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Simulation of a Standard ISO Steel Container Subjected to Blast Loading

Torbjoern Dyngeland

PUBSY JRC56386 -2010

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European Commission Joint Research Centre Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen Contact information Torbjoern Dyngeland Address: European Commission - JRC TP 480 Via Fermi, 2749 I-21027 Ispra E-mail: Tel.: +390332786197 Fax: +390332789049 Legal Notice Neither the European Commission nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission is responsible for the use which might be made of this publication. Europe Direct is a service to help you find answers to your questions about the European Union Freephone number (*): 00 800 6 7 8 9 10 11
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Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union European Union, 2010 Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged Printed in Italy

1 Introduction 1.1 Background 1.2 Collaboration framework 1.3 Organisation of the report Blast test of a 20 ft ISO container 2.1 General 2.2 Test set-up 2.3 Test results The finite element model of the container 3.1 General 3.2 FE-model Numerical simulations 4.1 General 4.2 Initial calculations 4.3 Refined calculations Discussions and conclusions References Appendix 7.1 Cast3M (file type .dgibi) and EUROPLEXUS (file type .epx) input files for the numerical calculations 1 1 1 1 3 3 4 5 8 8 10 13 13 13 18 27 29 30 30

5 6 7



The use of the finite element method (FEM) to simulate structural responses to extreme loadings is a well established practise in design of buildings and structures today. Modern FEM software codes in structural engineering are verified and validated against a vast number of experimental results ranging from minute testing of engineering materials for the verification of constitutive models, via high precision testing of structural elements for investigating local failure modes, to full scale tests of real structures to verify the global response under realistic loading scenarios. Full scale blast tests of real structures are rare because of their size, complexity and above all, the costs required for their execution. Hence, high precision tests of full scale structures are always met with great interest and enthusiasm in the scientific society since such tests represent an excellent opportunity to check a complex FEMmodel, with all its assumptions, against a verified outcome. The present report presents the outcome of a numerical study of a full scale blast test of an unprotected 20 ft standard ISO steel container. The blast test was part of a comprehensive research programme executed by the SIMLab group at the Department of Structural Engineering, The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim, Norway. The tests aimed at verifying the behaviour of standard 20 ft ISO containers used as shelters in international operations such as peace-keeping operations, rescue and reconstruction operations in international conflict areas /1/. The blast tests were carried out in the Large Blast Simulator (LBS) at the Bundeswehr Technical Center for Protective and Special Technologies (WTD 52) in Oberjettenberg, Germany /2/.


Collaboration framework

The present study was carried out under the Physical Vulnerability Assessment of Critical Structures (PVACS) action of the JRC ELSA unit. The numerical simulations were performed by use of the explicit finite element (FE) code EUROPLEXUS /3/ while the specific detailing and build-up of the FE-model of the container was carried out by use of the general purpose finite element code Cast3M /4/. Access to the detailed test results from the blast tests and the experimental set-up has been granted to the JRC under a collaboration agreement titled Structural Safety and Security, between the JRC and the Department of Structural Engineering, NTNU in 2007 /5/. Valuable additional information related to the test site in Germany has been provided by direct input from the WTD 52 in Germany.


Organisation of the report

The numerical simulations in this study include two phases. In the first phase the container was subjected to an applied pressure-time loading on the longitudinal wall of the container that was facing the explosive charge in the tunnel. The applied pressure-time loading was derived by a simple pressure-time routine in EUROPLEXUS called AIRB /6/, which calculates the pressure acting on an object, 1

based on the explosive charge and the stand-of distance between the explosive charge and the object. In the second phase, the container was loaded with the set of pressure-time curves actually recorded during the experiment and reported in /1/. The experimental set up is briefly presented in Chapter 2, together with some of the main results from the blast test. Due to ownership issues and restricted information related to the NTNU project, the interested reader is referred to reports issued from NTNU, e.g. /6/, /7/ and /8/, for further details. Chapter 3 presents the detailed build-up of the FE model of the container, while the load conditions, the main results from the simulations, and comparison between the test results and the numerical findings are presented in Chapter 4. Discussions and conclusions are presented in Chapter 5 followed by a list of relevant publications in Chapter 6.


Blast test of a 20 ft ISO container


A 20 ft standard ISO steel container was subjected to a blast test in the Large Blast Simulator (LBS) at WTD 52 in Germany. The blast simulator is basically a dead-end tunnel of approximately 100 m length, and a rectangular-semicircular 12.84 m wide cross-section with a height of about 7.00 m. The tunnel is slightly inclined towards the opening with a slope of around 4 %. See the sketch in figure 1 below. The tunnel is equipped with a battery of 100 high pressure steel vessels located at the dead-end of the tunnel, each of them with the capacity of delivering 384 litres of compressed air up to 200 bars. When the compressed air in the pressure vessels is simultaneously released, by explosive devices cutting of steel diaphragms at the end of each vessel, the air expands and forms a plane blast wave travelling down towards the opening of the tunnel. By manipulating the pressure level in the vessels, as well as the release time of the diaphragms, this blast facility can simulate pressure waves with side-on pressure in the range of 5 to 100 kPa and with durations in the order of seconds. The tunnel is further equipped with baffle sections, three internal walls with rectangular openings gradually reduced down to a final rectangular opening of 6x5 m, forcing an improved plane pressure wave to arrive at the test specimen location 40100 m down the tunnel.

Cross-section of the tunnel, 7.00

Cross-section of the tunnel with baffle walls


Battery of 100 steel bottles filled with compressed air.

100.00 m Test zone, with test specimen

Figure 1

A schematic view of the Large Blast Simulator (LBS) at Bundeswehr Technical Center for Protective and Special Technologies (WTD 52) in Oberjettenberg, Germany /2/. Courtesy WTD 52 .


Test set-up

A standard 20ft ISO steel container was positioned at the mouth of the tunnel, 95 m away from the pressured steel vessels delivering the pressure wave. A series of blasts against an instrumented rigid concrete wall of 3x3 m were conducted in order to calibrate the pressure-time behaviour of the blast to a given design blast load representing 4000 kg TNT at a standoff distance of 120 m /1/. The container was mounted with one of the longitudinal walls facing the blast front, and fixed to the ground by a total of 7 clamps, two on each short wall sides, and 3 along the rear longitudinal wall. These claps were made of angular steel brackets, welded to the bottom frame of the container and bolted to the concrete floor of the blast tunnel. The container was fully instrumented by means of a set of pressure gauges for recording the pressure at various locations of the container during the blast. A laser gauge was set up to measure deflections and 3 high-speed cameras were used for visualization of the blast load response. Though some of the instruments failed during the test, a fairly comprehensive and consistent set of data was recorded by the data acquisition system. For the unprotected container a total of 5 pressure gauges were mounted on the container; at the mid-point of the longitudinal front wall and the longitudinal rear wall, at the mid-point of the short wall, on the roof, and finally one gauge was mounted on the inside of the doors of the container. A laser gauge registered the deflections of the mid-point of the longitudinal front wall. The locations of the gauges are shown in figure 2. Additional details about the test set-up can be found in /1/.

Figure 2

Location of gauges on unprotected container. Container mounted in the LBS. Courtesy SIMLab NTNU /1/.


Test results

A complete discussion of the test results for the blast load on the container is given in /1/. Here only the main findings will be listed for the purpose of the comparison between the experimental results and the present numerical simulations of the container subjected to the same blast load as in the experiments. Unfortunately the pressure gauges mounted on the longitudinal front wall and the longitudinal rear wall failed during the test. However, a later test performed on a similar container, but with a protective wall mounted in front of the container facing the blast source, gave a complete set of pressure-time readings throughout. The authors of /1/ opined that those results would suffice as a substitute for the lacking readings from the blast test of the unprotected container. That position has been adopted also in the present study. The pressure-time curves registered during the test are shown in figure 3 below. It shall be noted that these are the overpressure values, that is, relative to the atmospheric pressure. Hence, the zero value in the pressure time curves represents the atmospheric pressure level (1 atm 1 bar = 100 kPa). The peak value of the pressure recorded for the roof reached 38 kPa after approximately 380 ms and then gradually turned into negative pressure levels around 410 ms with peak values from -15 to - 28 kPa in the time interval of 440 - 500 ms. See figure 3, top graph. This rather pronounced peak in the negative pressure-time evolution was possibly due to reflection from the roof of the tunnel. The registered pressure on the longitudinal front wall, see figure 3 bottom graph, exhibited a somewhat similar build-up of the pressure as for the roof. The peak pressure level reached about 35 kPa at approximately 375 ms, and only minor negative pressure levels around -5 kPa were registered in the final part of the pressure-time curves. A significant internal pressure did build up in the container during the blast, reaching a peak value of 22 kPa at 395 ms, then to gradually turn into a negative pressure phase at 440 ms with a peak value in the order of -5 kPa around 450 ms. It is interesting to compare the pressure levels on the container, from both the outside and inside pressure gauges, with the time level of the outward deflection of the roof, as seen in figure 4. The deformation of the container was registered on the mid-point of the longitudinal front wall by use of a laser gauge. The total deflection went beyond the working area of the laser gauge hence the maximum deflection of the wall was not properly registered. However, /1/ reported that based upon post-assessment of the container the total plastic and elastic deflection of the mid-point was estimated to reach 485 mm (inward deflection). The detailed deflection-time curve is given in figure 4 /1/. It was further reported in /1/ that the top beam of the container had a permanent downward deformation of about 110 mm and a permanent inward displacement of 60 mm. The roof exhibited an outward plastic deflection of about 300 mm. No fracture of the container was observed.

a) pressure time curves for the roof, the inside, the longitudinal front and rear walls, and the side walls of the container

b) pressure time curves for the longitudinal front wall of the protected container

Figure 3

Pressure time curves for unprotected (top) and protected (bottom) container. Courtesy SIMLab /1/ 6



Figure 4

a) Deformed container, at various stages of the blast incident, b) recorded deflection of mid-point on front wall. Courtesy SIMLab /1/ 7


The finite element model of the container


The finite element (FE) models of the container were established by use of the general purpose finite element software Cast3M /4/. Due to the rather complicated geometry of the various structural components of the container, with corrugated wall panels and roof elements, open-shaped columns and beams, as well as the assemblage of the structural components, the geometry of the finite element (FE) model of the container was established using a special algorithm developed at JRC ELSA for handling node numbering and mesh resolution issues, originally developed for masonry structures /9/. The algorithm allows for the meshing of structures made of blocks or separate regions connected together by joint interfaces. By starting from the definition of the corner nodes of a given region, the algorithm is able to produce the mesh of each region in such a way that the faces that are in contact are topologically identical. This approach allows also an easy generation of joint elements if those are to be included in the analyses, e.g. welds. However, for the present FE-models of the container, complete material connections between the various structural elements were assumed, hence no joint elements were defined. The generation of compatible regions is based on an algorithm that inspects each region, and, if a master node of another region geometrically lies on this segment, the node is duplicated and added to the description of the current region. As a result, the master nodes lying on the contact lines between two regions are two-by-two placed at the same location. Hence, the meshing strategy allows automatic meshing of the regions in such a way that the contour lines of two regions in contact are discretized in a similar way. The principle is illustrated in figure 5 below while a complete description of this approach, both for 2D and 3D examples, is given in /9/.

Initial master nodes for the block/region generation additional master nodes for compatibility

Figure 5

Additional master nodes in non-compatible regions /9/

This meshing method was very efficient and useful for merging together, in a topologically consistent way, the rather complicated intersections between the corrugated wall panels and the flanges of the bottom and top beams with their Ushaped cross-sections. As illustrated in figure 7 these intersections would have been very difficult to discretize by a more traditional method. Together with the objected oriented nature of Cast3M, which allows for duplicating, mirroring, and translating geometrical objects, the FE-model of the container could be defined in a consistent way by an input file that when executed by use of Cast3M generated a FE-model of the container that was later imported into Europlexus for the final numerical blast load simulations. A highly useful outcome from this approach to the build-up of the FE-model of the container was that in order to change the mesh resolution of the FE-model, only the density parameter of the meshes of the longitudinal walls had to be changed in the input file. This approach proved also useful for the mesh size dependency runs carried out in the present study in that it saved the operator much tedious work and the gain in time was significant. The complete input file for the FE-model of the container is given in Appendix A.

