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Part of this chapter had been pubiishec in Polimery nr 11-12.1999

Variations in the tensile and impact properties of banana fibre reinforced polyester composites caused by the addition of glass fibre have been analysed. Banana fibre in combination with glass has proved to be excellent for making cost effective composite materials. The effect of the arrangement of glass and banana fibre in the preparation of composites has also been studied. A volume fraction of 0.11 glass mixed with banana fibre has given 54.5 % increase in the tensile strength and 196 % increase in the impact strength of the composites. Linear increase in tensile strength has also been noted as a result of the increase of glass. The tensile strength has shown the highest value when a relative glass volume fraction of 0.17 is used and an interleaving arrangement of ghss and banana fibre is followed. However, when lower volume fraction of gbss is used, an intimate mixture of banana fibre and glass shows the highest tensile strength. The impact strength shows the highest value when a relative glass volume fraction of 0.11 is used. Stress relaxation and water absorption behaviour of the hybrid composites were also investigated. Compared to the gum sample, rate of stress relaxation of hybrid composites with very low and very high glass content was found to be much higher during the initial stages of relaxation. Water absorption behaviour showed a multistage mechanism in ail hybrid composites. The multistage mechanism was found to be associated with the delamination in hybrid composites.

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Hybrrd Composrtes o Short Banana .. .23 1 f

3.1.1. Introduction
Mu~ticom~onent composite materials comprising of two or more families of fibres have been attracting the attention of researchers these years. This is because, the usage of one type of fibre alone has proved to be inadequate in satisfactorily tackling all the technical and economic problems confronted by them while making fibre reinforced composites. These types of composites introduce additional degrees of compositional freedom for its making and provide yet another dimension to the potential versatility of fibre reinforced composite materials. Therefore the ultimate strength of the system is the stress level at which the elongation of the system has reached the ultimate elongation of the fibre family. Attempts have been made by other researchers for the preparation of hybrid composites of natural fibre and synthetic fibre to improve the mechanical properties of the composites. In this chapter, attempts have been made to improve the mechanical properties of the composite by the incorporation of glass fibre, based on the reports of other researchers [I-91.

3.1.2. Results and Discussion

3.1.2a. Tensile stress-strain behaviour In all the composite samples considered in the present cases, the total volume hction of the fibres, namely, banana and glass were kept constant at 0.4. Relative volume hctions of glass ranging born 0.03 to 0.17 were incorporated in the various samples prepared

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Figure 3.1.1 Stress-strain behaviour of neat polyester and bananalpolyester with fibre volume fraction 0. 4

Figure 3.1.1 represents the tensile stress-strain behaviour of neat polyester and banana polyester with fibre volume fraction 0.4. Figure 3.1.2 delineates the tensile stress-strain behaviour of bananafglass hybrid composites with constant fibre volume fraction (banana fibre and glass fibre) of 0.4 (within experimental error) and varying glass volume fraction. The details of samples marked A to F is shown in Table 2.2 (Section I; Chapter 2).

Figure 3.1.2

Stress-strain behaviour of banana-glass hybrid composites with glass-fibre)of 0 . 4 constant fibre volume fraction (banana fibre~and (within experimental error) and varying glass volume fraction

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Increase in glass volume fraction changes the general nature of the stress strain curve. Aveston and Silwood [lo] studied the general nature of the stressstrain curve of hybrids. Hybrid stress-strain curve, theoretically, has different slope in the initial and final portion. When subjected to tension, the fibres

break over a range of stress instead of a single value predicted by theory. Stress-

strain curve ofthe hybrid composites with different glass volume fractions show an
inflection at a certain point. The point of inflection rises with an increase in glass content except for samples with mark D. The point of inflection corresponds to the limiting elongation of high modulus glass. Short and Summerscales [l 11 observed that the minimum strength of the hybrid is proportional to the critical content of the low modulus fibres. If the content of the low modulus fibres in the composite is greater than the critical content, an inflection occurs in the stress-strain curve corresponding to the limiting elongation of the high modulus material. The

fibrehatrix interface has a lot to do with the form of the stress-strain curve [12]. Increase in glass content helps in the mutual reinforcement of strength characteristics by the low elongation glass and high elongation banana fibre. Figure 3.1.3 shows the variation of tensile modulus of the hybrid samples
with glass volume fraction. Fibre length, fibre aspect ratio, relative moduli of the

fibre and matrix. thermal expansion mismatch etc. are all-important variables that control the performance of a composite. Stiffness of the material has been calculated as tangent modulus at elongations of 2, 4 and 5%. The modulus values increase with increase in glass volume fraction. Glass fibre has a higher tensile modulus than banana fibre and incorporation of high modulus glass increases the tensile modulus of the composite.
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Glass volume fraction

Figure 3.1.3 Variation of tensile modulus with glass volume fraction

volume fractlon.of glass

Figure 3.1.4 Variation of tensile strength of the hybrid composites with variation of glass fibre volume fraction [total volume fraction of the two fibres is 0.41

