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3-6O Infantry Pages

3rd Battallon, 60th ... Command Blographles Famlly/Graduatlon Informatlon D...






BCTGeneral I-lformation Maps Dlrectlons & Terms Acronyms and

Soldler Mall QUICK LINKS The Soldlers' Creed WELCOME LETTER Facbook link Click Hcr6 Or searchfor: 3rd Battalion, 60th Infantry Regiment "RiverRaiders" on Facebook,

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Amy says: PFC Alexls Law. Ramsey, Cashe and I are SO proud of you! Can't walt

. Dear Parents, Guardlans and SDouses: . gasicCombatTralningls the fi6t steptowarda very challenging, yet rewardlng, experience Soldlers. for This process lncludes learning dlsclpline, self-confidence, Army standards and teamwork,We challenge eachSoldlerto reachtheir maximum potentlal be "Army Strong"throughmllltarylnstruction, to marching,physical and field training.Nlostimportantly, impart we the Army values,prlnclples and the splrltthat makesall of us In unlformproudto be servlngour country,Clearly, our objective ls to discipline, motlvateand challenge eachSoldier achteve to the hlgheststandards and live by the Army values. Your Soldlers are well caredfor in terms of their nutrition,health, livlngcondltions, spirltualwelfareand tralning.We realtze high the levelof trust that you have placedln the Army and in this untt to properlycare of your lovedone. We have no higherpurpose than trainingand taklng careof our young Soldiers while matntalning your trust in America's Army. The mealsthat we seryeare balanced and designed supportthe to rlgorousphyslcal demandsof tralnlng.Do not sendfood ltemsby mall, Soldie6 are unableto enjoythem, as they will be stored until graduation. Also,the use of tobaccoproducts forbidden ls during BasicCombatTralnlng. not sendtobaccoproducts Do to your Soldier.Finally, Soldiers are requlred providetheir full to attentionto trainingso do not send readlng material,other than spiritualmaterlal. lf your Soldierhas left their cell phoneand chargerwith you, you are allowedto sendthis to them. This will asslstthem in maintaining better communication with you, but only after white phasehas started. Sundaymorningis set asideas a time for Soldiere attend to preference. chapelservices their religious of Hundreds your of younq Soldle6 take advantage this opportuntty of eachweekto strengthen thelr spiritualmuscle. Our Battallon Chaplain is available any Soldierwho needshis counseling, to BasicCombatTrainingis both physically and mentallychallenging. Your lovedone will probablyseekyour emotional supportduring BasicCombatTraining. Your supportof them ls tmportant. Few Soldiers wlll say they love it, but Basic CombatTraintng not is supposed be fun. ManySoldiers to will be questioning their decision come into the Army. Your posiUve to encouragement is .

Layoutof Battallons within 193rd BDE.Click Her Directlons letter for Graduatlon, Click Hre Googlemap directlons Graduation to fleld, Click He.e



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