Erstellt von Vaishnavi Jayakumar

D_I Accessibility Standards in India

Tags India, Accessibility, Accessible, Universal Design, Disability, Disabled, Inclusive, Inclusion, wheelchair, handicapped toilet, crutches, callipers, braille, physically challenged, differently abled, special needs, impaired, impairment, inform, invalid, old, senior citizens, Access for All, Design for All, Indian, Disabilities, PWD, Ministry of Urban Development Formerly named Ministry of Urban Development and Poverty Alleviation was designated as the nodal Ministry for implementation of barrier free built environment for the persons with disabilities and elderly people as envisaged in “The Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995”. Ministry of Urban Development and Poverty Alleviation prepared a Model Building Bye-Laws for providing accessibility to persons with disabilities to public buildings/places. These Building Bye-Laws were sent to State Governments, Union Territories, Delhi Development Authority, Municipal Corporation of Delhi, New Delhi Municipal Committee, etc. for adoption. So far, 10 States and 2 Union Territories have framed their own building bye-laws/ adopted the bye-laws of Ministry of Urban Development.