Erstellt von John Sobert Sylvest

Religion & Politics - part 2

US Catholic bishops, Charles Curran, abortion law , Peter Kreeft, Archbishop Chaput, essentialism, nominalism, evolutionary epistemology, fallibilism, pragmatism, semiotic realism, Carol Tauer, probablism, moral status of the early embryo, pro-choice, pro-life, Catholic moral tradition, magisterium, POTUS, SCOTUS, epistemic warrant, normative justification, evaluative eco-rationality, interpretive impetus, methodologically-autonomo us, holonic-like concepts, axiologically-integral, human identity, personal identity, nonstrict identity, temporally asymmetrical identity, emergence paradigm, Daniel Dombrowski, Charles's Hartshorne, moral agent, latent, incipient, sentient, sapient, nascent, phenomenological, metaphysical, moral significance, moral patiency, moral agency, personhood, ensoulment, Carol Tauer, psychic personhood, moral status of the embryo