Figure 3.1.4 shows the variation of tensile strength of the samples with respect to the variation of glass fibre volume fraction when the total volume fraction of the two fibres is kept constant. Tensile strength of the samples increases

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linearly wit11 the increase in glass volume fraction. Hams and Runsell [13] have noticed that occurrence of a hybrid effect, negative or positive will depend on the relative volume fraction of the two fibres. As a result, the strength of thc hybrid compositc in tension u~~iforinly increases wit11 glass content. FIowever, at relativcly higher glass content, failure by delaminatiol~ occurs cmd the tensile strcngth values show only a slight ellhancernent,

Figure 3.1.5 a,b,c

Optical photographs of the failed samples with glass volume fraction 0.1 I

Optical photographs of the failed samples in figure 3.1. 5 a, b and c

show delamination between the fibre layers. 111 hybrids of carbon and glass the presence of higher cxtcnsion glass fibre has bee11 found to reduce the probability

Hybrid Composites c?f Shorl Banana . . .,236

of failure of the lower extension carbon fibre resulting in a higher breaking

strength of the carbon fibres [14].

In the present study, thc increased tensile strength of the hybrid
composite can be attributed to the presence of high modulus glass fibres. When

the volume fraction of glass is changed from 0.1 1 to 0.15, the increase in tensile strength is marginal. At high glass volurne fraction, the fracture occurs in the composite ~nainly interlayer delamination. by

Figure 3.1.6 a,b,c SEM photographs of the composites with glass volume fraction 0.03, 0.11 and 0.15



Hybrid Composites ofshort Banana ....237

3.1.2.b. Effect of banana glass layering on the tensile strength Different layering patterns were studied for composites marked A, C, and F. Figure 3.1.7 represents the various tensile strength values of the different layering patterns.

Figure 3.1.7 Tensile strength values of the different layering patterns In composites marked A and C an intimate mixture of the two fibres gave the highest tensile strength. Fischer et al. [I51 have found that when the fibres are more intimately mixed. failure by delamination will be more difficult because of the greater energy involved in creating the large amount of new surface in an intimate mix than that required to cause delamination of a layered hybrid. In composite marked F, the tensile strength for layering almost similar

and Lj are

in intimately mixed hybrids, the area of the high elongation

component to the low elongation component interface per unit volume will be high compared to the composites where the fibres are not intimately mixed. In an intimately mixed composite there will be only a small distance from the failed fibre to the unfailed fibre. The full reinforcing strength therefore, will be

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Hybrid Composites of Short Banana .. .,238

redeveloped in the failed fibre within a short distance of the fracture surface. When individual glass and banana layers are made, the tensile strength values are found to

be lower than that in an intimate mixture for composites with low glass content.
Bader and Manders [I61 noted that the hybrid effect was maximum only when the layer thickness had a certain minimum value. Mohan et al. [2] also noted that when the glass fibre reinforced plastic shell thickness was small, the resistance to withstand

sri was insuficient and thus the specimen failed prematurely by fibre buckling. tan
3.1.2~.Impact strength of banana-glass hybrid composites

The impact performance of fibre-reinforced composites depends on many factors including the nature of the constituents, fibrelmatrix interface, the construction and geometry of the composite and test conditions. The impact strength of the composites with varying glass volume fraction is shown in Figure 3.1.8. lt is found to increase with increasing glass volume fraction.
A maximum value is observed around 0.1 1.



0 05

0 15

0 20

0 10

volme fmason d glass

Figure 3.1.8 Impact strength of the composites with respect to glass volume fraction
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Hybrid Composites ~/ShortBanana


The impact energy of a composite occurs by factors like matrix Fracture, fibretmatrix debonding and fibre pull out. Even though fibre pullout is believed to be the important energy dissipation mechanism in long fibre reinforced composites it occurs in short fibre composites as well [17]. The applied load, transferred by shear to the fibres may exceed the fibretrnatrix interfacial bond and debonding may occur. The frictional force along the interface may transfer the stress to the debonded fibre. If the fibre stress level exceeds the fibre strength, fibres may undergo fracture. The fractured fibres may be pulled out of the matrix, which involves energy dissipation [18]. Many authors have stated that the energy dissipated by fibre fracture is small [19]. The impact strength of the composites increases linearly upto an optimum value of 0.11 and then decreases slightly. The slight lowering of impact strength can be attributed to the change in energy dissipation mechanism. At high glass fibre content, the fracture mechanism is mainly fibre fracture, due to the brittle nature of glass. However at lower glass volume fraction, the fracture mechanism is mainly by fibre pullout due to the presence of higher volume fraction of banana fibre. A synergistic effect of the two fibres leads to a linear increase initially.
3.1.2.d. Effect of glass-banana layering on the impact strength

Mallick and Broutman 1201 have reported that stacking sequence is more important. than composition in determining toughness, and that different layups maxirnise different toughness parameters such as total energy, initiation energy or propagation energy. Ln this study also, it is found that the arrangement of the fibre

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within the composite affects the value of impact strength. Figure 3.1.9 shows the effect of layering on the impact strength.