L = 6058 mm W = 2438 mm H = 2591 mm H L W

Figure 6

Standard 20 ft ISO container /1/



The FE-models of the container were detailed based upon drawings and information received from SIMLab /1/. The global dimensions of the 20 ft ISO container were 2438x2591x6058 mm and the container was made up by a frame structure of cold formed channel-shaped or hollow beams, and the walls, roof and doors were made of corrugated steel panels of various shapes. The base structure was constructed of two longitudinal beams of 48x158x30 mm, 4.5 mm thick, welded together with a front beam of 40x166x40 mm and 4.0 mm thick, and a rear beam with the cross-sectional dimensions 40x150x50x70 and a thickness of 4.0 mm. 16 equally spaced cross-over beams with dimensions 45x122x45, 4.0 mm thick, were welded between the longitudinal side beams of the base frame. The floor of the container was made of plywood plates fixed to the base structure by self-tapping screws. A somewhat similar layout shaped up the top frame, however hollow squared beams of 60x60 mm, 3.0 mm thickness, were used there for the longitudinal beams and the front beam, while a channel shaped beam of 132x113x132 mm with a thickness of 4.0 mm was used for the rear beam. The top frame was supported by four corner columns welded to the top and bottom frames. The front corner columns had multi-faceted cross sections of 50x50x154x170x50x50 mm with a thickness of 6.0 mm, while the rear corner columns were made up of two profiles, a 50x40x166x50 mm, 6.0 thick profile and a 50x113x50, 10.0 mm thick profile respectively, joined together by continuous welds. Corrugated steel panels of 2.0 mm thickness welded continuously to the frame structures were used for the side walls, the front wall and the roof, respectively. The shape of the corrugated steel panels varied a bit as can be seen from the detailed drawing in figure 9. The rear part of the container was made up by two doors hinged to the rear corner columns and closed to the rear frame of the container with 4 vertical bar locks. Each door consisted of a closed steel frame of rectangular hollow steel beams with the dimensions 100x50 mm and 3.2 mm thick, framing a 2.0 mm thick corrugated steel panel fixed to the door frame by continuous welds. See /1/ for further details. The main structural parts of the container, such as the corrugated panels, the corner columns and most of the beams, were made of anti-corrosive steel named Corten A, SPA-H, B480 or equivalent, with a yield stress around 345 MPa, and a tensile strength of about 520 MPa. Though some minor parts of the container were made of steel with a somewhat lower yield stress and tensile strength limit, the above values have been used for all parts of the container for the calculations carried out in the present study.


Front wall panel 104.0 18.0 108.0 18.0 Indentation = 45.0 t = 2.0

Front corner column 50.0 45.0 154.0 174.0 36.0 50.0 t = 6.0 Sidewall panel 70.0 68.0 72.0 68.0 70.0 Indentation = 35.0 t = 2.0

Transverse front roof beam 60.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 t = 3.0 Longitudinal roof beam 60.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 t = 3.0

Roof panel, main part 91.0 13.5 91.0 13.5 91.0 Indentation = 20.0 t = 3.0 Transverse front floor beam 40.0 50.0 166.0 40.0 t = 4.0

Rear corner column 50 36 232 46 t = 6.0

Roof panel, front and rear part 95.5 20.0 436.5 Indentation = 30.0 t = 3.0 Longitudinal floor beam 50.0 158.0 30. 0 t = 4.5

Transverse rear top beam 102.0 113.0 132.0 t = 4.0

Floor beam 45.0 122.0 45.0 t = 4.0

Rear door frames 50.0 150.0 50. t = 3.0 Rear door frames 50.0 100.0 50.0 100.0 t = 3.2

Transverse rear floor beam 40.0 20.0 121.0 140.0 60.0 t = 4.5

Rear door panels - // 18.0 110.0 18.0 - // Indentation = 45.0 t = 2.0

Figure 7

Structural details of the FE-model of the 20 ft ISO container.


The constitutive model applied for the Corten steel was a Von Mises material model with elasto-plastic behaviour implemented via a radial return algorithm. Only isotropic hardening was treated and neither temperature nor strain rate dependency were introduced in the calculations. The key parameters for the constitutive law used in the calculations were the yield stress 0.2 = 345MPa , the tensile strength limit failure = 520 MPa , density = 7850 kg / m 3 , Youngs modulus E = 210000 MPa and the Poissons ratio = 0.3 . The container geometry was discretized by use of 4-node shell elements (Batoz), with 4 integration points in the plane and 5 integration points over the thickness for plasticity, combined with 3-node shell elements (Discrete Kirchhoff Triangle) based on the thick shell element theory (Mindlin). The various structural elements of the FE-model of the container are presented in figure 7 above, identifying in a simplistic form the cross-sectional dimensions and thicknesses of the various elements.



Numerical simulations

The numerical simulations were grouped in 2 different sets of calculations. The first initial set of calculations were based on imposed pressure-time curves on only the longitudinal front side of the container derived from the findings in the tests /1/. These pressure-time curves had been calibrated against rigid wall blasts in order to aim towards prescribed design loads similar to the design pressure loads calculated by the ConWep /10/ procedures /1/. Based on the blast tests towards a rigid wall /1/ the explosive charge and the stand-off distance were set to 4000 kg and 120 m, respectively. These initial set of calculations were used to study the mesh size dependency of the numerical models of the container, in that two different mesh resolutions were compared against each other. The second set of calculations was a more elaborate study of the behaviour of the numerical model of the container. In particular, a more complete pressure-time loading of the container was performed including also the pressure history recorded for the roof of the container. The pressure-time histories were taken directly from the registered values in the blast tests /1/. In the following these two sets of calculations are discussed in more detail.


Initial calculations

Two different mesh resolutions were used in these initial calculations, one with a typical mesh size of 100 mm relative to the global dimensions of the container, and one with a typical mesh size of 50 mm, respectively. This yielded a total number of 16332 finite elements for the coarser meshed model, named cont250 in the following, and a total of 43034 finite elements for the finer meshed model, named cont500. Some data for the models are listed in Table 1. The imposed pressure-time curve on the longitudinal front wall of the container was calculated automatically by use of the AIRB-routine in EUROPLEXUS code. The AIRB-routine was developed by M Larcher /11/ and the routine is based on the same underlying equations as for the ConWep /10/ formulae and gives similar pressuretime curves for identical inputs. The AIRB-routine calculates an imposed pressure-time sequence on a given object, in this case, the longitudinal front wall towards the source of the explosion. The input parameters of the routine are the explosive charge in kilograms, the scaled distance between the explosive charge and the object (the steel container in this case) and the nature of the explosion, that is, whether it takes place on the ground, above the ground etc. Further details can be found in /11/. The AIRB-routine allows to load the structures without having to model the fluid domain. It does not take into account multiple wave reflections on structural walls, but optionally allows to take into account in a very simplified way the first wave reflection at a wall. It is clear that for the steel container tested in the blast tunnel in 13

/2/, this approach only serves as a rough first assessment of the numerical model of the container. The following input has been used in the calculations of the blast wave: Explosive charge in kilograms = 4000 kg Stand-off distance from object = 120 m Nature of the explosion = hemispherical charge, no reflective blast considered The pressure-time curve generated by the AIRB-routine and applied as pressure-time loading of the longitudinal front wall of the steel container is shown in figure 8 below.

Figure 8

Pressure versus time function applied on the container.

The two FE-models cont250 and cont500 respectively, were subjected to the above pressure-time function applied to the longitudinal front wall of the container. The number of FE-elements, the total cpu time and the duration of the pressure-time loading for the two models are summarised in Table 1 below. Table 1 FE-model No of elements Total cpu-time Final time step Cont250 16332 26271 s 0.100 s Cont500 43034 103728 s 0.100 s The overall behaviours of the two models were rather equal, the coarser meshed model, cont250, acting somewhat stiffer than the model cont500 with the finer mesh, as seen in figure 9. Both models exhibited similar stress levels during the loading, as 14

can be seen in the von Mises stress levels versus time plots in figure 10 below, however, the response of the cont250 model was clearly stiffer than that of the cont500 model as illustrated in the x-displacement versus time plots in figure 11. Both plots relate to nodes at the mid-level of the longitudinal front wall of the container model. Detailed plots of the deformed configurations after loading for the models cont250 and cont500, are compared in figure 12 below. From these preliminary calculations it was decided to continue the simulations with the finer mesh resolution, although the differences between the two models were quite small.


Figure 9

Global behaviour of the cont250 (left column) and cont500 (right column) container model, respectively. The deformed figures, from top down, represent the situation at 0.025s, 0.050 s, 0.075 s and 0.100 s for the applied pressure-time history. 16

Figure 10

Stress-time curves at the mid-point of the longitudinal front wall of container models cont250 and cont500, respectively.

Figure 11

Displacement-time curves at the mid-point of the longitudinal front wall of container models cont250 and cont500, respectively 17

a) Deformed configuration after loading of the cont250 model .

b) Deformed configuration after loading of the cont500 model .

Figure 12

Deformed configurations after loading of the cont250 and cont500 models, respectively.


Refined calculations

The initial calculations were based on a simplified pressure-time function for the explosive impact on the container. It is clear that such an approach may well fall short in describing the real behaviour of the rather complex loading situation the container underwent in the blast test tunnel in Germany. In particular, the container in the blast tunnel test experienced a pressure loading quite different from that of an imposed pressure-time loading on the longitudinal wall only. As can be seen from the recorded pressure-time development in figure 3, the container was engulfed by pressure waves as the initial pressure wave travelled through the blast tunnel. Both pressure as well as suction took place on all sides of the container, and internal pressure built up during the deformation and successive collapse of the container. In particular, the roof of the container experienced a significant increased suction loading after the initial pressure wave hit the roof, indicating a possible reflection from the blast tunnel roof /1/. A more realistic representation of the pressure loading of the container would hence yield better results compared to the test results from /1/. It was therefore decided to 18

apply two pressure-time curves on the container, one on the longitudinal wall and one on the roof ?no sides, no back. These pressure-time loadings were derived directly from the recorded results during the tests in the blast tunnel in Germany, /1/ and /2/. The resulting pressure-time curves for the longitudinal wall and the roof were derived from the recordings in figure 3 in that the net resulting pressure of the wall was calculated as the external pressure minus the internal pressure over the duration of the test, and the roof pressure as the external pressure registered on the roof minus the internal pressure registered in the container. The two simplified pressure-time curves applied to the container in these somewhat refined calculations are shown in figure 13. The refined calculations were run with the same mesh resolution as in the cont500 FE-model. The model was named cont1000 to distinguish it from the models used in the initial calculations. The total number of finite elements, the total cpu time and the duration of the pressure-time loading are in Table 2 below. Note that the final duration is twice that used for the initial calculations. Further, the imposed pressure-time loading was applied directly to the structure and not calculated by the AIRB function used in the calculations of the cont250 and cont500 FE-models, respectively. Table 2 FE-model Cont1000 No. of elements 43034 Total cpu-time 108842 s Final time step 0.200 s

The deformed shape of the container is presented in figure 14 below, for 8 various time steps of the applied pressure-time histories. A fairly good correlation between the global deformation pattern of the numerical model cont1000 and the real behaviour of the container during the blast tests can be observed in figure 16, where the permanent deformed configuration of the numerical container model after loading is compared with the final image of the container during the explosion test in the WTD 52 blast tunnel. Both the distinct yield line failure pattern of the longitudinal front wall as well as the outward deflection of the container roof were well captured by the numerical FE-model of the container. It shall be stressed that this is to be expected to some extent in that the applied pressure-time history is the same as registered during the test. However, it is an important result in itself, in particular from an engineering design point of view, that the numerical model, if sufficiently discretized in terms of mesh resolution, and precisely reproduced in terms of geometry and material parameters, is able to grasp the global behaviour of the rather geometrically complex container, as precisely as seen in figure 14 and figure 15.


Figure 13

Applied pressure-time curves for the longitudinal wall and the roof of the container, respectively. 20

Figure 14

Global behaviour of the cont1000 container model. The deformed figures, from top down, left column then right column, represent the situation at 0.025s, 0.050 s, 0.075 s 0.100 s, 0.125 s, 0.150 s, 0.175 s and 0.200 s into the applied pressure-time history. 21

a) Global behaviour of the cont1000 container model at the final load step. Permanent plastic deformation pattern.

b) Deformed container during the blast tests in the WTD 52 blast tunnel.

Figure 15

a) Global behaviour of the cont1000 container model at the final load step; permanent plastic deformation pattern. b) Deformed container during the blast tests in the WTD 52 blast tunnel /1/. 22

The mid-wall deflection and stress history during the imposed pressure-time loading were also fairly close to those observed during the tests. A maximum stress level in the mid-point of the wall arrived at approximately 360 MPa, pushing the material into permanent deformations. The total displacement of the mid-point of the longitudinal front wall reached around 270 mm while the remaining permanent displacement after unloading was about 220 mm. For the roof structure the maximum stress level reached 360 MPa (mid-point of the roof) during the inward deflection of the roof, then up to 380 MPa when the roof bent outwards snapping back due to the negative pressure pulse hitting the roof later in the pressure-time loading history. Hence, also the roof exhibited large permanent deformations as seen in the above figures. The maximum displacement of the roof reached -500 mm during the inward deflection, and a displacement of 500 mm during the outward deflection in the final phase of the loading. The permanent outward deflection of the roof was about 380 mm. The top wall-roof beam experienced a maximum inward displacement (x-direction) of 180 mm and a final permanent displacement of 100 mm. The displacement in the vertical direction (z-direction) arrived at about 50 mm and a permanent downward deformation in the order of -25 mm worth recalling test values? Stress-time curves for the longitudinal front wall and the roof are shown in figure 16 below, while the maximum displacement-time curves for the same points are shown in figure 17 below.

