Erstellt von Lifechanyuan

Xuefeng, Ripe Crops and Chanyuan Celestial

Xuefng called himself the messenger of the Greatest Creator, and the incarnation of Jesus Christ and Buddha Sakyamuni. He said he've been dispatched by God and Buddha and come from the Thousand-year world to enlighten the human being in the Mortal World. He said he is the angel to harvest the ripe crop foretold in the Bible. The so-called "ripe crop" refers to person with a perfect soul. Chanyuan celestial, mainly the angel coming down from the upper world to the Mortal World, is the “ripe crops” gathered by lifechanyuan and get the visa of LIFE. Chanyuan celestials bear the holy mission of initiating Lifechanyuan era - the millennium after 2013.The number of Chanyuan Celestial covers about 1% of the total human population. Everyone who resonates with Lifechanyuan-values is possible to be a Chanyuan Celestial.