Figure 3.1.9 Effect of layering on the impact strength

The highest value is obtained when banana and glass are kept as interleaving layers. In this arrangement, the core thickness is very small. When a crack tip approaches a fibre, the crack crosses the fibres and cuts them as well as the matrix. Then the crack changes its direction and moves through the matrix parallel to the fibres. Such debonding fracture consumes more energy by creation of more surface area within the sample. The impact strength shows a decrease with the decrease in the number of layers. Unlike tensile strength, intimately mixed composites show the lowest impact strength. Short and Summerscales [21] have reported a negative hybrid effect in fracture tests of intimately mixed composites. Harris and Bunsell [13] have reported that intimately mixed composites are inferior to interply lay-ups in impact resistance because of the finer state of subdivision.

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Hyhrid Conlposife.~ ufShor./ Banclnn . . ..24 1

Optical micrographs of the hybrid colnposite samples are givcn in Figures 3.1.10a and b. Figures 3.1.10 a and b represents the crack propagation at the fibrelmatrix interface.

x 100

x 100

Figure 3.1.10 a,b Optical photographs of hybrid composite samples 3.1.2.e. Theoretical modelling

Hybrid reinforcing effect of the two fibres was theoretically calculated using parallel and Hirsch model [22,23]. According to Parallel model

where X,, Xr, and X,,, are chai-acteristic strength property of composite, fibrc and matrix respectively. According to Hirsch's model,


Hybrid Composites ofshort Banana ....242

where x varies between 0 and 1. The value of x determines the stress transfer behveen fibre and matrix. The value of x is the determining factor in describing the real behaviour of short fibre composites [24]. The composite strength calculated using the above model was incorporated in the additive rule of hybrid mixtures,

where Xh is the characteristic property of the hybrid composites. Theoretically, the increase in volume fraction of glass increases the tensile strength linearly upto a certain volume fraction thereafter a slight decrease is predicted.






1 .O


Volume fraction of glass fiber

Figure 3.1.11 Comparison of the experimental and theoretical values The experimentally determined tensile strength values are found to be higher than the theoretical predictions emphasising a positive hybrid effect. Figure 3.1.1 1 represents the comparison of the experimental and theoretical values. The relative glass fibre volume fraction based on the total fibre content is represented in the X-axis

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3.1.3. Effect of Hybridisation on Stress Relaxation

The physico chemical differences in different systems give rise to difference in stress relaxation mechanism. The stress relaxation mechanisms are complicated in short fibre composites, in that several factors are included. The fibre length distribution, non-uniform bulk distribution of the fibres all affects the stress relaxation mechanism. Relaxation in stress in a system can occur due to a combination of factors namely molecular level arrangement in the fibre as well as in the polymer. Chain scission between different molecular layers can occur and also molecular slippage. Molecular rearrangement in turn can give rise to an increase in crystallinity of the system.

log time (seconds)

Figure 3.1.12 Effect of hybridisation on the stress relaxation of the composites

Details of the samples A to F are given in the experimental chapter. Samples refer to composites with different glass volume fractions and with three layers.

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Hybrid Composites o Short Banana . ..244 f

The amount of the amorphous and crystalline phase in the system also affects the nature of the stress relaxation behaviour. In a randomly arranged composite system, as the one under study, rearrangement of the fibres is also a possibility when the system is subjected to stress. Figure 3.1.12 shows the effect of hybridisation on the stress relaxation of the composites. Composites with glass volume fraction 0.03,0.15, and 0.17 were used in the preparation of composites with glass mat as the core material. In all the

samples, there were three layers of the material, banana being the skin and glass the core. The nature of the stress relaxation curve seems to be more or less the same for composites with glass volume fraction 0.15 and 0.17. Non-linear stress relaxation curve has been reported in thermosets such as polyester and phenolics 1251. Stress relaxation behaviour reported in the case of oil palmlglass hybrid composites also showed a reduced relaxation compared to the unhybridised sample [26]. Composites with a glass fibre volume fraction of 0.03 have given a stress relaxation curve with a change in the relaxation mechanism at around a time span of 100 seconds. The difference in the relaxation curve could be explained as due to the difference in the behaviour of the glass fibres, which form the core. The intrinsic stress-relaxation behaviour of the reinforcing fibre plays an important role in the relaxation process. Raman spectroscopy studies on the deformation behaviour of cellulose fibres revealed that lignins are not the load camers and that eventual failure of the fibre occurs due to slippage [27]. When uniaxial tensile stress is applied, because the breaking strains of glass and
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Hybrid Composites ~ / S h o r tBanana ....245

banana fibres are different, both the fibres behave differently. The difference in response of the two fibres is felt prominently in the stress relaxation curve of composites with fibre volume fraction 0.03 i.e. sample marked A. In this sample, the volume of banana fibre is comparatively higher and the corresponding higher critical defects occurring on the fibre surface also lead to a difference in response from the other systems. Apart from the intrinsic properties of the