Figure 16

Deformed container model. The dots represent the locations of the various nodes. 23

Figure 17

Von Mises stress-time curves for selected elements at the mid-point of the longitudinal front wall, the upper wall-roof beam, and the roof, respectively.

Figure 18

Hydrostatic pressure versus time curves for selected elements at the mid-point of the longitudinal front wall, the upper wall-roof beam, and the roof, respectively.


Figure 19

Displacement in the x-direction and the z-the direction, respectively, for various nodes of the cont1000 model.


The only direct displacement measurements carried out during the blast test were at the mid-point of the longitudinal front wall, presented in figure 4 above /1/. Direct comparison between these recordings and the numerical results for the cont1000 model is given in figure 20 below. Although the numerical simulations failed to some extent in replicating the maximum displacement value reported in /1/, the overall displacements for the cont1000 model showed good accordance with the experimental results.

Figure 20

Displacement of the mid-point of the longitudinal wall of the container. Experimental results (red curve) compared with numerical results for the cont1000 model (green curve).


Discussions and conclusions

The current numerical calculations results presented above for the 20 ft steel container subjected to blast loadings, showed relatively good agreement with the reported results from the blast tunnel tests executed by the SIMLab team /1/. The two numerical models cont250 and cont500 that were subjected to a simplified pressuretime loading fell somewhat short in describing the global failure mode of the container. This was mainly due to the fact that only the longitudinal front wall of the container was loaded in the numerical calculations for cont250 and cont500 while the container during the blast tests was engulfed by a rather complex pressure wave loading which included a significant negative pressure on the roof of the container during the final part of the blast. Hence, the simplified numerical calculations did not include the collapse of the roof structure, and consequently the significant weakening of the support of the longitudinal front wall due to the deflection of the roof. However, both the cont250 and cont500 calculations were able to replicate the failure mode and failure level of the longitudinal front wall with fair accuracy. Both the distinct yield line pattern of the longitudinal front wall as well as the permanent plastic deformations seen in the blast tests, were clearly identified in the numerical calculations. The displacement of the longitudinal front wall was less for the cont250 model than for the cont500 model due to a stiffer overall response caused by the coarser finite element mesh resolution used for the former model. The numerical calculations for the cont1000 model differed from the others by the applied pressure-time loading. The same finite element mesh resolution as for the cont500 model was used but the applied pressure-time loading was derived directly from the recorded pressure values from the blast test performed by SIMLab /1/. The longitudinal front wall and the roof were loaded by two separate pressure-time loadings over a duration of 0.200 s. The cont1000 calculations replicated the global failure mode of the container very well. The yield failure pattern of the longitudinal front wall was in close agreement with the observed failure of the container in the blast test, and the inward deflection of the roof followed by an outward deflection caused by the negative pressure in the final phase of the blast, were precisely captured by the cont1000 model. Although the final permanent deformations of the container generally were lower than those observed during the blast test of the container, the overall behaviour of the cont1000 model was generally in close agreement with the observations from the blast test. The maximum deformations of selected regions of the container are compared in Table3. The permanent deformations of the same regions of the container are listed in Table 4 below. The results from the current study demonstrate that a sufficiently discretized finite element model with well described material parameters and realistic representation of the applied blast loadings can replicate the global behaviour of a structure to a very high degree. Both local behaviour of critical regions in terms of stress-levels and deformations were well captured by the numerical models and the overall global failure modes were closely reproduced when compared to the experimental blast test results. 27

Table 3

Maximum deformations of the container Displacement of top Displacement of wall-roof beam wall (x-direction) x-direction z-direction Displacement of roof (z-direction) 500/-500 mm -

cont250 cont500 cont1000 SIMLab container Table 4

270 mm 335 mm 270 mm 485 mm* * estimated /1/

180 mm -

-50 mm -

Maximum permanent deformations of the container Displacement of top Displacement of wall-roof beam wall (x-direction) x-direction z-direction Displacement of roof (z-direction) 380 mm 300 mm

cont250 cont500 cont1000 SIMLab container

220 mm 270 mm 220 mm 400 mm

100 mm 60 mm

-25 mm -100 mm



T Brvik, Burbach A, Langberg H, Langseth: On the ballistic and blast load response of a 20 ft. ISO container protected with aluminium panels filled with local mass Phase II: Validation of protective system. Engineering Structures, Volume 30, Issue 6 June 2008, pp 1621-1631. Large Blast Simulator (LBS). The Bundeswehr Technical Center for Protective and Special Technologies (WTD 52) in Oberjettenberg, Germany. The EUROPLEXUS code an explicit finite element code for fast dynamic fluid-structure interaction calculations. Developed in collaboration between the French Commissariat lEnergie Atomique (CEA Saclay) and the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission (JRC Ispra). Cast3M - General purpose finite element code. Jointly developed by the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission (JRC Ispra) and the French Commissariat lEnergie Atomique. Safe Structures A collaboration agreement between the NTNU SIMLab and the JRC Ispra. M Larcher: Simulation of the Effects of an Air Blast Wave. JRC Technical Note. JRC Ispra, 2007 T Brvik, A G Hanssen, S Dey, H Langberg, M Langseth: On the ballistic and blast load response of a 20 ft. ISO container protected with aluminum panels filled with local mass Phase I: Design of protective system. Engineering Structures, Volume 30, Issue 6 June 2008, pp 1605-1620. Brvik,T, A G Hanssen, M Langseth, L Olovsson: Response of structures to planar blast loads - A finite element engineering approach. Computers and Structures, Volume 87, Issue 9-10 May 2009, pp 507-520. P Pegon: Automatic generation of blocks connected with joints. JRC-Special Publication No. I.99.101. JRC Ispra, 1999. ConWep-Conventional Weapons Effects. Protective Design Center, United States Army Corps of Engineers.

2 3

5 6 7

9 10.



Cast3M (file type .dgibi) and EUROPLEXUS (file type .epx) input files for the numerical calculations
* thickness = 3.0 mm * total length = 6058.00 mm * pltb1 = 0.00 0.00 2514.00; pltb2 = 41.00 0.00 2514.00; pltb3 = 41.00 0.00 2571.00; pltb4 = 0.00 0.00 2571.00; cltb1 = pltb1 droit 1 pltb2 droit 1 pltb3 droit 1 pltb4 droit 1 pltb1; * sltb1 = cltb1 tran 1 vlbb1; sltb1=sltb1 coul roug; * tab2 = table 'LISTE_DE_FACES'; repe lab1 (nbel sltb1); tab2 . (dime tab2) = conto (sltb1 elem &lab1); fin lab1; tab1 . (dime tab1) = tab2; ttb1 . (dime ttb1) = chain 'Longitudinal top beam'; * * Transverse bottom beam - tbb * * thickness = 4.0 mm * total length = 2360.00 mm * * Warning: we add as a first face an additional rectangle * ptbb1 = 41.00 0.00 0.00; ptbb2 = 41.00 43.00 0.00; ptbb3 = 41.00 43.00 120.00; ptbb4 = 41.00 0.00 120.00; ctbb1 = ptbb1 droit 1 ptbb2 droit 1 ptbb3 droit 1 ptbb4; vtbb1 = (2360.00/2) 0 0; * stbb1 = ctbb1 tran 1 vtbb1; stbb1=stbb1 coul vert; ctbb0 = ctbb1 et (ptbb4 d 1 ptbb1); * llbb2 = 50.00; ntbb1 = 18; atbb1 = plbb3 coor 1; dtbb1 = ((llbb1-llbb2) - (ntbb1*atbb1))/(-1+ntbb1); stbb1 = depl stbb1 plus (0 (llbb2+dtbb1+atbb1) 0); stbb0 = stbb1; * tab2 = table 'LISTE_DE_FACES'; tab2 . (dime tab2) = ctbb0; repe lab1 (nbel stbb0); tab2 . (dime tab2) = conto (stbb0 elem &lab1); fin lab1; tab1 . (dime tab1) = tab2; ttb1 . (dime ttb1) = chain 'Transverse bottom beam number ' 1; * repe lab1 (-3+ntbb1); ctbb0 stbb0=ctbb0 stbb0 plus (0 (dtbb1+atbb1) 0); stbb1=stbb1 et stbb0; * tab2 = table 'LISTE_DE_FACES'; tab2 . (dime tab2) = ctbb0; repe lab2 (nbel stbb0); tab2 . (dime tab2) = conto (stbb0 elem &lab2); fin lab2; tab1 . (dime tab1) = tab2; ttb1 . (dime ttb1) = chain 'Transverse bottom beam number ' (1+&lab1); * fin lab1; * * Transverse bottom back beam - tbb

* * WARNING: in meshface, REGU used for meshing the 4th face of the * top longitudinal bar (very distorted elements) * * debproc meshface m1*'MAILLAGE' ct1/'ENTIER'; repe lab1 (nbel m1); e1=m1 elem &lab1; c1=(e1 poin 1) d (e1 poin 2); si (&lab1 ega 1); c2=c1; sinon; c2=c2 et c1 ; finsi; fin lab1; si (exis ct1); m2=surf 'PLAN' c2 'REGU' ct1; sinon; m2=surf 'PLAN' c2; finsi; finproc m2; * opti echo 1; opti lang angl; * opti titr 'Container Blast Test - NTNU WTD52'; ************************* * density for the computation in europlexus ************************* dens1= 100.; dens dens1; ************************* * density for testing the mesh generation ************************* * dens1=100.; dens dens1; ************************* tol1=1.d-5; opti dime 3 elem cub8; p0=0 0 0; * * we will use (with care) the operator CBLO to manage all the possible * overlaping * tab1 = table 'LISTE_DE_BLOCS'; ttb1 = table 'NAME_OF_MESH'; * * * Longitudinal bottom beam - lbb * * thickness = 4.5 mm * total length = 6058.00 mm * plbb1 = 20.00 0.00 0.00; mdum=(plbb1 et plbb1) elem 1; plbb2 = 41.00 0.00 0.00; plbb3 = 41.00 0.00 153.50; plbb4 = 0.00 0.00 153.50; clbb1 = plbb1 droit 1 plbb2 droit 1 plbb3 droit 1 plbb4; llbb1 = 6058.00; vlbb1 = 0 llbb1 0; * slbb1 = clbb1 tran 1 vlbb1; slbb1=slbb1 coul roug; * tab2 = table 'LISTE_DE_FACES'; repe lab1 (nbel slbb1); tab2 . (dime tab2) = conto (slbb1 elem &lab1); fin lab1; tab1 . (dime tab1) = tab2; ttb1 . (dime ttb1) = chain 'Longitudinal bottom beam'; * * * Longitudinal top beam - ltb *


* * thickness = 4.5 mm * total length = 2360.00 mm * ptbbb1 = 41.00 172.00 120.00; ptbbb2 = 41.00 117.00 120.00; ptbbb3 = 41.00 117.00 153.50; ptbbb4 = 41.00 0.00 153.50; ptbbb5 = 41.00 0.00 0.00; ptbbb6 = 41.00 56.00 0.00; ctbbb1 = ptbbb1 d 1 ptbbb2 d 1 ptbbb3 d 1 ptbbb4 d 1 ptbbb5 d 1 ptbbb6 ; depl ctbbb1 plus (0 llbb2 0); vtbbb1 = (2360.00/2) 0 0; vtbbb3 = 420.00 0 0; vtbbb4 = (340.00/2) 0 0; vtbbb2 = vtbbb1 moin vtbbb3 moin vtbbb4; * ptbbbbc1 = ptbbb4 plus vtbbb2; ptbbbbc2 = ptbbbbc1 plus vtbbb3; * *stbbb1 = ctbbb1 tran 1 vtbbb1; stbbb1=stbbb1 coul vert; * * to take into consideration the door closure points * stbbb1 = ctbbb1 tran 1 vtbbb2 tran 1 vtbbb3 tran 1 vtbbb4 ; elim (stbbb1 et ptbbbbc1 et ptbbbbc2); stbbb1=stbbb1 coul vert; ctbbb0 = ctbbb1 et (ptbbb6 d 1 ptbbb1); * tab2 = table 'LISTE_DE_FACES'; tab2 . (dime tab2) = ctbbb0; repe lab1 (nbel stbbb1); tab2 . (dime tab2) = conto (stbbb1 elem &lab1); fin lab1; tab1 . (dime tab1) = tab2; ttb1 . (dime ttb1) = chain 'Transverse bottom back beam'; * * Transverse bottom front beam - tbb * * thickness = 4.0 mm * total length = 2360.00 mm * ptbfb1 = 41.00 -112.00 120.00; ptbfb2 = 41.00 -50.00 120.00; ptbfb3 = 41.00 -50.00 153.50; ptbfb4 = 41.00 0.00 153.50; ptbfb5 = 41.00 0.00 0.00; ptbfb6 = 41.00 -50.00 0.00; ctbfb1 = ptbfb1 d 1 ptbfb2 d 1 ptbfb3 d 1 ptbfb4 d 1 ptbfb5 d 1 ptbfb6 ; vtbfb1 = (2360.00/2) 0 0; * stbfb1 = ctbfb1 tran 1 vtbfb1; stbfb1=stbfb1 coul vert; ctbfb0 = ctbfb1 et (ptbfb6 d 1 ptbfb1); depl stbfb1 plus vlbb1; * tab2 = table 'LISTE_DE_FACES'; tab2 . (dime tab2) = ctbfb0; repe lab1 (nbel stbfb1); tab2 . (dime tab2) = conto (stbfb1 elem &lab1); fin lab1; tab1 . (dime tab1) = tab2; ttb1 . (dime ttb1) = chain 'Transverse bottom front beam'; * * Transverse top beam back and front - ttb * * thickness = 3.0 mm * total length = 2360.00 mm/2 * * Warning: we add as a first face an additional rectangle * * back with the door closure points *

