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It seems to me that the significance of anomalies in the functioning human psyche, even for a 'normal' person, it is quite safe

to conclude that the primary objective of the human creature ever since the invention of its 'compulsive culture' is to live ambiguously - with the body seeking pleasure and avoiding pain and the mind seeking perfection. Both state a certain idea of being able to achieve homeostasis in their respective areas. The instinctual needs and their specific bodily reactions to it are mostly defined by the unconscious need for something to feed with an object-cathexis, more particularly something which the body lacks at the moment the instinct rallies for something (like when a person feels thirsty in a hot weather; a reaction to the excessive use of water inside his body for temperature management therefore needing more of it to compensate from overspending). This translates to whenever there is something the body lacks, it is interpreted therefore as pain (let's try to define pain in a much broader sense here as how death is equated with separation or how doing something of significance is equated with immortality to be discussed later) and to avoid this pain, the body has to do something to suppress it,if not, banish it (as in reality testing of the ego;more on this one later). This further states that if the body avoids pain, then it must be seeking pleasure (which is somehow shared with by the mind concept). The id, known for its limitless greed and impulsivity, does not stop until it gets what it wants an absolute state of satisfaction (however there are some cases a displacement occurs like when the parents of a child refused to buy their child the toy train he saw in the mall with the child submitting to what his parents insisted; the original object-cathexis of interest is the toy train and then displaced to the feeling of security from the parents by obeying them;both of these imply a sense of avoiding pain and meeting pleasure even if the child originally wanted the toy). This corresponds to the perfection the mind tries to attain because having no pain or whatsoever and getting whatever a person wants is (or close to) living in "perfection". However what the mind wants is not identical (not that different because they share some of its basic qualities,just not identical)with what the body desires. Perfection for the body is more in pleasure, just plain and bold,something that gives what the person lacks or needs. The mind has a more metaphysical need, that is, to achieve pleasure in its ideals, defined by the culture of the individual and its parental rearing. I'm still looking for clearer answers for the why and how of this statement but as of now,all i can say is that because human beings are not driven by their programmed instincts alone, but also by their emotions and consciousness on being an individual as well. The human psyche recognizes extraneous stimuli not just with its physiological system (from the body concept) but also uses other divisions of the body to interpret it as mentioned (emotions and conscious awareness;these are all mostly inclined to the mind except for emotions which are somehow also a prominent part of the body concept). The interpretations the mind concept suggests are not really that far from one another like in the idea of pleasure (anything that gives pleasure and takes away pain) but the main root of all these meanings it gives returns to a similar path of has ideals because it's aware of what its environment will think about it because he had already thought of the same on other things or on the people around him (enter projection and identification). He thinks of how will he look after presenting this kind of behavior or how she acts depending on what she thinks what is right for her. Why? Emotions and consciousness. In other words, fear.

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