interface or interphase, the stress distribution along the embedded fibre also plays an important role in the overall performance of the composite [28]. Glass fibres being brittle and of low elongation, behave differently from the banana fibre when subjected to tensile stress and the change in the slope of the relaxation curve can be explained as due to this. The fast decay in stress at the glass fibre volume fraction 0.03 can be explained as due to the weak interfacial bonding. The amount of glass fibres is not enough to impart high strength or better interaction because the volume fraction is very low. In addition, better dispersion of the fibres is not possible when the volume fraction is low. The rate of stress relaxation is found to decrease with increasing glass fibre content the reason being the difference in the nature of the two fibres. Elastic glass fibre on combination with viscoelastic cellulose fibre the overall nature of the relaxation curves gets affected. Change in the shape of the fibre tip affects the maximum stress. The point of maximum stress concentration in a square ended fibre system is located at a short distance from the fibre end, whilst that in a round-tip fibre system is at the fibre tip. Since the two fibres are different in shape, it results in a difference in stress concentration between the two. However, at higher glass volume fractions the effect of the fibres opposes each
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~ ~~

other and the slope of the stress relaxation curves are found to be in the same range. It is interesting to note that the relaxation rate is almost the same for composites with high glass fibre content. Composites with high cellulose content however show a higher rate of stress relaxation with a greater slope. In other words, the stress relaxation properties are believed to be controlled mainly by the cellulose fibre component.

3.1.4. Water Absorption Behaviour of the Hybrid Composites

Figure 3.1.13 shows the moisture absorption curves for various hybrid composites with different relative glass fibre volume fractions of banana-glass at room temperature.





1 W

Rod tirne(minutes)

Figure 3.1.13 Water absorption curves for various fibre volume fractions of banana-glass hybrid composites at room temperature The water absorption curves show a multistage mechanism in the hybrid composites studied. In all the samples, glass was kept as the core material and banana as the skin. The peculiar sorption curves of the composite can be attributed

the nature of the polymer as well as that of the fibre. The initial

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absorption of water into the composite occurs mainly through the matrix material and partly through the fibre. Based on the fibrelmatrix interaction, the water diffusion occurs through the interface and from there to the bulk material. In addition, transport of water takes place through micro cracks, which occur, on the surface of the composite and also through micro channels, which occur inside the material due to defects [29]. The diffusion of water through natural fibres has been reported to be anomalous [30]. Reports are also there in the literature on the penetration of solution through the polyester, which is facilitated by capillary effects through the matrix [31] and wicking along the polymerlglass interface [32]. Composites with higher glass content, 0.16,0.17 i t . where banana fibre content is low is seen to give a two step water absorption curve whereas composites with glass volume tiaction, 0.07,O.ll and 0.15 are found to give a three stage water absorption mechanism. Figure 3.1.14 shows the variation in equilibrium water content of the composites with increasing glass volume fraction.



13 7




Glass volume fract~on 008 010 012 014




Figure 3.1.14 Variation in equilibrium water content of the composites with increasing relative glass volume fraction

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Hybrid Composiles ~/ShortBanana ...,248

In all the samples, the same geometry of glass as the core and banana as the periphery material was followed. The response of the addition of impermeable fibres to permeable fibre composites is clear from the graph. The maximum water content decreases with increase in glass volume. The observation stems from the fibre nature. The difhsion mechanism is obviously multistage in all the samples. The initial portion of the moisture absorption curve is linear. The mechanism changes after that. In the hybrid composites, the change in mechanism is attributed to the delamination occurring in the composites. Penetration of water into the matrix causes absorption of water by the fibres as well. The rate of absorption of water is different for the two fibres. Glass fibres principally consist of silicates of various metals. When immersed in water, the nucleophilic attack of the - O H at silicon takes place, with the formation of a transition complex followed by the breakage of the bonds, and formation of new bonds. In the case of cellulose fibres, hydrogen bonding through the --OH of the glucose molecule is the principal water absorption method. The absorption of water causes delamination of the two layers of the fibre as well as the delamination of the fibre and matrix. This causes finther absorption of water into the free voids. The steep change in the absorption curve can be explained as due to the uptake of water into the free voids created by the delamination. The nature of water absorption through the polyester resin has been reported to be due to various reasons by several authors. A polyester chain end

-OH, oxygen of the ester links or the residual cobalt ions are all sites for
hydrogen bond tbrmation [33].
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Hybr~d Composrtes of Short Banana


The diffusion coefficient D can be calculated from the equation

where 0 is the slope of the linear portion of the sorption curves and h the initial sample thickness. The diffusion co-efficient characterises the ability of the solvent molecules to move among the polymer segments. The value of diffusion coefficient in the case of samples with different glass fibre volume fraction is considered. The value of diffusion coefficient is found to be the lowest in the case of samples with high glass fibre content at room temperature (Table 3.1.1). However, at 50 and 90C the value is found to be the highest at high glass volume fraction. This may be due to the possible delamination and crack

formation. The moisture permeability in the case of natural fibres is responsible for thahigh diffusion coefficient of the samples with high banana fibre content. The maximum water uptake of the composites with high banana is found to be the highest at 90C. The higher water uptake at high temperature can be attributed to the increased capillary action. In other words diffusion of water through the capillaries of the natural fibre increments with increase in temperature.