pttb1 = 41.00 113.50 2551.00; pttb2 = 41.00 113.50 2430.00; pttb3 = 41.00 0.00 2430.00; pttb4 = 41.00 0.00 2571.00; pttb5 = 41.00 50.00 2571.00; pttb6 = 41.00 95.50 2571.00; pttb7 = 41.00 0.00 2514.00; pttb8 = 41.00 113.50 2514.00; * cttb1 = pttb1 d 1 pttb8 d 1 pttb2 d 1 pttb3 d 1 pttb7 d 1 pttb4 d 1 pttb5; cttb2 = (pttb6 d 1 pttb1) et cttb1; cttb3 = (pttb5 d 1 pttb6) et cttb2; cttb4 = pttb8 d 1 pttb2 d 1 pttb3 d 1 pttb7; cttb5 = (pttb7 d 1 pttb8) et cttb4; depl cttb3 plus (0 llbb2 0); * *ptbbb4 = 41.00 0.00 153.50; *ptbbbbc1 = ptbbb4 plus vtbbb2; *ptbbbbc2 = ptbbbbc1 plus vtbbb3; * pttbc1 pttbc2 = ptbbbbc1 ptbbbbc2 plus (pttb3 moins ptbbb4); * *sttbb1= cttb1 tran 1 vtbfb1; sttbb1 = cttb1 tran 1 vtbbb2 tran 1 vtbbb3 tran 1 vtbbb4 ; sttbb2 = cttb2 tran 1 vtbbb2 tran 1 vtbbb3 tran 1 vtbbb4 ; sttbb4 = cttb4 tran 1 (-41.00 0 0); sttbb5 = cttb5 tran 1 (-41.00 0 0); cttb5 = cttb5 plus (-41.00 0 0); elim (sttbb1 et sttbb2) tol1; elim (sttbb4 et sttbb5) tol1; elim (sttbb1 et pttbc1 et pttbc2) tol1; sttbb1=(sttbb1 et sttbb4) coul blan; * mincl1=mdum; repe lab1 ((nbel sttbb2)/(nbel cttb2)); mincl1=mincl1 et (sttbb2 elem (1 + ((-1+&lab1)*(nbel cttb2)))); fin lab1; mincl1=mincl1 diff mdum; sttbb2=(mincl1 coul roug) et (sttbb2 diff mincl1); * sttbb3=(sttbb5 elem 1) coul roug; sttbb2=sttbb3 et sttbb2 et (sttbb5 diff sttbb3); * tab2 = table 'LISTE_DE_FACES'; tab2 . (dime tab2) = cttb5; repe lab1 (nbel sttbb2); tab2 . (dime tab2) = conto (sttbb2 elem &lab1); fin lab1; tab1 . (dime tab1) = tab2; ttb1 . (dime ttb1) = chain 'Transverse top back beam'; * * front * pttf1 = 41.00 0.00 2514.00; pttf2 = 41.00 50.00 2514.00; pttf3 = 41.00 50.00 2571.00; pttf4 = 41.00 0.00 2571.00; cttf1 = pttf1 droit 1 pttf2 droit 1 pttf3 droit 1 pttf4 droit 1 pttf1; depl cttf1 plus (vlbb1 moin (0 50.00 0)); sttfb1= cttf1 tran 1 vtbfb1; sttfb1=sttfb1 coul blan; sttfb1 = sttfb1 coul blan; * tab2 = table 'LISTE_DE_FACES'; tab2 . (dime tab2) = cttf1; repe lab1 (nbel sttfb1); tab2 . (dime tab2) = conto (sttfb1 elem &lab1); fin lab1; tab1 . (dime tab1) = tab2; ttb1 . (dime ttb1) = chain 'Transverse top front beam'; * * Column back side of container - cbs


* * thickness = 6.0 mm * total height = 2360.5 mm * pcbs1 = 41.00 0.00 153.50; pcbs2 = 0.00 0.00 153.50; pcbs3 = 0.00 226.00 153.50; pcbs4 = 41.00 226.00 153.50; pcbs5 = 41.00 279.00 153.50; pcbs6 = 0.00 279.00 153.50; ccbs1 = pcbs1 droit 1 pcbs2 droit 1 pcbs3 droit 1 pcbs4 droit 1 pcbs5; vcbs1 = 0 0 2360.5; * * to take into consideration the hinge supports * pchv0 = 41.00 50.00 153.50; v1 = 0 0 (-153.50+210.0+30.0); * z1=coor 3 pchv0; z2=coor 3 pttb3; z3=coor 3 v1; z3=(-180+z2-z1-(2*z3))/3; v2 = 0 0 (z3+60.0); v3 = v2; v4 = v2; v5 = vcbs1 moin v1 moin v2 moin v3 moin v4; * * we have to care for the contact points * *scbs1 = ccbs1 tran 1 vcbs1; scbs1=scbs1 coul rose; scbs1 = ccbs1 tran 1 v1 tran 1 v2 tran 1 v3 tran 1 v4 tran 1 v5; scbs1=scbs1 coul rose; * ccbs2 = pcbs1 d 1 pcbs2 d 1 pcbs3 d 1 pcbs4 d 1 pchv0 d 1 pcbs1; ccbs3 = pcbs3 droit 1 pcbs4 droit 1 pcbs5 d 1 pcbs6 d 1 pcbs3; ccbs4 ccbs5=ccbs2 ccbs3 plus vcbs1; elim (scbs1 et ccbs4 et ccbs5) tol1; * tab2 = table 'LISTE_DE_FACES'; tab2 . (dime tab2) = ccbs2; tab2 . (dime tab2) = ccbs3; tab2 . (dime tab2) = ccbs4; tab2 . (dime tab2) = ccbs5; * repe lab1 (nbel scbs1); tab2 . (dime tab2) = conto (scbs1 elem &lab1); fin lab1; tab1 . (dime tab1) = tab2; ttb1 . (dime ttb1) = chain 'Column back side'; * * Hinge support * pchv1 hing1 = pchv0 ccbs2 plus v1; pchv2 hing2 = pchv1 hing1 plus v2; pchv3 hing3 = pchv2 hing2 plus v3; pchv4 hing4 = pchv3 hing3 plus v4; * tab2 = table 'LISTE_DE_FACES'; tab2 . (dime tab2) = hing1; tab2 . (dime tab2) = hing2; tab2 . (dime tab2) = hing3; tab2 . (dime tab2) = hing4; * tab1 . (dime tab1) = tab2; ttb1 . (dime ttb1) = chain 'Hinge support'; * hing1 = (hing1 et hing2 et hing3 et hing4) coul rouge; * * door: columns close to the hinges (3.2mmm) * phdoo1 = 41.00 50.00 153.50; phdoo2 = 141.00 50.00 153.50; phdoo3 = 141.00 100.00 153.50;

phdoo4 = 41.00 100.00 153.50; v6 = 0 0 (z2-z1); chdoo1 = phdoo1 d 1 phdoo2 d 1 phdoo3 d 1 phdoo4 d 1 phdoo1; shdoo1 = chdoo1 tran 1 v1 tran 1 v2 tran 1 v3 tran 1 v4 tran 1 v1; shdoo1 = shdoo1 coul 'JAUN'; chdoo2 = chdoo1 plus v6; elim (shdoo1 et chdoo1) tol1; * tab2 = table 'LISTE_DE_FACES'; tab2 . (dime tab2) = chdoo1; tab2 . (dime tab2) = chdoo2; repe lab1 (nbel shdoo1); tab2 . (dime tab2) = conto (shdoo1 elem &lab1); fin lab1; * tab1 . (dime tab1) = tab2; ttb1 . (dime ttb1) = chain 'Door hinge column'; * * door: central columns (3.2mmm) * u1=100.00 0 0; u2=vtbbb1 moin u1; cmdoo1 = chdoo1 plus u2; smdoo1 = cmdoo1 tran 1 (v6/2) tran 1 (v6/2); smdoo1 = smdoo1 coul 'JAUN'; cmdoo2 = cmdoo1 plus v6; elim (smdoo1 et cmdoo1) tol1; * tab2 = table 'LISTE_DE_FACES'; tab2 . (dime tab2) = cmdoo1; tab2 . (dime tab2) = cmdoo2; repe lab1 (nbel smdoo1); tab2 . (dime tab2) = conto (smdoo1 elem &lab1); fin lab1; * tab1 . (dime tab1) = tab2; ttb1 . (dime ttb1) = chain 'Door central column'; * * door bottom beam (3mmm) * pbdoo1 = 141.00 100.00 153.50; pbdoo2 = 141.00 50.00 153.50; pbdoo3 = 141.00 50.00 303.50; pbdoo4 = 141.00 100.00 303.50; * cbdoo1 = pbdoo1 d 1 pbdoo2 d 1 pbdoo3 d 1 pbdoo4; cbdoo2 = cbdoo1 et (pbdoo4 d 1 pbdoo1); cbdoo3 = cbdoo2 plus u2; * sbdoo1 = cbdoo1 tran 1 (vtbbb2 moin u1) tran 1 vtbbb3 tran 1 (vtbbb4 moin u1); sbdoo1 = sbdoo1 coul turq; elim (sbdoo1 et cbdoo3) tol1; * tab2 = table 'LISTE_DE_FACES'; tab2 . (dime tab2) = cbdoo2; tab2 . (dime tab2) = cbdoo3; repe lab1 (nbel sbdoo1); tab2 . (dime tab2) = conto (sbdoo1 elem &lab1); fin lab1; * tab1 . (dime tab1) = tab2; ttb1 . (dime ttb1) = chain 'Door bottom beam'; * * door top beam (3mmm) * ctdoo2 ctdoo3 stdoo1= cbdoo2 cbdoo3 sbdoo1 plus (v6 moin (pbdoo3 moin pbdoo2)); * tab2 = table 'LISTE_DE_FACES'; tab2 . (dime tab2) = ctdoo2; tab2 . (dime tab2) = ctdoo3; repe lab1 (nbel stdoo1); tab2 . (dime tab2) = conto (stdoo1 elem &lab1); fin lab1;


* tab1 . (dime tab1) = tab2; ttb1 . (dime ttb1) = chain 'Door top beam'; * * door central part * z5 = (pbdoo3 coor 3)-(pbdoo2 coor 3); pcdoo1 = 141.00 50.00 303.50; pcdoo2 = 141.00 100.00 321.50; pcdoo3 = 141.00 100.00 431.50; pcdoo4 = 141.00 50.00 449.50; ccdoo0 = pcdoo1 d 1 pcdoo2 d 1 pcdoo3 d 1 pcdoo4; z6 = (pcdoo4 coor 3)-(pcdoo1 coor 3); z7 = (z2-z1-(2*z5)-(3*z6))/4; v7 = 0.0 0.0 z7; v8 = 0.0 0.0 (z7+z6); ccdoo0 = ccdoo0 plus v7; ccdoo1 = pcdoo1 d 1 ccdoo0; ccdoo0 = ccdoo0 plus v8; ccdoo1 = ccdoo1 d 1 ccdoo0; ccdoo0 = ccdoo0 plus v8; ccdoo1 = ccdoo1 d 1 ccdoo0; ccdoo1 = ccdoo1 d 1 ((ccdoo1 poin 'FINAL') plus v7); scdoo1 = (ccdoo1 tran 1 (vtbbb1 moin (2*u1))) coul rose; * v9=0 100 0; ccdoo2 = (pcdoo1 moin (0 100 0)) d 1 ccdoo1 d 1 ((ccdoo1 poin 'FINAL') moin v9) d 1; ccdoo3 = ccdoo2 plus (vtbbb1 moin (2*u1)); elim (ccdoo3 et scdoo1) tol1; * tab2 = table 'LISTE_DE_FACES'; tab2 . (dime tab2) = ccdoo2; tab2 . (dime tab2) = ccdoo3; repe lab1 (nbel scdoo1); tab2 . (dime tab2) = conto (scdoo1 elem &lab1); fin lab1; * tab1 . (dime tab1) = tab2; ttb1 . (dime ttb1) = chain 'Door central part'; * * Column front side of container - cfs * * thickness = 6.0 mm * total height = 2360.5 mm * pcfs0 = 0.00 5837.00 153.50; pcfs1 = 41.00 5837.00 153.50; pcfs2 = 41.00 5890.00 153.50; pcfs3 = 0.00 5890.00 153.50; pcfs4 = 0.00 6058.00 153.50; pcfs5 = 168.00 6058.00 153.50; pcfs6 = 168.00 6008.00 153.50; pcfs7 = 221.00 6008.00 153.50; pcfs8 = 221.00 6058.00 153.50; pcfs9 = 168.00 5890.00 153.50; ccfs1 = pcfs1 droit 1 pcfs2 droit 1 pcfs3 droit 1 pcfs4 droit 1 pcfs5 droit 1 pcfs6 droit 1 pcfs7; vcfs1 = 0 0 2360.5; * scfs1 = ccfs1 tran 1 vcfs1; scfs1=scfs1 coul rose; * scfs2 = pcfs0 droit 1 pcfs1 droit 1 pcfs2 droit 1 pcfs3 droit 1 pcfs0; scfs3 = pcfs5 droit 1 pcfs6 droit 1 pcfs7 droit 1 pcfs8 droit 1 pcfs5; scfs6 = pcfs3 d 1 pcfs4 d 1 pcfs5 d 1 pcfs9 d 1 pcfs3; scfs4 scfs5 scfs7 = scfs2 scfs3 scfs6 plus vcfs1; elim (scfs1 et scfs4 et scfs5 et scfs7) tol1; * tab2 = table 'LISTE_DE_FACES'; tab2 . (dime tab2) = scfs2; tab2 . (dime tab2) = scfs3; tab2 . (dime tab2) = scfs4;

