also assemble Goddard Space Flight Center, change pool. It was a great summer
catalogs of resources and facilities avail- Marshall Space Flight Center and day with plenty of food and fun for all
able for their area of study. Dryden Flight Research Center have also the participants.
NESC discipline experts include hosted academies in the past. Goddard The music for the event was pro-
employees from various centers. Frank vided by Joe Sheilds. Many took ad-
is also hosting an academy this summer, vantage of the warm weather in the
Bauer , guidance/navigation and con- and both the Ames and Goddard acad- pool: diving, relaxing in inner-tubes,
trol; Robert Kichak, power/avionics; and emies have enjoyed interactions on field swimming laps and a type of water-
Steven Scott for software are at Goddard trips such as that to the Johnson Space based ‘basketball’ game. Others
Space Flight Center. Residing at Johnson Center. played cards and dominos or simply
Space Center are Julie Kramer-White for More information about the pro- enjoyed good conversation.
mechanical analysis; Steven Labbe for gram can be obtained on the Web at Ames’ new Deputy Center Direc-
flight sciences; John McManamen for tor, Stan Newberry,was present at
mechanical systems; and Henry Rotter the event and talked with many of the
for fluids/life support. At Langley Re- BY KELLEY ATKINSON students were in attendance.
search Center are Edward Generazio for

Astrogram 13 September 2004

Events Calendar group discusses news affecting diabetics. POC: Bob
Mohlenhoff, ext. 4-2523/e-mail at:
Environmental, Health and Safety Information
Forum, first Thursday of each month, 8:30 a.m. to
Ames Amateur Radio Club, third Thursday of each 9:30 a.m., Bldg. 221/Rm 155. URL: http://
month, 12 noon, N-T28 (across from N-255). POC: POC: Stacy St.
Ames Federal Employees Union (AFEU) Mtg,
Michael Wright, KG6BFK, at ext. 4-6262. Louis at ext. 4-6810.
third Wednesday of ea. month, 12 p.m. to 1 p.m., Bldg.
Ames Ballroom Dance Club. Classes on Tuesdays. 221, Rm 104. Guests welcome. Info at: http:// The Hispanic Advisory Committee for
Beginning classes meet at 5:15 p.m. Higher-level class POC: Marianne Mosher, ext. 4-4055. Excellence HACE Mtg, first Thurs of month in N255
meets at 5:50 p.m. Held in Bldg. 944, the Rec. Center. room 101C from 11:45 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. POC: Eric
Ames Mac Support Group Mtg, third Tuesday of
POC: Helen Hwang at, ext. 4- Kristich at ext. 4-5137 and Mark Leon at ext. 4-6498.
ea. month, 11:30 1 p.m., Bldg. N262, Rm 180.
1368. POC: Julie ext. 4-4694 or Tony ext. 4-0340. Jetstream Toastmasters, Mondays, 12 p.m. to 1
Ames Bowling League, Palo Alto Bowl on Tuesday p.m., N-269/Rm.179. POC: Becky Brondos at ext. 4-
Ames Model Aircraft Club, flying radio-controlled
nights. Seeking full-time bowlers and substitutes. 1959, or Bob Hilton at
aircraft at the north end of Parsons Ave. on weekend
Questions to sign up: Mike Liu at ext. 4-1132. ext. 4-1783,
mornings. POC: Mark Sumich, ext. 4-6193.
Ames Child Care Center Board of Directors Mtg, Nat'l Association of Retired Federal Employees,
Ames Sailing Club Mtg, second Thursday of ea.
every other Thursday (check Web site for meeting dates: (NARFE). Former and current federal employees. Your
month (Feb through Nov), from 11.30 a.m. -1 p.m. in, 12 noon to 1:30 p.m., N-210, only contact with Congress. Join to protect your
the special events room in the Ames Visitor Center in N-
Rm. 205. POC: Cheryl Quinn, ext 4-5793. federal retirement. Chptr #50 meets the first Fri. of
223. All are welcome. POC: Jeff Smith, ext. 4-2586.
each month at HomeTown Buffet, 2670 El Camino (at
Ames Contractor Council Mtg, first Wednesday Special Event: Thursday, Oct. 14, 12 noon to 1 pm, N-
Kiely), S. Clara, 11 a.m. lunch. POC Earl Keener (408)
each month, 11 a.m., N-200, Comm. Rm. POC: Anita 245 auditorium. Guest speaker Stan Honey, offshore
241-4459 or NARFE 1-800-627-3394.
Fogtman, ext. 4-4432. racer and navigator, will discuss his transatlantic speed
records and his experiences aboard Pyewachet. All are Native American Advisory Committee Mtg,
Ames Diabetics (AAD), 1st & 3rd Weds, 12 noon welcome. POC: Jeff Smith, 4-2586. fourth Tues each month, 12 noon to 1 p.m., Bldg. 19,
to 1 p.m., at Ames Mega Bites, Sun room. Support
Rm 1096. POC: Mike Liu at ext. 4-1132.

