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Intra-uterine Growth Restriction

Dr Shantala Vadeyar
Advanced Obstetric Ultrasound (RCOG / RCR) Subspecialist Fetal & Maternal Medicine (RCOG)


Consultant Obstetrician, Fetal & Maternal Medicine Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital, Mumbai

IUGR is failure to achieve the fetal growth potential Difference between size and growth Size - one measurement Growth multiple measurements plotted on a graph Growth charts important in fetuses like in children

Size v/s Growth

Small for gestational age - <2.5 kg Preterm gestation and small Term gestation and small Healthy but small Constitutionally small Pathologically small IUGR

Chronic maternal conditions

Renal disease Hypertension Long standing Diabetes Congenital heart disease

Causes of IUGR 1. Maternal

Smoking Alcohol Anemia - severe

Causes of IUGR 2. Fetal

Infection TORCH
Toxoplasma, Rubella, CMV


Chromosomal abnormalities
Trisomy 18 (Edward syndrome)

Multifetal pregnancy
Chorionicity determination is vital MC Twins, Twin twin transfusion syndrome

Causes of IUGR 3. Placental

Placental thrombosis / infarctions Antiphospholipid syndrome Chorioamnionitis Abruptio placentae usually acute, but sometimes, small recurrent bleeds Placenta previa

Causes of IUGR 4. Uterine

Poor uterine blood flow Poor placental blood flow Large fibroids leading to poor placentation Uterine anomalies septate or subseptate uterus

IUGR screening
Whom to screen? Ideally Symphysis Fundal Height performed regularly for all pregnancies SFH in cms = weeks of gestation High risk cases will need ultrasound for growth, liquor volume, umbilical artery Doppler and Biophysical Profile Umbilical Artery Doppler is the best test!

Accurate dating is vital!
< 20 weeks of gestation, preferably < 14 wks

Suspect clinically
Uterus palpates small Less amniotic fluid Reduced fetal movements

High risk maternal, placental, uterine or fetal factors

Ultrasound diagnosis of IUGR

Growth Measure the fetus biometry
Head circumference Abdominal circumference Femur length

Measure the amniotic fluid- AF index, SDP Evaluate the blood flows- Dopplers!

Uterine Artery Doppler

Screening test in pregnant women High resistance waveform- notching indicates poor placentation Notches are present in early gestation but disappear 24 weeks onwards Bilateral notches are significant

Uterine A DopplerNormal

Uterine Artery Doppler

Notching indicates a high risk pregnancy Increased risk of
Pre-eclampsia Growth restriction Placental abruption Intrauterine fetal death

Increased monitoring- growth scans, Umbilical artery Doppler

Uterine A DopplerNotching

Umbilical Artery Doppler

Indicates resistance in the feto-placental vascular bed Angle of insonation should be <60o From 16 weeks onwards- positive end diastolic flow (EDF) Reduced EDF, Absent EDF and Reversed EDF represent increasing resistance in the vascular bed

Umbilical Artery Doppler

Umbilical A: AEDF

Umbilical A: REDF

Fetal growth
Serial assessments are important Growth trajectory is important, not size! Symmetrically small fetus
Constitutionally small Genetic syndromes/ chromosomal abn Very early onset IUGR

Asymmetric- HC>AC suggests growth restriction due to placental insufficiency

Clinical history

Interpretation of Ultrasound findings in IUGR

Previous poor outcome Antepartum haemorrhage Reduced fetal movements

Gestation- how accurate? Viability? U/S- Growth, Biphysical profile, Umbilical Artery and Uterine Dopplers CTG (NST)

Antenatal Surveillance in IUGR

Watch fetal movements Maternal health pre-eclampsia Biophysical Profile Score Comprises 2 points each for Fetal body movements Fetal tone Fetal breathing movements Amniotic fluid volume CTG

Fetal Middle Cerebral Artery Doppler

22-28 weeks- no EDF in MCA 28w to term- some EDF seen- normal Increased EDF ( low PI) suggests brain sparing redistribution in IUGR Worsening hypoxia- fetal acidemia- paradoxical rise in resistance (high PI) Cerebro-placental ratio increases this is indicative of IUGR

MCA Doppler

MCA Doppler- IUGR

What does NOT help

Duvadilan / Bricanyl Amnioinfusions Oxygen therapy Amninoacid preparations Bed rest ??