tab2 . (dime tab2) = scfs5; tab2 . (dime tab2) = scfs6; tab2 . (dime tab2) = scfs7; repe lab1 (nbel scfs1); tab2 . (dime tab2) = conto (scfs1 elem &lab1); fin lab1; tab1 . (dime tab1) = tab2; ttb1 . (dime ttb1) = chain 'Column front side'; * * Sidewall section - sws * * thickness = 2.0 mm * total height = 2360.5 mm * * Warning: 2 faces that will be split have been added * psws0 = -50.00 279.00 153.50; psws1 = 41.00 279.00 153.50; psws2 = 41.00 314.00 153.50; psws3 = 0.00 382.00 153.50; psws4 = 0.00 454.00 153.50; psws5 = 41.00 522.00 153.50; psws6 = 41.00 556.90 153.50; psws7 = -50.00 556.90 153.50; csws1 = psws1 droit 1 psws2 droit 1 psws3 droit 1 psws4 droit 1 psws5 droit 1 psws6; vsws1 = 0 0 2360.5; * vsws2 = (psws6 moin psws1); nsws0 = (pcfs1 moin pcbs5) coor 2; nsws0 = nsws0/(coor vsws2 2); nsws0=enti (nsws0+tol1); * csws0 = csws1; repe lab1 (-1+nsws0); csws0=csws0 plus vsws2; depl psws7 plus vsws2; csws1=csws1 et csws0; fin lab1; * elim csws1 tol1; csws0=csws1; el0=csws0 elem 1; csws1=el0; repe lab1 (-1 + (nbel csws0)); el1=csws0 elem (1+&lab1); p1=el0 poin 1; p2=el0 poin 2; p3=el1 poin 2; aa1=(coor 1 (bary (p1 et p2 et p3))) - (coor 1 p1); si ((abs aa1) < tol1); csws1=csws1 diff el0; csws1=csws1 et (p1 d 1 p3); sinon; csws1=csws1 et el1; finsi; el0=el1; fin lab1; * ssws1 = csws1 tran 1 vsws1; ssws1=ssws1 coul bleu; * csws2=(psws0 d 1 (csws1 poin 'INITIAL')) et csws1 et ((csws1 poin 'FINAL') d 1 psws7 d 1 psws0); csws3=csws2 plus vsws1; elim (ssws1 et csws3) tol1; * tab2 = table 'LISTE_DE_FACES'; tab2 . (dime tab2) = csws2; tab2 . (dime tab2) = csws3; repe lab1 (nbel ssws1); tab2 . (dime tab2) = conto (ssws1 elem &lab1); fin lab1; tab1 . (dime tab1) = tab2; ttb1 . (dime ttb1) = chain 'Sidewall'; * * Frontwall section - fws * * thickness = 2.0 mm * total height = 2360.5 mm


* * Warning: 2 faces that will be split have been added * * pfws0 = 221.00 6108.00 153.50; pfws1 = 221.00 6008.00 153.50; pfws2 = 273.00 6008.00 153.50; pfws3 = 291.00 6058.00 153.50; pfws4 = 401.00 6058.00 153.50; pfws5 = 419.00 6008.00 153.50; pfws6 = 471.00 6008.00 153.50; pfws7 = 471.00 6108.00 153.50; * cfws1 = pfws1 droit 1 pfws2 droit 1 pfws3 droit 1 pfws4 droit 1 pfws5 droit 1 pfws6; vfws1 = 0 0 2360.5; * nfws0=((ptbbb1 plus vtbbb1) coor 1) - ((pcfs7 moin pcfs4) coor 1); nfws0=nfws0/((pfws6 moins pfws1) coor 1); nfws0=enti (nfws0 + tol1); vfws2=pfws6 moin pfws1; * cfws0 = cfws1; repe lab1 (-1+nfws0); cfws0=cfws0 plus vfws2; depl pfws7 plus vfws2; cfws1=cfws1 et cfws0; fin lab1; * elim cfws1 tol1; cfws0=cfws1; el0=cfws0 elem 1; cfws1=el0; repe lab1 (-1 + (nbel cfws0)); el1=cfws0 elem (1+&lab1); p1=el0 poin 1; p2=el0 poin 2; p3=el1 poin 2; aa1=(coor 2 (bary (p1 et p2 et p3))) - (coor 2 p1); si ((abs aa1) < tol1); cfws1=cfws1 diff el0; cfws1=cfws1 et (p1 d 1 p3); sinon; cfws1=cfws1 et el1; finsi; el0=el1; fin lab1; * sfws1 = cfws1 tran 1 vfws1; sfws1=sfws1 coul bleu; * cfws2=(pfws0 d 1 (cfws1 poin 'INITIAL')) et cfws1 et ((cfws1 poin 'FINAL') d 1 pfws7 d 1 pfws0); cfws3=cfws2 plus vfws1; elim (sfws1 et cfws3) tol1; * tab2 = table 'LISTE_DE_FACES'; tab2 . (dime tab2) = cfws2; tab2 . (dime tab2) = cfws3; repe lab1 (nbel sfws1); tab2 . (dime tab2) = conto (sfws1 elem &lab1); fin lab1; tab1 . (dime tab1) = tab2; ttb1 . (dime ttb1) = chain 'Frontwall'; * * floor * * thickness = ??? mm * pflo1 pflo2=ptbbb2 ptbfb2 plus p0; * sflo1= (pflo1 d 1 pflo2) tran 1 vtbfb1; sflo1=sflo1 coul jaun; * tab2 = table 'LISTE_DE_FACES'; repe lab1 (nbel sflo1); tab2 . (dime tab2) = conto (sflo1 elem &lab1); fin lab1;

tab1 . (dime tab1) = tab2; ttb1 . (dime ttb1) = chain 'floor'; * * side part of the roof * * thickness = 3.0 mm * profb1 = 0.00 0.00 2571.00; profb2 = 0.00 95.50 2571.00; profb3 = 0.00 113.50 2551.00; profb4 = 0.00 416.50 2551.00; profb5 = 0.00 436.50 2551.00; vrofb1 = (vtbfb1 plus ptbbb5) moin (0 llbb2 0); * depl (profb1 et profb2 et profb3) plus (0 llbb2 0); depl (profb4 et profb5) plus (0 (llbb2/2) 0); * * this enticipate on the central part * vrofm3 = (coor 1 pltb2) 0 0; vrofm2 = vrofm3 plus (27.00 0 0); * *crofb1 = profb1 d 1 profb2 d 1 profb3 d 1 profb4 d 1 profb5; crofb1 = profb1 d 1 profb2 d 1 profb3 d 1 profb4; lrofb1 = coor 2 (profb4 moin profb1); lrofb2 = coor 2 (profb5 moin profb1); crofb2 = inve (crofb1 syme 'DROIT' profb4 (profb4 plus vcbs1)); *depl crofb2 'PLUS' (0 (llbb1-(2*lrofb2)) 0); depl crofb2 'PLUS' (0 (llbb1-llbb2-(2*lrofb1)) 0); crofb1 = crofb1 et crofb2; * depl crofb1 plus vrofm2; srofb1 = crofb1 tran 1 (vrofb1 moin vrofm2); srofb1=srofb1 coul jaun; * * we add ad-hoc faces defined by hand... * vadd1=27.00 0 0; padd0=0.00 llbb2 2571.00; padd1=padd0 plus (0 95.5 0); padd2=padd0 plus (0 ((profb4 moin profb1) coor 2) 0); padd3=padd2 plus (41.00 0 0); padd4=padd0 plus (41.00 95.5 0); crofbb2=profb1 d 1 profb2 d 1 padd4 d 1 padd3 d 1 padd2 d1 padd1 d 1 padd0 d 1; * padd5=profb3 moin (0 0 (-2571.00+2571.00)); padd6=padd5 plus (profb4 moin profb3); crofbb3=padd5 d 1 padd6 d 1 padd3 d 1 padd4 d 1; crofbb4=padd5 d 1 padd4 d 1 profb2 d 1; * crofbb5 crofbb6 crofbb7 = crofbb2 crofbb3 crofbb4 syme 'PLAN' profb4 (profb4 plus vcbs1) (profb4 plus vadd1); depl (crofbb5 et crofbb6 et crofbb7) plus (0 (llbb1-llbb2(2*lrofb1)) 0); elim (crofbb5 et crofbb6 et crofbb7 et crofb2) tol1; * tab2 = table 'LISTE_DE_FACES'; tab2 . (dime tab2) = crofbb2; tab2 . (dime tab2) = crofbb3; tab2 . (dime tab2) = crofbb4; tab2 . (dime tab2) = inve crofbb5; tab2 . (dime tab2) = inve crofbb6; tab2 . (dime tab2) = inve crofbb7; repe lab1 (nbel srofb1); tab2 . (dime tab2) = conto (srofb1 elem &lab1); fin lab1; tab1 . (dime tab1) = tab2; ttb1 . (dime ttb1) = chain 'front and back parts of the roof'; * *


* central part of the roof * * thickness = 2.0 mm * profm1 = 0.00 416.50 2551.00; profm2 = 0.00 462.00 2551.00; profm3 = 0.00 475.50 2571.00; profm4 = 0.00 566.50 2571.00; profm5 = 0.00 580.00 2551.00; profm6 = 0.00 625.50 2551.00; * crofm1 = profm1 d 1 profm2 d 1 profm3 d 1 profm4 d 1 profm5 d 1 profm6; depl crofm1 plus (0 (llbb2/2) 0); * drofm0 = llbb1 - llbb2 - (2 * lrofb1); vrofm1 = profm6 moin profm1; drofm1 = coor 2 vrofm1; nrofm0 = drofm0/drofm1; nrofm0=enti (nrofm0 + tol1); * crofm0 = crofm1; repe lab1 (-1+nrofm0); crofm0=crofm0 plus vrofm1; crofm1=crofm1 et crofm0; fin lab1; * elim crofm1 tol1; crofm0=crofm1; el0=crofm0 elem 1; crofm1=el0; repe lab1 (-1 + (nbel crofm0)); el1=crofm0 elem (1+&lab1); p1=el0 poin 1; p2=el0 poin 2; p3=el1 poin 2; aa1=(coor 3 (bary (p1 et p2 et p3))) - (coor 3 p1); si ((abs aa1) < tol1); crofm1=crofm1 diff el0; crofm1=crofm1 et (p1 d 1 p3); sinon; crofm1=crofm1 et el1; finsi; el0=el1; fin lab1; * zrofm0 = (coor 3 crofm1) exco 'SCAL' 'UZ'; zrofm1 = (coor 3 profb1) * (zrofm0 masq 'SUPERIEUR' 0); zrofm1 = zrofm1 - zrofm0; * crofm3 = crofm1 plus zrofm1; vrofm3 = (coor 1 pltb2) 0 0; crofm2 = crofm3 plus vrofm3; vrofm2 = vrofm3 plus (27.00 0 0); depl crofm1 plus vrofm2; * srofm3 = dall crofm3 ((crofm3 poin 'FINAL') d 1 (crofm2 poin 'FINAL')) (inve crofm2) ((crofm2 poin 'INITIAL') d 1 (crofm3 poin 'INITIAL')) 'QUELCONQUE'; srofm2 = dall crofm2 ((crofm2 poin 'FINAL') d 1 (crofm1 poin 'FINAL')) (inve crofm1) ((crofm1 poin 'INITIAL') d 1 (crofm2 poin 'INITIAL')) 'QUELCONQUE'; srofm1 = crofm1 tran 1 (vrofb1 moin vrofm2); * vrofm4 = profm5 moin profm4; vrofm4 = 0 0 (coor 3 vrofm4); vrofm4 = (vrofm2 moin vrofm3) plus vrofm4; srofm4 = (crofm2 elem 1) tran 1 vrofm4 tran 1 (vrofb1 moin vrofm2); srofm5 = (crofm2 elem (nbel crofm2)) tran 1 vrofm4 tran 1 (vrofb1 moin vrofm2); * srofm1 = srofm3 et srofm2 et srofm1; srofm1 = srofm1 coul vert;