Building 943 revitalized into offices and conference center

After several months of planning, summer to experience the rigors of kitchen back on-line for catered events.
design and remodeling, the Public Af- studying space science. Space Camp The rooms are available by reserva-
fairs Division finally moved into Build- eventually closed the facility and the tion only. To schedule an event, contact
ing 943 in April. Prior to the move, the tent and building stood empty for three Sheila Johnson at ext. 4-5054.
division was separated into four differ- years. The tent was reopened to a packed
ent buildings across Ames making it crowd on Dec. 29, 2003, just in time for BY OLA MARRA COOK
very difficult to handle the daily opera- the Mars Exploration Rovers, Spirit and
tions of the busy organization. Building Opportunity, to land on Mars. Since
943 was seen as the perfect location for then, more than 130,000 people have Student poster
Public Affairs. As the communications visited the new Exploration Center that
liaison for Ames, the division location will remain open as a visitor center. The session held
right outside the main gate makes it old visitor center has been closed.

NASA photo by Tom Trower

convenient for access to the public and The new Exploration Center will
news media. display current mission exhibits, infor-
Plans to bring the division back to- mation about space science and several
gether began with the need for a face-lift models, including working rovers.
of the new location. Building 943 has There also is a unique 36’ x 15’ curved
had a long and rich history at Ames as a immersive theater where mission high-
Navy facility, Chief Petty Officers club lights are shown, as well as various edu-
and Space Camp. In October 1994, the cational programs and media events.
Navy officially transferred its Moffett Media events, VIP tours and the
Field base to NASA. Speaker’s Bureau all are managed by
Many layers of history were revealed the Public Affairs Division. Three large NASA Ames' annual poster presentation
underneath the old paint and wallpa- lecture halls welcome Ames events, pub- was held in August. Posters from over 100
per. The building had five renovations lic lectures, workshops and conferences.
over the years, and each one seemed to interns were available for viewing relating
The three rooms can accommodate small
wrestle with the previous rendition. A to the students’ research at Ames.
groups or up to 350 people. Future
1960s Colonial style and 1970s metallic plans include bringing the commercial
and avocado color reveal images of an
earlier time. The bright red, blue and
yellow, introduced in the Space Camp
era, created a somewhat whimsical inte- Protective Services monthly activity
rior. Three space-themed, wall-sized A statistical summary of activities Protection Services units for the
murals were preserved and given a of the Protective Services Division's month of August 2004 is shown be-
touch-up. Breathing life back into an Security/Law Enforcement and Fire
older building is often a labor of love low.
and requires a vision that says, “What Security/Law Enforcement Activity Fire Protection Activity
can it be?” What it has become is home
to the division as well as a conference
center and lecture hall, and it also pro-
vides a location for a gift shop.
The proximity to the new Explora-
tion Center, managed by the Public Af-
fairs Division, was another reason for
selecting Bldg. 943. In 1996, the sprung
tent was erected for Space Camp and
hundreds of young students came each

