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Age Stratification Theory

Rael D. Bustos John Benneth Basto


Society is stratified by age groups that are the basis for acquiring resources, roles, status, and deference from others.

Age cohorts are influenced by their historical context and share similar experiences, beliefs, attitudes and expectations of life course transitions.

This theory views the aging person as an individual element society and also a member, with peers, interacting in a social process.

The theory attempts to explain the interdependence between older adults and society and how they constantly influence each other in a variety of ways.

PersonEnvironment Fit Model

Sometimes the balance between ourselves and our environment is just right

We balance the demands of life (environmental press) in our lives because we have the resources (personal competence) to parents school do so




Sometimes our environment places pressure on us and we feel stressed.

Such as an exam

A certain amount of Environmental Press (stress from the environment) can actually facilitate moving us into a phase of Maximum Performance Potential.

Graduation !

1st Place

Most of us have learned ways to cope with stress using various self care activities.

Self-care helps us return to an even balance between environmental press and our personal competence.

This balance can be disrupted for older adults in the midst of changes related to aging and/or episodes of illness. Our skill as nurses can assist older adults to regain their balance so that they function at their highest level.

Examples of Environmental Press for the Older Adult



of home, job, spouse, ability to drive Lack of familiar supports: walker, cane Absence of sensory aids such as glasses and hearing aids

Intervention: Reduction of Environmental Press

Assess what in the environment is a stressor for the older adult. Stressors for a cognitively impaired individual will be different from those for a cognitively intact older adult with a high level of independent functioning.

Examples of interventions that reduce environmental press: glasses and hearing aids; orienting cues (clocks and calendars); familiar items from home; noise reduction; and adaptive devices.

Intervention: Increasing Personal Competence

Assess what has served the person in the past to manage stressors and increase personal competence. Refer to occupational and/or physical therapy, to increase personal skill level to recuperate or adapt to current situation. Supportive groups:

Religious Family Social

What interventions do I use?

The focus on decreasing environmental press and/or facilitating an increase in personal competence depends on each individual and the circumstances.
For individuals who are cognitively impaired, focus more energy on reduction of environmental press while maintaining their current level of competence for as long as possible. For cognitively intact individuals, depending on their level of ability, focus on reduction of environmental press while they learn ways to develop and/or increase their personal competence.


Elderly transform from a materialistic/rational perspective toward oneness with the universe. Successful transformation includes an outward focus, accepting impending death, substantive relationships, intergenerational connectedness and unity with the universe


main dimensions:

Cosmic Self Social


Transcendence of borders between past and present Acceptance that not everything in life has an explanation New comprehension of death and of immortality through the genetic chain Increased appreciation of small joys


away from egocentricity


- realisation that lifes puzzle pieces form a whole discovery of hidden aspects of the self, both good and bad.



selective, less interest in superficial relationships need for solitude



away from materialism away from right / wrong duality


Thank you for listening!

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