Erstellt von AA Vaughan

Vaughan v London Borough of Lewisham

The Vaughan v London Borough cases involve legal actions in the Employment Tribunal and High Court, brought by a former Lewisham Council employee (AA Vaughan), on the grounds of discrimination, whistleblowing detriment, unfair dismissal, defamation, human rights breaches. AA Vaughan was unrepresented throughout the 3 year marathon legal battle. She single-handedly, and without any legal training, took on the FTSE 100 Company Babcock and Lewisham Council. The evidence submitted to the London South Employment Tribunal, Employment Appeal Tribunal and the High Court in support of AA Vaughan's claims includes statements of case, witness statements, skeleton arguments, chronologies, schedule of claims and covert recordings and transcripts. You can obtain further copies of the legal documentation pertaining to the Vaughan v London Borough of Lewisham legal cases by visiting the website