Astrogram 14 September 2004

Ames Classifieds Transportation Exchange Information
Information about products, services and
Ads for the next issue should be sent to ‘00 Toyota Avalon XLS , pearl colored, 4 dr Sedan w/
opportunities provided to the employee and contractor and must be resubmitted for 69,400 mls. Recently had 60K mls, dealer tune up. Gd
community by the Ames Exchange Council. Visit the
each issue. Ads must involve personal needs or items; (no cond. Sliding sun roof, A/C, leather multi CD-changer, pwr
web site at:
commercial/third-party ads) and will run on a space- steering, windows, locks. Asking $16,200. Call (650) 867-
available basis only. First-time ads are given priority. Ads
must include home phone numbers; Ames extensions and
Beyond Galileo N-235 (8 a.m. to 2 p.m.)
‘85 Mazda RX-7 GSL, mint condition, not a scratch on ext. 4-6873
email addresses will be accepted for carpool and lost and
it! White w/maroon leather. Power everything, cruise, A/C
found ads only. Due to the volume of material received, Ask about NASA customized gifts for special
down to lighted door lock. 155,000 mls, $9,995. Charles
we are unable to verify the accuracy of the statements occasions. Make your reservations for Chase Park
(925) 447-2542.
made in the ads. Caveat emptor!
‘82 classy, burgundy Jaguar XJ6 w/tan interior. Good Mega Bites N-235 (6 a.m. to 2 p.m.)
Housing commuter vehicle, dependable, smog certified, w/ new
tires, front rotors/pads, a front-end alignment and AM/FM ext. 4-5969
Cozy 3 bd/2 ba home for rent in Alviso/North San radio cass. player w/6-CD changer. $8,300 or B/O. E-mail See daily menu at:
Jose. Electric kitchen, hook ups for washer/gas dryer. Utils. David or call (408) 366-1055.
average $200/mo. Very large gated lot w/flower gardens, Visitor Center Gift Shop N-943
patio area. $1,300 plus dep. Avail. Sept 14. Danice (408) (10 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.) ext. 4-5412
Large room in 4 bd/2 ba home exc., quiet Mtn View
area close to Ames. W/D, microwv, wired for cable
Safety Data NASA logo merchandise, souvenirs, toys, gifts and
educational items.
modem. Tidy person, N/S. Easy access to Ames, 85, 237, Civil Contractors Tickets, etc...(N-235, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.)
& 101. $475 plus dep. and share utils. Avail. Oct. 1. Call
(650) 964-1900.
Servants ext. 4-6873