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Table 3.1.1 The values of the diffusion coefficient of the various hybrid samples at different temperature
Sample Temperature ("C) Diffusion coefficient, - D (cm2i') 2.62E-10 Sorption coefficient, S(g/g) 0.16 Permeability coefficient, P (cm2s-') 4.2E-11


Increase in temperature opens up the pores of the natural fibre, thereby increasing the water uptake. The strong sorption power is the physicochemical peculiarity of natural fibre. A strong chemisorption of water molecules by interaction with the hydroxyl groups of the polymer takes place, followed by a multilayer sorption at medium relative humidity and a capillary condensation of free water at high relative humidity. Cellulose-water interaction depends strongly on the supramolecular structure of the specimen in question, and on the factors such as temperature.
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Hybrid Composires ~/ShortBanana


....25 1

For example, from this study it is clear that the maximum water uptake of the sample A is only 0.01 at temperatures 30, 50 and 70C. At 90C, the

maximum water uptake is increased to 0.09 due to the activation of the diffusion by temperature and also due to the delamination at high temperature. The increased absorption at high temperature also points to the fact that curing reaction was over in the resin. Increase in temperature gives rise to resin cracking and thereby water absorption at higher temperature. The Qt values have been determined in all hybrid composites systems. At high glass volume content the value of Q, was found to be lowered with increase of temperature. Difhsion coefficient of the samples were calculated based on Q, values. No regular trend in diffusion coefficient could be observed. The sorption coefficient of the composite also has been calculated using the equation 2.4.3. The diffusion coefficient is related to the equilibrium sorption of the penetrant. The permeabilities, P, of the composite samples to water molecules can be expressed using the equation 2.4.4 (Section 11; Part 2, Chapter 4) [34]. Permeability therefore talks about the net effect of sorption and diffusion. L most cases, value of the permeability coefficient is found tc n increase with temperature. Development of micro cracks on the surface and thc bulk of the material as a result of the effect of high temperature and moisture environment can be given as the reason for the increase. Moreover, the value coefficient is found to be the lowest in the case of samples of the permeabil~ty with the maximum glass fibre content Peeling and surface dissolution of the composite take place as a result of these crack developments [35].

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Hybrid Composites o Short Banana f

~ ~~


'To understand the mechanism of sorption, the moisture uptake data of bananalpolyester composites w a fitted to the equation 2.4.5.(Section 11; Part 2, Chapter 4). In this equation, n and k give an idea about the mechanism of diffusion that takes place inside the composite. Table 3.1.2 gives the values of n and k for various hybrid composites. It is interesting to note that the values of n and k increase with increase of temperature. The maximum value of n and k are obtained at 90C. However the k value of the untreated composite shows some variation. The increase of k at high temperature clearly shows the high extent of interaction of water molecules at high temperature. The low value of n
( 0.5) clearly shows that the mechanism of transport deviates from Fickian. 1

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Table 3.1-2 Values of n and k for the various hybrid composites

Values of n and k for the various hybrid composites . Sample TemperaturerC)


k (gig min-")


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Kybr~d Cornposlrrs of Short Banana



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The importance of dynamic mechanical analysis as a tool in the study of the behaviour of composite structures is paramount. Hybrid composites of glass and banana fibre in polyester matrix were subjected to dynamic mechanical analysis over a range of temperature and frequencies. Parameters like storage modulus (E'), loss modulus (E") and loss factor or damping efficiency (tan 6) were determined in a resonant frequency mode. All the properties were compared with those of the gum samples and the un-hybridised , composites. At temperatures above T the storage modulus values decrease even with the addition of glass fibre for the geometry where glass is the core material. The value of the storage modulus above the glass transition temperature is found to be still lower than that below the glass transition temperature in the particular geometry with glass as the core and banana as the skin. The reason for the peculiar behaviour can be associated with the difference in the nature of the interface of the two fibres with the polyester matrix and also with the delamination occurring in the material due to the particular geometry adopted. The loss modulus curves and the damping peaks were flattened by the addition of glass. Effect ~f the glass-layering pattern on the properties of the composite were also investigated. Layering pattern or the geometry of the composites was found to have a profound effect on the dynamic properties of the composite. An intimately mixed composite gave the highest storage modulus values in all compositions. The values are consistent #ith the results of tensile strength. The tan 6 curves were affected by the layering pattern followed and gave insiaht into the interactions in the


Results of th~s chapter have beer communicated to the Journal of the Institute of Materials, Malaysia

