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- The expression of or the ability to express thoughts and feelings by articulate sounds. - A person's style of speaking.

Learning about the parts of speech is the first step in grammar study just as learning the letters of the alphabet is the first step to being able to read and write. From learning theparts of speech we begin to understand the use or function of words and how words are joined together to make meaningful communication.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Verb -Noun A verb that names a person, place, or thing. Pronoun A word that takes place of a noun. Adjective --A word that describes or modifies a noun or pronoun. Adverb --A word that describes or modifies a verb, an adjective or another adverb. Preposition A word that connects a noun or pronoun to other words in the sentence Conjunction A word that joins words, phrase, or clauses. Interjection A word that expresses surprise, emotion, or strong feeling and is not related to other words in the sentence.

-A word or phrase that describes the action or state of being( or condition)of the subject. -It is the most important part of speech in a sentence.

1. Action Verbs An action verb expresses an act. It adds power and precision to you communication. Ex.
Sonia solicited comments about the policy from her employees. The marketing managers organized their distribution plans. Paul accidentally erased the diskette.

2. State of Being Verbs A State of Being Verbs expresses the five senses(hear, smell, see, taste and touch). It is also called as linking verb that join one part of sentence to another. Ex.
Teresa is a good employee. Yesterday was a cold, windy day.

Verb tense indicates the time that action

occurs. Six verb tense forms are use to indicate time. He six senses are categorized into two, namely- simple tense and perfect tense.

Present Tense - a verb that expresses action that is going on at the present time or action that is continuing or habitual. Ex.
The sales representative are displaying their products. Telephones expedite business transactions. Morgan Luis, edits all outgoing correspondence

Past Tense - indicates action that has been completed. Two Forms: 1. Regular-formed by adding d or ed. 2. Irregular-formed by changing the root word.

Anne went to the conference in an automobile Robert sent the check to gene. Mr. Pai traveled to Singapore last night.

Future Tense -a verb that is used to indicate actions that are expected to occur in the future. Ex.
Terry will sell his duplex when retires. Will you attend the convention? I shall look forward to hearing from you by next week.

completed at the time the statement is made. The perfect tense requires the verb have, along with statement is made. Present Perfect Tense -refers to an action brgun in the past and completed in the present. Ex. Nancy has repaired our cash registry many times.
The band has practiced long hours for this parade

A Perfect Tense shows action that has been

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