Sunnyvale, 3 bd/2ba apartment for rent. Newly

Not recordable Check web site for discounts to local attractions, and click on tickets.
painted, W/D, carport, near downtown. Rent $1,550/mo. first aid cases 1 0
Call (408) 736-6147, see Web site: http://
NASA Lodge (N-19) 603-7100
Recordable no Open 7 days a week, 7:00 a.m. to 10 p.m. Rates
Shared housing room for rent in exc., quiet Los Altos from $40 - $50.
area near Ames. Share house w/prof'l males/females.
lost time cases 0 1
Large house, yard w/gardener. W/D, partly furnished, N/S/ Vacation Opportunities
pets, $540/mo plus dep. and 1/4 utils. Call (650) 964- Lost time cases* 0 0 Lake Tahoe-Squaw Valley Townhse, 3bd/2ba,
2913 or (408) 243-7750.
balcony view, horseback riding, hiking, biking, golf,
Fine Sunnyvale home about 10 mins from Ames with 4
(or 5) bdrms, 3 baths, large heated swimming pool, fruit Restricted duty days 0 0 river rafting, tennis, ice skating, Equipped and more.
Summer rates. Call (650) 968-4155,
trees, rose garden, etc. Gardner, pool service provided.
Need very reliable house sitters during the time periods we
go to our `other home' in Kailua-Kona, Hawaii. We usually
Lost work days 0 0 South Lake Tahoe cottage w/wood fireplace,
go for two or three months at a time. N/S, no pets, no hot tub. Rates $50 to $130 per night. Call (650)
wild parties, exc. references req'd. Call (408) 720-1210. Data above is as of 08/27/04. May 967-7659 or (650) 704-7732.
House for rent, Almaden Valley, $1,900/mo., dep. be subject to slight adjustment in the Vacation rental, Bass Lake, 4 mls south of
req’d, 3 bd/2 ba, living room w/fireplace. Large back, front Yosemite. 3bd/1.5 ba, TV, VCR, MW, frplc, BBQ,
yard, one-car garage plus carport. Fresh paint, outside and event of a new case or new inform- priv. boat dock. Sleeps 8. $1,050/wk. Call (559)
inside. Small pets o.k. Wardell (510) 471-2570. ation regarding an existing case. 642-3600 or (650) 390-9668.
Big Sur vacation rental, secluded 4bd/2ba
Miscellaneous Note: Under new OSHA rules, lost time house in canyon setting. Fully eqpd kitchen. Access
to priv. beach. Tub in patio gdn. Halfway between
The Ames Cat Network needs help finding homes for is defined as lost work days, restricted Carmel and Big Sur. $175/night for 2; $225 for 4
cats trapped at Moffett. They range from feral to duty or job transfer. and $250 for more, plus $150 cleaning dep. Call
abandoned/lost pets. Tested, altered and inoculated. Call (650) 328-4427.
Iris at ext. 4-5824 if you or someone you know are
interested in fostering or adopting a cat. Tahoe Donner vacation home, 2 bd/2ba. trees,
deck, sun, fun. Access to pools, spa, golf, horseback
Cyclist looking for pledges/donations for 100 mile
charity bicycle event to support the MS Society of Northern
Astrogram deadlines riding, $280 wkend, $650 week. Call (408) 739-
California. Waves to Wine Ride weekend is Sept 18-19. If
interested, please contact Angela at 408-746-9067 or email
Deadline: Publication: Pine Mountain Lake vacation home. Access to for details or go to Sept. 24 Oct 2004 golf, tennis, lake, swimming, horseback riding, walk Oct. 22 Nov 2004 to beach. Three bedrooms/sleeps 10. $100/night.
Call (408) 799-4052 or (831) 623-4054.
Beautiful, unused, wedding dress, satin and lace, size 8. Nov. 22 Dec 2004
$100. Call (408) 234-0025. Incline Village: Forest Pines, Lake Tahoe condo,
All Ames employees are invited to submit 3 bd/2ba, sleeps 8. Fireplace, TV/VCR/DVD, MW,
Aluminum stepladder, 6 foot, like new. Call (650) 960- articles relating to Ames projects and activities for W/D, jacuzzi, sauna, pool. Walk to Lake, close to ski
6827. publication in the Astrogram. When submitting areas. Visit Web page for pictures: http://
Crate & Barrel pine kitchen table with fold-down sides stories or ads for publication, submit your mate- $120/night low season,
& four chairs w/wicker seats. Call for pics. Great condition. $155/night high season (holidays higher) plus $156
rial, along with any questions, in MS word by e-
$200. Call (408) 295-2160. cleaning fee and 12% Nevada room tax. Charlie
mail to: on or be- (650) 355-1873.
Swivel rocker recliner. All leather, light-grey. $100. fore the deadline.
Call (408) 234-0025. Disneyland area vacation rental home, 2 bd/
1ba. Nearing completion completely remodeled w/
Looking for tilling machine for my back yard and new furniture. Sleeps 6 (queen bed, bunk beds,
white, front storm/screen safety door, the type that you sleeper sofa). Air hockey and football tables.
look out of but can’t see in. E-mail:
Ames emergency Introductory rate $600/wk, once completed rate will
be $1000/wk. Security deposit and $100 cleaning
Clothes washer, good working condition. Double bed
frame on wheels, no headboard (never used) Both no
announcements fee required. Call (925) 846-2781.
Ski Park City Utah, NASA Ski Week XIV, Feb 5 -
charge. Donna (408) 238-6681. To hear the centerwide status 12, 2005. Space is limited. For more info, e-mail
Larvad danish workbench with accessories. Exc. cond. recording, call (650) 604-9999 for Steve at e-mail or call (408)
Call (650) 960-6827. information announcements and
Adams trail-a-bike folding model. Like new. Retail emergency instructions for Ames
$180., selling for $95 or B/O. Pete (408) 605-9661.
employees. You can also listen to Lost and Found
‘01 Marin 13" mtn. bike, blue. Deore, XT, clipless 1700 KHz AM radio for the same Found: Silver earring near cafeteria; call ext. 4-0712.
Shimano, Titec climbing extensions. Vetta computer, wtr
bottle cage, seat pouch. Road skins, mt. bike skins information.
included. Exc. cond., $800 or B/O. Deb (650) 269-8150.