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3.2.1. Introduction
Dynamic mechanical spectroscopy is an effective tool to understand the structure-property relationship and interface in multiphase polymer systems [I-131. Hybridisations of banana fibres with glass fibres have been proved to improve the mechanical performance and the water absorption behaviour of the composites [14]. We have reported on the mechanical behaviour of hybrid composites in an earlier chapter. Relatively small volume fractions of glass ranging from 0.03 to 0.17 were incorporated along with banana fibres in the preparation of composites, keeping the total volume hction of the two fibres a constant equal to 0.4. In addition, different layering patterns were followed to understand the effect of layering patterns on the mechanical properties and water uptake of the composites. The main objective of this chapter is to investigate the performance of the hybrid composites under dynamic conditions. The effect of the relative glass volume fraction as well as the layering patterns on the properties of the composites like storage modulus, loss modulus and damping peaks are proposed to be investigated. A literature search has shown that investigation of this q p e has not been carried out in the last ten years for hybrid composite systems of synthetic and natural fibres. The nature of the storage modulus and damping peaks give an idea about the load transfer efficiency between the polymer and the reinforcement and it is proposed to investigate and choose the banana/glass ratio based on the nature of the results. In this chapter we report on the dynamic mechanical behaviour of bananalglass hybrid composites with special reference to the effect of relative
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glass volume fraction and layering pattern on the storage modulus, loss modulus and the damping behaviour of the composites.

3.2.2. Results and Discussion

3.2.2a. Storage modulus
DMA is one of the best techniques that provide information regarding
the structure of the material as well as the quantitative data regarding the modulus of the material. The effect of temperature on the storage modulus of the various hybr~dsamples with different glass fibre volume fraction, at a frequency 10Hz. is given in Figure 3.2.1. The storage modulus values of the

hybrid composites have been compared with those of the unhybridised samples as well as the gum samples. It may be noted that in all the samples referred to as

A to F in Figure 3.2.1, there are three layers with glass as the core and banana as
the skin. The details of the layering pattern and the volume of glass fibre used are shown in the experimental chapter. The samples marked A to F shows composites
with increasing relative glass volume fraction, ranging from 0.03 to 0.17. Plots

of storage modulus allow for the direct comparison of a variety of materials that may be considered as candidates for an application. Any drop in the storage modulus points to the tnolecdar motions happening in a material. Addition of reinforcement to a polymer

the modulus of the system because the reinforcement

prevents the free molecular motions to an extent. The effect is usually found to be noticeable at temperatures above the glass transition than below it, because molecular motions become prominent above the glass transition. The plot of E' over the whole range of temperature reflects the effectiveness of the stress

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transfer occumng between the fibre and the matrix. The value of the storage modulus has been reported to be proportional to the interface bonding by other authors [1 51.

Figure 3.2.1 Effect of temperature on the storage modulus values of hybrid composites

In all the samples considered in Figure 3.2.1, glass has been used as the core material and banana fibre as the skin. The storage modulus values for samples with glass as the core material is found to be lower than that of the gum samples at temperatures above and below Tp. However, at the glassy region, of all the hybrid composites considered, the storage modulus values are found to be the highest for samples with the glass fibre volume fiaction, 0.16. i.e. samples marked E. The modulus values however, drop steadily at a temperature around 55OC. The drop in the storage modulus value at temperature below the glass transition temperature of' polyester i.e. in the glassy region can be explained as due to the

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following reasons. The glass fibre being the core material and the banana fibre being the skin, the stress will be taken up by the low modulus banana fibre initially. This leads to composite failure by the initial delamination between the two fibre layers. After the initial drop in modulus value at the temperature around 55"C, the composite samples show a second drop in modulus at the temperature range of 120-150C. Thereafter, the modulus values just level off. The reason for the higher storage modulus at lower temperature in all composite samples, compared to the values at higher temperature can be attributed to the delamination occurring in the samples especially at higher temperature. At higher temperature and also at dynamic loading conditions, the bonding between the different fibre layers gets affected more. When the temperature is increased, the difference in strength between the two fibres becomes more. 7he main reason for the delamination between the two layers is due to the difference in the ability to cany stress by the two fibres and also the difference in the interfacial properties of the two fibres with the polyester matrix.
It has been reported that glass fibres have the highest strength when

absorption of moisture is eliminated at high temperatures, because on heating, there is high elastic and plastic deformation which promotes healing of the micro defects and micro cracks developed on the fibres [16]. This strength difference gives rise to higher shear stresses in the composite and also to a decrease in storage modulus value. In all the samples considered, a layer of glass was kept in between the banana layers. Optical photograph of the composite with glass as the core material is given in Figure 3.2.2.
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Figure 3.2.2 Optical photograph of the failed composite with glass as the core material (sample A)

Dynamic loading and high temperature augments the incompatibility of the libre layers, possibly due to the difference in the thermal expansion coefficient of the two fibres. This also reduces the storage modulus values. Delarninatiot~of the material, under dynamic loading conditions, in addition gives rise to the lowering of the storage modulus values. Another reason for

the lowering of the storage modulus value can be attributed to the difference in the extensibility of the two fibres. The difference in the extensibility of the matrix and fibre as well as that between the two fibres leads to unevenness of deformation. Changes in the filler agglomerates and or breakage of filler polyrner bonds, all lead to changes in dynamic properties. All these occur more at higher ten~perat~lres and at higher glass fibre content except For the glass volulne fraction, 0.16. Tlle seaon can very well be attributed to the uneven extensibility of the two tibres,

which becomes more prominent at higher glass fibre content. The storage n~odulus
values also give an insight into the nature of the interface bonding. However, the


Dynamic Mechanical Analysis of: .. ,262

tensile strength values showed an increasing trend with the incorporation of glass volume fraction.