elim (srofm1 et srofm4 et srofm5) tol1; * exte1=srofm3 et srofm4 et srofm5; inte1=srofm1 diff exte1; * * ! only the external part is put on the faces * tab2 = table 'LISTE_DE_FACES'; repe lab1 (nbel exte1); tab2 . (dime tab2) = conto (exte1 elem &lab1); fin lab1; tab1 . (dime tab1) = tab2; ttb1 . (dime ttb1) = chain 'central part of the roof'; * * *meshto1=(ssws1 et stbb1 et slbb1 et scbs1 et scfs1 et stbbb1 et stbfb1 * et sfws1 et sltb1 et sttbb1 et sttfb1 et sflo1 et srofb1 et srofm1); *trak meshto1; *trak (shdoo1 et smdoo1 et sbdoo1 et stdoo1); *trak (shdoo1 et smdoo1 et sbdoo1 et stdoo1 et scdoo1); *opti donn 5; * * * automatic treatment of the various overlapings * tbb1 = cblo tab1 tol1; *opti donn 5; * * verif * lverif=faux; si lverif; repe lab1 (-1+(dime tbb1)); mess &lab1; tab2 = tbb1 . &lab1; titre ttb1 . &lab1; repe lab2 (-1+(dime tab2)); si (&lab2 ega 1); meshbi = tab2 . 1; sinon; meshbi = meshbi et tab2 . &lab2; finsi; fin lab2; si (&lab1 > 20); trak meshbi; mess 'input a character'; obte aaa*'MOT'; finsi; fin lab1; finsi; * lverif=faux; si lverif; &lab1=23; tab2 = tbb1 . &lab1; titre ttb1 . &lab1; repe lab2 (-1+(dime tab2)); si (&lab2 ega 1); meshbi = tab2 . 1; sinon; meshbi = meshbi et tab2 . &lab2; finsi; fin lab2; trak meshbi; finsi; * *sect1 = clbb1 et cltb1 et ctbb1 et cttb1 et ccbs1 et ccfs1 et csws1; *sect1 = sect1 et cfws1; *trac sect1; * si lverif; trak (slbb1 et sltb1 et ssws1); finsi; *trak (ssws1 et stbb1 et slbb1 et scbs1 et scfs1 et stbbb1 et stbfb1 * et sfws1 et sltb1 et sttbb1 et sttfb1 et sflo1); *trak (sfws1 et stbfb1 et scfs1 et sttfb1); *opti donn 5; * * we generate now the real mesh


* n1=0; * * Longitudinal bottom beam - lbb * * thickness = 4.5 mm * n1=n1+1; tab2 = tbb1 . n1; slbb1=mdum; repe lab1 (-1+(dime tab2)); slbb1=slbb1 et (meshface tab2 . &lab1); fin lab1; slbb1=(slbb1 diff mdum) coul roug; slbb1=orie slbb1 'POINT' ((bary slbb1) moin (100 0 0)); mess ttb1 . n1 ' made'; * * * Longitudinal top beam - tbb * * thickness = 3.0 mm * n1=n1+1; tab2 = tbb1 . n1; sltb1=mdum; repe lab1 (-1+(dime tab2)); si (&lab1 ega 4); aaa=meshface tab2 . &lab1 1; sinon; aaa=meshface tab2 . &lab1; finsi; sltb1=sltb1 et aaa; fin lab1; sltb1=(sltb1 diff mdum) coul roug; * input=sltb1; xi yi zi=coor (bary input); lmot1=input elem 'TYPE'; outpu=mdum; repe lab1 (dime lmot1); meshi=input elem (extr lmot1 &lab1); repe lab2 (nbel meshi); elemi=meshi elem &lab2; elemi=elemi orie 'POINT' (xi ((bary elemi) coor 2) zi); outpu=outpu et elemi; fin lab2; fin lab1; sltb1=outpu diff mdum; mess ttb1 . n1 ' made'; * * 18-2 Transverse bottom beam - tbb * * thickness = 4.0 mm * * Warning: we eliminate the first mesh (ie additional rectangle) * stbb1=mdum; repe lab1 (-2+ntbb1); n1=n1+1; tab2 = tbb1 . n1; stbb2=mdum; repe lab2 (-2+(dime tab2)); stbb2=stbb2 et (meshface tab2 . (1+&lab2)); fin lab2; stbb2=stbb2 diff mdum; stbb2=orie stbb2 'POINT' (bary stbb2); stbb1=stbb1 et stbb2; mess ttb1 . n1 ' made'; fin lab1; * stbb1=(stbb1 diff mdum) coul vert; * * Transverse bottom back beam - tbb *

* thickness = 4.5 mm * n1=n1+1; tab2 = tbb1 . n1; stbbb1=mdum; repe lab1 (-1+(dime tab2)); stbbb1=stbbb1 et (meshface tab2 . &lab1); fin lab1; stbbb1=(stbbb1 diff mdum) coul vert; stbbb1=orie stbbb1 'POINT' (bary stbbb1); mess ttb1 . n1 ' made'; * * Transverse bottom front beam - tbb * * thickness = 4.0 mm * * Warning: we eliminate the first mesh (ie additional rectangle) * n1=n1+1; tab2 = tbb1 . n1; stbfb1=mdum; repe lab1 (-2+(dime tab2)); stbfb1=stbfb1 et (meshface tab2 . (1+&lab1)); fin lab1; stbfb1=(stbfb1 diff mdum) coul blanc; stbfb1=orie stbfb1 'POINT' (bary stbfb1); mess ttb1 . n1 ' made'; * * Transverse top beam back and front - ttb * * thickness = 3.0 mm * * Warning: we eliminate the first mesh (ie additional rectangle) * Warning... more to do, in particular inclined faces * * back * iii1=(nbel sttbb2)/(nbel cttb2); n1=n1+1; tab2 = tbb1 . n1; sttbb1=mdum; repe lab1 (-1-2-iii1+(dime tab2)); mdum1=tab2 . (2+iii1+&lab1); pdum1=mdum1 poin 'INITIAL'; pdum2=bary mdum1; x1 y1 z1=coor pdum1; x2 y2 z2=coor pdum2; si (((abs (x1-x2)) < tol1) ou ((abs (y1-y2)) < tol1) ou ((abs (z1-z2)) < tol1)); sttbb1=sttbb1 et (meshface tab2 . (2+iii1+&lab1)); finsi; fin lab1; sttbb1=(sttbb1 diff mdum) coul blanc; sttbb1=orie sttbb1 'POINT' (bary sttbb1); mess ttb1 . n1 ' made'; * * front * n1=n1+1; tab2 = tbb1 . n1; sttfb1=mdum; repe lab1 (-2+(dime tab2)); sttfb1=sttfb1 et (meshface tab2 . (1+&lab1)); fin lab1; sttfb1=(sttfb1 diff mdum) coul blanc; sttfb1=orie sttfb1 'POINT' (bary sttfb1); mess ttb1 . n1 ' made'; * * Column back side of container - cbs * * thickness = 6.0 mm *


* Warning: we eliminate the first 4 meshes (ie additional rectangle) * n1=n1+1; tab2 = tbb1 . n1; scbs1=mdum; repe lab1 (-5+(dime tab2)); scbs1=scbs1 et (meshface tab2 . (4+&lab1)); fin lab1; scbs1=(scbs1 diff mdum) coul rose; scbs1=orie scbs1 'POINT' (200 100 0); mess ttb1 . n1 ' made'; * * Hinge support (???) * n1=n1+1; tab2 = tbb1 . n1; hing1=mdum; repe lab1 (-1+(dime tab2)); hing1=hing1 et (meshface tab2 . &lab1); fin lab1; hing1=(hing1 diff mdum) coul rouge; hing1=orie hing1 'POINT' (0 0 1.d+5); mess ttb1 . n1 ' made'; * * door: columns close to the hinges (3.2mmm) * n1=n1+1; tab2 = tbb1 . n1; shdoo1=mdum; repe lab1 (-1+(dime tab2)); shdoo1=shdoo1 et (meshface tab2 . &lab1); fin lab1; shdoo1=(shdoo1 diff mdum) coul jaun; shdoo1=orie shdoo1 'POINT' (bary shdoo1); mess ttb1 . n1 ' made'; * * door: central columns (3.2mmm) * n1=n1+1; tab2 = tbb1 . n1; smdoo1=mdum; repe lab1 (-1+(dime tab2)); smdoo1=smdoo1 et (meshface tab2 . &lab1); fin lab1; smdoo1=(smdoo1 diff mdum) coul jaun; smdoo1=orie smdoo1 'POINT' (bary smdoo1); mess ttb1 . n1 ' made'; * * door bottom beam (3mmm) * n1=n1+1; tab2 = tbb1 . n1; sbdoo1=mdum; repe lab1 (-3+(dime tab2)); sbdoo1=sbdoo1 et (meshface tab2 . (2+&lab1)); fin lab1; sbdoo1=(sbdoo1 diff mdum) coul turq; sbdoo1=orie sbdoo1 'POINT' (bary sbdoo1); mess ttb1 . n1 ' made'; * * door top beam (3mmm) * n1=n1+1; tab2 = tbb1 . n1; stdoo1=mdum; repe lab1 (-3+(dime tab2)); stdoo1=stdoo1 et (meshface tab2 . (2+&lab1)); fin lab1; stdoo1=(stdoo1 diff mdum) coul turq; stdoo1=orie stdoo1 'POINT' (bary stdoo1); mess ttb1 . n1 ' made'; * * door central part (2mm) *

* Warning: we eliminate all the vertical additional faces * * x1 = coor 1 pcdoo1; x2 = coor 1 (pcdoo1 plus (vtbbb1 moin (2*u1))); * n1=n1+1; tab2 = tbb1 . n1; scdoo1=mdum; repe lab1 (-1+(dime tab2)); meshi=tab2 . &lab1; x3=(bary meshi) coor 1; l1=( ((abs (x1-x3)) > tol1) et ((abs (x2-x3)) > tol1) ); si l1; scdoo1=scdoo1 et (meshface meshi); finsi; fin lab1; scdoo1=(scdoo1 diff mdum) coul rose; scdoo1=orie scdoo1 'POINT' (0 1.d+5 0); mess ttb1 . n1 ' made'; * * Column front side of container - cfs * * thickness = 6.0 mm * * Warning: we eliminate the first mesh (ie additional rectangle) * we keep the 2 others (physical plates) * n1=n1+1; tab2 = tbb1 . n1; scfs1=mdum; repe lab1 (-5+(dime tab2)); scfs1=scfs1 et (meshface tab2 . (4+&lab1)); fin lab1; scfs1=(scfs1 diff mdum) coul rose; *scfs1=orie scfs1 'POINT' (bary scfs1); * input=scfs1; xi yi zi=coor (bary input); lmot1=input elem 'TYPE'; outpu=mdum; repe lab1 (dime lmot1); meshi=input elem (extr lmot1 &lab1); repe lab2 (nbel meshi); elemi=meshi elem &lab2; zi1=(elemi poin 'INITIAL') coor 3; zi2=(bary elemi) coor 3; si ((abs (zi1-zi2)) < tol1); elemi=elemi orie 'POINT' (bary input); sinon; elemi=elemi orie 'POINT' (xi yi ((bary elemi) coor 3)); finsi; outpu=outpu et elemi; fin lab2; fin lab1; scfs1=outpu diff mdum; mess ttb1 . n1 ' made'; * * Sidewall section - sws * * thickness = 2.0 mm * * Warning: we eliminate all the bottom and top additional faces * z1=psws0 coor 3; z2=(psws0 plus vsws1) coor 3; * n1=n1+1; tab2 = tbb1 . n1; ssws1=mdum; repe lab1 (-1+(dime tab2)); meshi=tab2 . &lab1; z3=(bary meshi) coor 3;


