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Digital Inequality

EdTech 501 Gamma Group

Wiley Brady, Christa Brediger, Arne Hendricksen, Sherri Harrelson, Reid McLain


Things have shifted; the digital divide still exists between older individuals of different backgrounds, but among adolescents there is a high rate of tech access, even for the most underserved - Gregory Gaskin

What is digital divide / digital inequality?

"The idea of the "digital divide" refers to the growing gap between the underprivileged members of society, especially the poor, rural, elderly, and handicapped portion of the population who do not have access to computers or the internet; and the wealthy, middle-class, and young Americans living in urban and suburban areas who have access."
Stanford University Student Research. (n.d.) Digital divide. Retrieved from


Using North Carolina

2,524 Schools
o 115 School Districts o 97 Public Charter Schools

Over 300 public libraries 34% dropout rate among

economically disadvantaged

Task Force
We are acting as members of a Digital Inequality Task Force hired by our State Superintendent of Public Instruction.

We have been given a special allocation of $50M to address digital inequalities in the state.

Our Task Force to consider the following seven options:

7 options

Equip Libraries

Equip Schools

Buy Equipment

Literacy Classes


Subsidized Internet

Free Internet

Group Rankings

Groups least liked solutions...

Provide individuals in disadvantaged communities with computers.

Group Ranking: 7th Place

How do we decide who qualifies? Internet costs and other hidden costs such as antivirus, anti-spyware, or other software and programs are not included.

Instead, lets build computer skills.

Subsidize Internet Service Providers to provide low-cost Internet to all state residents.
Group Ranking: 6th Place

It could expand technology reach, but is the most effective?

Would the people who really needed it get the access?

Should government funds be used for private enterprise?

Provide high-speed Internet and mobile access for all state residents.
Group Ranking: 5th Place

Only effective if the consumer already possesses an internet enabled device. Costs could be too high and wasteful. Even with the provided service, many may not have the knowledge to enable adequate use of the resource. Hard to restrict access to inappropriate or illegal content, which should not be funded by public means

Groups most liked solutions...

Develop free online educational content, giving first priority to content most relevant to lower socioeconomic groups before content that is relevant to the rest of the public. 4th Place Group Ranking:
Do the low socioeconomic groups have the equipment and skills?
What would make this content different than what is available now?

Should be available for all groups equally.

Easier access than brick and mortar classes.

Provide information literacy courses to enhance computer skills and enable knowledgeable use of digital technologies.
Group Ranking: 3rd Place

Can be done within targeted communities in recreations centers, schools and libraries. Potential to remove apprehension and fear of technology. Students can continue to grow after they have completed the courses. Will students have the means to continue after the class?

Install computers in all public libraries in the state and expand the hours when the computers are available.
Group Ranking: 2nd Place

Increased access to more people. Promotes literacy by default.

Located in most communities

Extra classes could be taught.

Expand staffing and other resources so that public schools can be open to the public after normal school hours, on weekends, and during the summer months.
Group Ranking: 1st Place

A central location for communities to easily access computers and internet is provided. The environment is controlled and safe for all users. Longer hours provides more availability to those who work during the week.

Tech service available.

Merging the top 4

expand library resources

add a free elearning environment

expand school resources

add literary courses

Physical Resources

Educational Resources


From the conducted research and the conversations among team members, it is obvious that this problem is still very much a reality even today. Unless we find a reliable, affordable, and effective method for reaching those without knowledge and access of the internet, digital inequality will remain. In order for all citizens to experience the same possibilities, and thus be truly equal, we must find a solution and we must find it NOW. Access to the internet and the technology tools it provides is no longer a privilege, it is a right, and it is necessary for full participation within our society.

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