3.2.2b. Loss modulus

The loss modulus curve is the contribution of the viscous component in the polymer and is indicative of the energy dissipated by the system. The rapid rise in loss modulus in a system indicates an increase in the structural mobility of the polymer, a relaxation process that permits motions along larger portions of the individual polymer chains than would be possible below the transition temperature. During the glass transition, which is the largest and most important of these relaxations, those regions within the polymer structure that are not either crystallised or cross-linked, become capable of an increased degree of fieedom. The variation of E" with temperature for the various hybrid composites and the gum sample is shown in Figure 3.2.3. The maximum heat dissipation occurs at the temperature where E" is maximum, indicating the T, of the system [17]. The peak of the loss modulus c w e is conventionally identified as the glass transition temperature (Tg), even though the DMA plot clearly shows that the transition is a process that spans a temperature range. The magnitude of the loss modulus peak varies with the severity of the decline in the storage modulus. During a transition, the loss modulus goes to a rise due to the sudden decline in the storage modulus, which occurs due to the molecular motions occumng in the polymer. However, the sharp drop in storage modulus in the present case is expected to be more due to the delamination of the different layers than the molecular motions.

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BananalPolyerter Nest polyester












Temperature ("C)

Figure 3.2.3 Effect of temperature on the loss modulus curve

The reinforcement also acts as efficient energy transfer agent and the loss modulus peak is found to be reduced pointing to the reduced effect the glass transition has on the storage modulus of the material. It is also observed that by the incorporation of fibres in the matrix, the T, is shifted to higher temperature region. Increase in the relative glass volume fraction, shifts the peak region positively. This points to the improved stress transfer at higher glass fibre content. In addition, the loss modulus curves show an additional peak when the glass volume iiaction is higher. The initial relaxation peak around 55OC

has also been found to be affected depending on the glass volume fraction.
Compared to the samples with no glass fibre, the relaxations are found to be shifted to the higher temperature side. However, the loss modulus peaks are found to be lowered by the incorporation of glass fibre. In addition to the lowering, the loss modulus curves are also found to be flattened. Flattening of the loss modulus curves point to an increased range of order. The second relaxation peak around the temperature range 120C has also been found to be
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affected by the incorporation of glass fibre. It has been reported by other authors that in the case of hybrid composites, a change in the volume fraction ratio of the two types of fibres leads to a change in their fibre lengths. The change in fibre length arises due to the damage caused by the friction of the different fibres. This can occur during the processing of the composites. Even though this has

been suggested in processes like injection moulding, the likelihood of fibre breakage cannot be ruled out in the present case also.
3.2.2~.Damping coefficient

The damping is a sensitive indicator of all kinds of molecular motions that are going on in a material. The high damping peaks in a composite indicate that once the deformation is induced in a material, the material will not recover its original shape. In a composite, the molecular motions at the interface contribute to the damping of the material. Fibdmatrix inter phase effects can also be understood to a very good extent based on the damping curves. The lower tan delta values and in particular the lower peak height associated with the glass transition, reflects the improved load bearing properties of the system. Strong interactions of fibres and matrix tend to reduce the mobility of the molecuIar chains at the interface and therefore to reduce the damping. Figure 3.2.4 shows the effect of temperature on the damping peaks of the composites with different relative glass volume fractions.

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Figure 3.2.4

Effect of temperature on the tan Gcurve of different hybrid samples (Frequency 10Hz.)

Analysis of the damping curves (Figure 3.2.4) reveals that the damping peaks have been lowered and that the relaxation peaks have been shifted to the right. Both the lowering of the damping peaks and the shifting of the peak heights point to the effective stress transfers between the fibre and the matrix. The lowering of the damping peaks also occur due to the decrease in the amount of the polymer due to fibre incorporation. The increased stress transfer can be attributed to the increase in the high modulus glass fibre. Unlike the storage modulus and the loss modulus curves where there is a lowering of the ultimate values, due to the delamination between the different fibres, the damping peaks point to the fibreirnatrix interaction alone.

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Table 3.2.1 Values of the tan 6 maximum and T, of neat polyester and banana fibre composites with relative glass volume fractions T, from tan 6 ("C) tan 6 , , _ _ Frequency (Hz.) Samples Frequency (Hz.)

j { --;y

1 --

10 0.20 0.20 0.11 0.27 0.21 0.30 0.22

0.1 107 117 122 119 122 126 106 104

1 116 128 125 127 126 127 115 114

10 131 135 127 135 129 132 133 124


0.22 0.17

0.24 033 0.39 0.43 0.21



0.12 0.28 0.25 0.32 0.24



. ~Max*- ! ] E". 0.42O.'(P~)0.45 -1 ! :


T, from E("C) 113 128 122 125 125 124 79 85 120 130 124 125 130 129 103 95 124 122 124 119 127 120 124 105


6.9 6.7 6.8 6.5 6.9 6.6 7.68 7.97

6.5 6.5 6.6 6.5 6.5 6.5 7.75 7.98


6.7 6.4 6.6 6.5 7.72 7.53



j 1

Untreated 1

3.2.2d. Effect of layering pattern l;igure3.2.5 shows the effect of layering patterns on the storage modulus values of the different composites.

