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The Teachings of Islam

Chapter 9

9.1 Introduction
Islam is a way of life for Muslims. How does Islam affect the lives of Muslims? The Quran is the Muslim holy book and the Sunnah is the example of Muhammad. What are the 5 Pillars of Islam? 5 Pillars: faith, prayer, charity, fasting, and making a pilgrimage to Mecca.

9.2 What is the Background on Islam?

Islam spread from Arabia to the Mid East, North Africa to Spain, to central Asia. How many people on Earth are Muslim? What do Christianity, Judaism, and Islam have in common? Christians, Jews, and Muslims are all monotheistic, and they all trace their religions to the prophet Abraham. Muslims believe all 3 believe in the same God.

9.3 What is the Quran and the Sunnah?

The Quran is the Muslim holy book that contains the messages from Gabriel to Muhammad. How do Muslims treat the Quran? Whats the Sunnah? Examples? The Sunnah is the example Muhammad set for Muslims during his lifetime. For 200 years these written and verified accounts of his life (called hadith) were recorded in the Sunnah.

9.4 What Is the First Pillar: Shahadah

It is the profession of faith. What is the profession? There is no god but God, and Muhammad is the messenger of God. What does the first part do? It affirms monotheism; belief in one god called Allah. What does the second part do? It also identifies Muhammad as Gods messenger. What else do Muslims believe in? Muslims also believe in an unseen world of angels. They believe that all people will be judged when they die.

9.5 What Is the Second Pillar: Salat

It is daily ritual prayer and emphasizes religious discipline, spirituality, and closeness to God. How many times a day do they pray? They are called to prayer 5xs a day. What must they do before they pray? B/f prayer they must wash, form lines behind an imam, and face in the direction of Mecca. Where do they worship? Muslims dont have a sabbath, but they do meet at the mosque on Fridays for prayer and a sermon.

Praying in Mecca

Imam leading a prayer

Muezzine calling Muslims to prayer

Qibla Wall

9.6 What Is the Third Pillar: Zakat

It is almsgiving, or giving to the poor. How much are people required to give? Theyre required to give 1/40th to the poor. The Zakat covers a wide array of expenses. What are some things that the Zakat helps provide for? Public fountains, inns, soup kitchens, clothing, orphanages, hospitals, $ to pay off debts, schools, teachers.

9.7 What Is the Fourth Pillar: Siyam

It is fasting, or going without food. Required to go an entire month during ninth month called Ramadan (the month Gabriel spoke to Muhammad). Who is not expected to fast? They fast from dawn to dusk of each day, and listen to readings from the Quran each night. How much of the Quran is read by the end of Ramadan? Why do they fast? Fasting teaches them self-control and humility. What happens at the end of Ramadan? There is a celebration: feasts, new clothes, gifts, prayers, decorations.

9.8 What Is the Fifth Pillar: Hajj

Its the pilgrimage to Mecca during the Islamic 12th month. What is the standard routine/rituals once they arrive in Mecca? When they arrive, they go to the Great Mosque that houses the Kaba, which they circle 7xs, and then drink from the Zamzam well. Then they sleep in tents in the desert and pray at the Plain of Arafat, and cast stones at pillars rep. Satan. This is all followed by a 4 day feast. What do Muslims do before they leave?

The Great Mosque

9.9 What Is Jihad?

It refers to physical struggle with spiritual significance. It means that Muslims can fight to protect themselves from those that would do them harm or to right a wrong. Could be to protect territory and extend their rule. What could Muslims not do to people they had conquered? What were some of the rules for fighting (war)? Could also refer to becoming better people, reforming society, or correcting an injustice. What is the lesser jihad and what is the greater jihad?

9.10 What Is Shariah Law?

It is the body of Islamic law based on the Quran and the Sunnah. The law places actions into 5 categories: forbidden, discouraged, allowed, encouraged, and obligatory. What are some things Muslims are forbidden to do? How does a Shariah court work? It also covers Muslims duties toward other people.

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