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Care giving in Dementia

Understanding the Disease

Deterioration of intellectual faculties, such as memory, concentration, and judgment, resulting from a disease of the brain. It is sometimes accompanied by emotional disturbance and personality changes.

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Significant memory problems Significant thinking deficits

Decline severe enough to interfere with relationships or work.

Symptoms appear gradually and become worse over time.

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Understanding Treatment
Only Symptomatic

Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitors. Memantine. Antipsychotics. Antidepressants. Antioxidants.

Acetyl cholinesterase Inhibitors. Memantine. Antipsychotics.


You, not he or she, will have to change Predictable course of the disease is downward Eventually you will have to make decisions on his or her behalf.

Planning the Care

Healthcare Decisions. Financial Aspects. Home Vs Facility.

Visitors & Social Events.

Primary & Secondary Caregivers.

Protecting yourself
Schedule mini workouts.
Take time to play. Try something new. Keep them laughing. Ask for help.

Connect through Change

Celebrate what is possible. Understand the challenge. Try to envision his world. Authenticate and motivate. Make a favorites list.

Nonverbal Communication Tips

Limit distractions and face your loved one to gain attention Use simple gestures.

Wait patiently for responses to show respect.

Listen with your eyes for cues.

Observe breathing to gauge emotional affect.

Look for permission to touch and soothe.

Augment the Patient's Sensory Experience

Limit surprises by maintaining routines.

Create a memory-rich environment.

Share enriching sensory experiences.

Caregiver's Watch Out For

Burn Out Symptoms.


Other Medical illness


Alzheimer's Disease groups.

Caregiver Groups. Doctors & Nurses. Social Media.

Thank you

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