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Figure3.2.5 Effect of layering patterns on the storage modulus values of the composites with glass volume fraction 0.11
Table 3.2.2 gives details ofthe layering patterns followed.

Table 3.2.2 Details of layering pattern

. -

Sample marking

Layering pattern

L 2 L3

G-B-G-B-G-B-G-B-G Intimate mixture of G and B G-B-G G-B G-B-G-B-G

L5 -~G -glass, I3 -banana.

The storage modulus values of the composites with a glass fibre volume fraction of 0.1 1 are given in Figure 3.2.5. The different layering patterns that are followed are given by L,, L2 etc. and they are designated as CII, C12 etc in samples with a glass volume fraction, 0.1 1. In all the cases, samples where an intimate mixture of glass and banana has been used as the reinforcement is found to have the highest tensile properties i.e. the samples marked C12. The
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consistently high storage modulus value in the case of intimately mixed composites can be attributed to the high elongation fibres acting as crack arrestors in the case of a matrix failure. Unlike in the other geometries followed, the fibres being intermingled, failure of the matrix or the low elongation fibre will give way to crack arrest by the high elongation fibres. The high shear strain stored in the interphase due to the mismatch between the fibre and the matrix properties will also be minimised when the two fibres are intimately mixed. In the case of composites with different layering arrangements, the stress concentration at the crack tip induces interlaminar delamination. The material in the periphery takes the stress and in composites where glass is kept in the periphery, the high modulus glass fibres will take the stress and delamination between the different layers is prevented to an extent. This leads to relatively higher strength values compared to composites where banana is the skin. In addition, the polymer chains immobilised on the fibre surface make a link between the fibres, creating a flexible network whose properties are dependent on the modulus of these chains. These additional networks serve as supplementary cross-link points. The nature of the network is different in the case of banana fibre and glass fibre. In dynamic experiments, the two networks respond in a different way. But depending on the way in which the different fibre layers are arranged, the responses of the materials differ, which is revealed in the modulus values. The difference in response gets nullified based on the fibre arrangement. Chazean et al. [I81 have suggested formation of networks on the surface ot cellulosic fibres.

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3.2.2e. Damping coefficient Figure 3.2.6 shows the effect of layering pattern on the damping curve of the composites with glass volume fraction 0.1 1. All the damping curves show two peaks irrespective of the layering pattern followed. The damping peaks also get shifted depending on the layering patterns followed. The maximum shifting of the damping peaks occur in the case of samples marked CISand CIS. In samples marked

banana forms the core material and glass the skin. In

samples marked CIS,there are altogether five layers, with glass as both the skin and the core and banana layers in between. In both the samples, glass forms the periphery. Moreover, the glass and banana layers are interdispersed.

O 0




Figure 3.2.6 Effect of layering on the damping curves of the composite with glass volume fraction 0.11 In the different layering patterns followed, the composite with five layers, where glass forms both the core and the skin has given the maximum impact properties
as well [19]. The s h i h g of the damping peak to the high temperature region points to

the effective stress transfer between the fibre and the matrix in the particular geometry

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followed. Table 3.2.3 shows the values of thc clamping peaks obtained for composites
with a relative glass volume fiaction of 0.1 1 and wilh different layering patterns.

Table 3.2.3 Values of tan 6 max obtained for composites with relative glass volume fraction 0.11 and different layering pattern

C C11 C12

Tm 6 max 0.127 0.182 0.193

Tg from tan C,, 8 ' 123 122 117

For intimately mixed composites also, the damping peak values are more or less the same as that of the composites with glass as the periphery material. In intimately mixed composites, the high elongation cellulose fibres serve as crack arrestors in a micro mechanical way, better than in layered composites, and help in etlective stress transfer. Optical photograph of the intimately

rnixcd composite is given in Figure 3.2.7. The broken glass fibres and the cellulose
fibres, which act as blidges can very well be seen in the optical photographs.

Figure 3.2.7 Optical photographs of the failed composite with an intimate arrangement of glass and banana(relative glass volume fraction 0.1)

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'l'he three-layer composite samples, where glass forms the core material is found to have a damping curve different fiom that of the other samples. The difference in the nature of the damping curves can be attributed to the delamination occurring in the composite. The two fibres take the stress applied on the composite differently. 'The high modulus glass fibre being the core material, the banana fibres will take the stress.

In all glasshanana combinations, there are two peaks visible. The additional peak can be attributed to the micro mechanical transitions. The micro mechanical
transitions arise due to the presence of the immobilised polymer layer in between the fibre and the matrix as explained in the earlier chapters. Other authors have also reported on the additional peak due to the presence of the immobilised polymer layer [20]. The intensity of the additional tan 6 peak is found to be greater due to the difference in the nature of the immobilised polymer layer on the two different fibres. The tan S peak also gets shifted depending on the layering pattern.

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