l1=( ((abs (z1-z3)) > tol1) et ((abs (z2-z3)) > tol1) ); si l1; ssws1=ssws1 et (meshface meshi); finsi; fin lab1; ssws1=(ssws1 diff mdum) coul bleu; ssws1=orie ssws1 'POINT' (1.d+5 0 0); mess ttb1 . n1 ' made'; * * Frontwall section - fws * * thickness = 2.0 mm * * Warning: we eliminate all the bottom and top additional faces * z1=pfws0 coor 3; z2=(pfws0 plus vfws1) coor 3; * n1=n1+1; tab2 = tbb1 . n1; sfws1=mdum; repe lab1 (-1+(dime tab2)); meshi=tab2 . &lab1; z3=(bary meshi) coor 3; l1=( ((abs (z1-z3)) > tol1) et ((abs (z2-z3)) > tol1) ); si l1; sfws1=sfws1 et (meshface meshi); finsi; fin lab1; sfws1=(sfws1 diff mdum) coul bleu; sfws1=orie sfws1 'POINT' (0 -1.d+5 0); mess ttb1 . n1 ' made'; * * Floor * * thickness = ???mm * n1=n1+1; tab2 = tbb1 . n1; sflo1=mdum; repe lab1 (-1+(dime tab2)); sflo1=sflo1 et (meshface tab2 . &lab1); fin lab1; sflo1=(sflo1 diff mdum) coul jaun; sflo1=orie sflo1 'POINT' (0 0 1.d+5); mess ttb1 . n1 ' made'; * * side part of the roof * * thickness = 2.0 mm * n1=n1+1; tab2 = tbb1 . n1; srofb1=mdum; repe lab1 (-1+(dime tab2)); srofb1=srofb1 et (meshface tab2 . &lab1); fin lab1; srofb1=(srofb1 diff mdum) coul jaun; srofb1=orie srofb1 'POINT' (0 0 -1.d+5); mess ttb1 . n1 ' made'; * * central part of the roof * * thickness = 2.0 mm * n1=n1+1; tab2 = tbb1 . n1; * * WARNING we complete the table! * repe lab1 (nbel inte1); tab2 . (dime tab2) = conto (inte1 elem &lab1); fin lab1; *

srofm1=mdum; repe lab1 (-1+(dime tab2)); srofm1=srofm1 et (meshface tab2 . &lab1); fin lab1; srofm1=(srofm1 diff mdum) coul vert; srofm1=orie srofm1 'POINT' (0 0 -1.d+5); mess ttb1 . n1 ' made'; *opti donn 5; * * total mesh + hinge points + lock points; * meshto1=(ssws1 et stbb1 et slbb1 et scbs1 et scfs1 et stbbb1 et stbfb1 et sfws1 et sltb1 et sttbb1 et sttfb1 et sflo1 et srofb1 et srofm1 et hing1); elim meshto1 tol1; * hingp1=pchv1 et pchv2 et pchv3 et pchv4; lockp1=ptbbbbc1 et ptbbbbc2 et pttbc1 et pttbc2; elim (meshto1 et hingp1 et lockp1) tol1; * * total door * doorto1=(shdoo1 et smdoo1 et sbdoo1 et stdoo1 et scdoo1); elim doorto1 tol1; * hingp2 lockp2=hingp1 lockp1 plus p0; elim (doorto1 et hingp2 et lockp2) tol1; * doortot1=doorto1 tour -135 pchv1 pchv4; * mess 'cont elem number:' (nbel meshto1) ' node number:' (nbno meshto1); mess 'door elem number:' (nbel doorto1) ' node number:' (nbno doorto1); * lverif=dens1 > (200-tol1); si lverif; * * fictitius model * motot=mode meshto1 'MECANIQUE' 'ELASTIQUE' dst coq4; matot=mate motot 'YOUN' 100 'NU' 0.3 'EPAI' 3; * modoo=mode doorto1 'MECANIQUE' 'ELASTIQUE' dst coq4; madoo=mate modoo 'YOUN' 100 'NU' 0.3 'EPAI' 3; * bloq1= (rela 'UX' (hingp1 et lockp1) - 'UX' (hingp2 et lockp2)) et (rela 'UY' (hingp1 et lockp1) - 'UY' (hingp2 et lockp2)) et (rela 'UZ' (hingp1 et lockp1) - 'UZ' (hingp2 et lockp2)); * syme1=meshto1 poin 'PLAN' (ptbbb1 plus vtbbb1) (ptbbb2 plus vtbbb1) (ptbbb3 plus vtbbb1) tol1; syme1=syme1 coul 'BLAN'; bloq2=bloq 'UX' syme1; * bott1=(stbbb1 et stbfb1) poin 'PLAN' ptbbb5 ptbbb6 (ptbbb5 plus vtbbb1) tol1; bloq3=bloq 'UZ' bott1; * bott2=stbbb1 poin 'PLAN' ptbbb5 ptbbb6 (ptbbb5 plus vtbbb1) tol1; bloq4=bloq 'UY' bott2; * modred=mode (scdoo1 et ssws1 et sfws1 et sflo1 et srofb1 et srofm1) 'MECANIQUE' 'ELASTIQUE' dst coq4; pres1=pres modred 'COQU' 1. 'NORM'; * rigi1=rigi (motot et modoo) (matot et madoo);


rigit=rigi1 et bloq1 et bloq2 et bloq3 et bloq4; * mena; * depl1=reso rigit pres1; * meshto11 doorto11=meshto1 doorto1 plus (0.0001*depl1); trak (meshto11 et doorto11); finsi; ************************************** * symetrization and reorientation * psym1=ptbbb1 plus vtbbb1; psym2=ptbbb2 plus vtbbb1; psym3=ptbbb3 plus vtbbb1; ************************************** debproc inve1 input*'MAILLAGE'; * lmot1=input elem 'TYPE'; outpu=mdum; repe lab1 (dime lmot1); meshi=input elem (extr lmot1 &lab1); meshi=inve meshi; outpu=outpu et meshi; fin lab1; outpu=outpu diff mdum; * finproc outpu; ************************************** * * Longitudinal bottom beams - lbb * * thickness = 4.5 mm * slbb1=inve1 slbb1; slbb2=inve1 (slbb1 syme 'PLAN' psym1 psym2 psym3); slbb0=slbb1 et slbb2; * * Longitudinal top beam - tbb * * thickness = 3.0 mm * sltb2=inve1 (sltb1 syme 'PLAN' psym1 psym2 psym3); sltb0=sltb1 et sltb2; * * 18-2 Transverse bottom beam - tbb * * thickness = 4.0 mm * stbb2=inve1 (stbb1 syme 'PLAN' psym1 psym2 psym3); stbb0=stbb1 et stbb2; elim stbb0 tol1; * * Transverse bottom back beam - tbb * * thickness = 4.5 mm * stbbb2=inve1 (stbbb1 syme 'PLAN' psym1 psym2 psym3); stbbb0=stbbb1 et stbbb2; elim stbbb0 tol1; * * Transverse bottom front beam - tbb * * thickness = 4.0 mm * stbfb2=inve1 (stbfb1 syme 'PLAN' psym1 psym2 psym3); stbfb0=stbfb1 et stbfb2; elim stbfb0 tol1; * * Transverse top back beam - ttb * * thickness = 3.0 mm * sttbb2=inve1 (sttbb1 syme 'PLAN' psym1 psym2 psym3); sttbb0=sttbb1 et sttbb2; elim sttbb0 tol1; * * Transverse top back beam - ttb

* * thickness = 3.0 mm * sttfb2=inve1 (sttfb1 syme 'PLAN' psym1 psym2 psym3); sttfb0=sttfb1 et sttfb2; elim sttfb0 tol1; * * Column back side of container - cbs * * thickness = 6.0 mm * scbs2=inve1 (scbs1 syme 'PLAN' psym1 psym2 psym3); scbs0=scbs1 et scbs2; * * Hinge support (???) * hing2=inve1 (hing1 syme 'PLAN' psym1 psym2 psym3); hing0=hing1 et hing2; * * Column front side of container - cfs * * thickness = 6.0 mm * scfs2=inve1 (scfs1 syme 'PLAN' psym1 psym2 psym3); scfs0=scfs1 et scfs2; *opti donn 5; * * Sidewall section - sws * * thickness = 2.0 mm * ssws2=inve1 (ssws1 syme 'PLAN' psym1 psym2 psym3); ssws0=ssws1 et ssws2; * * Frontwall section - fws * * thickness = 2.0 mm * sfws2=inve1 (sfws1 syme 'PLAN' psym1 psym2 psym3); sfws0=sfws1 et sfws2; elim sfws0 tol1; * * Floor * * thickness = ???mm * sflo2=inve1 (sflo1 syme 'PLAN' psym1 psym2 psym3); sflo0=sflo1 et sflo2; elim sflo0 tol1; * * side part of the roof * * thickness = 2.0 mm * srofb2=inve1 (srofb1 syme 'PLAN' psym1 psym2 psym3); srofb0=srofb1 et srofb2; elim srofb0 tol1; *opti donn 5; * * central part of the roof * * thickness = 2.0 mm * srofm2=inve1 (srofm1 syme 'PLAN' psym1 psym2 psym3); srofm0=srofm1 et srofm2; elim srofm0 tol1; * * connection points * hingp3 lockp3=hingp1 lockp1 syme 'PLAN' psym1 psym2 psym3; * meshto1=(ssws1 et stbb1 et slbb1 et scbs1 et scfs1 et stbbb1 et stbfb1 et sfws1 et sltb1 et sttbb1 et sttfb1 et sflo1 et srofb1 et srofm1 et hing1); *


meshto2=(ssws2 et stbb2 et slbb2 et scbs2 et scfs2 et stbbb2 et stbfb2 et sfws2 et sltb2 et sttbb2 et sttfb2 et sflo2 et srofb2 et srofm2 et hing2); elim meshto2 tol1; * elim (meshto2 et hingp3 et lockp3) tol1; elim (meshto1 et meshto2) tol1; * opti donn 5; * * door: columns close to the hinges (3.2mmm) * shdoo2=inve1 (shdoo1 syme 'PLAN' psym1 psym2 psym3); shdoo0=shdoo1 et shdoo2; * * door: central columns (3.2mmm) * smdoo2=inve1 (smdoo1 syme 'PLAN' psym1 psym2 psym3); smdoo0=smdoo1 et smdoo2; * * door bottom beam (3mmm) * sbdoo2=inve1 (sbdoo1 syme 'PLAN' psym1 psym2 psym3); sbdoo0=sbdoo1 et sbdoo2; * * door top beam (3mmm) * stdoo2=inve1 (stdoo1 syme 'PLAN' psym1 psym2 psym3); stdoo0=stdoo1 et stdoo2; * * door central part (2mm) * scdoo2=inve1 (scdoo1 syme 'PLAN' psym1 psym2 psym3); scdoo0=scdoo1 et scdoo2; * * connection points * hingp4 lockp4=hingp2 lockp2 syme 'PLAN' psym1 psym2 psym3; * doorto2=shdoo2 et smdoo2 et sbdoo2 et stdoo2 et scdoo2; elim doorto2 tol1; elim (doorto2 et hingp4 et lockp4) tol1; * mess (nbel (doorto1 et doorto2 et meshto1 et meshto2)); *opti donn 5; * doortot2=doorto2 tour 135 (hingp4 poin 1) (hingp4 poin 4); * *trak (doortot1 et doortot2 et meshto1 et meshto2); * *trak (doorto1 et doorto2 et meshto1 et meshto2); * pairbw = ssws1 plus (0 0 0); *elim tol1 (ssws1 et pairbw); pairbr = srofm0 plus (0 0 0); *elim tol1 (srofm0 et pairbr); *pairb = (pairbw et pairbr) coul 'BLANC'; pairb = pairbw coul 'BLANC'; elim tol1 (pairb et meshto1 et meshto2); * stru = doorto1 et doorto2 et meshto1 et meshto2; list (nbel stru); list (nbno stru); stru4 = stru elem qua4; stru3 = stru elem tri3; list (nbel stru4); list (nbel stru3);

* pairb4 = pairb elem qua4; *pairb3 = pairb elem tri3; list (nbel pairb4); *list (nbel pairb3); * mesh = stru et pairb; opti donn 5; * change units from mm to m ba1 = bary stru; depl mesh 'HOMO' p0 0.001; xx yy zz=coor mesh; mess (mini xx) (maxi xx); ymin = mini yy; ymax = maxi yy; ymid = 0.5 * (ymin + ymax); zmin = mini zz; zmax = maxi zz; zmid = 0.5 * (zmin + zmax); pbomb = -120.0 ymid zmid; bomb = manu poi1 pbomb; bloq1 = stru poin plan (0 0 0) (1 0 0) (0 1 0) tol1; list (nbno bloq1); hp11 = hingp1 poin 1; hp12 = hingp1 poin 2; hp13 = hingp1 poin 3; hp14 = hingp1 poin 4; hp21 = hingp2 poin 1; hp22 = hingp2 poin 2; hp23 = hingp2 poin 3; hp24 = hingp2 poin 4; hp31 = hingp3 poin 1; hp32 = hingp3 poin 2; hp33 = hingp3 poin 3; hp34 = hingp3 poin 4; hp41 = hingp4 poin 1; hp42 = hingp4 poin 2; hp43 = hingp4 poin 3; hp44 = hingp4 poin 4; lp11 = lockp1 poin 1; lp12 = lockp1 poin 2; lp13 = lockp1 poin 3; lp14 = lockp1 poin 4; lp21 = lockp2 poin 1; lp22 = lockp2 poin 2; lp23 = lockp2 poin 3; lp24 = lockp2 poin 4; lp31 = lockp3 poin 1; lp32 = lockp3 poin 2; lp33 = lockp3 poin 3; lp34 = lockp3 poin 4; lp41 = lockp4 poin 1; lp42 = lockp4 poin 2; lp43 = lockp4 poin 3; lp44 = lockp4 poin 4; * pelem1 = ssws1 elem 971; pelem2 = ssws1 elem 972; pelem3 = ssws1 elem 973 * ppost1 = pelem1 poin 1; ppost2 = pelem1 poin 2; ppost3 = pelem2 poin 1; ppost4 = pelem2 poin 2; ppost5 = pelem3 poin 1; ppost6 = pelem3 poin 2; *


ppost10 = ppost1 et ppost2 et ppost3 et ppost4 et ppost5 et ppost6; mesh = mesh et bomb et ppost10 et bloq1; tass mesh; opti donn 5; *dir1='D:\Users\pegon\castem2008\Test\'; *opti sauv form (chain dir1 'cont100.msh'); opti sauv form 'cont250.msh'; sauv form mesh; *opti trac psc ftra ''; trac cach stru; trac cach face stru; opti donn 5; *fin;