Astrogram 15 September 2004

Mars images viewed at FFC open house Replacing
retiree badges

NASA photo by Tom Trower

NASA retiree badges must be
replaced with a new standardized
NASA retired ID card. Security
began issuing the new card Sept. 1.
To obtain the new card, the
bearer must take the old badge to
the Employee Badge Office (EBO)
located in building 15. EBO is at the
corner of South Akron and McCord
Hours of operation for EBO are
8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday –
Friday, excluding holidays.
If you have any questions con-
In August, FutureFlight Central opened its doors for Ames staff to view images from the Mars cerning this issue, call Wende
Exploration Rover (MER) mission. FutureFlight Central's 360-degree panoramic viewing format Hower at ext. 4-5401 or Donna
provided unique perspectives of the Endurance and Bonneville craters and other sites, including Cetera at ext. 4-1627.
stereo viewing with 3D glasses.

Science lecture set for Oct. 28 On your mark . . .

Christopher McKay will be the McKay has been involved in planning Two upcoming Fitness Center
highlighted speaker for the Ames Li- for future Mars missions, including hu- events are scheduled:
brary ‘Speaking of Science’ lecture se- man settlements. • the Two Mile Fall Fun Walk and
ries. This lecture will be held on Oct. The question of bringing life to Mars Run set for Oct. 21, at 11:30 a.m. at
28 at 11:00 a.m. in the Space Sciences also raises the broader question of what DeFrance near Boyd Road. No cost.
auditorium. The title of the lecture the future of life on Earth will be. •10K Fall Run is set for Oct. 26, at
will be ‘Human Exploration, Biology Join us to explore these exciting and 11:30 a.m. at the Fitness Center. No cost.
and the Future of Mars.’ thought provoking ideas. All Ames em- See page 8 for more details or con-
In his role as planetary scientist ployees are cordially invited to attend. tact the fitness coordinator, Nancy
with the Space Science Division, Dunagan, at ext. 4-5804.


National Aeronautics and Space Permit No. G-27

Ames Research Center

Moffett Field, CA 94035-1000

Official Business
Penalty for Private Use

The Ames Astrogram is an official publication of

Ames Research Center, National Aeronautics and
Space Administration.

Editor-in-Chief..............................David Morse
Managing Editor..........................Ann Sullivan
Editor, Layout and Design...........Astrid Terlep

You can reach the Astrogram Office at: or by phone at
PLEASE RECYCLE (650) 604-3347.
Printed on recycled and recyclable paper with vegetable-based ink.

Astrogram 16 September 2004

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