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Why Do we create complex join in BMM Layer All joins created in the BMM Layer should be Complex Joins.

Creating a Complex Join between two Logical tables enables the OBIEE Server to pick up the optimum sql. Why do we create an alias table in OBIEE? It is a best Practice to use Alias table for all tables used in a business model. Seperate aliases needs to be made for Seperate Business models. Seperate Aliases for a Table are made in a single Star Schema, if it is a Role Playing Dimension (eg Open Date(W_DAY_D) and Close Date(W_DAY_D) joined to a Fact Alias Tables are also made for a table having Self Join(eg Employee(W_EMPLOYEE_D) and Manager(W_EMPLOYEE_D) When do we use Complex Joins in Physical layer? Complex Joins are used in Physical layer when we need to do a calculation on a join condition between two tables. eg UPPER(W_EMPLOYEE_D.NAME)=W_CUSTOMER_D.EMP_NAME How do We create Sub Folders in the Presentation Layer? Prefix an hyphen and space before the name of the Sub folder Can We create a Subject Area from two different Business models? No, it is not possible How do we create a Presentation column that its name should display Western Region for West Users and Region for remaining users? We need to create a session variable say REG_NM which takes the above names for their groups. For the presentation column we need to uncheck the use logical column name and check the check box of Custom Display name and name it as VALUEOF(NQ_SESSION.REG_NM) Full form of RPD? There is no full form of rpd as such It is rapid file database

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