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Abhishek Kr Gupta

Department of Electrical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur (IIT K)


What is MATLAB?
MATrix LABoratory Does Matrix Operations Thousands of inbuilt functions ToolBoxes GUIS A programming Language
A complete software package Simulink Modeling tools EDA tools


A Simple Start:
Add two Variables
No definitions needed, no classes needed On command window type:
>>A=5; >>B=4; >>C=A+B;

Type C to see the value


Editors are used to store codes
Code is nothing but just a set of lines M Files are used in MATLAB having extension .m

Types: Script File

Set of code lines A code implementing some functions like sin, cos exp (they are inbuilt)

Function File

Defining Matrices:
Just write all the entries separated by the space or

comma and enclosed in a bracket [] A=[1 2 3 2] Or A=[1,2,3,2] For column matrix, put semicolon ; in between A=[1;2;3;2]

Importance of Matrix:
Not just as a transformation Also set of data or samples Electrical Signals Performance outputs Images Also as model representation Polynomials Transfer functions Neural Networks


These are some of the Polynomials you have Come across.

Polynomials in MATLAB
A polynomial can be represented in the form of

coefficients. For example, if you want to write

You have to just write [1 2 2 5] Each number represents the value of coefficients.

This will be represented as [1 0 2 5]

System Modeling using Matrix:

Recall the well known example of LCR circuit:


Output across resistor V0=R.i

Modeled using matrix as

Similarly a Motor System

A Motor Speed System

We write its state equations:

Transfer Functions

Polynomials [K2] [1 2 K2]

Neural Systems
Systems modeled as a set of transformation with

neurons as Weight matrixes

Problems with Other Programming Languages

No Matrix operations
For Loops everywhere Lots of unnecessary lines


Define Matrixs
Mix , and ; to make 2 D matrix

A=[1 2 3 2; 1 3 2 1;2 3 6 1] Make A 1 to 10 Matrix A=[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10]; Make 1 to 100

Tired?? Use colon :Which mean TO


Colon (:) = TO

Gives a vector from 1 to 4

1234 [1:0.5:4] Gives a vector from 1 to 4 with step 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 [0:0.1:2*pi] Gives a vector containing 0 to 2

Matrix Operators Y=A^2 Y=A^B

Dot Operators Y=A.^2 X=A.*B Y=A.^B

Functions Subscripting

Typical MATLAB functions

Mathematical sqrt sin,cos,tan Log, exp Creation ones zeros eye Rand Information size length

Typical MATLAB functions

Matrix Operations sum diag transpose or inv det eig fliplr reshape flipud rot90 repmat

Concatenation of Matrices
Suppose A, B, C are matrices
If we write [A B] or [A,B] If we write [A;B]

Similarly [A B C] and [A;B;C]

[[A B];C]

Crete a with size 4x5

With elements from 3to7\


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