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Liver- Gall bladder


I. LR-2 (Xingjian)
Between the 1st and 2nd toe, proximal to the margin of the web Indications: Menorrhagia, urethralgia, enuresis, retention of urine, hernia, deviation of mouth, redness, swelling and pain of the eye, pain in the hypochondriac region, headache, blurring of vision, epilepsy, convulsion, insomnia

II. LR-3 (Taichong)

In the depression distal to the junction of the 1st and 2nd metatarsal bone Indications: Uterine bleeding, hernia, enuresis, retention of urine, pain in the anterior aspect of the medial malleolus, fullness in the hypochondriac region, deviation of mouth, infantile convulsion, epilepsy, headache, vertigo, insomnia

III. LR-14 (Qimen) On the mammillary line, two ribs below the nipple, in the 6th intercostal space Front Mu point of the Liver (gathering point of Liver Qi) Indications: Pain in the chest and hypochondriac region, abdominal distention, fullness of the chest, vomiting, hiccups Puncture obliquely 0.3 inches

IV. GB-20 (Fengchi)

In the posterior aspect of the neck, below the occipital bone, in the depression between the upper portion of the sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles Indications: Headache, dizziness, pain and stiffness of the neck, red and painful eyes, rhinorrhea, pain in the shoulder and back, febrile diseases, common cold

V. GB-24 (Riyue)
Inferior to the nipple, between the cartilages of the 7th and 8th ribs, one rib below LR-14 Front Mu point of the Gall Bladder (gathering point of Gall Bladder Qi) Indications: Vomiting, regurgitation, jaundice, hiccups

VI. GB-31 (Fengshi)

On the midline of the lateral aspect of the thigh, 7 cun above the transverse popliteal crease. When patient is standing erect with hands close to the sides, the point is where the tip of the middle finger touches Indications: General pruritus, hemiplegia, muscular atrophy, motor impairment and pain of the lower extremity

GB-34 (Yanglingquan) In the depression anterior and inferior to the head of the fibula Indications: Hemiplegia, muscular atrophy, motor impairment, numbness and pain of the lower extremities, pain and swelling of the knee, pain in the hypochondriac and costal region, bitter taste in mouth, vomiting


I. Heat in blood Sudden bursts of profuse bleeding or prolonged uterine bleeding Restlessness, fever, thirst, lower abdominal pain

II. Blood stasis Excessive flow during period or excessively long period Distending pain Dark clots

III. Spleen Deficiency Irregular cycle Bleeding outside period proper Prolonged menstruation Shortness of breath Pale face and poor appetite

IV. Kidney yang deficiency Prolonged bleeding with a trickle after period proper Late periods Cold feeling Sore back Pale complexion and pale limbs, weak knees

V. Kidney yin deficiency Trickling of blood Late cycle Dizziness, tinnitus, weak knees, feelings of heat in the evening Night sweats, hot flushes, malar flush, restlessness

General treatment points SP4 and SP6, ST30, SP8, LR6, KI5 (Xi Cleft controls bleeding) With Blood Heat: add LI11 (gets rid of heat)

With Blood Stasis: add TH5 and TH6, LR1 and LR3 With Spleen Deficiency: add CV6, GV20, UB20, UB21, ST36

With Kidney Yang Deficiency: add CV6, ST36, UB23, CV4, KI7

With Kidney Yin Deficiency: add CV6, UB23, KI3, KI2, ST36 Premenstrual Stress Qi and blood stagnation in Liver Treatment: CV3, LR3, LI4, LR14, SP8, ST25


Etiology and Pathogenesis 1. Invasion of pathogenic winds in the upper meridians Sudden change of weather or exposure to wind > Pathogenic winds invade upper meridian > Obstruction of qi and blood in the meridians

2. Stagnation of Liver qi Anger > Stagnation of liver qi > Upsurge of liver fire > Headache

3. Deficiency of qi and blood Irregular food intake, stress, chronic disease and congenital illness > Deficiency of qi and blood > Prevents clear yang to ascend > mind is not nourished

Syndrome Differentiation 1. Invasion of pathogenic wind Occurs on exposure to wind Pain extends to the nape and back Violent, boring, or fixed pain Tongue: thin, white coating Pulse: wiry or string-taut Treatment: According to the meridian

Pain on the occipital area GB20, BL60, SI3, BL10, + ahshi points Pain in the lateral side GB8, Taiyang, TH5, GB41, GB20 Pain in the forehead ST8, GV23, Yintang, LI4, ST44, GB40, BL2 Pain on top of head GV20, SI3, BL67, LR3, KI1, Si Shencong

2. Upsurge of liver yang Blurred vision

Severe pain on bilateral sides of head Irritability, hot-tempered, flushed face Bitter taste in the mouth Tongue: red, yellowish coating Pulse: wiry or string-taut, rapid Treatment: LR2, GB34

3. Deficiency of qi and blood

Lingering headache Dizziness, blurred vision, lassitude Lustreless face, relieved by warmth, aggravated by cold Overstrain or mental stress Tongue: pale, thin, and white coating Pulse: weak and thread Treatment: CV6, ST36

Thank you very much!

Dr. Mike Vergara Disaster Manager 0918-441-7117

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