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The research report Half of the research report is almost done with a well-written research proposal Results are

re communicated in a form that us understandable and usable Findings of the study are reported in many forms: Dissertation Scientific papers Research journals Form and style of a research report is used. Presumed by the institution where the report will be submitted Research report Clear, simple and brief statements Consistent in use of terms and symbols Continuity must be found in the report- use transition phrases Tone of the report should be formal third person Acronyms should be used sparingly Numbers should be written in Numbers should be written in figures when words when

3 sections Preliminary sections Page numbers written/indicated along right margin 1 inch from the top in the upper right corner of the page Numbered lower case Roman numerals Parts: Title page Includes: title of the study, author, date of completion Must be brief and simply worded Without page number Approval sheet Provides space for the signature of the adviser, readers or oral defense panelist, and dean Indicates acceptance of the research work Abstract/ executive summary Brief, descriptive summary of research report Abstract : 150 to 200 words Executive Summary : 250 to 300 words Includes the following: Objectives Description of research methods Summary of major findings Conclusion and Key words

Requires more than 2 words Number is 10 and above Part of a measurement, statistics and sum of money

Requires one or two words Number is less than 10 Those which are at the beginning of the sentence

Past tense Descript ion of procedures RRL Various circumstances of people investigated Backgro und and rationale

Present tense Making references to tables/ figures

Future tense Making recommendati ons

o o used o o recommendations o

Table of contents List all parts of the report Wording, capitalization and punctuation of titles and headings are written exactly as they are in text. List of tables/ figures

Indicates number and title of all tables and figures in the text and their page number Numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals throughout the text

Instruments used Analytical procedure Data analysis procedure

Acknowledgement Where the writer expresses appreciation and gratitude for assistance received in the conduct of the study Expressed bluntly, simply, tactfully

Chapter IV : Results and discussions Constitutes the data presentation and the researchers analysis of the data Discussions may be written separately Goes beyond data Presents researchers interpretation of data on the implication to theory and related studies Chapter V : conclusions and recommendations Conclusions general statements which provide answers to the research problem Recommendationsstated based in the findings and conclusion of the study Includes implication if the findings foe revising the existing body of knowledge or theory Major Parts of Research Report Two references Contains alphabetical listing of references cited and used in the study needs to the authors last name o Books, periodicals, journals and previous studies o First line of all entries flush left o Indent the second and succeeding lines o Double space all reference entries Appendices o Contains material and documents in the study but could not be presented in the body o Detailed description of materials and procedures o Documentaries o Sample statistical computations o Researchers bio data o Letters o questionnaire

Major parts of Research Report The text/ body of the report Begins with first page of chapter I In Arabic numerals Page number positioned one inch from the top of the page at the right margin Chapter I : Introduction framework (if needed Chapter II : RRL Call readers attention to common findings as well as conflicting results of previous studies Summarizes articles, books, other references renewed Chapter II: Methodology Description how study was conducted ethical considerations Past tense Emphasis Study design Sampling procedure Data collection B and R Research objectives Theoretical and conceptual Hypothesis (if any)) Significance of the study Definition of terms Scope and limitations of the study

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