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Information about the Pharaohs

The pharaoh had to ensure the succession. For this reason, he had many wives, but only one was considered a queen, and was called the Great Royal Wife. When a Great Royal Wife died, the king chooses another from among its women to replace it. The pharaoh, assuming, became high priest of the kingdom. His priestly mission was to build temples in addition to repair and maintain existing ones throughout the kingdom. It was his function also to ensure that they meet the established church services. When Pharaoh was considered the earthly representative of all the gods. Especially was identified with Horus, the god real, but occasionally also with Ra, the sun god. When he died, went to be identified with Osiris. The Pharaoh, on the day of the coronation, received five names; they made up their formal title.

More information
The Rod Nejej, ancient symbol of the state, was shaped like a scourge or flail. It was widely used in ceremonies, and appears frequently associated with the god Osiris.


The Scepter Heka is the eternal companion of Nejej. Its role was clear: as a shepherd leads the cattle with a rod, the Pharaoh does heka with all his people.

The coronation ceremony took place at Memphis, first capital of united kingdom The Egyptian priest Manetho, who lived at the time of the first kings Ptolemy (around 300 BC.) Received the royal order of writing a history of Egypt.

From Menes, 3100 BC., until the year 2600 B.C., the monarchy went through moments of weakness and was being questioned by the local nobility. So it is not surprising that in the II dynasty kings lost power and had to face dangerous riots that threatened the stability of the country.

Their tombs

Kings Palaces

Egyptians pharaohs

The most known Tutankamon

The last one Cleopatra

Info about the pharaohs

Pharaoh is the name of the biblical kings of ancient Egypt. For the Egyptians, the first was Narmer, called Menes by Manetho, who reigned about the year 3050 BC, and the last was Cleopatra VII reigning from year 51 to 30 BC.

The tombs of the pharaohs

The tombs of the pharaohs were the pyramids

The Old Kingdom of Egypt

The Old Kingdom is the name given to the period in the 3rd millennium BC. This was the first one of three periods which marked the high points of civilization in the lower Nile Valley.

Third Dynasty
The first king of the Old Kingdom was Djoser (sometime between 2691 and 2625 BC) of the Third Dynasty, who ordered the construction of a pyramid (the Step Pyramyd) in Memphisnecropolis, Saqquara.

Fourth Dynasty

The most important point of the Old Kingdom was in the fourth Dynasty. During this period, Snefuru (2613- 2589 BC) used more stone than any other pharaoh; he built three pyramids in Meidum: The Bent, the Red Dahshur. However, the most remarkable pyramid was the great pyramid at Giza.

Fifth through Eighth Dynasties

In the fifth Dinasty the pharaoh made some reforms and there were several civil wars. These conflicts weakened the power of the government and caused famines. Finally, all of this led to the decline.

Middle Kingdom

Middle Kingdom is the period in the history of ancient Egypt when, the Eleventh dynasty between 2055 BC and 1650 BC ruled and the funerary cult of Osiris became an Egyptian popular religion.

One of the innovations in sculpture that occurred during the Middle Kingdom was the block statue. Block statues consist of a man with his arms folded.

New Kingdom
The New Kingdom of Egypt, also referred as the Egyptian Empire, is the period in ancient Egyptian history between the 16th century BC and the 11th century BC It was Egypts most prosperous time and marked the peak of its power. The later part of this period, under the Nineteenth and Twentieth Dynasties (1292-1069 BC) is also known as the Ramesside period, after the eleven pharaohs that took the name of Ramesses.

New Kingdom era and art Radiocarbon dating suggests that the New Kingdom may have started a few years earlier than the conventional date of 1550 BC. The radiocarbon date range for its beginning is 1570-1544 BC, the mean point of which is 1557 BC.

Egyptian pyramids

Egyptian Pyramids
Pyramids were built during Old Kingdom. They are huge shape structures built by Egyptian builders and slaves. Until 2008, 138 pyramids were were found in Egypt

The pyramids are the stone tombs of Egypt's kings, the main purpose of those Pyramids were being tombs for the Egyptian PHARAOHS. They were not burried alone. They were burried with all their consort, gold and treasures belongings. It took around 20 years to build each pyramid. There were thousands workers building it.

Historical development
By the time of the early dynasty period of Egyptian history, those with sufficient means were buried in bench-like structures known as mastabas.

The Great Pyramid of Giza and Mastabas

Pyramid symbolism
The Egyptians believed that if the pharaohs body could be mummified after death the pharaoh would live forever. The tombs were built to protect the buried pharaohs body and his belongings.

The Pharaohs

Where did the Egyptians Pharaohs live

Valley Of The King

In dinasty XVIII, XIX and XX when the pharaohs died, they buried them in The Valley Of The King

The majority of the royal tombs were decorated with religious texts and images.

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