Erstellt von Ell 'fatma' Idruzz


Alhamdulillahi Robbil ‘Alamin. First of all,The researcher would like to express her deepest gratitude for Allah SWT for the huge mercy, grace, and healthy so that she was able to finish writing this skripsi. The invocation is always sent for the leader of the mankind, Rasulullah Muhammad saw, and his family, friends, and followers. Secondly , the researcher would like to acknowledge her sincere thanks and great appreciation to her supervisors Prof. Konder Manurung, DEA., Ph.D, and Nursehang Thamrin, S.Pd., M.Ed. for their great guidances, corrections, ideas, assistances, advices, suggestions, and supports which extremely helped the writer during the writing of this skripsi. The sincere thank is also extended to her reviewer Drs. Jos. E. Ohoiwutun, M.A for the suggestions and revisions for the improvement of this skripsi. Next, she would like to express her thanks to the Rector of Tadulako University; Prof. DR. Ir. Moh. Basir Chio, SE, MS and his staff, Dra. Mestawaty As. A.MP as the Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty; and his staff, Drs. Jamiludin, M.Hum the Head of Language and Art Education Department; Dra. Rofiqoh M.Ed, the secretary of Language and Art Education Department; Dra. Sriati Usman, M.Hum the Head of English Education Study Program; Nursehang Thamrin, S.Pd, M.Ed, the secretary of English Education Study Program. After that, she would like to address a huge love and thank to all her lecturers, especially Darmawan, S.Pd, M.Phil, Dra. Rofiqoh M.Ed, and Drs. Markus Salombe M.Pd as her academic supervisor. Also she would like to thank for all staffs of FKIP for their administrative assistance. Then, she would like to express her many thanks to the Head Master of SMKK Ponpes Al- Khairaat Pusat Palu; Hj. Tasdia Galib, S.Pd for her permission to let her conduct experimental teaching at the school. In addition, the reseracher expresses her special thanks to and the English teacher; Hasanah, S.Pd the teacher of English, who has assisted and guided her during the research conducted. She also gratefully expresses her thanks to all teachers, students especially grade twelve in SMKK Ponpes Al- Khairaat Pusat Palu for their participation during the research. Last but not least, The deepest thanks to her beloved family, her father; Drs. Tjatjo. T. S. Al- Idrus, her mother; Nurhayati S.s, her brother; Moh. Husein and Ali Zainal Abidin, her sister, Syarifah Nur Fadila for their sincere love, never-ending supports assistances, advices, finance, and wonderful patience for her success in study. The researcher also thanks very much to her big family especially for her aunt Ramlah S. Pd for all of her help, supports, and prays during her study. Finally, the researcher would like to express her special thanks to all of her beloved friends : Irmawati, Fajriah, Astuti, Baiq Asmarani S. Pd, Zuli Indriani, Munifa, Yudha, Fuad, Budi, Ferry, Arif Syahrofin, Anshar, Zulfianingsih, May, and all of 2006 academic year, Members of Posko PPLT Marana (Ikbal, Sri Nutfah, Ramlah, Wiwin, Indri and Sarifa), Banteng Community (Budi Irawan, Budi Lacado, Ocenk, Anjar, Candra, Ciko and Wawan), Possisani English Club Members (Riska, Lia, Kiki, Rina, and Pay), my lovely far friend M. Dian Soleh Nurdiansyah, Ulfianti and all of my friends, who cannot be mentioned here, for their meaningful help, love, care, partnership, support and show to him the real meaning of a friendship. Palu, Februari 2011 The writer