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Presentation on Missile

Made by -: Name- Pulkit Sharma(073) and Satyam Dham(092) College -Hindustan college of sci. and technology

Where everything is bad, it must be good to know the worst.

. Involves guiding of missile onto its target by using some radiation like infrared, radio waves or laser.

Flight system uses the data from guidance system to follow a moving target .

missiles are powered by engine , jet engine are generally used in cruise missiles . Most commonly used is a turbojet type.

provides its primary destructive power . These are mainly an high explosive type

The first missile used was V-1 flying bomb and V-2 , which are developed by germany in world war 2

Indias recently manufactured missile is shaurya. It is manufactured by DRDO (Defence Research and Development Organisation) 2011.

Two stage , solid fueled rocket motors. Mach 7.5

It is a hypersonic surface to surface missile . It is a land version of sagarika which was a under water missile . travels 700 km in 500seconds .

Missiles are used for different purposes

surface to surface. Surface to air. Air to air. Anti satellite missiles.

The word missile comes from the Latin verb mittere , meaning To send.



Ballistic missile
Ballistic missiles are largely used for land attack missions.

Cruise missile
Cruise missiles are generally associated with land attack operations, but also have an important role as anti-shipping weapons.

ballistic missile means a munition that follows a ballistic trajectory .

cruise missile to describe a munition that generates lift.

There are currently two types of cruise missile in service: a. The air-launched AGM-86 . b. Tomahawk BGM-109 ship or submarinelaunched version.

Tomahawk cruise missile

This section attempts to explain the workings of cruise missiles using the Tomahawk cruise missile as an example / case study .

Materials used
While the materials that make up cruise missiles are classified, it can be safely assumed that there is a good deal of aluminum, plastic, and steel alloys involved in the production of the frame. Additionally, there are lightweight and heat resistant ceramic compounds, as well as structural plastic .

The engine is largely composed of aluminum and steel alloys, as well as the fuel tank.
In the tomahawk missile, the fuel supply is a solid fuel compound, which undoubtedly contains nitrogen, some powdered metal, crystalline oxidizer, and a polymer (plastic) binding agent..

Fuel ????? Solid Propellant

The fuel source of the Tomahawk is a solid propellant. Without going into excessive detail, a solid fuel propellant intended for use in a turbofan engine is made up of nitrogen, some powdered metal, crystalline oxidizer, and a polymer binding agent.

Edge over other missiles

Additional features that set the Tomahawk apart from other missiles in its class are the guidance system, the propulsion system, and the distance it is able to travel. Military officials say that the next generation missile can be retargeted during flight and will even be able to circle above a battlefield waiting for orders to attack.

Some are incredibly nimble, being able to turn 180o in a matter of seconds.

There is a massive variety of missiles each suited to a particular Job.

This image illustrates a launch by ship from a battleship. This missile will be able to travel up to 1000 miles to its destination.

Another Tomahawk being launched from a submarine.

Hows it work???
During launch, a solid propellant rocket fires the Tomahawk to sufficient altitude. The turbofan engine then takes over for the cruise portion of flight. Cruise missiles are very effective because they are difficult to detect. They have a small cross-section, and fly at very low altitudes.

Infrared detection is difficult because turbofan engines emit little heat.

The sea-launched missiles are 18.25 feet long. It weighs 2,650 pound and has a range of 690 miles.

Great loss to humanity . Great loss to an environment .

All such ammunitions tends to cause a great loss to humanity but on a positive note , if these are used sagely and in an appropriate manner and self defense then the loss to humanity can be minimized .

Thank you..


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