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Does rice research reduce poverty in Asia?

Head, IRRI Social Sciences Division


ver the past 4 decades, rice ing the contribution of improved rice research has achieved subtechnologies to poverty reduction stantial progress in developing in Asia is scarcity of land and small genetically improved rice varieties and farm sizes. Over two-thirds of farm more efcient management of natural households in Asia cultivate less resources and inputs (fertilizer, pesthan 1 hectare, which is insufcient ticides, new seeds and labor). These to generate an income above poverty advances have helped farmers increase level, even with improved technology. productivity and decrease producOne-third to one-half of rural tion costs, as well as reduce the crop households in developing Asia are maturity period, thereby releasing land landless and these depend on agrito grow another crop during the year. cultural labor and nonfarm activities Rice is the principal agricultural crop (such as transport operation and conin most Asian countries, often accountstruction) for their livelihood. They ing for more than half of total cropped do not gain directly from improved area, so improved technologies can technologies and better land prohave an enormous impact ductivity, but they potentially more than benet from conseImproved technologies doubling rice yields and farm quently cheaper rice prots, and reducing the unit equivalent to a can have an cost of production by 25%, higher real income compared to traditional and purchasing enormous impact rice varieties. But to what capacity, given extent do such improved that the poorest of technologies really benet the poor? the poor spend a large proportion of In the early 1970s, many social their money on food in general and, scientists argued that the new techin Asia, rice in particular. And the nologies, which sparked the Green reduced unit cost of food production Revolution, would bypass small-scale means that lower prices dont cut farmers who would be unable to afford prots for small-scale farmers. Dethe necessary irrigation, drainage and cline in the real (ination-adjusted) inputs. But, inspired by the improved price of rice is the main factor behind yields and protability offered by the the moderate progress in poverty alnew technologies, both governments leviation seen over the past 3 decades. and farmers increased investment in But technological progress is irrigation infrastructure. Larger farm- running out of steam for irrigated rice ers adopted the new systems rst, but ecosystems and, with water becomsmall-scale farmers soon caught up. ing increasingly scarce, there is little Access to irrigation and wellscope for expanding irrigated areas. drained land are the major deterThe potential for sustaining growth minants for adoption of improved in irrigated rice production is limrice varieties. Socioeconomic factors ited unless researchers can further such as farm size and lack of acincrease the yield potential of irricess to institutional credit have not gated varieties or improve water-use proved to be major constraints. By such that irrigated area can expand. the 1990s, improved varieties had There is still some scope for increasextended to almost 70% of rice area. ing production in rainfed environThe most important factor limitments, where the yield is currently
Rice Today September 2005


low. Rainfed ecosystems account for just over half of Asias rice land and scientists are developing new rainfed varieties that can reduce the gap between achieved and potential yields. Keeping rice affordable for the poor and consequent progress in poverty reduction therefore depends on technological advances. Growth in productivity, income and savings catalyzed by technological progress allows rural households to invest in childrens education and nonfarm business, thereby spurring growth of the rural nonfarm economy. Ultimately, this process leads to a decline in agricultures share of the rural and national economies. Such growth must go hand-in-hand with the development of rural infrastructure such as roads and electrication without this, educated people tend to migrate to urban areas or abroad for better income-earning opportunities, draining rural areas of vital entrepreneurial skills. Agricultures role in poverty alleviation depends partly on the state of development of the economy. At low levels of economic development, where food production is a major source of employment and incomes, improved agricultural productivity has a substantial direct effect on poverty reduction, but this declines with economic prosperity. At the middle stage of development, diversication out of staple food and movement into nonfarm economic activities become important sources of rural income growth. But it is the increase in productivity of staple food crops predominantly rice in Asia that triggers economic growth and clears the path to prosperity.

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