CONT250_PART $ ECHO $VERI !CONV WIN OPTI PART CAST 'CONT250.MSH' mesh TRID LAGR EROS 0.0 $ DIME PT6L 13797 PT3L 1 Q4GS 13470 DKT3 2862 PMAT 1 CL3Q 4422 CL3I 1400 ZONE 5 TERM $ GEOM Q4GS stru4 DKT3 stru3 PMAT bomb CL3Q pairb4 TERM * $ COMP EPAI 0.0045 LECT slbb1 TERM 0.0045 LECT slbb2 TERM 0.0030 LECT sltb1 TERM 0.0030 LECT sltb2 TERM 0.0040 LECT stbb1 TERM 0.0040 LECT stbb2 TERM 0.0045 LECT stbbb1 TERM 0.0045 LECT stbbb2 TERM 0.0040 LECT stbfb1 TERM 0.0040 LECT stbfb2 TERM 0.0030 LECT sttbb1 TERM 0.0030 LECT sttbb2 TERM 0.0030 LECT sttfb1 TERM 0.0030 LECT sttfb2 TERM 0.0060 LECT scbs1 TERM 0.0060 LECT scbs2 TERM 0.0060 LECT scfs1 TERM 0.0060 LECT scfs2 TERM 0.0020 LECT ssws1 TERM 0.0020 LECT ssws2 TERM 0.0030 LECT sfws1 TERM 0.0030 LECT sfws2 TERM 0.0010 LECT sflo1 TERM 0.0010 LECT sflo2 TERM 0.0020 LECT srofb1 TERM 0.0020 LECT srofb2 TERM 0.0020 LECT srofm1 TERM 0.0020 LECT srofm2 TERM 0.0032 LECT shdoo1 TERM 0.0032 LECT shdoo2 TERM 0.0032 LECT smdoo1 TERM 0.0032 LECT smdoo2 TERM 0.0030 LECT sbdoo1 TERM 0.0030 LECT sbdoo2 TERM


* debproc meshface m1*'MAILLAGE'; repe lab1 (nbel m1); e1=m1 elem &lab1; c1=(e1 poin 1) d (e1 poin 2); si (&lab1 ega 1); c2=c1; sinon; c2=c2 et c1 ; finsi;


fin lab1; m2=surf 'PLAN' c2; finproc m2; * opti echo 1; opti lang angl; * opti titr 'Container Blast Test - NTNU WTD52'; ************************* * density for the computation in europlexus ************************* dens1= 50.; dens dens1; ************************* * density for testing the mesh generation ************************* * dens1=100.; dens dens1; ************************* tol1=1.d-5; opti dime 3 elem cub8; p0=0 0 0; Identical with cont250.dgibi tass mesh; opti donn 5; *dir1='D:\Users\pegon\castem2008\Test\'; *opti sauv form (chain dir1 'cont100.msh'); opti sauv form 'cont500.msh'; sauv form mesh; *opti trac psc ftra ''; trac cach stru; trac cach face stru; *fin;

CONT500_PART $ ECHO $VERI !CONV WIN OPTI PART CAST 'CONT500.MSH' mesh TRID LAGR FAIL 0.0 $ DIME PT6L 40383 PT3L 1 Q4GS 41240 DKT3 1794 PMAT 1 CL3Q 14027 CL3I 400 ZONE 5 TERM $ GEOM Q4GS stru4 DKT3 stru3 PMAT bomb CL3Q pairb4 TERM * $ COMP EPAI 0.0045 LECT slbb1 TERM 0.0045 LECT slbb2 TERM 0.0030 LECT sltb1 TERM 0.0030 LECT sltb2 TERM 0.0040 LECT stbb1 TERM 0.0040 LECT stbb2 TERM 0.0045 LECT stbbb1 TERM 0.0045 LECT stbbb2 TERM 0.0040 LECT stbfb1 TERM 0.0040 LECT stbfb2 TERM 0.0030 LECT sttbb1 TERM 0.0030 LECT sttbb2 TERM 0.0030 LECT sttfb1 TERM 0.0030 LECT sttfb2 TERM

0.0060 LECT scbs1 TERM 0.0060 LECT scbs2 TERM 0.0060 LECT scfs1 TERM 0.0060 LECT scfs2 TERM 0.0020 LECT ssws1 TERM 0.0020 LECT ssws2 TERM 0.0030 LECT sfws1 TERM 0.0030 LECT sfws2 TERM 0.0010 LECT sflo1 TERM 0.0010 LECT sflo2 TERM 0.0020 LECT srofb1 TERM 0.0020 LECT srofb2 TERM 0.0020 LECT srofm1 TERM 0.0020 LECT srofm2 TERM 0.0032 LECT shdoo1 TERM 0.0032 LECT shdoo2 TERM 0.0032 LECT smdoo1 TERM 0.0032 LECT smdoo2 TERM 0.0030 LECT sbdoo1 TERM 0.0030 LECT sbdoo2 TERM 0.0030 LECT stdoo1 TERM 0.0030 LECT stdoo2 TERM 0.0020 LECT scdoo1 TERM 0.0020 LECT scdoo2 TERM 0.0060 LECT hing1 TERM 0.0060 LECT hing2 TERM 0.100 LECT bomb TERM COUL roug LECT bomb TERM $ MATE $ steel VM23 RO 7850. YOUNG 2.1E11 NU 0.3 ELAS 355.E6 FAIL PEPS LIMI 0.3 TRAC 2 355.E6 1.690476E-3 1355.E6 1.001690476E0 LECT stru TERM IMPE AIRB NODE LECT bomb TERM MASS 4000 TAUT LECT pairb TERM MASS 1.0 LECT bomb TERM LINK COUP BLOQ 123 LECT bloq1 TERM RIGI CENT LECT hp11 TERM LIST LECT hp21 TERM RIGI CENT LECT hp12 TERM LIST LECT hp22 TERM RIGI CENT LECT hp13 TERM LIST LECT hp23 TERM RIGI CENT LECT hp14 TERM LIST LECT hp24 TERM RIGI CENT LECT lp11 TERM LIST LECT lp21 TERM RIGI CENT LECT lp12 TERM LIST LECT lp22 TERM RIGI CENT LECT lp13 TERM LIST LECT lp23 TERM RIGI CENT LECT lp14 TERM LIST LECT lp24 TERM RIGI CENT LECT hp31 TERM LIST LECT hp41 TERM RIGI CENT LECT hp32 TERM LIST LECT hp42 TERM RIGI CENT LECT hp33 TERM LIST LECT hp43 TERM RIGI CENT LECT hp34 TERM LIST LECT hp44 TERM RIGI CENT LECT lp31 TERM LIST LECT lp41 TERM RIGI CENT LECT lp32 TERM LIST LECT lp42 TERM RIGI CENT LECT lp33 TERM LIST LECT lp43 TERM RIGI CENT LECT lp34 TERM LIST LECT lp44 TERM


$ ECRI DEPL VITE TFRE 10.E-3 FICH SPLI ALIC TFRE 1.E-3 $ OPTI NOTE STEP IO LOG 1 CALC TINI 0 TEND 100.E-3 !NMAX 0 *========================================= ==== FIN

* debproc meshface m1*'MAILLAGE'; repe lab1 (nbel m1); e1=m1 elem &lab1; c1=(e1 poin 1) d (e1 poin 2); si (&lab1 ega 1); c2=c1; sinon; c2=c2 et c1 ; finsi; fin lab1; m2=surf 'PLAN' c2; finproc m2; * opti echo 1; opti lang angl; * opti titr 'Container Blast Test - NTNU WTD52'; ************************* * density for the computation in europlexus ************************* dens1= 50.; dens dens1; ************************* * density for testing the mesh generation ************************* * dens1=100.; dens dens1; ************************* tol1=1.d-5; opti dime 3 elem cub8; p0=0 0 0; * Identical with cont250.dgibi and cont500.dgibi tass mesh; opti donn 5; *dir1='D:\Users\pegon\castem2008\Test\'; *opti sauv form (chain dir1 'cont100.msh'); opti sauv form 'cont1000_curve.msh'; sauv form mesh; *opti trac psc ftra ''; trac cach stru; trac cach face stru; *fin;

CONT1000_curve_PART $ ECHO $VERI !CONV WIN OPTI PART CAST 'CONT1000_CURVE.MSH' mesh TRID LAGR FAIL 0.0 $ DIME PT6L 40383 Q4GS 41240 DKT3 1794 CL3Q 14027 CL3I 400 ZONE 5 TERM $ GEOM Q4GS stru4

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0.009 0.010 0.011 0.012 0.013 0.014 0.015 0.016 0.017 0.018 0.019 0.020 0.021 0.022 0.023 0.024 0.025 0.026 0.027 0.028 0.029 0.030 0.031 0.032 0.033 0.034 0.035 0.036 0.037 0.038 0.039 0.040 0.041 0.042 0.043 0.044 0.045 0.046 0.047 0.048 0.049 0.050 0.051 0.052 0.053 0.054 0.055 0.056 0.057 0.058 0.059 0.060 0.061 0.062 0.063 0.064 0.065 0.066 0.067 0.068 0.069 0.070 0.071 0.072 0.073 0.074 0.075 0.076 0.077 0.078 0.079 0.080 0.081 0.082 0.083

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NUM 2 TABL 101 0.000 3.8000E+04 0.001 3.7050E+04 0.002 3.6100E+04 0.003 3.5150E+04 0.004 3.4200E+04 0.005 3.3250E+04 0.006 3.2300E+04 0.007 3.1350E+04 0.008 3.0400E+04 0.009 2.9450E+04 0.010 2.8500E+04 0.011 2.7550E+04 0.012 2.6600E+04 0.013 2.5650E+04 0.014 2.4700E+04 0.015 2.3750E+04 0.016 2.2800E+04 0.017 2.1850E+04 0.018 2.0900E+04 0.019 1.9950E+04 0.020 1.9000E+04 0.021 1.8050E+04 0.022 1.7100E+04 0.023 1.6150E+04 0.024 1.5200E+04 0.025 1.4250E+04 0.026 1.3300E+04 0.027 1.2350E+04 0.028 1.1400E+04 0.029 1.0450E+04 0.030 9.5000E+03 0.031 8.5500E+03 0.032 7.6000E+03 0.033 6.6500E+03 0.034 5.7000E+03 0.035 4.7500E+03 0.036 3.8000E+03 0.037 2.8500E+03 0.038 1.9000E+03 0.039 9.5000E+02 0.040 0.0000E+00 0.041 -4.6635E+02 0.042 -9.3301E+02 0.043 -1.3997E+03 0.044 -1.8663E+03 0.045 -2.3330E+03 0.046 -2.7997E+03 0.047 -3.2663E+03 0.048 -3.7330E+03 0.049 -4.1997E+03 0.050 -4.6664E+03 0.051 -5.1330E+03 0.052 -5.5997E+03 0.053 -6.0664E+03 0.054 -6.5330E+03


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European Commission Joint Research Centre Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen Title: Simulation of a Standard ISO Steel Container Subjected to Blast Loading Author(s): Torbjoern Dyngeland 2010 45 pp. 21.0 x 29.7 cm Abstract The report presents the outcome of a numerical study of a full scale blast test of an unprotected 20 ft standard ISO steel container performed in a project of the Department of Structural Engineering, NTNU, Norway. In the present study numerical simulations were performed by use of the explicit finite element (FE) code EUROPLEXUS while the specific detailing and build-up of the FE-model of the container was carried out by use of the general purpose finite element code Cast3M. The container was modelled using a Von Mises material model with parameters for standard Corten steel quality. Only isotropic hardening was treated and neither temperature nor strain rate dependency were introduced in the calculations. Calculations based on an imposed pressure-time loading history (corresponding to 4000 kg TNT and a stand-off distance of 120 m) on the longitudinal front side of the container were performed. The mesh size dependency of the numerical models was investigated. The second set of calculations was a more elaborate study of the behaviour of the numerical model of the container, where a more complete pressure-time loading was applied, including also the pressure history for the roof of the container. These pressure-time histories were taken directly from the registered values in the blast tests. The results from the current study demonstrate that a sufficiently discretized finite element model with well described material parameters and realistic representation of the applied blast loadings, can replicate the global behaviour of a structure to a very high degree. Both local behaviour of critical regions in terms of stress-levels and deformations were well captured by the numerical models, and the overall global failure modes were closely reproduced when compared to the experimental blast test results.

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