Timing of delivery
>34 weeks good neonatal outcome <34 weeks - Betamethasone inj should be given to the mother Fetal pulmonary maturity Reduces risk of intra-ventricular haemorrhage Very preterm gestation - <28 weeks ? To wait or to deliver

Preterm labour in IUGR

Often IUGR fetuses / pregnancies tend to go into preterm labour Natures way of resolving the problem Important to recognise this and avoid prolongation of pregnancy!

Mode of delivery
Labour is a stressful process for the fetus Every contraction reduces oxygenation, though briefly and it recovers Prolonged difficult labours should be avoided! Continuous fetal monitoring is a MUST! Elective LSCS for severe IUGR, abnormal presentation, oligohydramnios, abnormal CTG/ NST

Mild moderate IUGR good Severe early onset IUGR some organ systems may be compromised Gut - Neonatal necrotising enterocolitis Kidneys renal failure Brain cerebral palsy Genetic syndromes / malformations

IUGR in DC twins
Dichorionic twins- confirmed by 10-12w scans Twin 1
AC : dropped from 10th to 5th centile AF : 3rd centile Absent EDF in one umb artery initially, then both Bladder seen, normal biophysical score

Twin 2
AC: 50th centile, Normal AF, Normal UA Doppler Normal sized bladder, heart, biophysical scores

Management- when to deliver?

Monitor biophysical profiles and Umbilical Artery Dopplers Risk of preterm delivery versus compromise What is the significance of worsening Umbilical A Dopplers? Risks of preterm delivery- respiratory distress syndrome, necrotising enterocolitis, infection Risk to well grown fetus of prematurity Intrauterine complications- abruption, worsening of maternal PET, IUFD

Decision to deliver
Twice weekly Biophysical scores Twice daily CTGs, FM monitoring 31 weeks: Both Umb A in twin 1 showed absent EDF. Discussion with parents- proceed to LSCS Twin 1 was1 kg, twin 2 was 1.8 kg, both males NEC in Twin 1 recovered Good outcome

IUGR- Case 2
25 year old primigravida 34 weeks, presented with severe oedema, raised BP, proteinuria Diagnosis: PET (pre-eclampsia) Scan: Both AC, HC less than 3rd centile Amniotic fluid volume: 5th centile Biophysical score 6/10

IUGR- MCA redistribution

IUGR:Umbilical A Doppler AEDF

IUGR: DV- normal

Total Pregnancy Care is an online guide for pregnancy, childbirth and motherhood related information. Women wanting to conceive, pregnant women, expecting parents, and new mothers can use this pregnancy portal for a healthy pregnancy, fulfilling childbirth and joyful motherhood. With pregnancy at its core, this portal covers various important aspects and especially addresses those matters that the Indian Woman always wanted to know but did not know whom to ask. This website is compiled by Dr. Shantala, an Indian Obstetrician and Gynaecologist. She has over 20 years of extensive medical and diagnostics experience in areas commonly related to the Maternity and Pregnancy fields. She has studied and practiced in India as well as in the United Kingdom and thus brings about the fusion of best practices of the Oriental East and the Progressive West. A mother of three children, she has complete understanding of the emotional, mental and physical needs of the New Age Pregnant Woman. Her patients appreciate her empathic approach and wholeheartedly express their gratitude for her generosity and care. Dr.Shantala is presently a full time Obstetrics and Gynaecology Consultant at the Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital and Medical Research Institute, a premier health care initiative of the Reliance ADA Group. Dr.Shantala has a clear vision to promote a holistic pregnancy approach and her mission is to provide comprehensive maternity care. This website,, is her first step towards this future.

Services Offered
Pre-pregnancy counseling Genetic counseling Antenatal care, Labour Delivery Specialist Ultrasound scans
Viability scan The First trimester scan / Nuchal translucency scans Detailed anatomy / anomaly scans Fetal Echocardiograph 3D / 4D scans

Assessment of the High risk Fetus and Mother Amniocentesis Chorionic Villous sampling Cordocentesis Intra-uterine transfusions Embryo Reduction / Selective fetocide Second opinion scans

Topics covered
Working on getting pregnant or just starting to think about a family, this is the place for you

From trying to conceive to the first trimester to labor, learn what to expect during your pregnancy and more

Labor Delivery
From that first contraction to the final push, here's what to expect during labor and delivery

Learn more about your diet and workouts, shopping, feeding and your child's health

Interactive Corner
Month by Month happenings Articles FAQs Gestation Calendar

Society Memberships
British Maternal & Fetal Medicine Society Fetal Medicine Centre Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital & Medical Research Institute Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology

Contact Us
Email: Mobile: +91 9324304212 KDAH Board line: +91 22 30999999


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