Erstellt von Vincent J. Cataldi

DoJ Criminal AntiTrust : Cataldi vs. Time Warner Cable of New York

03-24-2005 Request for formal, criminal, antitrust investigation; investigation and discovery. Prepared for the Antitrust Division of the U.S. Department of Justice - New York City. (prepared without the aid of legal counsel) Regarding the matters arising out of the provisioning of the dedicated lease line interconnecting AirWeb Communications facilities located at 60 Hudson and 620 Isham: Cataldi & Associates, Inc. (d/b/a Air Web Inwood, AirWeb Communications) and Mr. James A. Cataldi, Mr. Vincent J. Cataldi, Dr. Horace A. Cataldi PhD – Chem. Engr. Vs. TimeWarner Cable of New York City - Commercial Services d/b/a Road Runner Soho - Commercial Services, located at, or conducting operations out of AOL - 7th floor at 120 East 23rd Street, NYC, and their implicated and controlling affiliates, including, ServiceCo’s d/b/a Road Runner Soho, Road Runner, or Road Runner Holding (VA), AOL Holding (VA), AOL/TWC and others.