Erstellt von Tariq Mehmood Tariq

Ahle Bidat --aqaid o kutb

In this collection you can see and read detailed aqaids of Ahle Bidat and their book. Basically there are two types of Ahle Bidat 1. Khawarij some distinguished name of ahle bidat are khawarji,ahle nehrwan,Mutazalee,qadaree,mujassamee,wahabi,najdi,deobandi,ahle hadees,salafi,tableeghi,maudoodi,ghair muqaledeen,islahee,muhammadi,qadyani,goharshahee, etc. 2. Rawafiz ahle tashaee, all sects of shia ,jafaree,zaidee,ismaeeli,tirmizi,batni,sabaee,qaramatee,qazalbashee etc.